86 research outputs found

    Boundary Behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau Order Parameter in the Surface Superconductivity Regime

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    We study the 2D Ginzburg-Landau theory for a type-II superconductor in an applied magnetic field varying between the second and third critical value. In this regime the order parameter minimizing the GL energy is concentrated along the boundary of the sample and is well approximated to leading order by a simplified 1D profile in the direction perpendicular to the boundary. Motivated by a conjecture of Xing-Bin Pan, we address the question of whether this approximation can hold uniformly in the boundary region. We prove that this is indeed the case as a corollary of a refined, second order energy expansion including contributions due to the curvature of the sample. Local variations of the GL order parameter are controlled by the second order term of this energy expansion, which allows us to prove the desired uniformity of the surface superconductivity layer

    Quantum Mechanics and Stochastic Mechanics for compatible observables at different times

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    Bohm Mechanics and Nelson Stochastic Mechanics are confronted with Quantum Mechanics in presence of non-interacting subsystems. In both cases, it is shown that correlations at different times of compatible position observables on stationary states agree with Quantum Mechanics only in the case of product wave functions. By appropriate Bell-like inequalities it is shown that no classical theory, in particular no stochastic process, can reproduce the quantum mechanical correlations of position variables of non interacting systems at different times.Comment: Plain Te

    Magnetic Schr\"odinger Operators as the Quasi-Classical Limit of Pauli-Fierz-type Models

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    We study the quasi-classical limit of the Pauli-Fierz model: the system is composed of finitely many non-relativistic charged particles interacting with a bosonic radiation field. We trace out the degrees of freedom of the field, and consider the classical limit of the latter. We prove that the partial trace of the full Hamiltonian converges, in resolvent sense, to an effective Schr\"odinger operator with magnetic field and a corrective electric potential that depends on the field configuration. Furthermore, we prove the convergence of the ground state energy of the microscopic system to the infimum over all possible classical field configurations of the ground state energy of the effective Schr\"odinger operator.Comment: 26 pages, pdfLatex. Final version to appear in J. Spectr. Theor

    Surface Superconductivity in Presence of Corners

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    We consider an extreme type-II superconducting wire with non-smooth cross section, i.e., with one or more corners at the boundary, in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. We prove the existence of an interval of values of the applied field, where superconductivity is spread uniformly along the boundary of the sample. More precisely the energy is not affected to leading order by the presence of corners and the modulus of the Ginzburg-Landau minimizer is approximately constant along the transversal direction. The critical fields delimiting this surface superconductivity regime coincide with the ones in absence of boundary singularities.Comment: 20 pages, pdfLaTex, 2 figure

    Local Density Approximation for Almost-Bosonic Anyons

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    We discuss the average-field approximation for a trapped gas of non-interacting anyons in the quasi-bosonic regime. In the homogeneous case, i.e., for a confinement to a bounded region, we prove that the energy in the regime of large statistics parameter, i.e., for "less-bosonic" anyons, is independent of boundary conditions and of the shape of the domain. When a non-trivial trapping potential is present, we derive a local density approximation in terms of a Thomas-Fermi-like model.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of QMath13: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, 8-11 October 2016, Atlanta, U

    Two-dimensional Time-dependent Point Interactions

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    We study the time-evolution of a quantum particle subjected to time-dependent zero-range forces in two dimensions. After establishing a conceivable ansatz for the solution to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation, we prove that the wave packet time-evolution is completely specified by the solutions of a system of Volterra-type equations -- the {\it charge equations} -- involving the coefficients of the singular part of the wave function, thus extending to the two-dimensional case known results in one and three dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, AMS-LaTex; presentation of the model changed, small changes to Lemma 2.1 and Proposition 2.

    Rapidly Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates in Homogeneous Traps

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    We extend the results of a previous paper on the Gross-Pitaevskii description of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in two-dimensional traps to confining potentials of the form V(r) = r^s, 2<s<∞2<s <\infty. Writing the coupling constant as 1/ϵ21/\epsilon^2 we study the limit ϵ→0\epsilon \to 0. We derive rigorously the leading asymptotics of the ground state energy and the density profile when the rotation velocity \Omega tends to infinity as a power of 1/ϵ1/\epsilon. The case of asymptotically homogeneous potentials is also discussed.Comment: LaTex2e, 16 page

    Vortex Phases of Rotating Superfluids

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    We report on the first mathematically rigorous proofs of a transition to a giant vortex state of a superfluid in rotating anharmonic traps. The analysis is carried out within two-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii theory at large coupling constant and large rotational velocity and is based on precise asymptotic estimates on the ground state energy. An interesting aspect is a significant difference between 'soft' anharmonic traps (like a quartic plus quadratic trapping potential) and traps with a fixed boundary. In the former case vortices persist in the bulk until the width of the annulus becomes comparable to the size of the vortex cores. In the second case the transition already takes place in a parameter regime where the size of vortices is very small relative to the width of the annulus. Moreover, the density profiles in the annulus are different in the two cases. In both cases rotational symmetry of the density in a true ground state is broken, even though a symmetric variational ansatz gives an excellent approximation to the energy.Comment: For the Proceedings of 21st International Laser Physics Workshop, Calgary, July 23-27, 201
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