273 research outputs found

    Credit Risk in a Network Economy

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    We develop a structural model of credit risk in a network economy. In particular, we are able to account for complex counterparty relationships,where one company may be indirectly affected by the credit risk of another company in the network. In this re-spect,we generalize Jarrow and Yu (2001)and Collin-Dufresne,Goldstein and Hugonnier (2003),but do so in the rich context of a structural form model. We provide closed form formulae for the price of risky debt and equity,which depend upon the lending/borrowing relationships in the economy. Our model applies to completely general lender/borrower relationships,including looping relationships. Our formulae can apply to cases where not only ?nancial ?ows but also operations are dependent across ?rms. In order to achieve these results,we use queueing theory. This paper thus represents one of the ?rst applications of queueing theory to ?nance.Credit Risk; Capital Structure; Queueing Networks

    Do Major Financial Crises Provide Information on Sovereign Risk to the Rest of the World? A Look at Credit Default Swap Markets.

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    The financial innovations of the late 1990s have led to the emergence of a significant number of new instruments, in particular in the market for hedging credit risk. This paper, based on an original dataset of transactions and quotes, looks at credit default swaps drawn on sovereign countries. The study of the credit default swap market around major financial crises leads to several results: Markets' consideration of ratings around the world changes dramatically after major financial crises, even for those countries that are not in crisis. While ratings seem suddenly to matter more, pricing uncertainty increases as well. Thus large financial crises appear to create strong information uncertainty, rather than resolve previous uncertainty. After a major crisis event, there is significant ‘flight-to-quality’ that is accompanied by a strong relative rise of demand for sovereign credit protection. We also document the extra-significance of transaction data compared to quote data in an OTC market. Overall, sovereign ratings appear to be the pricing tool of last resort when crises disturb markets.Credit Default Swaps, Sovereign Risk, Financial Crises, Event Study

    Understanding the Economic Value of Legal Covenants in Investment Contracts: A Real-Options Approach to Venture Equity Contracts

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    Valuing early-stage high-technology growth-oriented companies is a challenge to current valuation methodologies. This inability to come up with robust point estimates of value should not and does not lead to a breakdown of market liquidity: instead, efforts are redirected towards the design of investment contracts which materially skew the distribution of payoffs in favor of the venture investors. In effect, limitations in valuation abilities are addressed by designing the investment contracts as baskets of real options instead of linear payoff functions. This paper investigates four common features (covenants) of venture capital investment contracts from a real option perspective, using both analytical solutions and numerical analyis to draw inferences for a better understanding of contract features. The impact of the concept for pricing issues, valuation negotiation and for contract design are considered. It is shown, for example, how "contingent pre-contracting" for follow-up rounds is theoretically a better proposition than the simple "rights of first refusal" commonly found in many contracts. We also provide for results (such as timing of investments, lengths of rounds, choices of liquidation levels, conversion levels) that take into account full interaction of the different features considered. We document some complex facts, such as the concavity of the VC contract value depending on the amount invested at the different stages, the actual share impact of the most common anti-dilution feature, some endogenous motivation for early VC exits from otherwise performing companies and stress overall the importance of a full analysis for efficient contract negotiations and understanding.

    A framework for collateral risk control determination

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    This paper derives a general framework for collateral risk control determination in repurchase transactions or repos. The objective is to treat consistently heterogeneous collateral so that the collateral taker has a similar risk exposure whatever the collateral pledged. The framework measures the level of risk with the probability of incurring a loss higher than a pre-specified level given two well-known parameters used to manage the intrinsic risk of collateral: marking to market and haircuts. It allows for the analysis in a self-contained closed form of the way in which different relevant factors interact in the risk control of collateral (e.g. marking to market frequency, level of volatility of interest rates, time to capture and liquidity risk, probability of default of counterparty, etc.). The framework, which combines the recent theoretical literature on credit and interest risk, provides an alternative quantifiable and objective approach to the existing more ad-hoc rule-based methods used in hair cut determination. JEL Classification: E50, E58, G21, G10

