8 research outputs found
Optimization of polymeric nanofiltration performance for olive-oil-washing wastewater phenols recovery and reclamation
The core of the present work was to model and optimize an environmentally friendly nanofiltration (NF) treatment process for two-phase olive-oil-washing wastewater (OOWW) valorization throughout the concentration and recovery of its phenolic fraction and the obtention of a purified permeate stream. For this objective, a factorial design was used for the optimization of the process. Results were interpreted by means of the response surface methodology. A statistical multifactorial analysis was performed in order to quantify all the potential complex conjugated effects of the input parameters in the NF process. The process was subsequently modelled by means of a second-grade quadratic fitting model equation. Finally, the parametric quality standards that permit to reuse the purified stream for irrigation, recycling or even discharge in-site reuse purposes were checked. To the author's knowledge, no previous work on the optimization and statistical modelling of membrane processes for OOWW purification and valorization can be found up to the present. The optimized parameters for the proposed OOWW purification process – operating pressure of 26.5 bar, tangential velocity 32.7 m s−1, system temperature 35 °C and pH of 3.7 – ensured high and stable membrane flux (106.2 L h−1 m−2). The obtained optimized data are very relevant for the feasible scale-up of the proposed process in the mills, since the NF membrane (TFC polyamide/polysulfone, MWCO 300 Da) was highly efficient at ambient temperature conditions and raw effluent pH. The optimized conditions provided a permeate stream that could be reused for irrigation purposes and a retantate stream concentrated in volume up to 6.5 times, with a total phenolic content of minimum 1315.7 mg/L.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is acknowledged for having funded the project CTM2014-61105-JIN ‘Design and development of an integral process for revalorization and treatment of the effluents from olive oil industry’, as well as the University of Granada
Testing of New Collectors for Concentration of Fluorite by Flotation in Pneumatic (Modified Hallimond Tube) and Mechanical Cells
Authors acknowledge to MINERA DE ÓRGIVA, S.L. company for their economic and technical
support and collaboration in the experimental tests.In this study, two new collectors for fluorite flotation DP-OMC-1033 (DP-I) and DP-OMC-1234
(DP-II) were tested and compared with oleic acid (OA), sodium oleate (SO) and potassium oleate
(PO). According to fluorite grade and fluorite metallurgical recovery, the effect of each collector
was determined, both in mechanical and pneumatic cell flotation. The effect of temperature on
the collectors from 25 to 55 ◦C was studied. Flotation tests showed that the best results in terms of
fluorite metallurgical recovery were 82.8% and 87.9% for new collectors DP-I and DP-II respectively,
for a dosage of 100 g/t and using pneumatic cell. Additionally, in terms of fluorite grade, DP-I showed
the best results, achieving 79.7% of CaF2 in roughing step for a dosage of 100 g/t. Fluorite metallurgical
recovery and grade in concentrate increased for OA, SO and PO with increasing temperature. However
temperature did not have a significant effect on both metallurgy recovery and CaF2 grade using DP-I
and DP-II, so the process can be effective at 25 ◦C reducing operating costs.Company MINERA DE ORGIVA, S.L., Spai
Optimal Depressants and Collector Dosage in Fluorite Flotation Process Based on DoE Methodology
Alternative processes have been proposed for selective separation of fluorite and gangue
minerals (carbonates and silicates) present in fluorspar ores. Calcination and gravity separation
processes are methods that have low efficiency and high cost. Flotation is a chemical process that
becomes important when high ore grades are required; however, the selectivity is inhibited by the
superficial similarity of the chemical composition of minerals. Accordingly, interactions between
dissolved ionic species of fluorite, carbonates, and silicates with some reagents under determinate
conditions obstruct the flotation process. In order to optimize the flotation process of a Spanish
fluorite ore, this research uses a mathematical model. In this study, the variables were the dose of
potato starch, quebracho tree, white dextrine, oleic acid, and sodium silicate. On the other hand,
the factors studied were the law of carbonates, silica, and fluorite, in addition to the metallurgical
recovery of fluorite. The statistical technique of factor analysis that relates the variables and factors
allowed to the optimization of the reagent dosage. Maximum metallurgical recovery was achieved
without sacrificing the fluorite grade. The mathematical model adjusts satisfactorily to the results
with a correlation coefficient of 91.58% for metallurgical recovery and 98.51% for fluorite grade.
