14 research outputs found

    Metallo-catalyzed couplings and heterocyclizations : synthetic approach to mirabalin.

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    Les enchaĂźnements polyĂ©niques linĂ©aires sont des motifs couramment rencontrĂ©s dans de nombreuses molĂ©cules naturelles. L'accĂšs Ă  ces structures nĂ©cessite souvent des rĂ©actifs fonctionnalisĂ©s dont la synthĂšse est parfois longue et laborieuse. Nous dĂ©crivons dans ce manuscrit une nouvelle mĂ©thode efficace et rapide de couplage de Heck entre un iodure vinylique fonctionnalisĂ© par un boronate MIDA et des olĂ©fines variĂ©es pour accĂ©der Ă  des boronates MIDA diĂ©niques. Ces briques molĂ©culaires stables ont Ă©tĂ© valorisĂ©es par la formation de polyĂšnes fonctionnalisĂ©s.Cette stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă  la synthĂšse du systĂšme pentaĂ©nique de la mirabaline, un macrolide Ă  activitĂ© anticancĂ©reuse isolĂ© d'une Ă©ponge marine. Ce manuscrit prĂ©sente la synthĂšse des diffĂ©rents fragments de la mirabaline impliquĂ©s dans une approche synthĂ©tique mise au point en collaboration avec l'Ă©quipe de Chimie ParisTech. Outre les enchaĂźnements polyĂ©niques, les motifs 1,2-diol, 1,3-diol et 1,3-aminoalcool reprĂ©sentent aussi des structures d’intĂ©rĂȘt. Nous avons mis au point une mĂ©thode Ă©cocompatible de cyclisation d’éthers d’hydroxylamine, d’hydroxylamines et de carbonates linĂ©aires sur des acĂ©tates allyliques activĂ©s par un acide de Lewis pour accĂ©der de maniĂšre diastĂ©rĂ©osĂ©lective Ă  des isoxazolidines vinyliques ou des carbonates cycliques vinyliques.Linear polyenic units are ubiquitous motifs in natural products. Accessing these structures often requires bifunctionalized reagents whose syntheses are sometimes long and tough. We describe in this manuscript a new efficient and fast method of Heck coupling between a alkenyl iodide functionalized with a MIDA boronate group and various olefins to access dienic MIDA boronates. Those stable building blocks have been used for the formation of functionalized polyenes. This strategy has been applied to the synthesis of the pentaenic moiety of the mirabalin, a macrolide isolated from a marine sponge exhibiting an anticancer activity. This manuscript presents the syntheses of the different fragments of mirabaline involved in a synthetic approach developed in collaboration with the Chimie ParisTech team. Apart from polyenic moieties, 1,2-diol, 1,3-diol and 1,3-aminoalcohol units also represent interesting structures. We have developed an ecofriendly cyclization of hydroxylamine ethers, hydroxylamines and linear carbonates on allylic acetates activated by a Lewis acid to access diastereoselectively vinylic isoxazolidines or vinylic cyclic carbonates

    Multigram synthesis of an orthogonally-protected pentasaccharide for use as a glycan precursor in a <i>Shigella flexneri</i> 3a conjugate vaccine: application to a ready-for-conjugation decasaccharide

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    International audienceThe rapidly growing interest in carbohydrate-based bioactive molecules calls for strategies enabling the appropriate design and large-scale delivery of the glycan moiety. Herein, we describe the robust and high-yielding chemical synthesis of an orthogonally-protected pentasaccharide intended for use as a central building block in vaccine development against Shigella flexneri 3a. Elaborated from advanced crystalline intermediates and fine-tuned catalytic processes facilitating regio-and stereoselective conversions, a robust [2 + 3] strategy was designed, which avoided several tedious purifications and efficiently delivered multigram amounts of the target pentasaccharide. Conversion of this intermediate into a donor and a linker-equipped acceptor then merging then into the frame of a [5 + 5] glycosylation step furnished a decasaccharide encompassing one trichloroacetamide moiety per repeat. Chemoselective delevulination and subsequent Pd(OH) 2-mediated hydrogenolysis enabling concomitant hydrodechlorination and azide reduction gave the ready-for-conjugation dimer of the repeating unit of the O-antigen from S. flexneri 3a featuring the natural stoichiometric O-acetylation. The proof-of-concept was established, opening the way to larger S. flexneri 3a oligosaccharides and fine-tuned glycoconjugates

    ADP‐heptose is a newly identified pathogen‐associated molecular pattern of Shigella flexneri

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    International audienceDuring an infection, the detection of pathogens is mediated through the interactions between pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and pathogen recognition receptors. ÎČ-Heptose 1,7-bisphosphate (ÎČHBP), an intermediate of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis pathway, was recently identified as a bacterial PAMP. It was reported that ÎČHBP sensing leads to oligomerization of TIFA proteins, a mechanism controlling NF-ÎșB activation and pro-inflammatory gene expression. Here, we compare the ability of chemically synthesized ÎČHBP and Shigella flexneri lysate to induce TIFA oligomerization in epithelial cells. We find that, unlike bacterial lysate, ÎČHBP fails to initiate rapid TIFA oligomerization. It only induces delayed signaling, suggesting that ÎČHBP must be processed intracellularly to trigger inflammation. Gene deletion and complementation analysis of the LPS biosynthesis pathway revealed that ADP-heptose is the bacterial metabolite responsible for rapid TIFA oligomerization. ADP-heptose sensing occurs down to 10-10 M. During S. flexneri infection, it results in cytokine production, a process dependent on the kinase ALPK1. Altogether, our results rule out a major role of ÎČHBP in S. flexneri infection and identify ADP-heptose as a new bacterial PAMP

    Heck Coupling Using a Vinyliodo-MIDA Boronate: An Efficient and Modular Access to Polyene Frameworks

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    A simple Heck coupling between an alkenyl iodo-boronate and a variety of terminal olefins is disclosed. This method gives access to a wide range of dienic moieties including valuable bis-functionalized dienes. The synthetic potential of the coupling reaction is demonstrated by a short and modular preparation of several tetraenic compounds

    Synthetic Studies toward the C14–C29 Fragment of Mirabalin

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    A convergent synthesis of one isomer of the C14–C29 fragment of mirabalin is disclosed. The key steps include a Marshall allenylation, a Mukaiyama aldol reaction and a Crimmins aldolization, which allow the control of 10 out of 25 stereogenic centers present in the molecule

    Synthetic Strategy toward the C44–C65 Fragment of Mirabalin

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    A convergent and flexible stereoselective synthesis of one isomer of the C44–C65 fragment of mirabalin is described. The key steps include organocatalytic aldolization, ruthenium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation, amide formation, Marshall stereoselective allenylation, and the Nozaki–Hiyama–Kishi reaction

    Optimization of a Novel Series of TRPV4 Antagonists with In Vivo Activity in a Model of Pulmonary Edema

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    High-throughput screening and subsequent hit optimization identified 1-piperidinylbenzimidazoles, exemplified by compound <b>1</b>, as TRPV4 inhibitors. Lead optimization identified potent TRPV4 blocker <b>19</b>, which has good target activity and pharmacokinetic properties. Inhibitor <b>19</b> was then profiled in an in vivo rat model, demonstrating its ability to inhibit TRPV4-mediated pulmonary edema