    Les photographies prises au sol : une source d’information pour la gestion des paysages riverains des cours d’eau

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    Pour intĂ©grer le paysage dans la gestion globale des cours d'eau, nous proposons une mĂ©thode permettant d'Ă©tablir un diagnostic paysager, basĂ©e sur une analyse qualitative et quantitative de la structure Ă©co-gĂ©ographique du paysage et une analyse de sa perception par les diffĂ©rents acteurs. Ces analyses complĂ©mentaires, rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  des fins de gestion, permettent au gestionnaire de connaĂźtre les diffĂ©rentes facettes micro paysagĂšres de son cours d'eau, d'Ă©valuer leur agencement longitudinal, leur diversitĂ© et la perception qu'en ont les usagers. Dans cet article, nous montrerons comment, dans la premiĂšre analyse, des photographies des berges, prises au sol, constituent une source d'informations permettant de dĂ©terminer l'identitĂ© paysagĂšre des cours d'eau de taille moyenne (largeur < 50 m). Nous analysons statistiquement les taches, au sens oĂč l'entend l'Ă©cologie du paysage, composant le paysage et prĂ©sentes sur les photographies pour dĂ©terminer des types de paysages. Une premiĂšre Ă©tude, basĂ©e sur 116 photographies de berge de quatre cours d'eau du sud-est de la France, a permis d'identifier 11 types de micro paysages rivulaires reprĂ©sentatifs, dĂ©terminĂ©s par des caractĂ©ristiques d'ouverture de vue, de vĂ©gĂ©tation et d'anthropisation. Une seconde Ă©tude visant Ă  Ă©valuer l'intĂ©gration paysagĂšre de berges de cours d'eau français et suisses restaurĂ©es par des techniques de gĂ©nie vĂ©gĂ©tal, basĂ©e sur 54 photographies, met en Ă©vidence des diffĂ©rences paysagĂšres entre les paysages naturels et les paysages amĂ©nagĂ©s.Landscape is increasingly taken into account now in French management projects. With the water law of the third January 1992, managers are developing new options such as integrated basin management and consequently are studying river landscapes. As they would like to base their actions on improved and replicated methods, more research is needed. The present paper aims to identify fluvial landscapes from ground photographs taken from the banks. The landscape patches are statistically analysed in order to distinguish fluvial landscape types. Two studies have been successively completed. The first one was based on four rivers located in south-eastern France. A typology of fluvial landscapes was built using one hundred sixteen photographs, allowing to group rivers and river reaches according to their structural landscape types. Eleven types were determined by opening, vegetal or human characteristics. The aim of the second study was to assess the scenic integration of banks which were protected by bioengineering technics. The photographs are taken on ten French and Swiss water courses. The analysis of fifty four photographs shows slight differences between reference landscape and protected landscape

