8 research outputs found

    Tracking the turnover of SARS-CoV-2 VOCs gamma to delta in a Brazilian state (Minas Gerais) with a high-vaccination status

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    The emergence and global dissemination of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants of concern (VOCs) have been described as the main factor driving the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic. In Brazil, the Gamma variant dominated the epidemiological scenario during the first period of 2021. Many Brazilian regions detected the Delta variant after its first description and documented its spread. To monitor the introduction and spread of VOC Delta, we performed Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) genotyping and genome sequencing in ten regional sentinel units from June to October 2021 in the State of Minas Gerais (MG). We documented the introduction and spread of Delta, comprising 70 per cent of the cases 8 weeks later. Comparing the viral loads of the Gamma and Delta dominance periods, we provide additional evidence that the latter is more transmissible. The spread and dominance of Delta did not culminate in the increase in cases and deaths, suggesting that the vaccination may have restrained the epidemic growth. Analysis of 224 novel Delta genomes revealed that Rio de Janeiro state was the primary source for disseminating this variant in the state of MG. We present the establishment of Delta, providing evidence of its enhanced transmissibility and showing that this variant shift did not aggravate the epidemiological scenario in a high immunity setting

    Conceptual reflections about organizational and professional commitment in the health sector Reflexión conceptual sobre compromiso organizacional y profesional en el sector salud Reflexões conceituais sobre comprometimento organizacional e profissional no setor saúde

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    In the daily exercise of their functions, health professionals face a duality of systems, that is, the professional system and the organizational system, each of which has its own distinct values, principles and expectations. The authors aim to present organizational and professional commitment concepts and their relations in the context of the health sector. They consider that organizational and professional commitment are not incompatible, but can be reconciled in the organizational dynamics, and alert about the development of affective commitment in workers, due to the positive consequences for the organization and the profession.<br>Dentro de su cotidiano, los profesionales de salud al ejecutar sus funciones enfrentan una dualidad de sistemas, es decir, el sistema profesional y el sistema organizacional, cada uno con sus valores, principios y expectativas distintos. El objetivo de los autores es presentar conceptos de compromiso organizacional y profesional y sus relaciones en el contexto del área de la salud. Consideran, que el compromiso organizacional y profesional no son incompatibles siendo, por tanto, conciliables dentro de la dinámica organizacional. Alertan para el desenvolvimiento de compromiso afectivo en trabajadores por las consecuencias positivas en la organización y profesión.<br>Os profissionais de saúde, no cotidiano, ao exercerem suas funções enfrentam dualidade de sistemas, ou seja, o sistema profissional e o sistema organizacional, cada qual com seus valores, princípios e expectativas distintos. O objetivo dos autores é apresentar conceitos de comprometimento organizacional e profissional e suas relações no contexto do setor saúde. Considera-se que o comprometimento organizacional e o profissional não são incompatíveis, sendo, portanto, conciliáveis na dinâmica organizacional. Alerta-se, também, para o desenvolvimento do comprometimento afetivo dos trabalhadores pelas conseqüências positivas para a organização e profissão

    Epidemiology and evolution of Zika virus in Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil.

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    Autochthonous Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission in Brazil was first identified in April 2015 in Brazil, with the first ZIKV-associated microcephaly cases detected in October 2015. Despite efforts on understanding ZIKV transmission in Brazil, little is known about the virus epidemiology and genetic diversity in Minas Gerais (MG), the second most populous state in the country. We report molecular and genomic findings from the main public health laboratory in MG. Until January 2020, 26,817 ZIKV suspected infections and 86 congenital syndrome cases were reported in MG state. We tested 8552 ZIKV and microcephaly suspected cases. Ten genomes were generated on-site directly from clinical samples. A total of 1723 confirmed cases were detected in Minas Gerais, with two main epidemic waves; the first and larger epidemic wave peaked in March 2016, with the second smaller wave that peaked in March 2017. Dated molecular clock analysis revealed that multiple introductions occurred in Minas Gerais between 2014 and 2015, suggesting that the virus was circulating unnoticed for at least 16&#x202F;months before the first confirmed laboratory case that we retrospectively identified in December 2015. Our findings highlight the importance of continued genomic surveillance strategies combined with traditional epidemiology to assist public health laboratories in monitoring and understanding the diversity of circulating arboviruses, which might help attenuate the public health impact of infectious diseases

    Estado nutricional, consumo alimentar e risco cardiovascular: um estudo em universitários Nutritional status, food consumption and cardiovascular risk: a study on university students