Optimizing the process 60.45% of metallurgical recovery and 68.99% of fluorite grade are achieve
in the roughing step, using a dosage of 1.68 g.kg-1 of potato starch, 0.86 g.kg-1 of quebracho tree,
1.25 g.kg-1 of dextrin, 3 g.kg-1 of oleic acid, and 0.85 g.kg-1 of water glass.This research was funded by company MINERA DE ÓRGIVA, S.L., Spain”
Comparison Between Performance of Fluorite Flotation Under Different Depressants Reagents in Two Pieces of Laboratory Equipment
Fluorite is an important industrial mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2). This mineral is widely distributed through different deposits. However, in most cases, fluorite is tightly associated with gangue, such as calcite and quartz. In this paper, different depressants are tested in the flotation of fluorite in two different laboratory configurations—cell and column. Quebracho tree (QT) was tested as the main depressant in combination with white dextrin (WD), potato starch (PT), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP). The optimum pulp pH of the flotation of fluorite was determined as approximately 9.5–10. The best results are obtained using a combination of quebracho and white dextrin as depressants, reaching 74% of fluorite grade for modified column flotation and 70.5% for cell flotation. Additionally, the metallurgical recovery obtained higher values when the flotation was carried out in the modified column and using the same combination of depressant agents—75% for modified column flotation and 60% for flotation cellCompany MINERA DE ORGIVA, S.L., Spai
Mineral concentration through physicochemical methods. Application to obtain high-grade fluorite
En la elaboración de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha fijado como objetivo la concentración
de fluorita mediante el método de flotación con una doble vertiente medioambiental. En
primer lugar, se persigue el aprovechamiento y la revalorización de un residuo obtenido
en la concentración de minerales por métodos físicos; por otra parte, se trata de reducir
la cantidad de escombreras generadas en la extracción y concentración de minerales.
Con la reducción del volumen de escombreras se están eliminando alteraciones
medioambientales de la flora y fauna causantes de la explotación del yacimiento
En esta Tesis Doctoral se analiza la flotabilidad de los residuos generados en las
plantas de tratamiento de medios densos y espirales hasta lograr leyes de mineral
aceptadas en mercado.
La flotación de fluorita ya fue llevada a cabo en el yacimiento de Sierra de Lújar en
la década de 1970 por la empresa Sociedad Minero Metalúrgica de Peñarroya (SMMP),
sin embargo, se encontraron con diversos problemas que recogieron en informes
internos. La obtención de fluorita de grado ácido (>97,00% CaF2) se obtuvo mediante la
aplicación de altas temperaturas, elevadas dosis de reactivos y tratamiento del agua de
flotación, lo que hicieron poco rentable el proceso y altamente dependiente de los
precios de mercado.
En el primer capítulo de la presente Tesis Doctoral se lleva a cabo un estudio de las
principales variables físicas y químicas que afectan al proceso de flotación. Los
reactivos utilizados en este capítulo fueron los mismos que habían sido usados en la
década de 1970 por la empresa SMMP. En primer lugar, se realizó un diseño de
experimentos para determinar la concentración de reactivos óptima en el proceso de
flotación para el residuo de fluorita. Se estudiaron las dosis de almidón de patata,
quebracho, dextrina blanca, ácido oleico y silicato sódico. Todos los experimentos de
flotación se llevaron a cabo a escala de laboratorio en celda de flotación mecánica. Los
resultados se ajustaron satisfactoriamente al modelo matemático obteniendo unos
coeficientes de correlación del 91,58% para la recuperación metalúrgica y 98,51% para
la ley de fluorita en el concentrado. La optimización de resultados llevó a obtener, para
la etapa de desbaste, una recuperación de metalúrgica del 60,45% con una ley de
fluorita en el concentrado del 68,99%. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo otro diseño de
experimentos con las variables físicas; velocidad de agitación, caudal de aire y tiempo
además del pH del medio. La concentración de reactivos de flotación se fijó en los
valores óptimos obtenidos en el primer diseño. Los resultados de este segundo diseño de
experimentos fueron ajustados a un modelo matemático polinómico, obteniendo una ley
de fluorita del 76,21% y una recuperación metalúrgica del 70,57%.