    Mesure des efforts dynamiques dans les agrĂšs de cirque

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    RÉSUMÉ Actuellement, les charges gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par les artistes de cirque sur les agrĂšs et les accrochages sont mĂ©connues par la plupart des professionnels du milieu, qu’ils soient artistes, grĂ©eurs, directeurs techniques ou concepteurs. Peu de mesures ont Ă©tĂ© diffusĂ©es au grand public ou dans la communautĂ© scientifique. En ayant une meilleure connaissance des efforts dynamiques imposĂ©s aux appareils et aux structures d’accrochage, les professionnels auront une idĂ©e plus rĂ©aliste des besoins en sĂ©curitĂ©. Le projet vise Ă  mesurer les efforts gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s au point d’accrochage lors de mouvements effectuĂ©s par les artistes de cirque dans cinq disciplines aĂ©riennes que sont le cerceau, la corde lisse, les sangles, le tissu et le trapĂšze danse. La prise de mesure s’est effectuĂ©e Ă  l’École nationale de cirque (ÉNC) et Ă  la Tohu avec la participation de 16 Ă©tudiants de l’ÉNC. En plus de former une banque de donnĂ©es sur le sujet, le projet vise Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  plusieurs objectifs spĂ©cifiques. Le premier objectif est de mesurer les forces maximales et de les caractĂ©riser selon les diffĂ©rentes situations suivantes : les cinq disciplines, les trois niveaux scolaires, la masse des artistes, le sexe, les diffĂ©rents types de mouvements et des conditions d’entrainement et de spectacle. Les sangles sont la discipline ayant gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© les forces maximales les plus Ă©levĂ©es. La force maximale mesurĂ©e reprĂ©sente 7.9 fois le poids de l’artiste effectuant le mouvement. Jusqu’à prĂ©sent, la force maximale mesurĂ©e sur un agrĂšs de cirque accrochĂ© en un point Ă©tait une force qui vaut 4.94 fois le poids de la personne (Vogel, 2014). Les pratiques sĂ©curitaires en conception et en accrochage doivent donc ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es aux nouvelles mesures apportĂ©es par le projet. Il a de plus Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que certains types de mouvements gĂ©nĂšrent des forces plus Ă©levĂ©es selon les disciplines. En corde lisse et en tissu, ce sont des chutes libres qui ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© les forces les plus Ă©levĂ©es. En trapĂšze danse, en sangles et en cerceau, ce sont des mouvements contenant du ballant qui ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© les forces les plus Ă©levĂ©es. Le deuxiĂšme objectif du projet est de comparer la variabilitĂ© entre des dĂ©butants et des professionnels. La variabilitĂ© des efforts mesurĂ©s en fonction du temps a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e pour des artistes effectuant plusieurs fois le mĂȘme mouvement. Il s’est avĂ©rĂ© que la variabilitĂ© est inhĂ©rente Ă  certains types de mouvement. Les mouvements oĂč l’artiste a une action concrĂšte Ă  effectuer a une variabilitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e que les mouvements oĂč il n’a pas d’action Ă  effectuer et oĂč la force ne dĂ©pend que de la rĂ©action de l’équipement.----------ABSTRACT At present the forces generated by circus artists are unknown by professionals from the circus world. Few data are available to the general public or to the scientific community. By knowing the dynamic forces experienced by equipment and hanging structure, professionals will have a real sense of the security needs. The project aims to measure forces at the hanging point while circus artists perform acrobatic movement. Five disciplines are considered: aerial hoop, aerial silk, aerial straps, dance trapeze and rope. Measurements were done at the National Circus School of MontrĂ©al and at the Tohu with the participation of 16 students of the National Circus School. The main purpose is to create a large data base. The project also has many specific purposes. The first one is to measure maximal forces and to characterize them by the different inputs: discipline, scholar level, artist’s mass, gender, type of movement and training or show situation. Aerial straps is the discipline which generated the highest maximal forces. The maximal force represents 7.9 times the body weight of the artist. So far, the maximal force measured represented 4.94 time the body weight of the artist (Vogel, 2014). Safety practices in hanging and design have to be modified based on the new data provided by the project. It was showed that some types of movement generate higher maximal forces depending on the discipline. In rope and silk, free falls generated the higher forces. In dance trapeze, aerial hoop and straps, movements containing swinging generated the higher forces. The second purpose of the project is to compare variability of beginners and professionals. Variability of the force signals has been analysed for artists performing many times the same movement. Variability is strongest for some types of movement in which the artist has an action to do. Variability decreases when the artist does not have an action to do and there only is the reaction of the equipment which influences the force. For a movement in which the artist has an action to do, it has been shown that variability decreases with the skills level. Influencing factors have been analysed for a specific movement in straps. An analysis reveals that the most influencing factors are the artist’s mass and if the movement is well executed, and not gender or straps length or initial position

    Analyses biomécaniques de l'interaction acrobate-équipement de cirque dans la performance acrobatique en planche coréenne

