42 research outputs found
Coral adaptive capacity insufficient to halt global transition of coral reefs into net erosion under climate change
Projecting the effects of climate change on net reef calcium carbonate production is critical to understanding the future impacts on ecosystem function, but prior estimates have not included corals\u27 natural adaptive capacity to such change. Here we estimate how the ability of symbionts to evolve tolerance to heat stress, or for coral hosts to shuffle to favourable symbionts, and their combination, may influence responses to the combined impacts of ocean warming and acidification under three representative concentration pathway (RCP) emissions scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). We show that symbiont evolution and shuffling, both individually and when combined, favours persistent positive net reef calcium carbonate production. However, our projections of future net calcium carbonate production (NCCP) under climate change vary both spatially and by RCP. For example, 19%-35% of modelled coral reefs are still projected to have net positive NCCP by 2050 if symbionts can evolve increased thermal tolerance, depending on the RCP. Without symbiont adaptive capacity, the number of coral reefs with positive NCCP drops to 9%-13% by 2050. Accounting for both symbiont evolution and shuffling, we project median positive NCPP of coral reefs will still occur under low greenhouse emissions (RCP2.6) in the Indian Ocean, and even under moderate emissions (RCP4.5) in the Pacific Ocean. However, adaptive capacity will be insufficient to halt the transition of coral reefs globally into erosion by 2050 under severe emissions scenarios (RCP8.5)
Country Concepts and the Rational Actor Trap: Limitations to Strategic Management of International NGOs
Growing criticism of inefficient development aid demanded new planning instruments of donors, including international NGOs (INGOs). A reorientation from isolated project-planning towards holistic country concepts and the increasing rationality of a result-orientated planning process were seen as answer. However, whether these country concepts - newly introduced by major INGOs too - have increased the efficiency of development cooperation is open to question. Firstly, there have been counteracting external factors, like the globalization of the aid business, that demanded structural changes in the composition of INGO portfolios towards growing short-term humanitarian aid; this was hardly compatible with the requirements of medium-term country planning. Secondly, the underlying vision of rationality as a remedy for the major ills of development aid was in itself a fallacy. A major change in the methodology of planning, closely connected with a shift of emphasis in the approach to development cooperation, away from project planning and service delivery, towards supporting the socio-cultural and political environment of the recipient communities, demands a reorientation of aid management: The most urgent change needed is by donors, away from the blinkers of result-orientated planning towards participative organizational cultures of learning.Des critiques croissantes de l'aide au dĂ©veloppement inefficace exigent de nouveaux instruments de planification des bailleurs de fonds, y compris les ONG internationales (ONGI). Une rĂ©orientation de la planification des projets isolĂ©s vers des concepts holistiques de la planification de lâaide par pays ainsi que la rationalitĂ© croissante d'un processus de planification orientĂ©e vers les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme rĂ©ponse. Toutefois, si ces concepts de pays - nouvellement introduites par les grandes OING eux aussi - ont augmentĂ© l'efficacitĂ© de la coopĂ©ration au dĂ©veloppement est ouvert Ă la question. Tout d'abord, il y a eu lâimpact des facteurs externes, comme la mondialisation de l'entreprise de l'aide, qui a exigĂ© des changements structurels dans la composition des portefeuilles des OING vers la croissance de l'aide humanitaire Ă court terme. Cela Ă©tait difficilement compatible avec les exigences de l'amĂ©nagement du territoire Ă moyen terme. DeuxiĂšmement, la vision sous-jacente de la rationalitĂ© accrue de la planification, concentrĂ© sur les resultats, comme un remĂšde pour les grands maux de l'aide au dĂ©veloppement Ă©tait en soi une erreur. Un changement majeur dans la mĂ©thodologie de la planification, Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă un changement d'orientation dans l'approche de la coopĂ©ration au dĂ©veloppement, qui nâest pas concentrer sur planification du projet et la prestation de services, mais qui soutienne l'environnement socio-culturel et politique des communautĂ©s bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires, exige une rĂ©orientation de la gestion de lâaide: Le changement le plus urgent est un changement par les donateurs eux-mĂȘmes, qui devrait implanter des cultures de collaboration Ă©troit avec les partenaires et la population locale
Macroalgae as ecosystem engineers and the implications for ocean acidification
Ocean acidification (hereafter OA) is the process of increasing surface seawater CO2 and decreasing pH. OA is predicted to negatively impact many calcareous species, including coralline macroalgae. However, pH also varies in seawater surrounding macroalgae due to their metabolic activity. Research within this thesis examined how larger canopy-forming macroalgae (Carpophyllum maschalocarpum) and smaller articulate coralline macroalgae (ACA) altered the pH microenvironment at the surface of crustose coralline macroalgae (CCA). Larger canopy-forming macroalgae reduced the velocity of seawater through their canopies, which magnified changes in pH occurring at the surface of CCA (pH increasing in the light and decreasing in the dark) through increasing the concentration boundary layer (CBL) thickness. Smaller ACA Corallina officinalis also reduced seawater velocity through their canopies, but not to the same extent as Carpophyllum maschalocarpum, resulting in smaller changes in pH and thinner CBLs. Further research confirmed that these changes in pH also occur when pH in the bulk seawater is reduced to levels comparable to that expected to occur by 2100 due to OA. CCA under the ACA species Arthrocardia corymbosa increased pH at their surface under slow seawater velocities (0 â 1.5 cm s-1) up to ambient seawater pH in the light (8.00) when placed in seawater with a bulk pH of 7.65.
