1,090 research outputs found

    Jules Vuillemin et la morale du pyrrhonisme

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    Dans la premiĂšre partie de son article « Une morale est-elle compatible avec le scepticisme ? », Jules Vuillemin propose une interprĂ©tation du scepticisme de Pyrrhon d’Élis et s’interroge sur sa compatibilitĂ© avec une vie morale. La prĂ©sente contribution s’attache Ă  resituer la lecture de Vuillemin dans l’histoire du pyrrhonisme ainsi que dans les dĂ©bats rĂ©cents Ă  son sujet, et Ă  la discuter en la comparant au nĂ©o-pyrrhonisme de Sextus Empiricus. À suivre Vuillemin, Pyrrhon suspend son jugement par rapport Ă  tout, y compris ses impressions. Cette suspension universelle provoquerait une impassibilitĂ© totale et fournirait une ligne de conduite, mais serait assez difficile Ă  adopter. Nous suggĂ©rons que suspendre son jugement sur ses propres impressions n’est pas difficile, mais impossible ; que la façon dont, selon Vuillemin, cette suspension fournirait au sceptique une ligne de conduite implique une contradiction ; et qu’il existe une autre façon d’expliquer comment le sceptique peut, dans certaines limites, maintenir une ligne de conduite.In the first part of his 1985 paper “Une morale est-elle compatible avec le scepticisme?”, Jules Vuillemin puts forward an interpretation of the scepticism of Pyrrho of Elis and asks whether this is compatible with an ethical life. The present contribution puts Vuillemin’s reading into the context of the history of Pyrrhonism and discusses it by means of a comparison with Sextus Empiricus’ neo-Pyrrhonism. According to Vuillemin, Pyrrho suspends his judgement about anything whatsoever, including his own appearances. This universal suspension of judgement would cause an absolute impassibility and provide Pyrrho with an ethical course of action, but would however be extremely hard to achieve. We suggest that suspending judgement over one’s own impressions is not just difficult, it is impossible; that the way in which this universal suspension of judgement is supposed to provide the Pyrrhonian sceptic with an ethical course of action is contradictory; and that, within certain limits, there is another way of explaining how the sceptic can act in accordance with such a course of action

    Scepticism, number and appearances 

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    Cet article s’interroge sur ce qu’est l’ጀρÎčΞΌητÎčÎș᜔ Ï„áœłÏ‡ÎœÎ· visĂ©e par Sextus dans le Contre les arithmĂ©ticiens. AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© briĂšvement le contenu de M IV, on examine la nature de cette discipline. Une fois clarifiĂ©e la question de savoir en quoi consistait l’ጀρÎčΞΌητÎčÎș᜔ Ï„áœłÏ‡ÎœÎ· dans l’AntiquitĂ© – et donc ce que visait Sextus dans M IV –, on examine son rapport avec les autres disciplines critiquĂ©es par Sextus dans le Contre les Professeurs. Cette enquĂȘte mĂšne Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre une importante prĂ©supposition implicite dans l’attitude de Sextus Ă  l’égard des sciences.This paper is devoted to Sextus’ target in Against the Arithmeticians: the ጀρÎčΞΌητÎčÎșᜎ Ï„áœłÏ‡ÎœÎ·. After a brief sketch of M IV’s content, we make an inquiry on the nature of such a discipline. Firstly we tackle the general question of what was the ጀρÎčΞΌητÎčÎș᜔ Ï„áœłÏ‡ÎœÎ· in Antiquity. Once we are clearer on that – and thus on Sextus’ target in M IV, we explore its relationship to the other disciplines attacked by Sextus in his Against the Professors. This ultimately leads us to shed light on an important implicit assumption of Sextus’ attitude towards the sciences

    Diego E. Machuca (éd.), New Essays on Ancient Pyrrhonism

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    Le volume offre huit articles sur le scepticisme pyrrhonien. Les essais, de la plume de M. Bonazzi, T. O’Keefe, J. Warren, F. Grgić, H. Thorsrud, S. Marchand, D. E. Machuca et O. Bueno, sont tous en anglais. PrĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s d’une prĂ©face, d’une notice sur les auteurs et d’une brĂšve introduction, ils sont suivis d’index des noms propres, des passages et des sujets. Chaque contribution est munie d’une bibliographie. Les deux premiers articles sont consacrĂ©s Ă  la section des Esquisses Pyrrhoniennes (PH..

