4,958 research outputs found

    High-velocity collimated outflows in planetary nebulae: NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47

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    We have obtained narrow-band images and high-resolution spectra of the planetary nebulae NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47, with the aim of investigating the relation between their main morphological components and several low-ionization features present in these nebulae. The data suggest that NGC 6337 is a bipolar PN seen almost pole on, with polar velocities higher than 200 km/s. The bright inner ring of the nebula is interpreted to be the "equatorial" density enhancement. It contains a number of low-ionization knots and outward tails that we ascribe to dynamical instabilities leading to fragmentation of the ring or transient density enhancements due to the interaction of the ionization front with previous density fluctuations in the ISM. The lobes show a pronounced point-symmetric morphology and two peculiar low-ionization filaments whose nature remains unclear. The most notable characteristic of He 2-186 is the presence of two high-velocity (higher than 135 km/s) knots from which an S-shaped lane of emission departs toward the central star. K 4-47 is composed of a compact core and two high-velocity, low-ionization blobs. We interpret the substantial broadening of line emission from the blobs as a signature of bow shocks, and using the modeling of Hartigan, Raymond, & Hartman (1987), we derive a shock velocity of 150 km/s and a mild inclination of the outflow on the plane of the sky. We discuss possible scenarios for the formation of these nebulae and their low-ionization features. In particular, the morphology of K 4-47 hardly fits into any of the usually adopted mass-loss geometries for single AGB stars. Finally, we discuss the possibility that point-symmetric morphologies in the lobes of NGC 6337 and the knots of He 2-186 are the result of precessing outflows from the central stars.Comment: 16 pages plus 7 figures, ApJ accepted. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    Kinematic and morphological modeling of the bipolar nebula Sa2-237

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    We present [OIII]500.7nm and Halpha+[NII] images and long-slit, high resolution echelle spectra in the same spectral regions of Sa2--237, a possible bipolar planetary nebula. The image shows a bipolar nebula of about 34" extent, with a narrow waist, and showing strong point symmetry about the central object, indicating it's likely binary nature. The long slit spectra were taken over the long axis of the nebula, and show a distinct ``eight'' shaped pattern in the velocity--space plot, and a maximum projected outflow velocity of V=106km/s, both typical of expanding bipolar planetary nebulae. By model fitting the shape and spectrum of the nebula simultaneously, we derive the inclination of the long axis to be 70 degrees, and the maximum space velocity of expansion to be 308 km/s. Due to asymmetries in the velocities we adopt a new value for the system's heliocentric radial velocity of -30km/s. We use the IRAS and 21cm radio fluxes, the energy distribution, and the projected size of Sa2-237 to estimate it's distance to be 2.1+-0.37kpc. At this distance Sa2-237 has a luminosity of 340 Lsun, a size of 0.37pc, and -- assuming constant expansion velocity -- a nebular age of 624 years. The above radial velocity and distance place Sa2--237 in the disk of the Galaxy at z=255pc, albeit with somewhat peculiar kinematics.Comment: 10pp, 4 fig

    Spatially resolved physical and chemical properties of the planetary nebula NGC 3242

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    Optical integral-field spectroscopy was used to investigate the planetary nebula NGC 3242. We analysed the main morphological components of this source, including its knots, but not the halo. In addition to revealing the properties ofthe physical and chemical nature of this nebula, we also provided reliable spatially resolved constraints that can be used for future photoionisation modelling of the nebula. The latter is ultimately necessary to obtain a fully self-consistent 3D picture of the physical and chemical properties of the object. The observations were obtained with the VIMOS instrument attached to VLT-UT3. Maps and values for specific morphological zones for the detected emission-lines were obtained and analysed with routines developed by the authors to derive physical and chemical conditions of the ionised gas in a 2D fashion. We obtained spatially resolved maps and mean values of the electron densities, temperatures, and chemical abundances, for specific morphological structures in NGC 3242. These results show the pixel-to-pixel variations of the the small- and large-scale structures of the source. These diagnostic maps provide information free from the biases introduced by traditional single long-slit observations. In general, our results are consistent with a uniform abundance distribution for the object, whether we look at abundance maps or integrated fluxes from specified morphological structures. The results indicate that special care should be taken with the calibration of the data and that only data with extremely good signal-to-noise ratio and spectral coverage should be used to ensure the detection of possible spatial variations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Knots in the outer shells of the planetary nebulae IC 2553 and NGC 5882