En el segundo capítulo se estudian nuevos reactivos de flotación y fueron
comparados con los usados en el primer capítulo. También se lleva a cabo un estudio de
los diferentes equipos de flotación, celda mecánica y columna neumática, y cómo
actúan los distintos reactivos bajo ambas configuraciones. En primer lugar, se realizó un
estudio de los distintos depresores de carbonatos y silicatos, principales minerales
contaminantes del residuo de fluorita. Se estudiaron mezclas de quebracho con otros
depresores como son dextrina blanca, almidón de patata, carboximetil celulosa y hexafosfato sódico. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con la combinación de
quebracho y dextrina blanca alcanzando valores de ley de fluorita en el concentrado del
74,00% para la flotación en columna neumática y 70,50% para la flotación en celda
mecánica, ambos en la etapa de desbaste. Los valores de recuperación metalúrgica
también fueron más altos cuando se utilizó la misma mezcla de depresores y en la
configuración de columna neumática. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos cuando
solo se utilizó quebracho como depresor están cerca de los obtenidos con la mezcla
quebracho-dextrina blanca. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un estudio de los distintos
colectores de fluorita presentes en el mercado, ácido oleico, oleato sódico y oleato
potásico, así como algunos en desarrollo DP-OMC-1033 (DP-I) y DP-OMC-1234 (DPII).
Los colectores DP están formulados a partir de ácidos grasos (oleico, linoleico) y
ácido resinoso. DP-II lleva incorporado en su composición un espumante. Estos
colectores fueron estudiados bajo distintas dosis y rango de temperatura en celda de
flotación mecánica y columna neumática, ambos equipos a escala de laboratorio. Los
resultados mostraron que los mejores valores en términos de recuperación metalúrgica
se obtuvieron con el uso del colector DP-II, alcanzando un 87,90% bajo una
concentración de 100 g/ton. Sin embargo, el mejor resultado en cuanto a ley de fluorita
en el concentrado fue de 79,70% para la etapa de desbaste usando una dosis de 100
g/ton del colector DP-I. Con el aumento de la temperatura, desde los 25ºC hasta 55ºC,
todos los colectores experimentaron mejoras substanciales en cuanto a la recuperación
metalúrgica a excepción de los colectores DP-I y DP-II que solo mostraron ligeras
Por último, en el tercer capítulo, se llevó a cabo un escalado de la flotación en
columna neumática, diseñando una planta piloto compuesta por tres columnas de
flotación. Los buenos resultados obtenidos en la flotación de los residuos de fluorita
bajo la configuración en columna neumática en contra de los obtenidos en celda,
sirvieron de base para el escalado piloto. En primer lugar, se diseñó un circuito
compuesto por una etapa de desbaste y dos relaves. En base a los resultados obtenidos
en capítulos anteriores, se eligieron como reactivos de flotación el colector DP-II y el
depresor quebracho. Se probaron dos dosis de colector, una de 100 g/ton y otra de 150
g/ton. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una mejor recuperación metalúrgica cuando se
utiliza la alta concentración de colector, alcanzando valores globales de 80,30% con una
ley de fluorita en el segundo relave de 91,10%. A continuación, para intentar aumentar
el valor de recuperación metalúrgica global, se suprimió uno de los relaves,
convirtiéndolo en una etapa de agotamiento. En este nuevo circuito, el resultado de
recuperación metalúrgica global para una dosis de colector de 150 g/ton fue de 92,10%
con una ley de fluorita en el relave de 82,10%. Para finalizar, se estimó, en base a un
ajuste polinómico, el número de relaves necesarios para alcanzar fluorita de grado ácido
en el primer circuito, siendo necesarios un total de cuatro relaves cuando se usó una alta
concentración de colector y cinco cuando se utilizó una concentración baja.flotation technique, minimizing the environmental impact. On one hand, it seeks to
revalue a residue obtained in the concentration of minerals by physical methods. On the
other hand, it is about reducing the amount of waste mineral generated in the extraction
and concentration of minerals. With the reduction of the volume of dumps,
environmental alterations of the flora and fauna that cause the exploitation of the
mineral deposit are being eliminated.
