217 research outputs found

    Development of hollow-core photonic bandgap fibres free of surface modes

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    Conventional optical fibres can only guide light in a high refractive index core by total internal reflection. By using total internal reflections it is not possible to guide light in an air core. Light guidance in air is of great interest for various technological and scientific applications and has only recently been possible with the advent of photonic band gap fibres. However, the transmission performance of silica/air hollow-core photonic bandgap fibres has until now been affected by the existence of surface modes. These surface modes couple with the air-guided mode in specific spectral ranges inside the bandgap simultaneously increasing the attenuation and dispersion of the air-guided mode and reducing the useable bandwidth of the fibre. Therefore, for many applications it is important to eliminate surface modes or at least reduce their impact on the air mode. The fabrication of the first hollow-core photonic bandgap fibre with no surface modes is presented in this thesis. The fibre has state-of-the-art attenuation over the full spectral width of the bandgap. As a result of the elimination of surface modes the fibre presents increased bandwidth, reduced dispersion and dispersion slope compared to previous hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers. These advances have been possible due to the development of a modified fabrication method which makes the production of low-loss hollow-core fibers both simpler and 5 to 6 times quicker than previously. This development makes hollow-core fibres with improved performance more readily available than ever before

    Complete Polarization Control in Multimode Fibers with Polarization and Mode Coupling

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    Multimode optical fibers have seen increasing applications in communication, imaging, high-power lasers and amplifiers. However, inherent imperfections and environmental perturbations cause random polarization and mode mixing, making the output polarization states very different from the input one. This poses a serious issue for employing polarization sensitive techniques to control light-matter interactions or nonlinear optical processes at the distal end of a fiber probe. Here we demonstrate a complete control of polarization states for all output channels by only manipulating the spatial wavefront of a laser beam into the fiber. Arbitrary polarization states for individual output channels are generated by wavefront shaping without constraint on input polarizations. The strong coupling between spatial and polarization degrees of freedom in a multimode fiber enables full polarization control with spatial degrees of freedom alone, transforming a multimode fiber to a highly-efficient reconfigurable matrix of waveplates

    Accurate Loss Prediction of Realistic Hollow-core Anti-resonant Fibers Using Machine Learning

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    Hollow-core anti-resonant fibers (HC-ARFs) have proven to be an indispensable platform for various emerging applications due to their unique and extraordinary optical properties. However, accurately estimating the propagation loss of nested HC-ARFs remains a challenging task due to their complex structure and the lack of precise analytical and theoretical models. To address this challenge, we propose a supervised machine-learning framework that presents an effective solution to accurately predict the propagation loss of a 5-tube nested HC-ARF. Multiple supervised learning models, including random forest, logistic regression, quadratic discriminant analysis, tree-based methods, extreme gradient boosting, and K-nearest neighbors are implemented and compared using a simulated dataset. Among these methods, the random forest algorithm is identified as the most effective, delivering accurate predictions. Notably, this study considers the impact of random structural perturbations on fiber geometry, encompassing random variations in tube wall thicknesses and tube gap separations. In particular, these perturbations involve randomly varying outer and nested tube wall thicknesses, tube angle offsets, and randomly distributed non-circular, anisotropic shapes within the cladding structure. It is worth noting that these specific perturbations have not been previously investigated. Each tube exhibits its unique set of random values, leading to longer simulation times for combinations of these values compared to regular random variables in HC-ARFs with similar tube characteristics. The comprehensive consideration of these factors allows for precise predictions, significantly contributing to the advancement of HC-ARFs for many emerging applications

    Multi-stage generation of extreme ultraviolet dispersive waves by tapering gas-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fibers

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    In this work, we numerically investigate an experimentally feasible design of a tapered Ne-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fiber and we report the generation of multiple dispersive waves (DWs) in the range 90-120 nm, well into the extreme ultraviolet (UV) region. The simulations assume an 800 nm pump pulse with 30 fs 10 μ\muJ pulse energy, launched into a 9 bar Ne-filled fiber with 34 μ34~\mum initial core diameter that is then tapered to a 10 μ10~\mum core diameter. The simulations were performed using a new model that provides a realistic description of both loss and dispersion of the resonant and anti-resonant spectral bands of the fiber, and also importantly includes the material loss of silica in the UV. We show that by first generating solitons that emit DWs in the far-UV region in the pre-taper section, optimization of the following taper structure can allow re-collision with the solitons and further up-conversion of the far-UV DWs to the extreme-UV with energies up to 190 nJ in the 90-120 nm range. This process provides a new way to generate light in the extreme-UV spectral range using relatively low gas pressure

    Composed multicore fiber structure for direction-sensitive curvature monitoring

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    The present work deals with a curvature sensor that consists of two segments of asymmetric multicore fiber (MCF) fusion spliced with standard single mode fiber (SMF). The MCF comprises three strongly coupled cores; one of such cores is at the geometrical center of the MCF. The two segments of MCF are short, have different lengths (less than 2 cm each), and are rotated 180 degrees with respect to each other. The fabrication of the sensor was carried out with a fusion splicing machine that has the means for rotating optical fibers. It is demonstrated that the sensor behaves as two SMF-MCF-SMF structures in series, and consequently, it has enhanced sensitivity. The device proposed here can be used to sense the direction and amplitude of curvature by monitoring either wavelength shifts or intensity changes. In the latter case, high curvature sensitivity was observed. The device can also be used for the development of other highly sensitive sensors to monitor, for example, vibrations, force, pressure, or any other parameter that induces periodic or local curvature or bending to the MCF segments

    White Gaussian Noise Based Capacity Estimate and Characterization of Fiber-Optic Links

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    We use white Gaussian noise as a test signal for single-mode and multimode transmission links and estimate the link capacity based on a calculation of mutual information. We also extract the complex amplitude channel estimations and mode-dependent loss with high accuracy.Comment: submitted to The Optical Networking and Communication Conference (OFC) 201