10,250 research outputs found

    Fungal Sepsis in the Very Low Birthweight Neonate

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    Introdução. A sépsis por fungos causa elevada morbilidade e~mortalidade em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN). Objectivo. Determinar a incidência de casos de sépsis por fungos no recém-nascido de muito baixo peso à nascença (RNMBP), analisar a presença de factores de risco e a efectividade terapêutica. População e métodos. Estudaram-se RNMBP admitidos numa UCIN de um hospital de apoio perinatal diferenciado entre Janeiro de 1990 e Dezembro de 2002 (nascidos ou transferidos por prematuridade). Reviram-se processos clínicos de RNMBP com suspeita clínica de sépsis e uma hemocultura, cultura de liquor ou exame anatomo-patológico positivo para fungos. Dados referentes a variáveis contínuas apresentam-se como mediana (mínimo-máximo). Resultados. Registaram-se 20 casos de sépsis por fungos, correspondendo a uma incidência de 1,05% (população total de RNMBP =1901). Isolou-se Candida albicans em dezanove hemoculturas e dois exames anatomo-patológicos. A mediana da idade gestacional foi 26 semanas (24-32) e do peso de nascimento 835g (700-1450). Na altura do diagnóstico, a maioria dos recém-nascidos tinha catéteres centrais (100%) e tinha sido sujeita a ventilação mecânica (95%), alimentação parentérica total prolongada (100%) e antibioterapia de largo espectro (100%). A mediana da idade no diagnóstico foi 21 dias (10-80). Verificou-se atingimento de órgão em seis casos. A terapêutica efectuada foi predominantemente a anfotericina B (95%) com efectividade de 83% e taxa de toxicidade hepática de 20%. A taxa de letalidade foi 15%. Conclusões. O principal grupo afectado foi o recém-nascido com menos de 1000g de peso à nascença e menos de 28 semanas de idade gestacional. A presença de factores de risco foi frequente. A anfotericina B foi o fármaco de eleição com boa efectividade e toxicidade moderada. O exame anatomo-patológico post mortem foi decisivo no diagnóstico etiológico de sépsis sem agente isolado, de atingimento de órgão e da causa de morte

    Imunoglobulina Intravenosa na Isoimunização Rh do Recém-Nascido

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    Estudaram-se retrospectivamente 38 processos de Recém-Nascidos (RN) com isoimunização Rh, 25 dos quais foram tratados com imunoglobulina intravenosa (IGIV) — 500 mg/Kg. Esta terapêutica iniciada no ano 1995 teve como objectivo diminuir a hemólise e consequentemente evitar a exsanguíneo- -transfusão (ET) que seria sempre efectuada desde que se verificassem os critérios classicamente aceites para a evolução e níveis séricos de bilirrubina. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que apenas 28% dos 25 RN que fizeram IGIV necessitaram de ET contrastando com 92% dos 13 casos diagnosticados nos 2 anos imediatamente anteriores ao início desta terapêutica. Parece assim ter sido eficaz na contenção da hemólise mesmo quando a apresentação inicial da doença evidenciou uma anemia que necessitou de ser corrigida. A transfusão de concentrado eritrocitário foi efectuada logo no 1.° dia a 13 dos 25 RN, 68% de todos os casos transfundidos em toda a evolução da doença. Admitimos que esta terapêutica seja uma alternativa válida com menor morbilidade. No nosso estudo não verificámos qualquer efeito secundário

    The Portuguese Severe Asthma Registry: Development, Features, and Data Sharing Policies

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    The Portuguese Severe Asthma Registry (Registo de Asma Grave Portugal, RAG) was developed by an open collaborative network of asthma specialists. RAG collects data from adults and pediatric severe asthma patients that despite treatment optimization and adequate management of comorbidities require step 4/5 treatment according to GINA recommendations. In this paper, we describe the development and implementation of RAG, its features, and data sharing policies. The contents and structure of RAG were defined in a multistep consensus process. A pilot version was pretested and iteratively improved. The selection of data elements for RAG considered other severe asthma registries, aiming at characterizing the patient's clinical status whilst avoiding overloading the standard workflow of the clinical appointment. Features of RAG include automatic assessment of eligibility, easy data input, and exportable data in natural language that can be pasted directly in patients' electronic health record and security features to enable data sharing (among researchers and with other international databases) without compromising patients' confidentiality. RAG is a national web-based disease registry of severe asthma patients, available at asmagrave.pt. It allows prospective clinical data collection, promotes standardized care and collaborative clinical research, and may contribute to inform evidence-based healthcare policies for severe asthma.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the palpebral lobe of the lacrimal gland – case report and literature review

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    Epithelial tumors of the lacrimal gland are rare and usually develop in the orbital lobe. We report the exceedingly rare occurrence of a primary adenoid cystic carcinoma in the palpebral lobe of the lacrimal gland. A 26-year-old female was referred for evaluation of a gradually enlarging mass in the lateral upper eyelid, previously diagnosed as a chalazion. Computed tomography revealed a heterogeneous round lesion anterior to the orbital rim. Excisional biopsy was compatible with an adenoid cystic carcinoma. After excluding distant metastasis, and as the patient refused adjuvant radiotherapy, a second surgical procedure, with wide local excision, was indicated. Follow-up showed no recurrence. This case highlights the importance of performing a thorough clinical examination when diagnosing any lateral upper eyelid mass. A high index of suspicion for malignant tumors of the lacrimal gland should always be maintained, and a complete excision with histological analysis should be preferred whenever possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Osteochondral Tissue Engineering: The Potential of Electrospinning and Additive Manufacturing

