447 research outputs found

    Increased circulating levels of vitamin D binding protein in MS patients

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    Vitamin D (vitD) low status is currently considered a main environmental factor in multiple sclerosis (MS) etiology and pathogenesis. VitD and its metabolites are highly hydrophobic and circulate mostly bound to the vitamin D binding protein (DBP) and with lower affinity to albumin, while less than 1\% are in a free form. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the circulating levels of either of the two vitD plasma carriers and/or their relationship are altered in MS. We measured DBP and albumin plasma levels in 28 MS patients and 24 healthy controls. MS patients were found to have higher DBP levels than healthy subjects. Concomitant interferon beta therapy did not influence DBP concentration, and the difference with the control group was significant in both females and males. No significant correlation between DBP and albumin levels was observed either in healthy controls or in patients. These observations suggest the involvement of DBP in the patho-physiology of MS

    The novel diterpene 7\u3b2-acetoxy-20-hydroxy-19,20-epoxyroyleanone from Salvia corrugata shows complex cytotoxic activities against human breast epithelial cells

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    Aims The aim of this study was the characterization of the in vitro cytotoxic properties of a recently isolated diterpene compound, 7\u3b2-acetoxy-20-hydroxy-19,20-epoxyroyleanone (compound 1), extracted from Salvia corrugata, versus human cell lines. Main Methods We used as model study immortalized breast epithelial cells MCF10A and two ERBB2+ breast cancer (BCa) cell lines, SKBR-3 and BT474. Compound 1 was isolated by methanolic extraction from regenerated shoots of Salvia corrugata Vahl, and purified by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Flow cytometry (FCM) was employed for cell cycle, apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) analysis. Cell morphology was assessed by immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Key Findings Compound 1 inhibited cell survival of all breast cell lines. In particular, compound 1 promoted cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase and apoptosis along with impairment of the mitochondrial function, which was reflected in a gross alteration of the mitochondrial network structure. Furthermore, we also detected a potent activation of the ERK1/2 kinase, which suggested the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Partial rescue of survival obtained with n-acetylcysteine (NAC) when coadminstered with compound 1 further supported a contribution of ROS mediated mechanisms to the growth-arrest and proapoptotic activity of compound 1 in both BCa cell lines. ROS production was indeed confirmed in SKBR-3. Significance Our findings show that compound 1 has a cytotoxic activity against both human normal and cancer cell lines derived from breast epithelia, which is mediated by ROS generation and mitochondrial damage

    Pyogenic Granuloma of the Sigmoid Colon causing Intussusception in an Infant

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    Pyogenic granuloma is a benign vascular tumor that may affect the gastrointestinal tract. This report describes a rare case of sigmoid-colon pyogenic granuloma in a 4-month-old boy causing intussusception. Resection and anastomosis were curative. The mother had history of high dose of progesterone exposure during initial weeks of conception for vaginal bleeding. This may point towards etiology of the lesion

    Association between autism spectrum disorder and diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    There is mixed evidence on the link between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and diabetes. We conducted the first systematic review/meta-analysis on their association. Based on a pre-registered protocol (PROSPERO: CRD42021261114), we searched Pubmed, Ovid, and Web of Science databases up to 6 December 2021, with no language/type of document restrictions. We assessed study quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). We included 24 studies (total: 3427,773 individuals; 237,529 with ASD and 92,832 with diabetes) in the systematic review and 20 in the meta-analysis (mean stars number on the NOS: 5.89/10). There was a significant association, albeit characterized by significant heterogeneity, when pooling unadjusted OR (1.535, 95% CI = 1.109-2.126), which remained significant when restricting the analysis to children and type 2 diabetes, but became non-significant when considering adjusted ORs (OR: 1.528, 95% CI = 0.954-2.448). No significant prospective association was found (n = 2) on diabetes predicting ASD (HR: 1.232, 0.826-11.837). Therefore, the association between ASD and diabetes is likely confounded by demographic and clinical factors that should be systematically investigated in future studies

    XCOLD GASS:The Complete IRAM 30 m Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas for Galaxy Evolution Studies