This Doctoral Thesis analyzes the flotability of the tailings generated both in the
treatment plant of dense media and spirals until reaching grades accepted in the market.
Fluorite flotation was already carried out in the Sierra de Lújar deposit in the 1970s
by the company Sociedad Minero Metalúrgica de Peñarroya (SMMP). However, they
found several problems in the process that were collected in internal reports. Acid grade
fluorite (> 97.00% CaF2) was obtained by applying high temperatures, high doses of
reagents, and treatment of flotation water, which made the process unprofitable and
highly dependent on market prices.
In the first chapter of this Doctoral Thesis, a study of the main physical and chemical
variables that affect the flotation process is carried out. The reagents used in this chapter
were the same used in the 1970s by the SMMP company. First, a design of experiments
was performed to determine the optimum reagent concentration in the flotation process
for the fluorite residue. The doses of potato starch, quebracho, white dextrin, oleic acid,
and sodium silicate were studied. All flotation experiments were carried out on a
laboratory scale in a mechanical flotation cell. The results were satisfactorily adjusted to
the mathematical model, obtaining correlation coefficients of 91.58% for the
metallurgical recovery and 98.51% for the fluorite grade in the concentrate. The
optimization of results led to obtaining, for the roughing stage, a metallurgical recovery
of 60.45% with a fluorite grade in the concentrate of 68.99%. Later, another design of
experiments was carried out with the physical variables; agitation speed, air flow, and
time in addition to the pH of the medium. The concentration of flotation reagents was
set at the optimal values obtained in the first design. The results of this second design of
experiments were adjusted to a polynomial mathematical model, obtaining a fluorite
grade of 76.21% and a metallurgical recovery of 70.57%.
In the second chapter, new flotation reagents were studied and compared with those
used in the first chapter. The studies were carried out under two different flotation
equipment (mechanical cell and pneumatic column) to show how the different reagents
act under both configurations. First, mixtures of quebracho with other depressants such
as white dextrin, potato starch, carboxymethyl cellulose, and sodium hexaphosphate
were studied. The best results were obtained with the combination of quebracho and
white dextrin, achieving fluorite grade values in the concentrate of 74.00% in pneumatic
column and 70.50% in the mechanical cell, both in the stage of roughing. Metallurgical
recovery values were also higher when the same depressor mix was used with the
pneumatic column configuration. However, the results obtained when only quebracho
was used as a depressant are close to those obtained with the quebracho-dextrin
mixture. Subsequently, a study was carried out of the different fluorite collectors present in the market, oleic acid, sodium oleate, and potassium oleate, as well as some
under development DP-OMC-1033 (DP-I) and DP-OMC-1234 (DP-II). DP collectors
are formulated from fatty acids (oleic, linoleic) and resinous acid. DP-II incorporates a
sparkling wine in its composition. These collectors were studied under different doses
and temperature ranges in a mechanical flotation cell and a pneumatic column, both
equipment on a laboratory scale. The results showed that the best values in terms of
metallurgical recovery were obtained with the use of the DP-II collector, reaching
87.90% under a concentration of 100 g/ton. However, the best result in terms of fluorite
grade in the concentrate was 79.70% for the roughing stage using a dose of 100 g/ton
from the DP-I collector. With the increase in temperature, from 25ºC to 55ºC, all the
collectors experienced substantial improvements in terms of metallurgical recovery
except for the DP-I and DP-II collectors, which only showed slight improvements.
