30 research outputs found

    The Pontine Marshes:An integrated study of the origin, history, and future of a famous coastal wetland in Central Italy

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    The Pontine Marshes (Central Italy) are known for their long drainage history starting early in Roman times and culminating in their reclamation (bonificaintegrale) by the Fascist’s regime under Mussolini, mostly in the 1930s of past century. The geology of this coastal wetland and causes for its drainageproblems received limited attention till recently. We reviewed results from recent studies, identified still existing knowledge gaps and performedadditional research to fill these, to produce a full description of the Holocene history and drainage of these marshes. Massive coring data that servedto map the soils and surficial geology, observations in archaeological excavations, analytical data on soil and sediment characteristics, and radiocarbondatings allowed us to distinguish several phases in this history, with a main break in the early Roman Republican period with the first systematic drainageworks. Earlier, natural processes brought about by sea level rise largely controlled its drainage. Once artificial drainage started, soil subsidence became animportant process, aggravating the drainage problems. The bonifica introduced mechanical drainage, temporarily masking the impacts of subsidence. Wequantified the historical subsidence using DTMs and developed scenarios for the impacts of sea level rise and subsidence in 2100 and 2200, assuming thatthis rise will be mitigated by a coastal defence system and enhanced capacity of the mechanical drainage. Our results demonstrate the important role ofsoil subsidence throughout the history of this wetland and need to include subsidence in scenarios for the impacts of sea level rise

    A rare Mid-Wurmian lithoid tuff in the Agro Pontino graben (Southern Lazio, Italy) and its identification as an Albano 5-7 related distal tephra deposit (40-36 kaBP):characteristics, provenance and palaeogeographical implications

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    A lithoid tuff, found in 2011 (Ricci pit, Agro Pontino, Southern Lazio, Italy), was studied for its composition, origin and palaeogeographical implications. This tuff was the first occurrence of a Wurmian-age tephra layer, encountered in the coastal basins of Southern Lazio. Based on its mineralogy and isotopic composition (Sr and Nd), its stratigraphic position and the pre- and post-depositional soil formation and weathering, it was identified as a distal tephra deposit from the Colli Albani volcano, connected with the Albano 5-7 eruptive stage and dating from 40-36 ka BP. The lithoid tuff consists of tephra that were slightly reworked and subsequently lithified, when this central part of the Agro Pontino graben still consisted of a non-dissected, level lagoonal plain. The study confirms the earlier established importance of this tephra layer as stratigraphic marker for Central Italy, and shows that its distribution is wider than earlier assumed, notably to the SE of the Colli Albani volcano

    Old and recent multidisciplinary studies in the territory of Sezze and its surroundings

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    Following a synthesis of published archaeological investigations in the territory of Sezze by the team of the University of Groningen within the Pontine Region Project (PRP), this paper discusses the methodology and first results of two more recent fieldwork projects within the framework of the PRP, both funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): 1) the Avellino Event Project (AVP) of the universities of Groningen and Leiden that studies the distal effects of the great Bronze Age eruption of mount Vesuvius on the human environment of the Fondi and Pontine plains. 2) the Minor Centres project that studies the development of the settlements of Forum Appi and Ad Medias along the Via Appia in relation with the development of the Roman countryside. Both projects add significantly to the long term reconstruction of the human landscape in the plain south of Sezze as well as open up perspectives on further interdisciplinary work.A seguito della sintesi pubblicata sulle indagini archeologiche nel territorio di Sezze, condotte dall'Università di Groningen sotto l'egida del Progetto della Regione Pontina (PRP), questo documento discute la metodologia e i primi risultati di due progetti di ricerca sul campo più recenti nel quadro del PRP, entrambi finanziati dall'Organizzazione olandese per la ricerca scientifica (NWO): 1) l'Avellino Event Project (AVP) delle Università di Groningen e Leiden che studia gli effetti distali della grande eruzione del Vesuvio risalente all'età del bronzo sull'ambiente umano della pianura di Fondi e della pianura Pontina. 2) il progetto dei Centri Minori che studia lo sviluppo degli insediamenti di Forum Appi e Ad Medias lungo la Via Appia in relazione allo sviluppo della campagna romana. Entrambi i progetti contribuiscono in modo significativo alla ricostruzione a lungo termine del paesaggio umano nella pianura di Sezze e aprono prospettive su ulteriori lavori interdisciplinari

    Graines carbonisées de l'Age du Bronze final au camp de Saint-Pierre-en-Chastre, près de Vieux-Moulin (Oise)