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    The socioeconomic impact of osteochondral (OC) damage has been increasing steadily over time in the global population, and the promise of tissue engineering in generating biomimetic tissues replicating the physiological OC environment and architecture has been falling short of its projected potential. The most recent advances in OC tissue engineering are summarised in this work, with a focus on electrospun and 3D printed biomaterials combined with stem cells and biochemical stimuli, to identify what is causing this pitfall between the bench and the patients' bedside. Even though significant progress has been achieved in electrospinning, 3D-(bio)printing, and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technologies, it is still challenging to artificially emulate the OC interface and achieve complete regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues. Their intricate architecture and the need for tight spatiotemporal control of cellular and biochemical cues hinder the attainment of long-term functional integration of tissue-engineered constructs. Moreover, this complexity and the high variability in experimental conditions used in different studies undermine the scalability and reproducibility of prospective regenerative medicine solutions. It is clear that further development of standardised, integrative, and economically viable methods regarding scaffold production, cell selection, and additional biochemical and biomechanical stimulation is likely to be the key to accelerate the clinical translation and fill the gap in OC treatment

    Particle tracking in a gap of aquatic vegetation meadow

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    Aquatic vegetation considerably affects the flow field in water bodies, with influence increasing as the depth decreases. As a consequence, vegetation also affects suspended particle transport. In inshore sandy beds less than 40 m deep of the Mediterranean Sea, meadows of Posidonia oceanica are widespread. This plant is constituted by a tuft of very thin and flexible ribbon-like leaves about 1 cm wide and up to 1.5 m long; the meadow areal density can reach 1000-1200 plant/m2. Frequently, such meadows are not continuous but vegetated areas alternate with sand strips (“gaps”). The presence of such discontinuities noticeably affects the flow field and gaps can actually act as particle traps. Some laboratory experiments were performed aiming at studying the flow field in a gap of artificial Posidonia oceanica canopy. In this paper, the measured flow field is used to track single particles within the gap. A simple particle tracking model which assumes no-slip condition and random velocity fluctuations is adopted. A large number of single-particle tracking were performed considering several release elevations of particles as well as several falling velocities of the latters. The examination of the whole tracks allows one to recognize the particle fate as the simulation parameters vary. In spite of the model assumptions, the study gives useful indications on the behavior of a gap towards the suspended particle transport

    The comprehensive cohort model in a pilot trial in orthopaedic trauma

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    Background: The primary aim of this study was to provide an estimate of effect size for the functional outcome of operative versus non-operative treatment for patients with an acute rupture of the Achilles tendon using accelerated rehabilitation for both groups of patients. The secondary aim was to assess the use of a comprehensive cohort research design (i.e. a parallel patient-preference group alongside a randomised group) in improving the accuracy of this estimate within an orthopaedic trauma setting. Methods: Pragmatic randomised controlled trial and comprehensive cohort study within a level 1 trauma centre. Twenty randomised participants (10 operative and 10 non-operative) and 29 preference participants (3 operative and 26 non-operative). The ge range was 22-72 years and 37 of the 52 patients were men. All participants had an acute rupture of their Achilles tendon and no other injuries. All of the patients in the operative group had a simple end-to-end repair of the tendon with no augmentation. Both groups then followed the same eight-week immediate weight-bearing rehabilitation programme using an off-the-shelf orthotic. The disability rating index (DRI; primary outcome), EQ-5D, Achilles Total Rupture Score and complications were assessed ed at two weeks, six weeks, three months, six months and nine months after initial injury. Results: At nine months, there was no significant difference in DRI between patients randomised to operative or non-operative management. There was no difference in DRI between the randomised group and the parallel patient preference group. The use of a comprehensive cohort of patients did not provide useful additional information as to the treatment effect size because the majority of patients chose non-operative management. Conclusions: Recruitment to clinical trials that compare operative and non-operative interventions is notoriously difficult; especially within the trauma setting. Including a parallel patient preference group to create a comprehensive cohort of patients has been suggested as a way of increasing the power of such trials. In our study, the comprehensive cohort model doubled the number of patients involved in the study. However, a strong preference for non-operative treatment meant that the increased number of patients did not significantly increase the ability of the trial to detect a difference between the two interventions

    Congenital Syphilis Still Exists! A12-Years Retrospective Analysis of a Reference Maternity

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    Objectivos: Estudar a prevalência, factores de risco, evolução clínica e abordagem terapêutica da sífilis congénita em recém-nascidos (RN) de risco, nascidos numa maternidade de referência com apoio perinatal diferenciado. Método: Realizou-se um estudo transversal para cálculo de prevalência à nascença de sífilis congénita, entre Janeiro de 1993 e Dezembro de 2004, através de recolha de dados registados nos processos clínicos das mães e respectivos RN. De acordo com os critérios definidos pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) em 1989, os RN filhos de mãe com VDRL e/ou TPHA positivo foram divididos em três grupos de risco. Resultados: Foram identificados 467 recém-nascidos, verificando-se que a prevalência de risco de sífilis congénita à nascença se tem mantido ao longo dos anos (5,6‰). A maioria dos recém-nascidos (65%) enquadra-se no grupo de maior risco. Dezanove RN (4%) apresentaram sífilis congénita sintomática ao nascimento, a maioria pertencente ao grupo de maior risco. Outros factores de risco encontrados foram a gravidez não-vigiada, em 30% das mães, toxicodependência em 9%, coinfecção por vírus da hepatite B em 5%, por vírus da hepatite C em 4,7% e por vírus de imunodeficiência humana em 3,4% dos casos. Em alguns casos existia mais do que um factor de risco associado. Conclusões: Verificou-se que a prevalência de risco de sífilis congénita não sofreu grandes variações ao longo dos doze anos, pelo que a sífilis continua a constituir um problema de Saúde Pública em Portugal, com custos económicos e sociais