8 research outputs found

    The burden of proximal femur fractures and other skeletal injuries during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown: a retrospective comparative study

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    : Limiting people's movement is one of the main preventive measures deployed for the control of coronavirus 2019‑nCoV pandemic. This study aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the incidence of the most common skeletal injuries and to provide a management algorithm specific for hospitalized fractured patients.We comparatively analysed the Emergency Department (ED) admissions between March 9th and May 4th 2020 with the same period in 2019. The frequency of the most common skeletal injuries has been derived. Data from the pre-hospitalization phase to discharge of all patients were considered. The impact on clinical orthopaedic consulting has been evaluated. All patients requiring orthopaedic care followed different pathways of hospitalization based on COVID positivity. Data of surgical activity has been analysed.During the 9 weeks of lockdown the access of patients to ED drastically decreased: 11726 accesses compared to 21501 in the same period of 2019. This trend was followed by the most common skeletal injuries but not by proximal femur fracture (PFF) that showed the same absolute numbers compare to the previous years (64 vs 63). If analysed in relation to the total ED access, PFF showed a relatively increase in their frequency.The data from this experience suggest that healthcare providers should strategically allocate resources for management and treatment of PFF during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the begin of the reopening phase, a "rebound effect" for orthopaedic care was observed leading to delayed treatments with a potential overall increased morbidity

    A silent massive ossification of Achilles tendon as a suspected rare late effect of surgery for club foot

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    We report the case of a 66-year-old male patient with massive ossification of the distal portion of the Achilles tendon, as a late consequence of a surgical release for club foot conducted in his childhood. The singularity of the case report derives from its clinical features: the bone mass was of abnormal dimensions, almost substituting the entire tendon; the condition had always been asymptomatic, without deficits in range of motion, in absence of either pain or biomechanical defects with age. In fact, the condition was diagnosed just recently as a consequence of a tear. Despite an ultrasound diagnosis after the injury, only during the surgical treatment, a proper evaluation of the entity of the pathology was possible. Although the ossification of Achilles tendon is a rare clinical condition with a complex multifactorial etiology, in our case report, some of the elements in the patient’s medical history could be useful for the pathogenesis and early diagnosis of the disease. The aim of this case report is to emphasize the importance both of a correct evaluation of clinical history and of an accurate diagnosis, in order to conduct a proper management of this pathology


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    Osteocondrithisdissecans (OCD) is an acquired disease due to a subcondral bone ischaemia that affects generally the medial femoral condyle as well as above lying cartilage. Though the incidence of OCD is only 6/10,000 in the general population, in the later stages of disease, OCD fragment can break off inside the articular cavity it is the most Frequently reported cause of free endoarticular body The etiology has been hypothesized as being multi-factored due to traumas or microtraumas along with metabolic, endocrine and genetic disorders leading to subchondral ischemia . Description of case A 15-year old male amateur soccer player presented to our department complaining of recurrent episodes of pain at rest in both knees, swelling and articular blockage occurring over the past 3 years. RX and MRIrevealed bilateral lesions on both medial condyles. A ONE-STEP surgical technique was performed that incorporated the drawing of mesenchymal staminal cells (MSCs) and their implantation. Conclusion This case report deals with a rare case of bilateral OCD of the knee treated with the latest technique in regenerative medicine. At 6-month follow up there was a complete return of muscular tonality in both knees andthe patient was allowed to return to light physical activity. These results are noteworthyfor the fact they were obtained from a combined surgical approach that when compared toalternative approaches lead to a shorter hospital stay and a reduced hospital burden. Each of the osteochondral lesions was evaluated from imaging results and arthroscopic findings

    Hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy after extended pleurectomy and decortication for malignant pleura mesothelioma: An observational study on outcome and microcirculatory changes

