316 research outputs found

    The Influence of a Goalkeeper as an Outfield Player on Defensive Subsystems in Futsal

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the goalkeeper as an outfield player on defensive subsystems in the team sport of futsal. For this purpose, all sequences of play involving the goalkeeper (n = 65), and the sequences without a goalkeeper (controls) (n = 11), were selected from digital video footage of a futsal competition, and analysed using TACTO software. The defensive area, attacker-defender distance, and interception distance were used to examine players’ coordination tendencies as a team in completion of successful and unsuccessful passes and shots. Results showed that each team reduced its defensive area as well as its variability in situations where the goalkeeper acted as an outfield player. This finding implies that it was an effective defensive strategy because it led to emergence of more unsuccessful passes. It was also observed that the goalkeeper acting as an outfield player was an effective strategy for attacking in terms of increasing shots at goal

    Qualidade potencial dos cafés produzidos na "Região das Matas de Minas".

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    Em regiões de montanha, como característico na “Região das Matas de Minas”, a cafeicultura é uma atividade que depende de mão de obra, que além de cara está cada vez mais escassa, aumentando os custos de produção da atividade e com isso diminuindo a competitividade dos cafés no mercado mundial. Para que estes cafés produzidos na região se tornem mais competitivos, se faz necessário, o aumento da qualidade final dos mesmos. O café é um produto com aromas e sabores distintos que produz uma das bebidas mais difundidas no mundo, e tem o seu valor de mercado ajustado de acordo com a qualidade final da bebida, a qual pode ser influenciada por muitos fatores, tais como fatores ambientais e variedade da planta. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da encosta da montanha, altitude e variedade de planta sobre os valores médios dos atributos de qualidade potencial dos cafés produzidos na “Região das Matas de Minas” (entre faixas de altitudes pertencentes aos intervalos: EA < 700, 700 < EA ? 825, 825 < EA <950 e EA ? 950 metros acima do nível do mar). Frutos de café (Coffea arabica L.) das variedades Catuaí Vermelho e Catuaí Amarelo foram colhidos manualmente em ponto de maturação cereja. A colheita foi realizada em fazendas localizadas em quatorze dos 63 municípios que compõem a “Região das Matas de Minas”, distribuídos numa pequena parte da região do Vale do Rio Doce e uma maior parte na região da Zona da Mata, num território de Mata Atlântica, a Leste do estado de Minas Gerais

    Performance of Nellore Cattle under Two Grazing Management Systems

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing intensification on birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW, standartized to 205 days), average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADG), and gestation length (GL) of calves, cow weight at calving (CWC) and at weaning (CWW), cow condition score at calving (CCC) and at weaning (CCW), and BW/CWC (BWR), WW/CWC (WWRC) and WW/CWW (WWRW) ratios. One hundred and sixty eight Nellore calves born in 1998 and 1999, out of dams maintained in two grazing management systems were evaluated: an extensive 1.0 animal unity (AU). ha-1 system on unfertilized Brachiaria decumbens pasture (SR); and an intensive rotational 5.0 AU. ha-1 system on fertilized Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and cow-calf feed supplementation during dry season (SI). Analyses of variance showed a significant (P\u3c .01) system effect on CWW and CCW, independently of year of birth of calf, a significant (P\u3c .05 and P\u3c .01) year of birth x system interaction effect on WW, ADG, BWR, WWRC and WWRW, and no effect at all on BW, CWC, CCC and GL. Results suggest that benefits of intensification were through improving production per hectare and not per animal

    Genesis and classification of Nitisols from volcano-sedimentary lithology in northeastern Brazil.

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    On the southern coast of Pernambuco State (PE), Brazil, lithotypes of the Cabo Basin (volcanic and sedimentary rocks), in association with the relief, allow the determination of the dynamics of the formation of Nitossolos Háplicos (Nitisols), including those with high levels of exchangeable aluminum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of lithological diversity (basalt and sedimentary siliciclastic rocks) on the morphological, physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of Nitossolos Háplicos along a slope (P1-summit, P2-backslope, P3-footslope) on the southern coast of PE, in order to consider its genesis and the relation of soil properties to adjacent environments and to evaluate its framing within the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS). The interaction of lithology/soil permeability and climate indicate significant differences in the mineralogical composition and dynamics of soil chemical elements. The profiles P1 and P2 are subject to monosialitization, ferralitization, and alitization processes. All profiles showed high Fe contents (ferric soils) and clay fractions, consisting primarily of kaolinite, goethite, hematite, and gibbsite, as well as quartz and feldspar in the sand and silt fractions. However, smectite minerals (P3) are probably inherited from the sedimentary source material. In the conglomerate samples, under P3, biotite, muscovite, and plagioclase were identified. Allytic characteristics (P3) are probably associated with the weathering of aluminous smectite minerals. These properties distinguish these soils from adjacent Nitossolos and other Nitossolos in Brazil. For the classification of soils according to SiBCS, considering the high levels of Fe and Al, Nitossolo Háplico distroférrico (P1 and P2) and Nitossolo Háplico alitiférrico (P3) are suggested, and according to the World Reference Base of Soils (WRB), the soils are classified as Ferritic Nitisols

    Conservação de sementes de algodão sob condições tropicais úmidas.

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    Espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) como ferramenta complementar para a discriminação de sementes do gênero Paspalum.

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    A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) é sensível a transições de sobretons, ressonâncias e combinações dos modos vibracionais de ligações químicas

    Avaliação de critérios de classificação de Espodossolos do Pantanal Matogrossense e de Tabuleiros Costeiros relacionados ao Grupo Barreiras.

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    Sete perfis de solos de dois diferentes ambientes do Brasil, previamente classificados como Espodossolos, foram caracterizados física e quimicamente com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicação, ao sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos, de alguns atributos estabelecidos para "spodic horizon" e "spodic materials" (EUA, 1998)