689 research outputs found


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    Dear Colleagues, Ruth Bamford Processes in Training Residence Hall Assistants, Richard P. Walters & Stephen C. Cort 1985 ACSD Conferencehttps://pillars.taylor.edu/acsd_koinonia/1066/thumbnail.jp

    Reconstruction of random geometric graphs: breaking the ā„¦(r) distortion barrier

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    Embedding graphs in a geographical or latent space, i.e. inferring locations for vertices in Euclidean space or on a smooth manifold or submanifold, is a common task in network analysis, statistical inference, and graph visualization. We consider the classic model of random geometric graphs where n points are scattered uniformly in a square of area n, and two points have an edge between them if and only if their Euclidean distance is less than r. The reconstruction problem then consists of inferring the vertex positions, up to the symmetries of the square, given only the adjacency matrix of the resulting graph. We give an algorithm that, if r = n Ī± for any 0 < Ī± < 1/2, with high probability reconstructs the vertex positions with a maximum error of O(n Ī² ) where Ī² = 1/2āˆ’(4/3)Ī±, until Ī± ā‰„ 3/8 where Ī² = 0 and the error becomes O( āˆš log n). This improves over earlier results, which were unable to reconstruct with error less than r. Our method estimates Euclidean distances using a hybrid of graph distances and short-range estimates based on the number of common neighbors. We extend our results to the surface of the sphere in R 3 and to hypercubes in any constant fixed dimension.Josep DĆ­az: partially supported by PID-2020-112581GB-C21 (MOTION). Cristopher Moore: partially supported by National Science Foundation grant IIS-1838251.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Atomic Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He

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    We have measured the ratio of the diffusion cross-section to the angular momentum reorientation cross-section in the colliding Fe-3He and Ni-3He systems. Nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) atoms are introduced via laser ablation into a cryogenically cooled experimental cell containing cold (< 1 K) 3He buffer gas. Elastic collisions rapidly cool the translational temperature of the ablated atoms to the helium temperature. The cross-section ratio is extracted by measuring the decays of the atomic Zeeman sublevels. For our experimental conditions, thermal energy is comparable to the Zeeman splitting. As a result, thermal excitations between Zeeman sublevels significantly impact the observed decay. To determine the cross-section ratio accurately, we introduce a model of Zeeman state dynamics that includes thermal excitations. We find the cross-section ratio for Ni-3He = 5 x 10^3 and Fe-3He <= 3 x 10^3 at 0.75 K in a 0.8 T magnetic field. These measurements are interpreted in the context of submerged shell suppression of spin relaxation as studied previously in transition metals and rare earth atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Secreted phospholipase A2 activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: There is increased interest in the contribution of the innate immune system to multiple sclerosis (MS), including the activity of acute inflammatory mediators. The purpose of this study was to test the involvement of systemic secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) enzymes in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an MS model, and to determine if enzyme activity is elevated in MS patients. METHODS: A non-invasive urinary assay was developed in order to monitor enzymatically active sPLA2 levels in Dark Agouti rats after induction of EAE. Some Rats were treated with nonapeptide CHEC-9, an uncompetitive sPLA2 enzyme inhibitor, during the initial rise in urinary enzyme levels. Body weight and clinical EAE score were measured for 18 days post immunization (PI), after which the rats were sacrificed for H&E and myelin staining, and for ED-1 immunocytochemistry, the latter to quantify macrophages and activated microglia. The urinary sPLA2 assay was also applied to un-timed samples collected from a cross section of 44 MS patients and 14 healthy controls. RESULTS: Mean levels of enzymatically active sPLA2 in the urine increased following immunization and peaked between days 8ā€“10 PI which was just prior to the onset of EAE symptoms. At this time, a transient attenuation of activity was detected in the urine of CHEC-9 treated rats consistent with the activity-dependent properties of the inhibitor. The peptide also reduced or abolished EAE symptoms compared to vehicle-injected controls. Histopathological changes in the spinal cords of the EAE rats correlated generally with clinical score including a significant reduction in ED-1+ cells after peptide treatment. Multiple Sclerosis patients also showed elevations in sPLA2 enzyme activity. Mean levels of sPLA2 were increased 6-fold in the urine of patients with active disease and 4-fold for patients in remission, regardless of immunomodulating therapy. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that sPLA2 enzymes, traditionally thought to be part the acute phase inflammatory response, are therapeutic targets for MS

    The Iddm14 gene is Tcrbv-13S1A1: Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes in the Rat with an Allele-Specific Depleting Antibody That Recognizes the VĪ²13a T Cell Receptor Beta Chain