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    La planche corĂ©enne est une discipline de cirque exigeante d’un point de vue technique. Il s’agit d’une longue planche Ă  bascule sur laquelle deux acrobates, placĂ©s Ă  chaque extrĂ©mitĂ©, se catapultent continuellement pour effectuer des sauts acrobatiques. Les acrobates utilisent une technique spĂ©cifique pour le dĂ©collage et l’atterrissage. La planche corĂ©enne, comme tout Ă©quipement de cirque, n’a pas de standard de fabrication et il existe une grande variĂ©tĂ© de planches. Les acrobates, les entraĂźneurs et les concepteurs d'Ă©quipements bĂ©nĂ©ficieraient d’avoir plus d'informations sur la biomĂ©canique de la performance et sur la mĂ©canique de la planche, afin d'amĂ©liorer le dĂ©veloppement des techniques acrobatiques et la conception des planches. L’objectif de la thĂšse Ă©tait de mieux comprendre l’interaction entre l’équipement de cirque et la performance acrobatique en planche corĂ©enne. À cet Ă©gard, les quatre objectifs spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient de : (1) Établir l’influence de la hauteur de saut, du participant, de la planche et de la technique de rĂ©ception sur les forces d’impact et les taux de chargement; (2) Quantifier l’influence de plusieurs facteurs biomĂ©caniques cinĂ©matiques sur la hauteur de saut; (3) DĂ©terminer la diffĂ©rence de contribution musculaire et de durĂ©e des phases du mouvement entre acrobates dĂ©butants et acrobates Ă©lites; et (4) CaractĂ©riser mĂ©caniquement diffĂ©rentes planches et mettre en Ă©vidence la contribution du renvoi de flexion de la planche sur la hauteur de sauts. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente l’ensemble des travaux effectuĂ©s pour lier les caractĂ©ristiques de la planche au mouvement de l’acrobate. En effet, le mouvement de l’acrobate, sauter Ă  grande hauteur, gĂ©nĂšre des forces Ă©levĂ©es sur la planche lors de la rĂ©ception, ce qui met en mouvement la planche. L’équipement ensuite permet un transfert de force vers l’acrobate qui s’élance. Finalement, ce dernier doit utiliser une technique optimale avec une synchronisation et une contribution musculaire prĂ©cis, afin de gagner une hauteur suffisante pour la performance. Nos diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes ont permis de montrer que le facteur qui influence le plus les forces d’impact et le taux de chargement lors de la rĂ©ception est la hauteur de saut (40% d’influence relative). La force maximale mesurĂ©e est de 13.5 fois le poids corporel de l’acrobate, ce qui peut reprĂ©senter un risque de blessure. La hauteur de saut est en majoritĂ© influencĂ©e par la vitesse verticale du centre de masse de l’acrobate-partenaire qui se rĂ©ceptionne, de la vitesse verticale de la planche et de l’amplitude des hanches lors du dĂ©collage. Ces deux derniers paramĂštres peuvent ĂȘtre contrĂŽlĂ©s par les acrobates ou les concepteurs de planche corĂ©enne. Nous dĂ©montrons, de plus, que les acrobates dĂ©butants sont plus longs dans la prĂ©paration au dĂ©collage, le dĂ©collage et l’atterrissage comparativement aux acrobates experts. Cependant, il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence claire entre les dĂ©butants et les professionnels quant Ă  l’activitĂ© musculaire lors du dĂ©collage et atterrissage, ce qui indique que la temporalitĂ© est sĂ»rement plus importante que l’activitĂ© musculaire. Nous trouvons aussi que le renvoi de flexion (Ă©nergie Ă©lastique de la planche) est non nĂ©gligeable (46 % d’influence relative) et contribue donc Ă  la hauteur de saut. Finalement, le paramĂštre mĂ©canique le plus important pour quantifier et comparer les planches est la raideur. Les quatre planches de l’étude ont une raideur qui varie entre 12.2 kN/m et 19.6 kN/m. Ce paramĂštre peut probablement guider les futures conceptions de planche. Collectivement, ces quatre Ă©tudes mettent en Ă©vidence que la synchronisation temporelle du mouvement des acrobates et du mouvement de la planche est l’élĂ©ment crucial dans cette discipline.Korean teeterboard is a technically demanding circus discipline. The apparatus resembles a seesaw, and two acrobats take turns jumping vertically, performing complex acrobatic figures and landing back on the apparatus. Acrobats use a specific technique during take-off and landing. Furthermore, like most circus equipment, there are no standards regarding the design of the teeterboard and there is a wide variety of teeterboards. Acrobats, trainers and equipment’s designers would benefit to know more about the relationship between the biomechanics of the performance and the mechanics of the board. This understanding would help improving acrobatic techniques and optimize the design of teeterboards. The purpose of the thesis was to better understand the interaction between the circus equipment and the acrobats’ performance in Korean teeterboard. To this end, this thesis was divided into four specific goals: (1) Define the influence of the jump height, the teeterboard and the landing technique on impact forces and loading rates; (2) Quantify the influence of various kinematic factors to the jump height; (3) Determine the differences between expert and novice acrobats with respect to muscular contribution and duration of the phases of the movement ; and, (4) mechanically characterize different types of teeterboards and highlight the contribution of the recoil effect to the jump height. This thesis covers the work carried out to link the characteristics of the teeterboard to the movement of the acrobat. The movement of the acrobat, i.e., jumping at high height, generates high forces during landing, which set in motion the board. The equipment then enables the transfer of this force to the other acrobat taking-off. This acrobat should use an optimal technique with a precise timing and muscular contribution, to gain sufficient height for their performance. This body of work demonstrated that the most important factor influencing the impact forces and loading rates was jump height (40% of relative influence). Maximal recorded force was 13.5 times the acrobat’s bodyweight, raising concerns about risk of injury. Jump height was mainly influenced by the vertical velocity of the center of mass of the acrobat landing, the vertical velocity of the teeterboard and the hip range of motion at take-off. The last two parameters can be controlled by acrobats, trainers, or designers of Korean teeterboard. We also found that novice acrobats are longer in the following phases: preparation for take-off, take-off, and landing. However, there was no clear difference in muscular amplitude during take-off and landing between novice and professional acrobats. This indicates that timing may be more important than muscular amplitude. We showed that recoil effect (elastic strain energy of the board) strongly contributed to the jump height (46% of relative influence). Finally, the most important mechanical parameter to quantify and compare teeterboards was the stiffness. The stiffness of the four teeterboards analyzed in this study ranged from 12.2 kN/m to19.6 kN/m. This result can guide future designs of teeterboard. The results from this thesis highlight the fact that temporal synchronization of the movement from both acrobats and the movement of the board is crucial in this discipline