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a proporção de fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares, dando ênfase aos fatores nutricionais, em alunos da área de saúde de uma universidade pública do Recife. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 250 estudantes por um questionário que abordou aspectos biossociais, dados sobre estilo de vida, história familiar para doenças cardiovasculares, variáveis antropométricas e consumo alimentar, avaliado pelo Recordatório de 24horas. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada a seguinte freqüência para os fatores de risco analisados: tabagismo (2,8%), sedentarismo (41,7%), excesso de peso (35,5% e 5,3% nos sexos masculino e feminino, respectivamente p<0,01), história familiar de hipertensão (35,5%), diabetes (11,3%) e obesidade (20,2%), morte antes dos 50 anos por doenças cardiovasculares nos familiares diretos (14,8%). Com relação ao consumo alimentar, observou-se um elevado percentual de inadequação no consumo de energia e um baixo percentual de inadequação no consumo de proteínas e carboidratos. Quanto ao perfil lipídico da dieta, mais de 40,0% dos estudantes apresentaram consumo de colesterol acima do recomendado e, em 17,9% dos homens e 44,8% das mulheres foi evidenciado um elevado consumo de gordura saturada (p<0,01). O consumo de ácido linoléico, ácido graxo monoinsaturado e poliinsaturado mostrou-se insuficiente em mais de 95,0% dos indivíduos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: A alta proporção de fatores de risco cardiovasculares representa uma advertência, dada a juventude da população considerada, e mostra a necessidade de insistir em medidas educativas e de promoção de condutas preventivas.<br>OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the proportion of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, emphasizing nutritional factors, among health students from a public university in Recife, Brazil. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty students were assessed through a questionnaire that addressed biosocial aspects, lifestyle data, family history for cardiovascular diseases, anthropometric variables and food consumption determined by the 24-hour recall. RESULTS: The following rates were found for the assessed risk factors: smoking (2.8%), inactivity (41.7%), overweight (35.5% among men and 5.3% among women, p<0,01), family history of hypertension (35.5%), diabetes (11.3%), obesity (20.2%) and death of close relatives before age 50 due to cardiovascular diseases (14.8%). Regarding food consumption, a high percentage of individuals had inappropriate energy intake and a low percentage had inappropriate protein and carbohydrate intakes. Regarding the fat profile of the diet, more than 40.0% of the students consumed more cholesterol than the recommended levels and 17.9% of the men and 44.8% of the women consumed high amounts of saturated fat (p<0.01). The consumption of linoleic acid and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids was inadequate in more than 95% of the individuals under study. CONCLUSION: The high rates of risk factors are a warning sign, given the young age of the studied population, and show the need to insist on measures to prevent primary cardiovascular disease

    Estresse oxidativo: conceito, implicações e fatores modulatórios Oxidative stress: concept, implications and modulating factors

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    O estresse oxidativo decorre de um desequilíbrio entre a geração de compostos oxidantes e a atuação dos sistemas de defesa antioxidante. A geração de radicais livres e/ou espécies reativas não radicais é resultante do metabolismo de oxigênio. A mitocôndria, por meio da cadeia transportadora de elétrons, é a principal fonte geradora. O sistema de defesa antioxidante tem a função de inibir e/ou reduzir os danos causados pela ação deletéria dos radicais livres e/ou espécies reativas não radicais. Esse sistema, usualmente, é dividido em enzimático (superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase) e não-enzimático. No último caso, é constituído por grande variedade de substâncias antioxidantes, que podem ter origem endógena ou dietética. Objetivou-se revisar os principais mecanismos de geração de radicais livres, bem como a ação dos agentes mais relevantes do sistema de defesa antioxidante, ressaltando suas implicações sobre os marcadores do estresse oxidativo. Também serão abordados os principais fatores exógenos moduladores do estresse oxidativo.<br>There is evidence that oxidative stress, defined as a persistent imbalance between the production of highly oxidative compounds and antioxidant defenses, leads to tissue damage. Oxygen metabolism generates free radicals and/or non-radical reactive oxygen species. The mitochondria, through the electron transport chain, are the main generator of these species. The antioxidant defense system has the function of inhibiting and/or reducing the damage caused by the deleterious free radicals and/or non-radical reactive oxygen species. This system is divided into enzymatic (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase), and nonenzymatic. The nonenzymatic system consists of a variety of antioxidant substances, which may be endogenous or dietary. This study proposed to review the main mechanisms of reactive oxygen species generation and the role of the most relevant agents of the antioxidant defense system on the biomarkers of oxidative stress. The main exogenous factors that modulate oxidative stress will also be discussed

    The dynamic interdependence of amebiasis, innate immunity, and undernutrition

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