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    Background: In the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma the Hyperthermic Intra THOracic Chemotherapy (HITHOC) can improve the efficacy of pleurectomy and decortication with a local cytotoxic effect. However its biological impact in patient's hemodynamic and microcirculatory changes were rarely investigated. Aim of this study is to describe our experience with HITHOC after pleurectomy and decortication evaluating the role of sublingual video-microscopy in assessing the microcirculatory changes in the perioperative period. Methods: This is a prospective and observational study concerning 10 consecutive patients undergoing extended P/D followed by HITHOC. These patients underwent sublingual microcirculatory monitoring, which was adopted as a routine procedure since 2012. Haemodynamic parameters were collected at eight consecutive times: the day before surgery (T1), induction of anaesthesia (T2), surgical phase before HITHOC beginning (T3), 5 and 30 minutes after HITHOC start (T4 and T5, respectively), 5 minutes from HITHOC end (T6), after the admission in ICU (T7), at discharge from the ICU (T8). Cardiac output (CO) was calculated with MostCare. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), oxygen delivery (DO2), and oxygen extraction rate (O2ER) were calculated using standard formulas. Arterial blood pressure and central venous pressure (CVP) were obtained with standard arterial and venous catheters. At the same times we assessed the sublingual microcirculation with Sidestream Dark Field technique. Results: Hemodynamic and microcirculatory data were collected in 10 patients, 8 male and 2 females (mean age 68.6±9.0, and body surface area of 1.9±0.1 m2). All patients had arterial hypertension, and one patient had diabetes. The mean arterial pressure significantly decreased at T2, with respect to T1 (P=0.05). CO, CVP, DO2, O2ER, and ScvO2, did not change significantly over the time. All patients needed infusion of noradrenalin from T4 to T6. TVD significantly decreased from T1 to T3, T5, and T8. Similarly, PVD significantly decreased from T1 to T3 and T8, and MFI from T1 to T6 and T8. PPV and HI did not change over the study period. No correlation was found between hemodynamic parameters (MAP, CO, CVP, DO2, O2ER, ScvO2) and microcirculatory data (TVD, PVD, PPV, MFI, HI), at any time of the study. Conclusions: In patients who receive HITHOC the fluid load can reduce the microvascular impairment restoring the normal tissue perfusion. This process takes days but is most evident in the first 72 h. The use of colloid and blood transfusion is much more effective in restoring microcirculation and reducing tissue damaging

    Robotic resection of mediastinal goiter and ectopic thyroid

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    The last 10 years showed a wild diffusion of mini-invasive thoracic procedures for lung and mediastinum diseases. Mediastinal goiters, ectopic thyroids and forgotten goiters represent rare thoracic diseases, treated in the past by sternotomy, thoracotomy or combined cervicosternotomy. The evolution of robotic assisted thoracic surgery seems to offer a valid therapeutic option also in patients with thoracic and cervicothoracic thyroid correlate diseases. However some contraindications and technical aspects must be taken in account to achieve the best surgical results and patients satisfaction

    Hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy after extended pleurectomy and decortication for malignant pleura mesothelioma: an observational study on outcome and microcirculatory changes

