17 research outputs found

    Fractionality in Homogeneity? Value differences and Cross-Cultural Conflict in Somalia

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    Despite the fact that intra-state conflict is a common feature of post-colonial African states, the seemingly endless nature of the Somali crisis has necessitated this study. The Somali case has proved immune to peace talks, military interventions, restructuring of governments by the international community, etc. The crisis had lingered, producing alarming figures of dead and displaced persons; a collapsed State, giving room for anarchy; unhindered militia presence on both land and sea; and persistently becoming a menace and threat to the peace of its immediate neighbours, the region and the world. All these visible manifestations of the Somali state can be regarded as convulsions of its internal value differences. Thus, this study seeks to examine the Somali value systems, the differences emanating from the jealous protection of such values, and how they have rendered conflict resolution attempts futile. With more emphasis on the structure of the Somali society, this study explores its unique stratifications that have kept the state collapsed. A descriptive-analytical approach is applied, while the data are basically collected from secondary sources. The findings of this research reveal the divisive characteristics of values which have manifested in segmentation, clannism, loyalty, among others. It has led to the endless violent struggle for dominance among the clans and social classes culminating in a total collapse of the state. It is therefore concluded that value differences have been detrimental to the peace of Somalia. This study recommends, among others, that genuine resolution efforts should thoroughly consider and engage these value differences. Keywords: clannism, conflict, loyalty, values, value differences

    Strukturen und Konflikte der post-bipolaren Weltordnung

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    Prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in Brazil: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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