46 research outputs found

    Geometrically-controlled polarisation processing in an integrated photonic platform

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    The polarisation of light is a powerful and widely used degree of freedom to encode information, both in classical and quantum applications. In particular, quantum information technologies based on photons are being revolutionised by the use of integrated photonic circuits. It is therefore very important to be able to manipulate the polarisation of photons in such circuits. We experimentally demonstrate the fabrication by femtosecond laser micromachining of components such as polarisation insensitive or polarising directional couplers, operating at 1550 nm wavelength, where the two opposite behaviours are achieved just by controlling the geometric layout of the photonic circuits, being the waveguides fabricated with the same irradiation recipe. We expect to employ this approach in complex integrated photonic devices, capable of a full control of the photons polarisation for quantum cryptography, quantum computation and quantum teleportation experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Fractional Bloch oscillations in photonic lattices

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    Bloch oscillations, the oscillatory motion of a quantum particle in a periodic potential, are one of the most fascinating effects of coherent quantum transport. Originally studied in the context of electrons in crystals, Bloch oscillations manifest the wave nature of matter and are found in a wide variety of different physical systems. Here we report on the first experimental observation of fractional Bloch oscillations, using a photonic lattice as a model system of a two-particle extended Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. In our photonic simulator, the dynamics of two correlated particles hopping on a one-dimensional lattice is mapped into the motion of a single particle in a two-dimensional lattice with engineered defects and mimicked by light transport in a square waveguide lattice with a bent axis

    Symmetric polarization insensitive directional couplers fabricated by femtosecond laser waveguide writing

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    We study analytically the polarization behaviour of directional couplers composed of birefringent waveguides, showing that they can induce polarization transformations that depend on the specific input-output path considered. On the basis of this study, we propose and demonstrate experimentally, by femtosecond laser writing, directional couplers that are free from this problem and also yield a polarization independent power-splitting ratio. More in detail, we devise two different approaches to realize such devices: the first one is based on local birefringence engineering, while the second one exploits ultra-low birefringence waveguides obtained by thermal annealing

    Quantum frequency conversion of quantum memory compatible photons to telecommunication wavelengths

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    We report an experiment demonstrating quantum frequency conversion of weak light pulses compatible with atomic quantum memories to telecommunication wavelengths. We use a PPLN nonlinear waveguide to convert weak coherent states at the single photon level with a duration of 30ns from a wavelength of 780nm to 1552nm. We measure a maximal waveguide internal (external) conversion efficiency eta_int = 0.41 (eta_ext = 0.25), and we show that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is good enough to reduce the input photon number below 1. In addition, we show that the noise generated by the pump beam in the crystal is proportional to the spectral bandwidth of the device, suggesting that narrower filtering could significantly increase the SNR. Finally, we demonstrate that the quantum frequency converter can operate in the quantum regime by converting a time-bin qubit and measuring the qubit fidelity after conversion.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures (To appear in Optics Express

    Integrated optical waveplates for arbitrary operations on polarization-encoded single-qubits

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    Integrated photonic technologies applied to quantum optics have recently enabled a wealth of breakthrough experiments in several quantum information areas. Path encoding was initially used to demonstrate operations on single or multiple qubits. However, a polarization encoding approach is often simpler and more effective. Two-qubits integrated logic gates as well as complex interferometric structures have been successfully demonstrated exploiting polarization encoding in femtosecond-laser-written photonic circuits. Still, integrated devices performing single-qubit rotations are missing. Here we demonstrate waveguide-based waveplates, fabricated by femtosecond laser pulses, capable to effectively produce arbitrary single-qubit operations in the polarization encoding. By exploiting these novel components we fabricate and test a compact device for the quantum state tomography of two polarization-entangled photons. The integrated optical waveplates complete the toolbox required for a full manipulation of polarization-encoded qubits on-chip, disclosing new scenarios for integrated quantum computation, sensing and simulation, and possibly finding application also in standard photonic devices

    Experimental multiphase estimation on a chip

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    Multiparameter estimation is a general problem that aims at measuring unknown physical quantities, obtaining high precision in the process. In this context, the adoption of quantum resources promises a substantial boost in the achievable performances with respect to the classical case. However, several open problems remain to be addressed in the multiparameter scenario. A crucial requirement is the identification of suitable platforms to develop and experimentally test novel efficient methodologies that can be employed in this general framework. We report the experimental implementation of a reconfigurable integrated multimode interferometer designed for the simultaneous estimation of two optical phases. We verify the high-fidelity operation of the implemented device, and demonstrate quantum-enhanced performances in two-phase estimation with respect to the best classical case, post-selected to the number of detected coincidences. This device can be employed to test general adaptive multiphase protocols due to its high reconfigurability level, and represents a powerful platform to investigate the multiparameter estimation scenario.Comment: 10+7 pages, 7+4 figure

    Path-polarization hyperentangled and cluster states of photons on a chip

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    Encoding many qubits in different degrees of freedom (DOFs) of single photons is one of the routes towards enlarging the Hilbert space spanned by a photonic quantum state. Hyperentangled photon states (i.e. states showing entanglement in multiple DOFs) have demonstrated significant implications for both fundamental physics tests and quantum communication and computation. Increasing the number of qubits of photonic experiments requires miniaturization and integration of the basic elements and functions to guarantee the set-up stability. This motivates the development of technologies allowing the precise control of different photonic DOFs on a chip. We demonstrate the contextual use of path and polarization qubits propagating within an integrated quantum circuit. We tested the properties of four-qubit linear cluster states built on both DOFs. Our results pave the way towards the full integration on a chip of hybrid multiqubit multiphoton states.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, RevTex4-1, Light: Science & Applications AAP:http://aap.nature-lsa.cn:8080/cms/accessory/files/AAP-lsa201664.pd

    Dynamic band collapse in photonic graphene

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    The band structure and the transport properties of graphene are known to be deeply modified by strong electromagnetic fields. Here we experimentally demonstrate, using an engineered optical waveguide lattice as a model system for ac-driven graphene, the partial and complete collapse of valence and conduction quasi-energy bands corresponding to linearly- and circularly-polarized monochromatic light irradiation, respectively

    Experimental Perfect Quantum State Transfer

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    The transfer of data is a fundamental task in information systems. Microprocessors contain dedicated data buses that transmit bits across different locations and implement sophisticated routing protocols. Transferring quantum information with high fidelity is a challenging task, due to the intrinsic fragility of quantum states. We report on the implementation of the perfect state transfer protocol applied to a photonic qubit entangled with another qubit at a different location. On a single device we perform three routing procedures on entangled states with an average fidelity of 97.1%. Our protocol extends the regular perfect state transfer by maintaining quantum information encoded in the polarisation state of the photonic qubit. Our results demonstrate the key principle of perfect state transfer, opening a route toward data transfer for quantum computing systems