Finally, in the third chapter, a pneumatic column flotation scaling was carried out,
designing a pilot plant composed of three flotation columns. First configuration
consisted in a roughing stage and two cleaners. Based on the results obtained in
previous chapters, the DP-II collector and the quebracho depressor were chosen as
flotation reagents. Two collector doses were tested: 100 g/ton and 150 g/ton. The results
obtained showed a better metallurgical recovery when the high collector concentration
was used, reaching a global value of 80.30% with a fluorite grade in the second cleaner
of 91.10%. Then, in an attempt to increase the overall metallurgical recovery value, one
of the cleaners was removed, making it a scavenging stage. In this new circuit, the
overall metallurgical recovery for a collector dose of 150 g/ton, was 92.10% with a
fluorite grade in the cleaner stage of 82.10%. Finally, the number of tailings needed to
reach acid-grade fluorite in the first circuit was estimated, based on a polynomial fit.
Four cleaners were necessary when a high concentration of collector was used and five
when a low concentration of collector was used.Tesis Univ. Granada
Organic/TiO2 nanocomposite membranes. Recent developments
Fuel cells may become a key energy management, but technical and economic feasibility still need to be sensibly improved. Many studies in order to overcome the limits of the technology are nowadays in progress. A promising and interesting development solution appears to be the improvement of the membrane properties used in fuel cells by nanotechnologies. In this book chapter, a review on the recent developments about organic/TiO 2 nanocomposite membranes will be presented, and the results obtained in the recent years will be discussed. As a main issue, polymer composites containing a small amount of inorganic materials lead to a significant increment in the interfacial area of the organic-inorganic phases, enhancing a considerable volume fraction of the interfacial polymer. Moreover, these composite systems may be capable to provide unique combination of organic properties, such as electrical property and processability, together with inorganic, comprising thermal and chemical stability and minor fuel permeability. To sum up, the organic-inorganic composite systems might also provide improved chemical and mechanical stability, as well as high proton conductivity at high temperatures
Optimal Depressants and Collector Dosage in Fluorite Flotation Process Based on DoE Methodology
Alternative processes have been proposed for selective separation of fluorite and gangue
minerals (carbonates and silicates) present in fluorspar ores. Calcination and gravity separation
processes are methods that have low efficiency and high cost. Flotation is a chemical process that
becomes important when high ore grades are required; however, the selectivity is inhibited by the
superficial similarity of the chemical composition of minerals. Accordingly, interactions between
dissolved ionic species of fluorite, carbonates, and silicates with some reagents under determinate
conditions obstruct the flotation process. In order to optimize the flotation process of a Spanish
fluorite ore, this research uses a mathematical model. In this study, the variables were the dose of
potato starch, quebracho tree, white dextrine, oleic acid, and sodium silicate. On the other hand,
the factors studied were the law of carbonates, silica, and fluorite, in addition to the metallurgical
recovery of fluorite. The statistical technique of factor analysis that relates the variables and factors
allowed to the optimization of the reagent dosage. Maximum metallurgical recovery was achieved
without sacrificing the fluorite grade. The mathematical model adjusts satisfactorily to the results
with a correlation coefficient of 91.58% for metallurgical recovery and 98.51% for fluorite grade.
Optimizing the process 60.45% of metallurgical recovery and 68.99% of fluorite grade are achieve
in the roughing step, using a dosage of 1.68 g.kg-1 of potato starch, 0.86 g.kg-1 of quebracho tree,
1.25 g.kg-1 of dextrin, 3 g.kg-1 of oleic acid, and 0.85 g.kg-1 of water glass.This research was funded by company MINERA DE ÓRGIVA, S.L., Spain”
Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas (MAES) : Servicios a la Comunidad
620 páginas. 2 versiones: pdf web (lectura en pantalla) y pdf print (para impresión con mayor calidad).Esta publicación incluye un módulo genérico y otro específico (Servicios a la Comunidad). El Título de Máster de Profesorado en la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía atiende a la demanda de estudiantes que se orientan profesionalmente hacia la docencia en niveles de Educación Secundaria Profesional, y en especial para la docencia en Formación Profesional, y lo hace como continuación del proyecto colaborativo de las Universidades Públicas de Andalucía en la formación del profesorado de Secundaria y Formación Profesional. El análisis comparativo de la titulación de MAES en las universidades españolas ha permitido conocer bien la estructura del plan de estudios ofrecida por dichas universidades. De este modo, se ha podido diseñar un plan de estudios singular y diferenciado por su transversalidad en la formación complementaria (optatividad), que pasa a los referidos módulos genérico y específico