50 research outputs found

    Recurrent Evolution of Melanism in South American Felids

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    Morphological variation in natural populations is a genomic test bed for studying the interface between molecular evolution and population genetics, but some of the most interesting questions involve non-model organisms that lack well annotated reference genomes. Many felid species exhibit polymorphism for melanism but the relative roles played by genetic drift, natural selection, and interspecies hybridization remain uncertain. We identify mutations of Agouti signaling protein (ASIP) or the Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) as independent causes of melanism in three closely related South American species: the pampas cat (Leopardus colocolo), the kodkod (Leopardus guigna), and Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi). To assess population level variation in the regions surrounding the causative mutations we apply genomic resources from the domestic cat to carry out clone-based capture and targeted resequencing of 299 kb and 251 kb segments that contain ASIP and MC1R, respectively, from 54 individuals (13–21 per species), achieving enrichment of ~500–2500-fold and ~150x coverage. Our analysis points to unique evolutionary histories for each of the three species, with a strong selective sweep in the pampas cat, a distinctive but short melanism-specific haplotype in the Geoffroy’s cat, and reduced nucleotide diversity for both ancestral and melanism-bearing chromosomes in the kodkod. These results reveal an important role for natural selection in a trait of longstanding interest to ecologists, geneticists, and the lay community, and provide a platform for comparative studies of morphological variation in other natural populations

    Fate and Complex Pathogenic Effects of Dioxins and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Obese Subjects before and after Drastic Weight Loss

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    BACKGROUND: In humans, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are stored primarily in adipose tissue. Their total body burden and their contribution to obesity-associated diseases remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We characterized POP total body burden and their redistribution in obese individuals before and after drastic weight loss and compared these values with a variety of molecular, biological, and clinical parameters. METHODS: Seventy-one obese subjects were enrolled and underwent bariatric surgery. Blood and adipose tissue samples were obtained at different times from these individuals as well as from 18 lean women. RESULTS: POP content (17 dioxins/furans and 18 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners) in different adipose tissue territories was similar, allowing us to assess total POP body burden from a single biopsy. Total POP body burden was 2 to 3 times higher in obese than in lean individuals. We also found increased expression of some POP target genes in obese adipose tissue. Drastic weight loss led to increased serum POPs and, within 6-12 months, to a significant 15% decrease in total polychlorinated biphenyl body burden. Importantly, serum POP levels were positively correlated with liver toxicity markers and lipid parameters, independently of age and body mass index. CONCLUSIONS: POP content in adipose tissue and serum correlate with biological markers of obesity-related dysfunctions. Drastic weight loss leads to a redistribution of POPs and to a moderate decrease of their total body burden

    Developmental mechanisms of stripe patterns in rodents

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    Mammalian color patterns are among the most recognizable characters found in nature and can have a profound impact on fitness. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying their formation and subsequent evolution. Here we show that, in the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio), periodic dorsal stripes result from underlying differences in melanocyte maturation, which give rise to spatial variation in 6hair color,and we identify the transcription factor Alx3 as a regulator of this process.In 7embryonic dorsal skin, patterned expression of Alx3 foreshadows pigment stripes and acts 8to directly repress Mitf, a master regulator of melanocyte differentiation, giving rise to 9light-colored hair. Moreover, Alx3 is also upregulated in the light stripes of chipmunks, 10which have independently evolved a similar dorsal pattern.Our results reveal a 11previously unappreciated mechanism for modulating spatial variation in hair color and provide new insight into the ways in which phenotypic novelty evolves.Organismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Adipose Gene Expression Prior to Weight Loss Can Differentiate and Weakly Predict Dietary Responders

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    BACKGROUND: The ability to identify obese individuals who will successfully lose weight in response to dietary intervention will revolutionize disease management. Therefore, we asked whether it is possible to identify subjects who will lose weight during dietary intervention using only a single gene expression snapshot. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study involved 54 female subjects from the Nutrient-Gene Interactions in Human Obesity-Implications for Dietary Guidelines (NUGENOB) trial to determine whether subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression could be used to predict weight loss prior to the 10-week consumption of a low-fat hypocaloric diet. Using several statistical tests revealed that the gene expression profiles of responders (8-12 kgs weight loss) could always be differentiated from non-responders (<4 kgs weight loss). We also assessed whether this differentiation was sufficient for prediction. Using a bottom-up (i.e. black-box) approach, standard class prediction algorithms were able to predict dietary responders with up to 61.1%+/-8.1% accuracy. Using a top-down approach (i.e. using differentially expressed genes to build a classifier) improved prediction accuracy to 80.9%+/-2.2%. CONCLUSION: Adipose gene expression profiling prior to the consumption of a low-fat diet is able to differentiate responders from non-responders as well as serve as a weak predictor of subjects destined to lose weight. While the degree of prediction accuracy currently achieved with a gene expression snapshot is perhaps insufficient for clinical use, this work reveals that the comprehensive molecular signature of adipose tissue paves the way for the future of personalized nutrition

    Un modèle d'abstraction multi-instance pour l'analyse fonctionnelle des interactions transcriptionnelles

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    L exploration à grande échelle des interactions moléculaires qui constituent les environnements cellulaires suscite actuellement un grand intérêt. Malgré cela, des questions analytiques difficiles, soulevées par l intrication profonde des phénomènes biologiques exprimés dans les signatures omiques de ces systèmes, demeurent non résolues. Nous sommes partis des preuves expérimentales récentes, suggérant l émergence d un fort déterminisme fonctionnel dans la structuration des interactions omiques, pour imaginer une approche originale d analyse fonctionnelle intégrée des réseaux transcriptionnels. Une caractérisation préalable des profils fonctionnels des conditions expérimentales étudiées est réalisée à travers l analyse de l enrichissement des thèmes annotant les rôles biologiques des transcrits. Des abstractions multi-instance sont construites pour relier les thèmes génomiques aux transcrits annotés et quantifier leur proximité dans l espace des profils d expression. Une extension non supervisée du modèle de l apprentissage multi-instance est développée et proposée comme cadre analytique pour explorer la trame fonctionnelle des réseaux transcriptionnels. Les solutions algorithmiques développées ont été comparées aux approches conventionnelles, en application à l'analyse des profils transcriptomiques du tissu adipeux humain dans les différents stades de l obésité, ainsi qu à l exploration du cycle cellulaire chez la levure. Notre évaluation démontre une nette supériorité des approches fonctionnelles, à la fois en termes de pertinence biologique et de portée analytique. Nous présentons aussi une série d arguments analytiques et expérimentaux suggérant que la synthèse excessive de composants de la matrice extracellulaire pourrait jouer un rôle médiateur clé dans la chaine physiopathologique qui relie l inflammation locale à l altération métabolique du tissu adipeux chez l obèse.PARIS13-BU Sciences (930792102) / SudocSudocFranceF