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    Bakels Corrie C. Graines carbonisées de l'Age du Bronze final au camp de Saint-Pierre-en-Chastre, près de Vieux-Moulin (Oise). In: Revue archéologique de Picardie, n°2, 1983. pp. 11-13

    Un échantillonnage de graines carbonisées provenant de Champlieu-Orrouy (Oise)

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    Bakels Corrie C. Un échantillonnage de graines carbonisées provenant de Champlieu-Orrouy (Oise). In: Revue archéologique de Picardie, n°1-2, 1986. pp. 35-36

    Dury "Le Moulin". Étude des restes botaniques

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    Bakels Corrie C. Dury "Le Moulin". Étude des restes botaniques. In: Revue archéologique de Picardie, n°1-2, 1999. L'occupation du sol au Néolithique dans la vallée de l'Aisne / Le cimetière mérovingien de Montataire (Oise) / Un village-rue du Moyen Age: Dury (Somme) pp. 237-245

    Études sur les plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen Âge en France septentrionale

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    Mehrere Jahre korpologischerer Untersuchungen haben unsere Kenntnis bezüglich der im Frühmittelalter kultivierten Pflanzen bereichert. Im vorliegenden Artikel werde ich mich auf drei Aspekte beschränken, obwohl es natürlich weitere Aspekte gibt : die Auswahl der zu kultivierenden Arten, die Beziehung zwischen der auf den karpologischen Reste basierenden Information und den Texten und schließlich die Anbaubedingungen auf den Feldern. Drei Bedingungen waren ausschlaggebend für die Wahl der anzubauenden Arten : die Bodenverhältnisse, die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Umstände und die kulturellen Vorlieben. Die Konfrontierung der Ergebnisse der karpologischen Untersuchungen mit den Texten hält Überraschungen bereit. So steht z. B. der Text der Brevium Exempla im Widerspruch zu den Grabungsergebnissen.S everal years of carpological research have deepened our knowledge of the plants grown during the early Middle Ages. In this paper, I shall confine myself to three questions (being fully aware that there are others) : the choice of the species cultivated, the relation between evidence from remains found in excavations and written evidence, and the condition of the fields. The choice of the species was determined by three factors : the limitations of the soil itself, social and economic conditions, and cultural preferences. The comparison between the results of carpological studies and the written evidence produced some surprising results. The text of the Brevium Exempla, for instance, is not in agreement with the data from the excavations. The study of adventitious plants among the crops suggests the presence of low-nitrogen soils side by side with nitrogen- rich soils, even within the same field.Une série d’années d’études carpologiques a permis d’accroître nos connaissances des plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen Âge. Dans le présent article je me limiterai à trois aspects, sachant qu’il en existe d’autres : le choix d’espèces à cultiver, la relation entre l’information basée sur les carpo-restes et sur les textes, et la condition des champs. Le choix d’espèces fut influencé par trois éléments : les restrictions dues au sol, les conditions socio-économiques et les préférences culturelles. La confrontation des résultats carpologiques avec les textes entraîne des surprises. Le texte du Brevium Exempla, par exemple, ne concorde pas avec les données provenant de fouilles. Il ressort de l’étude des adventices compagnes des moissons que des sols pauvres en azote existaient à côté des sols riches en azote, même dans le même champ.Bakels Corrie C. Études sur les plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen Âge en France septentrionale. In: Revue archéologique de Picardie, n°1-2, 2009. L'actualité de l'archéologie du haut Moyen-Âge en Picardie. Les apports de l'expérimentation à l'archéologie mérovingienne. Actes des XXIXe journées internationales d’archéologie mérovingiennes. Musée des Temps Barbare, Marle (Aisne) 26-28 septembre 2008. pp. 63-68

    Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43-44 / The End of our Fifth Decade

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    Man: Manipulator of his Physical Environment

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    In focusing on large-scale manipulations of the physical environment I have tried to demonstrate the impulse felt by humans to do something about the world they live in. The existence of such an impulse can be traced back as far as 50,000 years ago. Modifying environments is not a trait exclusive to humans. Many animals do something about their environment as well. Jones et al. (1994) provide a substantial list of animals and even plants. A clear example is dam-building by beavers. But humans have gone to greater lengths and all ‘improvements’ are still valued today. Fire, open space, agriculture and the ability to enlarge usable surface are assets of present life. All require technical abilities with increasing complexity when placed in a chronological order. The last mentioned, enlarging the surface, is the youngest and the most complicated when applied on any substantial scale.Bioarchaeolog