    Scaling collaborative policymaking: how to leverage on digital co-creation to engage citizens

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    n recent years, new methods to engage citizens in deliberative processes of governments and institutions have been studied. Such methodologies have become a necessity to assure the efficacy and sustainability of policies. Several tools and solutions have been proposed while trying to achieve such a goal. The dual problem to citizen engagement is how to provide policymakers with useful and actionable insights and data stemming from those processes. The following paper has the aim to share with the audience of the Data for Policy Conference 2021 an innovative tool based on the concept of participatory policymaking with the scope of collecting feedback and comments to enhance the consistency and the usefulness of the tool. We propose research featuring a method and implementation of a crowdsourcing and co-creation technique that can provide value to both citizens and policymakers engaged in the policy-making process. Thanks to our methodology, policymakers can design challenges for citizens to take part, cooperate and provide their input to policymakers. We also propose a web-based tool that allows citizens to participate and produce content to support the policymaking processes through a gamified interface that focuses on emotional and vision-oriented content

    Analytical Model of Power MOSFET Switching Losses due to Parasitic Components

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    En 2004, la famille de Jules Vuillemin lĂšgue aux Archives Henri-PoincarĂ© (UniversitĂ© de Lorraine) un fonds constituĂ© par les ouvrages, les tirĂ©s Ă  part et les manuscrits du cĂ©lĂšbre philosophe français, dĂ©cĂ©dĂ© aux Fourgs (Doubs) le 16 janvier 2001. Dans le cadre de la conservation et de la valorisation de ce fonds trĂšs riche, les Archives Henri-PoincarĂ© organisent chaque annĂ©e, au mois de dĂ©cembre, une journĂ©e d’études autour d’un texte ou d’un aspect de la pensĂ©e de Jules Vuillemin, afin de d..

    Delay of morphine tolerance by palmitoylethanolamide

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    In spite of the potency and efficacy of morphine, its clinical application for chronic persistent pain is limited by the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effect. The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying morphine tolerance are complex and still unclear. Recently, the activation of glial cells and the release of glia-derived proinflammatory mediators have been suggested to play a role in the phenomenon. N-Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) is an endogenous compound with antinociceptive effects able to reduce the glial activation. On this basis, 30 mg kg−1 PEA was subcutaneously daily administered in morphine treated rats (10 mg kg−1 intraperitoneally, daily). PEA treatment significantly attenuated the development of tolerance doubling the number of days of morphine antinociceptive efficacy in comparison to the vehicle + morphine group. PEA prevented both microglia and astrocyte cell number increase induced by morphine in the dorsal horn; on the contrary, the morphine-dependent increase of spinal TNF-α levels was not modified by PEA. Nevertheless, the immunohistochemical analysis revealed significantly higher TNF-α immunoreactivity in astrocytes of PEA-protected rats suggesting a PEA-mediated decrease of cytokine release from astrocyte. PEA intervenes in the nervous alterations that lead to the lack of morphine antinociceptive effects; a possible application of this endogenous compound in opioid-based therapies is suggested

    Quality of veiled olive oil: Role of turbidity components

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    This study investigated the effects of water and content of solid particles, taken together as well as separately, on stability of veiled olive oil. The following oil samples were obtained through four different separation treatments: veiled, filtered, \u2018solid-only\u2019, and \u2018water-only\u2019. Changes in chemical, microbial, and sensory characteristics were evaluated during storage (240 days). A significant effect of hydrolysis was shown in veiled and \u2018water only\u2019 oils; in \u2018solid-only\u2019 oils, a slow increase of phenols was observed. A notable microbial activity, with resulting formation of volatile metabolites and sensory defects, was observed in veiled samples. Filtered oils underwent less significant changes
