77 research outputs found

    Interactive Co-Design of Form and Function for Legged Robots using the Adjoint Method

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    Our goal is to make robotics more accessible to casual users by reducing the domain knowledge required in designing and building robots. Towards this goal, we present an interactive computational design system that enables users to design legged robots with desired morphologies and behaviors by specifying higher level descriptions. The core of our method is a design optimization technique that reasons about the structure, and motion of a robot in coupled manner in order to achieve user-specified robot behavior, and performance. We are inspired by the recent works that also aim to jointly optimize robot's form and function. However, through efficient computation of necessary design changes, our approach enables us to keep user-in-the-loop for interactive applications. We evaluate our system in simulation by automatically improving robot designs for multiple scenarios. Starting with initial user designs that are physically infeasible or inadequate to perform the user-desired task, we show optimized designs that achieve user-specifications, all while ensuring an interactive design flow.Comment: 8 pages; added link of the accompanying vide

    Ungar \unicode{x2013} A C++ Framework for Real-Time Optimal Control Using Template Metaprogramming

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    We present Ungar, an open-source library to aid the implementation of high-dimensional optimal control problems (OCPs). We adopt modern template metaprogramming techniques to enable the compile-time modeling of complex systems while retaining maximum runtime efficiency. Our framework provides syntactic sugar to allow for expressive formulations of a rich set of structured dynamical systems. While the core modules depend only on the header-only Eigen and Boost.Hana libraries, we bundle our codebase with optional packages and custom wrappers for automatic differentiation, code generation, and nonlinear programming. Finally, we demonstrate the versatility of Ungar in various model predictive control applications, namely, four-legged locomotion and collaborative loco-manipulation with multiple one-armed quadruped robots. Ungar is available under the Apache License 2.0 at https://github.com/fdevinc/ungar.Comment: 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 7 pages, 2 figures. Library available at https://github.com/fdevinc/ungar. Presentation available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKQ6felf45

    A Mollification Scheme for Task and Motion Planning

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    Task and motion planning is one of the key problems in robotics today. It is often formulated as a discrete task allocation problem combined with continuous motion planning. Many existing approaches to TAMP involve explicit descriptions of task primitives that cause discrete changes in the kinematic relationship between the actor and the objects. In this work we propose an alternative approach to TAMP which does not involve explicit enumeration of task primitives. Instead, the actions are represented implicitly as part of the solution to a nonlinear optimization problem. We focus on decision making for robotic manipulators, specifically for pick and place tasks, and show several possible extensions. We explore the efficacy of the model through a number of simulated experiments involving multiple robots, objects and interactions with the environment.Comment: Submitted to IEEE IROS 202

    Neural Metamaterial Networks for Nonlinear Material Design

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    Nonlinear metamaterials with tailored mechanical properties have applications in engineering, medicine, robotics, and beyond. While modeling their macromechanical behavior is challenging in itself, finding structure parameters that lead to ideal approximation of high-level performance goals is a challenging task. In this work, we propose Neural Metamaterial Networks (NMN) -- smooth neural representations that encode the nonlinear mechanics of entire metamaterial families. Given structure parameters as input, NMN return continuously differentiable strain energy density functions, thus guaranteeing conservative forces by construction. Though trained on simulation data, NMN do not inherit the discontinuities resulting from topological changes in finite element meshes. They instead provide a smooth map from parameter to performance space that is fully differentiable and thus well-suited for gradient-based optimization. On this basis, we formulate inverse material design as a nonlinear programming problem that leverages neural networks for both objective functions and constraints. We use this approach to automatically design materials with desired strain-stress curves, prescribed directional stiffness and Poisson ratio profiles. We furthermore conduct ablation studies on network nonlinearities and show the advantages of our approach compared to native-scale optimization