37 research outputs found

    Identification and analysis of conserved pockets on protein surfaces

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    BACKGROUND: The interaction between proteins and ligands occurs at pockets that are often lined by conserved amino acids. These pockets can represent the targets for low molecular weight drugs. In order to make the research for new medicines as productive as possible, it is necessary to exploit "in silico" techniques, high throughput and fragment-based screenings that require the identification of druggable pockets on the surface of proteins, which may or may not correspond to active sites. RESULTS: We developed a tool to evaluate the conservation of each pocket detected on the protein surface by CastP. This tool was named DrosteP because it recursively searches for optimal input sequences to be used to calculate conservation. DrosteP uses a descriptor of statistical significance, Poisson p-value, as a target to optimize the choice of input sequences. To benchmark DrosteP we used monomeric or homodimer human proteins with known 3D-structure whose active site had been annotated in UniProt. DrosteP is able to detect the active site with high accuracy because in 81% of the cases it coincides with the most conserved pocket. Comparing DrosteP with analogous programs is difficult because the outputs are different. Nonetheless we could assess the efficacy of the recursive algorithm in the identification of active site pockets by calculating conservation with the same input sequences used by other programs. We analyzed the amino-acid composition of conserved pockets identified by DrosteP and we found that it differs significantly from the amino-acid composition of non conserved pockets. CONCLUSIONS: Several methods for predicting ligand binding sites on protein surfaces, that combine 3D-structure and evolutionary sequence conservation, have been proposed. Any method relying on conservation mainly depends on the choice of the input sequences. DrosteP chooses how deeply distant homologs must be collected to evaluate conservation and thus optimizes the identification of active site pockets. Moreover it recognizes conserved pockets other than those coinciding with the sites annotated in UniProt that might represent useful druggable sites. The distinctive amino-acid composition of conserved pockets provides useful hints on the fundamental principles underlying protein-ligand interaction. AVAILABILITY: http://www.icb.cnr.it/project/drosteppy

    Prediction of the responsiveness to pharmacological chaperones: lysosomal human alpha-galactosidase, a case of study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pharmacological chaperones therapy is a promising approach to cure genetic diseases. It relies on substrate competitors used at sub-inhibitory concentration which can be administered orally, reach difficult tissues and have low cost. Clinical trials are currently carried out for Fabry disease, a lysosomal storage disorder caused by inherited genetic mutations of alpha-galactosidase. Regrettably, not all genotypes respond to these drugs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We collected the experimental data available in literature on the enzymatic activity of ninety-six missense mutants of lysosomal alpha-galactosidase measured in the presence of pharmacological chaperones. We associated with each mutation seven features derived from the analysis of 3D-structure of the enzyme, two features associated with their thermo-dynamic stability and four features derived from sequence alone. Structural and thermodynamic analysis explains why some mutants of human lysosomal alpha-galactosidase cannot be rescued by pharmacological chaperones: approximately forty per cent of the non responsive cases examined can be correctly associated with a negative prognostic feature. They include mutations occurring in the active site pocket, mutations preventing disulphide bridge formation and severely destabilising mutations. Despite this finding, prediction of mutations responsive to pharmacological chaperones cannot be achieved with high accuracy relying on combinations of structure- and thermodynamic-derived features even with the aid of classical and state of the art statistical learning methods.</p> <p>We developed a procedure to predict responsive mutations with an accuracy as high as 87%: the method scores the mutations by using a suitable position-specific substitution matrix. Our approach is of general applicability since it does not require the knowledge of 3D-structure but relies only on the sequence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Responsiveness to pharmacological chaperones depends on the structural/functional features of the disease-associated protein, whose complex interplay is best reflected on sequence conservation by evolutionary pressure. We propose a predictive method which can be applied to screen novel mutations of alpha galactosidase. The same approach can be extended on a genomic scale to find candidates for therapy with pharmacological chaperones among proteins with unknown tertiary structures.</p

    A potential prognostic marker in primitive lung neuroendocrine tumor: A case report.

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    Background: The diagnosis and monitoring of primitive lung neuroendocrine tumors (lung pNETs) are usually performed by the measurement of serum chromogranin A (CgA) and urinary 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels. However, imaging techniques are necessary due to the poor diagnostic efficiency of the laboratory tests. Methods: A total-body computed tomography and bone scintigraphy scans showed multiple hepatic and bone metastases of a 55-year-old man affected by well-differentiated lung pNETs without severe initial symptoms. After diagnosis, he started therapy and was monitored with serum, urinary markers, and imaging techniques. Results: During follow-up, the urinary 5-HIAA levels did not significantly increase, while serum CgA and urinary para-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (pHPAA) levels (urinary organic acid physiologically present in the urines of healthy subjects) showed significant increases related to worsening clinical condition. Conclusions: The early increase in urinary pHPAA levels—usually not dosed in pNET patient monitoring—could be a promising prognostic marker

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    Da Hykkara a Carini: l'insediamento di contrada San Nicola (scavi 2016-2021)

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    The late antique and medieval settlement of Contrada S. Nicola, identified as the Hykkara station along the Via Valeria, mentioned in the Itinerarium Antonini, occupies a strategic position within the road network that connected the plain of Carini, protected to the south by the western end of the mountains around Palermo, with the hinterland and the coastal settlements overlooking the Gulf of Castellammare. Following a series of preliminary explorations that confirmed the site’s importance, the Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. of Palermo, in collaboration with the Società ArcheOfficina, initiated archaeological excavations in 2016. In 2021, a convention was established between the Soprintendenza, the Department of Culture and Society of the University of Palermo, and the Municipality of Carini to promote research activities at this significant site. Here are the results of the first five excavation campaigns, revealing interesting phases of life spanning from the late antique period to the full medieval era

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