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    We introduce xCOLD GASS, a legacy survey providing a census of molecular gas in the local universe. Building on the original COLD GASS survey, we present here the full sample of 532 galaxies with CO (1-0) measurements from the IRAM 30 m telescope. The sample is mass-selected in the redshift interval 0.01 &lt; z &lt; 0.05 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and therefore representative of the local galaxy population with M∗ &gt; 109 M⊙. The CO (1-0) flux measurements are complemented by observations of the CO (2-1) line with both the IRAM 30 m and APEX telescopes, H I observations from Arecibo, and photometry from SDSS, WISE, and GALEX. Combining the IRAM and APEX data, we find that the ratio of CO (2-1) to CO (1-0) luminosity for integrated measurements is r21 = 0.79 ± 0.03, with no systematic variations across the sample. The CO (1-0) luminosity function is constructed and best fit with a Schechter function with parameters LCO ∗ = (7.77 ± 2.11) × 109 K km s-1 pc2, φ∗ = (9.84 ± 5.41) × 10-4 Mpc-3, and α = -1.19 ± 0.05.With the sample now complete down to stellar masses of 109M⊙, we are able to extend our study of gas scaling relations and confirm that both molecular gas fractions ( fH2) and depletion timescale (tdep (H2)) vary with specific star formation rate (or offset from the star formation main sequence) much more strongly than they depend on stellar mass. Comparing the xCOLD GASS results with outputs from hydrodynamic and semianalytic models, we highlight the constraining power of cold gas scaling relations on models of galaxy formation.</p

    MIGHTEE-HI: HI galaxy properties in the large scale structure environment at z ∼ 0.37 from a stacking experiment

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    We present the first measurement of HI mass of star-forming galaxies in different large scale structure environments from a blind survey at z ∼ 0.37. In particular, we carry out a spectral line stacking analysis considering 2875 spectra of colour-selected star-forming galaxies undetected in HI at 0.23 < z < 0.49 in the COSMOS field, extracted from the MIGHTEE-HI Early Science datacubes, acquired with the MeerKAT radio telescope. We stack galaxies belonging to different subsamples depending on three different definitions of large scale structure environment: local galaxy overdensity, position inside the host dark matter halo (central, satellite, or isolated), and cosmic web type (field, filament, or knot). We first stack the full star-forming galaxy sample and find a robust HI detection yielding an average galaxy HI mass of MHI = (8.12 ± 0.75) × 109 M⊙ at ∼11.8σ. Next, we investigate the different subsamples finding a negligible difference in MHI as a function of the galaxy overdensity. We report an HI excess compared to the full sample in satellite galaxies (MHI = (11.31 ± 1.22) × 109, at ∼10.2σ) and in filaments (MHI = (11.62 ± 0.90) × 109. Conversely, we report non-detections for the central and knot galaxies subsamples, which appear to be HI-deficient. We find the same qualitative results also when stacking in units of HI fraction (fHI). We conclude that the HI amount in star-forming galaxies at the studied redshifts correlates with the large scale structure environment

    An ontology-based approach supporting holistic structural design with the consideration of safety, environmental impact and cost

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    Early stage decision-making for structural design critically influences the overall cost and environmental performance of buildings and infrastructure. However, the current approach often fails to consider the multi-perspectives of structural design, such as safety, environmental issues and cost in a comprehensive way. This paper presents a holistic approach based on knowledge processing (ontology) to facilitate a smarter decision-making process for early design stage by informing designers of the environmental impact and cost along with safety considerations. The approach can give a reasoning based quantitative understanding of how the design alternatives using different concrete materials can affect the ultimate overall performance. Embodied CO2 and cost are both considered along with safety criteria as indicative multi-perspectives to demonstrate the novelty of the approach. A case study of a concrete structural frame is used to explain how the proposed method can be used by structural designers when taking multi performance criteria into account. The major contribution of the paper lies on the creation of a holistic knowledge base which links through different knowledge across sectors to enable the structural engineer to come up with much more comprehensive decisions instead of individual single objective targeted delivery

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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