    A framework for collateral risk control determination

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    This paper derives a general framework for collateral risk control determination in repurchase transactions or repos. The objective is to treat consistently heterogeneous collateral so that the collateral taker has a similar risk exposure whatever the collateral pledged. The framework measures the level of risk with the probability of incurring a loss higher than a pre-specified level given two well-known parameters used to manage the intrinsic risk of collateral: marking to market and haircuts. It allows for the analysis in a self-contained closed form of the way in which different relevant factors interact in the risk control of collateral (e.g. marking to market frequency, level of volatility of interest rates, time to capture and liquidity risk, probability of default of counterparty, etc.). The framework, which combines the recent theoretical literature on credit and interest risk, provides an alternative quantifiable and objective approach to the existing more ad-hoc rule-based methods used in hair cut determination

    In processu prioris, maiordomi, confratrum, et capituli confratriae SS. Corporis Christi, et S. Vincentii Martyris super apprehensione in articulo proprietatis : sobre que se deven mandar vender los bienes aprehensos, con cargo de los censos, ĂČ treudos, que huviere sobre ellos, y del precio mandar pagar las pensiones vencidas y en caso de ivicion ...

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    Precede al texto en p.1, viñeta con la inscripción : "Iesus, Maria, Ioseph"Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoTexto fechado al final del mismo en Zaragoza ... 1681Sign.: A\p8\sInic. grab. xil. en p.
