6 research outputs found

    Informe general sobre el desarrollo político de la Alianza

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    L'Europe et les relations Est-Ouest : problèmes actuels et perspectives

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    Europe and the East-West relations: actual problems and prospects, by Peter Corterier The detente policy has been confronted to serious set-backs since the occupation of Afghanistan, the Polish crisis and the increase of the Soviet nuclear power. But it would be dangerous and sterile for the West to come back to Cold War and confrontation. The economic cooperation with the Eastern countries is more necessary than ever because it aims also at the change of the status quo by rapprochment through pacific means. The GFR keeps firmly the orientation chosen by the Atlantic Alliance in the 1967 Harmel Report (maintenance of the defense capacity and dialogue with the East) and all the German leaders know that every constructive policy in the field of arms control is only possible if the GFR remains in NATO and in the EEC. Likewise every body is aware that the division of Germany cannot be overcome if Europe itself keeps divided and that neutrality is a wrong solution. The French-German cooperation must, as in the past, play a leading role to master the crises that threaten the EEC cohesion.L'Europe et les relations Est-Ouest : problèmes actuels et perspectives, par Peter Corterier La politique de détente a subi de graves revers depuis l'occupation de l'Afghanistan, la crise en Pologne et l'accroissement du potentiel nucléaire de l'URSS. Il serait pourtant périlleux et stérile pour l'Occident de revenir à la guerre froide et à la confrontation. La coopération économique avec les pays de l'Est est plus nécessaire que jamais, car elle vise aussi à modifier le statu quo par le rapprochement à travers des moyens pacifiques. La RFA maintient fermement l'orientation adoptée par l'Alliance atlantique dans son rapport Harmel en 1967 (capacité de défense et volonté du dialogue avec l'Est) et tous les responsables en Allemagne savent que toute politique constructive en matière de limitation des armements n'est possible que grâce à l'appartenance de la RFA à l'OTAN et à la Communauté européenne. De même, tous savent que la division de l'Allemagne ne peut pas être surmontée sans celle de l'Europe tout entière et que la neutralité serait une fausse voie. La coopération franco-allemande doit comme par le passé jouer un rôle moteur pour maîtriser les crises qui menacent la cohésion de la CEE.Corterier Peter. L'Europe et les relations Est-Ouest : problèmes actuels et perspectives. In: Politique étrangère, n°1 - 1982 - 47ᵉannée. pp. 21-32

    Langzeitergebnisse der Liposuktion beim Lipödem

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    Liposuction in the Treatment of Lipedema: A Longitudinal Study

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    Background Lipedema is a condition consisting of painful bilateral increases in subcutaneous fat and interstitial fluid in the limbs with secondary lymphedema and fibrosis during later stages. Combined decongestive therapy (CDT) is the standard of care in most countries. Since the introduction of tumescent technique, liposuction has been used as a surgical treatment option. The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of liposuction used as treatment for lipedema. Methods Twenty-five patients who received 72 liposuction procedures for the treatment of lipedema completed a standardized questionnaire. Lipedema-associated complaints and the need for CDT were assessed for the preoperative period and during 2 separate postoperative follow-ups using a visual analog scale and a composite CDT score. The mean follow-up times for the first postoperative follow-up and the second postoperative follow-up were 16 months and 37 months, respectively. Results Patients showed significant reductions in spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, feeling of tension, bruising, cosmetic impairment, and general impairment to quality of life from the preoperative period to the first postoperative follow-up, and these results remained consistent until the second postoperative follow-up. A comparison of the preoperative period to the last postoperative follow-up, after 4 patients without full preoperative CDT were excluded from the analysis, indicated that the need for CDT was reduced significantly. An analysis of the different stages of the disease also indicated that better and more sustainable results could be achieved if patients were treated in earlier stages. Conclusions Liposuction is effective in the treatment of lipedema and leads to an improvement in quality of life and a decrease in the need for conservative therapy