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    Background: In the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma the Hyperthermic Intra THOracic Chemotherapy (HITHOC) can improve the efficacy of pleurectomy and decortication with a local cytotoxic effect. However its biological impact in patient's hemodynamic and microcirculatory changes were rarely investigated. Aim of this study is to describe our experience with HITHOC after pleurectomy and decortication evaluating the role of sublingual video-microscopy in assessing the microcirculatory changes in the perioperative period. Methods: This is a prospective and observational study concerning 10 consecutive patients undergoing extended P/D followed by HITHOC. These patients underwent sublingual microcirculatory monitoring, which was adopted as a routine procedure since 2012. Haemodynamic parameters were collected at eight consecutive times: the day before surgery (T1), induction of anaesthesia (T2), surgical phase before HITHOC beginning (T3), 5 and 30 minutes after HITHOC start (T4 and T5, respectively), 5 minutes from HITHOC end (T6), after the admission in ICU (T7), at discharge from the ICU (T8). Cardiac output (CO) was calculated with MostCare. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), oxygen delivery (DO2), and oxygen extraction rate (O2ER) were calculated using standard formulas. Arterial blood pressure and central venous pressure (CVP) were obtained with standard arterial and venous catheters. At the same times we assessed the sublingual microcirculation with Sidestream Dark Field technique. Results: Hemodynamic and microcirculatory data were collected in 10 patients, 8 male and 2 females (mean age 68.6±9.0, and body surface area of 1.9±0.1 m2). All patients had arterial hypertension, and one patient had diabetes. The mean arterial pressure significantly decreased at T2, with respect to T1 (P=0.05). CO, CVP, DO2, O2ER, and ScvO2, did not change significantly over the time. All patients needed infusion of noradrenalin from T4 to T6. TVD significantly decreased from T1 to T3, T5, and T8. Similarly, PVD significantly decreased from T1 to T3 and T8, and MFI from T1 to T6 and T8. PPV and HI did not change over the study period. No correlation was found between hemodynamic parameters (MAP, CO, CVP, DO2, O2ER, ScvO2) and microcirculatory data (TVD, PVD, PPV, MFI, HI), at any time of the study. Conclusions: In patients who receive HITHOC the fluid load can reduce the microvascular impairment restoring the normal tissue perfusion. This process takes days but is most evident in the first 72 h. The use of colloid and blood transfusion is much more effective in restoring microcirculation and reducing tissue damaging

    Valvuloplastica percutanea della stenosi aortica congenita oltre il primo mese di vita: una valida alternativa alla chirurgia [Percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty in congenital aortic valve stenosis performed in patients older than one month: a good alternative to surgery]

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    Razionale. La valvuloplastica aortica percutanea è una procedura efficace nel trattamento delle stenosi valvolari aortiche congenite. Il nostro studio si è proposto di valutare sia i risultati immediati della procedura sia l’evoluzione nel medio-lungo termine per stabilire l’efficacia del trattamento nell’evitare o nel posticipare una nuova valvuloplastica aortica o la chirurgia valvolare aortica. Materiali e metodi. Lo studio retrospettivo ha valutato 37 pazienti di età >1 mese (età media 6.3 anni) che sono stati sottoposti a valvuloplastica aortica per stenosi aortica severa. Nel 16% dei casi erano presenti difetti cardiaci congeniti associati. Il follow-up medio è stato di 5.07 anni. È stata posta particolare attenzione all’incidenza e alla progressione dell’insufficienza aortica. Risultati. Il gradiente emodinamico dopo valvuloplastica aortica percutanea è sceso da 58.5 a 22.5 mmHg, con decremento percentuale del 61.5%. Ecograficamente il gradiente massimo è passato da 93.0 a 40.5 mmHg, con riduzione percentuale del 56.5%; il gradiente medio è sceso da 52.0 a 20.5 mmHg, con diminuzione percentuale del 60.6%. All’ultimo follow-up il gradiente massimo e quello medio erano rispettivamente 50.0 e 27.0 mmHg. È stato necessario eseguire reintervento nel 21.6% dei casi: 8.1% sono stati sottoposti a seconda valvuloplastica aortica e 13.5% a chirurgia aortica. A 14 anni dalla valvuloplastica aortica la sopravvivenza è stata del 97.2%, la libertà da chirurgia è stata dell’85.5%, quella da valvuloplastica dell’89.5% e la libertà da qualsiasi tipo di procedura è stata del 76.1%. Conclusioni. La valvuloplastica aortica percutanea è un trattamento sicuro ed efficace nelle stenosi aortiche congenite in pazienti >1 mese di vita. L’insufficienza aortica è la principale complicanza nel follow-up. Nonostante ciò, il 75% dei pazienti è libero da qualsiasi tipo di reintervento valvolare aortico a 14 anni dalla valvuloplastica aortica percutanea