pH measured within a kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) bed around Otago, New Zealand (the collection site of A. corymbosa) showed that pH variability within macroalgal beds can be high, with pH varying between 7.5 and 9.1 units. To investigate the impacts of OA and variability in pH on coralline macroalgae, A. corymbosa was grown under 4 different pH treatments for 40 days (2 means: pH 8.05 and 7.65; and two levels of variability: <0.01 and increasing by 0.40 units from the mean during the day and decreasing by 0.40 units from the mean at night). A. corymbosa growth was reduced by both decreases in mean pH and by increases in pH variability. However, the recruitment of juvenile coralline macroalgae, and all other measured aspects of the physiology of adults were not impacted by pH. During this experiment the CBL was reduced by high flow rates, but in a subsequent experiment the effects of the absence and presence of a thick CBL at pH 8.05 and 7.65 was investigated by modifying the flow conditions that A. corymbosa was grown under. Seawater velocity and pH interacted to influence the growth and calcification of A. corymbosa. At pH 8.05 growth and calcification rates was higher at fast velocities, but at pH 7.65 growth and calcification rates was significantly higher under slow seawater velocity. This means that the effects of OA could be ameliorated at slow flows for calcareous organisms that are capable of photosynthesizing, where the pH micro-environment is altered favouring higher calcification rates during the day.
The work in this thesis emphasizes that macroalgae are capable of acting as ecosystem engineers, altering both their chemical and physical environment in a way not previous examined. Also, their ability to alter their physical micro-environment has flow on effects for their chemical micro-environment. This alteration of their micro-environment has implications for both coralline macroalgae, and potentially other species that live within macroalgal beds. Organisms inhabiting macroalgal beds will encounter both flower flow rates and a more variable pH environment, which will likely modulate their response to OA
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic rates of macroalgae
Increasing concentrations of surface-seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) (ocean acidification) could favour seaweed species that currently are limited for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Among them, those that are unable to use CO2-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) to actively uptake bicarbonate (HCO3â) across the plasmalemma are most likely to benefit. Here, we assess how the DIC uptake and photosynthetic rates of three rhodophytes without CCMs respond to four seawater CO2 concentrations representing pre-industrial (280 ÎŒatm), present-day (400 ÎŒatm), representative concentration pathway (RCP) emissions scenario 8.5 2050 (650 ÎŒatm) and RCP 8.5 2100 (1000 ÎŒatm). We demonstrated that the photosynthetic rates of only one species increase between the preindustrial and end-of-century scenarios, but because of differing photosynthetic quotients (DIC taken up relative to O2 evolved), all three increase their DIC uptake rates from pre-industrial or present-day scenarios to the end-of-century scenario. These variable, but generally beneficial, responses highlight that not all species without CCMs will respond to ocean acidification uniformly. This supports past assessments that, on average, this group will likely benefit from the impacts of ocean acidification. However, more concerted efforts are now required to assess whether similar benefits to photosynthetic rates and DIC uptake are also observed in chlorophytes and ochrophytes without CCMs
Seawater carbonate chemistry and pH at the site of calcification within the calcifying fluid/medium of coralline algae in laboratory experiment
Coralline algae provide important ecosystem services but are susceptible to the impacts of ocean acidification. However, the mechanisms are uncertain, and the magnitude is species specific. Here, we assess whether species-specific responses to ocean acidification of coralline algae are related to differences in pH at the site of calcification within the calcifying fluid/medium (pHcf) using delta 11B as a proxy. Declines in delta 11B for all three species are consistent with shifts in delta 11B expected if B(OH)4- was incorporated during precipitation. In particular, the delta11B ratio in Amphiroa anceps was too low to allow for reasonable pHcf values if B(OH)3 rather than B(OH)4- was directly incorporated from the calcifying fluid. This points towards delta 11B being a reliable proxy for pHcf for coralline algal