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    We present images and high-resolution spectra of the planetary nebulae IC 2553 and NGC 5882. Spatio-kinematic modeling of the nebulae shows that they are composed of a markedly elongated inner shell, and of a less aspherical outer shell expanding at a considerably higher velocity than the inner one. Embedded in the outer shells of both nebulae are found several low-ionization knots. In IC 2553, the knots show a point-symmetric distribution with respect to the central star: one possible explanation for their formation is that they are the survivors of pre-existing point-symmetric condensations in the AGB wind, a fact which would imply a quite peculiar mass-loss geometry from the giant progenitor. In the case of NGC 5882, the lack of symmetry in the distribution of the observed low-ionization structures makes it possible that they are the result of in situ instabilities.Comment: 20 pages including 1 table and 6 figures. ApJ accepted. Also available at http://andromeda.roque.ing.iac.es/~sanchez/ingpub/index2000.htm

    Jets, knots and tails in planetary nebulae: NGC 3918, K 1-2 and Wray 17-1

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    We analyze optical images and high-resolution, long-slit spectra of three planetary nebulae which possess collimated, low-ionization features. NGC 3918 is composed of an inner, spindle-shaped shell mildly inclined with respect to the plane of the sky. Departing from the polar regions of this shell, we find a two-sided jet expanding with velocities which increase linearly with distance from 50 to 100 km/s. The jet is probably coeval with the inner shell (with the age of approximately 1000 D yr, where D is the distance in kpc), suggesting that its formation should be ascribed to the same dynamical processes which also shaped the main nebula, and not to a more recent mass loss episode. We discuss the formation of the aspherical shell and jet in the light of current hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical theories. K 1-2 is a planetary nebula with a close binary nucleus which shows a collimated string of knots embedded in a diffuse, elliptical shell. The knots expand with a velocity similar to that of the elliptical nebula (25 km/s), except for an extended tail located out of the main nebula, which linearly accelerates up to 45 km/s. We estimate an inclination on the line of the sight of 40 degres for the string of knots; once the orientation of the orbit is also determined, this information will allow us to test the prediction of current theories of the occurrence of polar jets from close binary systems. Wray 17-1 has a complex morphology, showing two pairs of low-ionization structures located in almost perpendicular directions from the central star, and embedded in a large, diffuse nebula. The two pairs show notable similarities and differences, and their origin is very puzzling.Comment: 20 pages plus 10 figures. ApJ recently published (ApJ 523, 721 (1999)

    The large-scale ionised outflow of CH Cygni

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    HST and ground-based [OII} and [NII] images obtained from 1996 to 1999 reveal the existence of a ionised optical nebula around the symbiotic binary CH Cyg extending out to 5000 A.U. from the central stars. The observed velocity range of the nebula, derived from long-slit echelle spectra, is of 130 km/s. In spite of its complex appearence, the velocity data show that the basic morphology of the inner regions of the optical nebula is that of a bipolar (or conical) outflow extending nearly along the plane of the sky out to some 2000 A.U. from the centre. Even if the extension of this bipolar outflow and its position angle are consistent with those of the radio jet produced in 1984 (extrapolated to the time of our optical imagery), no obvious counterpart is visible of the original, dense radio bullets ejected by the system. We speculate that the optical bipolar outflow might be the remannt of the interaction of the bullets with a relatively dense circumstellar medium.Comment: 8 text pages + 3 figures (jpeg). ApJ in press. For a full PostScript version with figures inline see ftp://ftp.ll.iac.es/pub/research/preprints/PP252001.ps.g

    The physical parameters, excitation and chemistry of the rim, jets and knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009

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    We present long-slit optical spectra along the major axis of the planetary nebula NGC 7009. These data allow us to discuss the physical, excitation and chemical properties of all the morphological components of the nebula, including its remarkable systems of knots and jets. The main results of this analysis are the following: i) the electron temperature throughout the nebula is remarkably constant, T_e[OIII] = 10200K; ii) the bright inner rim and inner pair of knots have similar densities of N_e = 6000cm^{-3}, whereas a much lower density of N_e = 1500cm^{-3} is derived for the outer knots as well as for the jets; iii) all the regions (rim, inner knots, jets and outer knots) are mainly radiatively excited; and iv) there are no clear abundance changes across the nebula for He, O, Ne, or S. There is a marginal evidence for an overabundance of nitrogen in the outer knots (ansae), but the inner ones (caps) and the rim have similar N/H values that are at variance with previous results. Our data are compared to the predictions of theoretical models, from which we conclude that the knots at the head of the jets are not matter accumulated during the jet expansion through the circumstellar medium, neither can their origin be explained by the proposed HD or MHD interacting-wind models for the formation of jets/ansae, since the densities as well as the main excitation mechanisms of the knots, disagree with model predictions.Comment: Figure 1 was changed because features were misidentified in the previous version. 17 pages including 5 figures and 3 tables. ApJ in press. Also available at http://www.iac.es/galeria/denise
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