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    To identify new intervention strategies for autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D), we investigated several rat models of the disorder. We dissected the powerful Iddm14 diabetes susceptibility locus in eight T1D susceptible vs. resistant rat strains by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotyping. We identified an allele of a T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain gene, Tcrb-V13S1A1 (encoding V13Ī²a) as a candidate gene. In three separate trials, treating LEW.1WR1 rats, which are susceptible to T1D, with a depleting anti-VĪ²13 monoclonal antibody reduced diabetes frequency from 75% (N=50) to 17% (N=30, p\u3c0.001. Anti-VĪ²13 monoclonal antibody also prevented T1D in spontaneously diabetic BBDP rats. We then analyzed the phenotype of infiltrating T cells recovered from the cultured islets of LEW.1WR1 rats exposed to a diabetogenic trigger. Within 5 days, up to 22% of CD4+ T cells recovered from islets were V13Ī²+, most of these CD25+FoxP3-. We also recovered VĪ²13 transcripts from pre-diabetic islets and observed a limited number of JĪ² variant transcripts, indicating an oligoclonal TCR response to pancreatic beta cells. These data indicate that, in susceptible rats, V13Ī²a on diabetogenic T cells is required to recognize a critical T1D autoantigen. Interestingly, the diabetogenic and non-diabetogenic alleles of VĪ²13 have non-conservative sequence differences in both CRR1 and CDR2. The data suggest that it is possible to prevent T1D in the rat with a very narrowly targeted deletional therapy. Preliminary data suggest that a specific alpha chain may preferentially pair with VĪ²13a. We are currently generating rat T cell hybridoma clones with which to analyze the interaction of putative autoantigens with a diabetogenic TCR

    Excited state dynamics of Znā€“salophen complexes

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    Zn-salophen complexes are a promising class of fluorescent chemosensors for nucleotides and nucleic acids. We have investigated, by means of steady state UV-Vis, ultrafast transient absorption, fluorescence emission and time dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) the behavior of the excited states of a salicylidene tetradentate Schiff base (Sal), its Zn(II) coordination compound (Zn-Sal) and the effect of the interaction between Zn-Sal and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). TD-DFT shows that the deactivation of the excited state of Sal occurs through torsional motion, due to its rotatable bonds and twistable angles. Complexation with Zn(II) causes rigidity so that the geometry changes in the excited states with respect to the ground state structure are minimal. By addition of ADP to a freshly prepared Zn-Sal ethanol solution, a longer relaxation constant, in comparison to Zn-Sal, was measured, indicative of the interaction between Zn-Sal and ADP. After a few days, the Zn-Sal-ADP solution displayed the same static and dynamic behavior of a solution containing only the Sal ligand, demonstrating that the coordination of the ADP anion to Zn(II)leads to the demetallation of the Sal ligand. Fluorescence measurements also revealed an enhanced fluorescence at 375 nm following the addition of ADP to the solution, caused by the presence of 2,3-diamino naphthalene that is formed by demetallation and partial decomposition of the Sal ligand. The efficient fluorescence of this species at 375 nm could be selectively detected and used as a probe for the detection of ADP in solution.[GRAPHICS]

    Effects of offshore wind farms operational noise on bluefin tuna behaviour

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    The number of offshore wind farms is growing up quickly in the lasts years. Several studies about its environmental acoustic impacts have been developed at the same time the industry expands, most of them related to the high level impulsive noise produced during the pile diving process associated to the construction stage. Nevertheless, the study of the impact of the operational noise of turbines is very limited. In this paper we investigate the behavioural response of Bluefin tuna when exposed to the operation noise of a turbine. We analysed tuna reaction in terms of three parameters: depth of the school, swimming pattern and changes in the swimming direction. The experiment was developedin a fixed commercial tuna cage in the Mediterranean Sea. The usual behaviour of Bluefin tuna in captivity conditions was previously analysed using a continuous monitorization. Variations in depth were observed when feeding boat approaches, which could be interpreted as a consequence of the acoustical stimulus. The turbine noise was acoustically characterized, and reproduced using a broad-band underwater source. To monitor tuna behaviour two echosounders and a video system were simultaneously used. When exposed to short duration noise tuna behaviour does not exhibit clear disturbances. Nevertheless, with long duration emission tuna reacted: school reduced the radio of thecircular swimming region, moved up to the surface and some individuals were disorientated. Tuna seems to be habituated after several repetitions is short time.Proyecto AZIMUT. This work was financially support from Spanish Government by grant AP2009-4459. We thank both personal and material facilities provided by Grup BalfegĆ³ and Nuevo TomĆ”s y Carmen crew
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