calcite and that if B(OH)3 is present in detectable proportions, it can be attributed to secondary postincorporation transformation of B(OH)4-. We thus show that pHcf is elevated during calcification and that the extent is species specific. The net calcification of two species of coralline algae (Sporolithon durum, and Amphiroa anceps) declined under elevated CO2, as did their pHcf. Neogoniolithon sp. had the highest pHcf, and most constant calcification rates, with the decrease in pHcf being 1/4 that of seawater pH in the treatments, demonstrating a control of coralline algae on carbonate chemistry at their site of calcification. The discovery that coralline algae upregulate pHcf under ocean acidification is physiologically important and should be included in future models involving calcification
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coral calcifying fluid pH and calcification
Evaluating the factors responsible for differing species-specific sensitivities to declining seawater pH is central to understanding the mechanisms via which ocean acidification (OA) affects coral calcification. We report here the results of an experiment comparing the responses of the coral Acropora yongei and Pocillopora damicornis to differing pH levels (8.09, 7.81, and 7.63) over an 8-week period. Calcification of A. youngei was reduced by 35% at pH 7.63, while calcification of P. damicornis was unaffected. The pH in the calcifying fluid (pHcf) was determined using delta 11B systematics, and for both species pHcf declined slightly with seawater pH, with the decrease being more pronounced in P. damicornis. The dissolved inorganic carbon concentration at the site of calcification (DICcf) was estimated using geochemical proxies (B/Ca and delta 11B) and found to be double that of seawater DIC, and increased in both species as seawater pH decreased. As a consequence, the decline of the saturation state at the site of calcification (Ωcf) with OA was partially moderated by the DICcf increase. These results highlight that while pHcf, DICcf and Ωcf are important in the mineralization process, some corals are able to maintain their calcification rates despite shifts in their calcifying fluid carbonate chemistry
Seawater carbonate chemistry and concentration boundary layers around complex assemblages of macroalgae in a laboratory experiment
Metabolic processes have the potential to modulate the effects of ocean acidification (OA) in nearshore macroalgal beds. We investigated whether natural mixed assemblages of the articulate coralline macroalgae Arthrocardia corymbosa and understory crustose coralline algae (CCA) altered pH and O2 concentrations within and immediately above their canopies. In a unidirectional flume, we tested the effect of water velocity (0-0.1 m/s), bulk seawater pH (ambient pH 8.05, and pH 7.65), and irradiance (photosynthetically saturating light and darkness) on pH and O2 concentration gradients, and the derived concentration boundary layer (CBL) thickness. At bulk seawater pH 7.65 and slow velocities (0 and 0.015 m/s), pH at the CCA surface increased to 7.90-8.00 in the light. Although these manipulations were short term, this indicates a potential daytime buffering capacity that could alleviate the effects of OA. Photosynthetic activity also increased O2 concentrations at the surface of the CCA. However, this moderating capacity was flow dependent; the CBL thickness decreased from an average of 26.8 mm from the CCA surface at 0.015 m/s to 4.1 mm at 0.04 m/s. The reverse trends occurred in the dark, with respiration causing pH and O2 concentrations to decrease at the CCA surface. At all flow velocities the CBL thicknesses (up to 68 mm) were much greater than those previously published, indicating that the presence of canopies can alter the CBL substantially. In situ, the height of macroalgal canopies can be an order of magnitude larger than those used here, indicating that the degree of buffering to OA will be context dependent
Seawater carbonate chemistry and fertilization rate of Mytilus galloprovincialis
