3 research outputs found

    The influence of the raw material content and structural characteristics of interlock double layered knitted fabrics on the physico-mechanical properties

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    Over the last few years, there has been growing interest in knitted fabrics due to its simple production technique, low cost, high levels of clothing comfort and wide product range. The customers expect his clothing to be endurable, that is during its existence to remain the same dimension and be resistant to attrition In this paper double layer knitted structures (interlock) have been constructed and knitted, using cotton yarn in face and polyamide or polyester filaments in back layers of the fabrics. Knitted fabrics have different density. The influence of structural characteristics and raw material content of interlock knitted fabrics on the physical-mechanical characteristic (breaking strength, bursting strength, tensile properties, abrasion resistance and dimensional stability) was investigated. The results obtained that due to increase of the density increases also bursting strength. All investigated knitted structures have higher tensile strength, course related to tensile strength, wale. Knitted fabrics with PES have higher specific breaking strength, related to knitted fabrics with PA. Interlock knitted fabrics made from cotton/polyester showed significant difference in weight loss from the cotton layer related to the layer of PES, while in the knitted fabrics made from cotton/polyamide the difference is not as pronounced. Тhis research indicate that the raw content as well as small changes in structural parameters lead to significant changes in physical-mechanical characteristics of the interlock knitted fabrics

    Uticaj sirovinskog sastava i strukturnih karakteristika dvoslojnih interlok pletenina na fizičko-mehanička svojstva

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    Poslednjih godina sve više raste interesovanje za pletene proizvode zbog jednostavne tehnologije njihove proizvodnje, niskih troškova, visokog nivoa komfora i široke lepeze proizvoda. Potrošači očekuju od pletene odeće da bude trajna odnosno da zadrži početne dimenzije u toku eksploatacije i da bude otporna na habanje. U ovom radu konstruisane su i ispletene interlok pletenine različite gustine od pamučne pređe u jednom sloju (lice pletenine) i poliestarskog, odnosno poliamdnog filamenta u drugom sloju (naličje pletenine). Cilj ispitivanja je utvrditi stepen uticaja sirovinskog sastava i malih promena u strukturnim karakteristikama interlok pletenina na njihova fizičko-mehanička svojstva (prekidna jačina, jačina probijanja, elastična svojstva, otpornost habanja i dimenziona stabilnost).Rezultati pokazuju da povećanje gustine povećava jačinu probijanja. Kod ispitivanih pletenina uočava se veća elastičnost u pravcu redova petlja. Pletenine sa poliestarskom komponentom pokazuju veću specifičnu jačinu kidanja u odnosu na pletenine sa poliamidnom komponentom. Kod pletenina od pamuka/poliestra uočava se značajna razlika u gubitku mase od strane pamučne komponente u odnosu na stranu sa sintetičkom komponentom, dok kod pletenina od pamuka/polamida ova razlika nije tako izražena. Može se zaključiti da sirovinski sastav kao i male promene u strukturnim karakteristikama imaju značajan uticaj na promene fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava interlok pletenina. Ključne reči: interlok, sirovinski sastav, strukturne karakteristike, gustina pletenine, fizičko-mehanička svojstv

    Termo-fiziološki komfor dvoslojnih pletenina

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    Toplotne i fiziološke komponente su primarne funkcionalne komponente odeće, zbog toga što odeća mora da obezbedi zaštitu od hladnoče i toplote, i mora da dozvoli transfer vlage i toplote kroz različite slojeve odeće. U radu su konstruirane i ispletene dvoslojne integrirane pletenine od pamučne pređe u apsorpivnom sloju (lice pletenine) i od poliamidnih odnosno poliesterskih filamenata u difuzijskom sloju (naličje pletenine). Ispitivan je uticaj sirovinskog sastava i strukturnih karakteristika pletenina na toplotna svojstva (toplotnu provodljivost, toplotnu apsorpciju i toplotnu otpornost), kao i propustljivost vodene pare i vazduha pletenina. Toplotna svojstva ispitivana su metodom dr Bok-a. Strukturne karakteristike imaju značajan uticaj na toplotna svojstva i propustljivost vode i vazduha. Dvoslojno - integrirane pletenine sa poliamidnom komponentom daju hladniji osečaj u dodiru sa kožom, zbog njihove manje vrednosti toplotne apsorpcije. Ključne reči: dvoslojne integrirane pletenine, termo-fizološki komfor, propustljvost vodene pare, propustljivost vazduha THERMAL-PHYSIOLOGICAL COMFORT OF INTEGRATED DOUBLE KNITTED FABRICS The thermal and physiological components which have historically been the primary functional component of clothes, since they must protect us from cold and heat and, simultaneously, have to allow an appropriate moisture and heat transfer through the different layers. In this paper, integrated double layer knitted structures have been constructed and knitted, using cotton yarn in absorption (face) and polyamide or polyester filaments in diffusion (back) layers of the fabrics. The influence of the raw material used and the structural characteristics of the knitted structure on the thermal properties (thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity, thermal conductivity) and permeability to water vapour and air has been statistically investigated. The thermal properties of fabrics have been tested using method of dr Bok. The structural characteristics have significant influence on the thermal properties and water and air permeability. Double – layer knitted structures with polyamide filaments has given a colder feeling based on higher thermal absorptivity values. Key words: double-integrated knitted fabrics, thermal-physiological comfort, water vapour permeability, air permeabilit