Ocean acidification (OA) poses a major threat to marine organisms, particularly during reproduction when externally shed gametes are vulnerable to changes in seawater pH. Accordingly, several studies on OA have focused on how changes in seawater pH influence sperm behavior and/or rates of in vitro fertilization. By contrast, few studies have examined how pH influences prefertilization gamete interactions, which are crucial during natural spawning events in most externally fertilizing taxa. One mechanism of gamete interaction that forms an important component of fertilization in most taxa is communication between sperm and eggâderived chemicals. These chemical signals, along with the physiological responses in sperm they elicit, are likely to be highly sensitive to changes in seawater chemistry. In this study, we experimentally tested this possibility using the blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, a species in which females have been shown to use eggâderived chemicals to promote the success of sperm from genetically compatible males. We conducted trials in which sperm were allowed to swim in gradients of eggâderived chemicals under different seawater CO2 (and therefore pH) treatments. We found that sperm had elevated fertilization rates after swimming in the presence of eggâderived chemicals in low pH (pH 7.6) compared with ambient (pH 8.0) seawater. This observed effect could have important implications for the reproductive fitness of external fertilizers, where gamete compatibility plays a critical role in modulating reproduction in many species. For example, elevated sperm fertilization rates might disrupt the eggs' capacity to avoid fertilizations by genetically incompatible sperm. Our findings highlight the need to understand how OA affects the multiple stages of spermâegg interactions and to develop approaches that disentangle the implications of OA for female, male, and population fitness
Growth response of an early successional assemblage of coralline algae and benthic diatoms to ocean acidification
The sustained absorption of anthropogenically released atmospheric CO2 by the oceans is modifying seawater carbonate chemistry, a process termed ocean acidification (OA). By the year 2100, the worst case scenario is a decline in the average oceanic surface seawater pH by 0.3 units to 7.75. The changing seawater carbonate chemistry is predicted to negatively affect many marine species, particularly calcifying organisms such as coralline algae, while species such as diatoms and fleshy seaweed are predicted to be little affected or may even benefit from OA. It has been hypothesized in previous work that the direct negative effects imposed on coralline algae, and the direct positive effects on fleshy seaweeds and diatoms under a future high CO2 ocean could result in a reduced ability of corallines to compete with diatoms and fleshy seaweed for space in the future. In a 6-week laboratory experiment, we examined the effect of pH 7.60 (pH predicted to occur due to ocean acidification just beyond the year 2100) compared to pH 8.05 (present day) on the lateral growth rates of an early successional, cold-temperate species assemblage dominated by crustose coralline algae and benthic diatoms. Crustose coralline algae and benthic diatoms maintained positive growth rates in both pH treatments. The growth rates of coralline algae were three times lower at pH 7.60, and a non-significant decline in diatom growth meant that proportions of the two functional groups remained similar over the course of the experiment. Our results do not support our hypothesis that benthic diatoms will outcompete crustose coralline algae under future pH conditions. However, while crustose coralline algae were able to maintain their presence in this benthic rocky reef species assemblage, the reduced growth rates suggest that they will be less capable of recolonizing after disturbance events, which could result in reduced coralline cover under OA conditions
Experimental results for Ecklonia radiata growth and in situ incubation experiments and in situ measurements of pH within E. radiata beds in south eastern Tasmania
Ocean acidification (OA) is the reduction in seawater pH due to the absorption of human-released CO2 by the world's oceans. The average surface oceanic pH is predicted to decline by 0.4 units by 2100. However, kelp metabolically modifies seawater pH via photosynthesis and respiration in some temperate coastal systems, resulting in daily pH fluctuations of up to ±0.45 units. It is unknown how these fluctuations in pH influence the growth and physiology of the kelp, or how this might change with OA. In laboratory experiments that mimicked the most extreme pH fluctuations measured within beds of the canopy-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata in Tasmania, the growth and photosynthetic rates of juvenile E. radiata were greater under fluctuating pH (8.4 in the day, 7.8 at night) than in static pH treatments (8.4, 8.1, 7.8). However, pH fluctuations had no effect on growth rates and a negative effect on photosynthesis when the mean pH of each treatment was reduced by 0.3 units. Currently, pH fluctuations have a positive effect on E. radiata but this effect could be reversed in the future under OA, which is likely to impact the future ecological dynamics and productivity of habitats dominated by E. radiata