21 research outputs found

    Sustainable Rural Development under Agenda 2030

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    The rural environment is a complex system in which the differences in development are evident both at the subnational and international level. The difficulties related to methodological analysis are due to such rural diversity and the partial lack of comparable indicators which lead to the development of objectives and indicators that respond to both national and international needs. Harmonization should be easier in view of the common goal, but policies and strategies do not always provide the required coherence. The presence of programmatic documents such as the Agenda 2030 reveals a path that can lead to good practices and reliable results even if they do not offer universal or global certainties

    L’influence de la migration internationale sur la natalite en Roumanie contemporaine

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    Studiul de faţă propune o analiză preliminară a raporturilor dintre componentele migraţiei internaţionale şi dinamica populaţiei din România contemporană. Un prim aspect tratat este acela al efectelor induse de migraţia internaţională asupra evoluţiei indicatorilor esenţiali ai fertilităţii populaţiei. Concluziile converg spre existenţa unei corelaţii puternice, cu nuanţe regionale evidente dar care în esenţă impun o politică mai fermă în direcţia prevenţiei unor fenomene derivate extrem de grave dintre care abandonarea copiilor poate avea efecte pe termen lung

    Rural waste disposal issues within urban borders

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    The paper examines the waste management issues in the villages annexed to administrative-territorial units of the Romanian cities which have been frequently neglected by urban waste operators. The lack of waste collection services in such peri-urban communities favored the illegal waste disposal practices particularly prior to EU accession. The extension of waste collection services from main cities to such areas is compulsory in order to mitigate the environmental risks and the public health threats. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste susceptible to be uncontrolled disposed of by peri-urban villages in different geographical areas of North-East region with a particular focus on Neamt county. The paper points out that these rural settlements should receive the same attention concerning the municipal waste management services as the main urban areas. Traditional recovery of waste fractions at the household level (e.g., home composting) should be further promoted in such areas in order to avoid illegal dumping issue and to prevent the landfill of biodegradable waste as requested by EU regulations

    Introductory Chapter: The Need to Change the Paradigm - Sustainability and Development at the 21st Century

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    Since the second half of the twentieth century, the big processes of globalization of the economy, coupled with the development of new technologies and the increase of the population, have led to the emergence of major environmental problems whose importance transcends beyond the limits of the countries, in a manner that we could say that they are global impacts. These problems include, among others, the ozone layer depletion, the climate change due to the greenhouse gas emission, or the depletion of natural resources. Industry, as well as modern societies, must face this challenge, changing their consumption patterns, increasing product life, banishing the concept of "use and throw away," and changing from the traditional productive systems to a more sustainable ones

    Transition démocratique en Roumanie et implications spatiales

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    In 1989, when the communist political regime collapsed, Romania was considered the country that had faced the most ferocious dictatorship of the entire East – European block of communist countries. The freedom won in 1989 has induced radical changes, the post – revolution period representing a race against time in the attempt to pass over many handicaps. At the beginning, the democratic one was the most difficult of all. The enthusiasm of the electing population that took part in the free democratic elections in May 1990 gradually faded away until the next elections. This raises the following question: Isn’t democracy faulted? The Romanian transition has many specificities and it is obvious that the economic transition affects and influences the democratic one. The political class plays a major part in shaping the policies that an economy, a society must follow. The lack of political will in accomplishing the political, fiscal and economic decentralization has caused numerous delays, contradictions and endless political debates. The spatial implications of the democratic transition can be noticed at different scales even if they are not totally functional. We refer here to a political will and to the understanding of democracy, decentralization representing the key to solve out many problems, of participative democracy included. The new Romanian society relies on the new juridical and economic relations created after 1990. Liberalism has had a major impact. It is only the mentality of people and of the political class that has to undergo more changes

    A tourist survey on the Romanian seaside

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    The Romanian seaside, a magnet for Scandinavian tourists in the past, encounters nowadays difficulties in finding its own place in the regional context of the Black Sea. Despite stagnation in modernising tourism structures, during the months of July and August the coast is full of tourists. The main focus of this survey is to identify the raisons of the tourist choices and the main issues in Romanian coastal tourism

    Modelling spatial accessibility to medical care. Case study of the North-Eastern Region of Romania

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    Providing the entire population with the same accessibility to services of general interest is among the priorities of EU policy. Among these services, those concerned with medical treatment occupy a special place due to their social and economic importance. The study raises the issue of modelling the population’s spatial accessibility to medical services in the North-Eastern Region of Romania. A trans-scalar methodology that has been tailored to the specific features of the Romanian medical system was employed for computing indexes of accessibility. The methodology brings together into one synthetic indicator five hierarchical levels of analysis, the geographical proximity of service centres, their degree of attractiveness and the potential need for medical services at local level. The results highlight areas with different levels of accessibility to medical services and their dysfunctionalities according to each variable employed in the analysis


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    The article describes the main theoretical framework concerning the interpretation of the cultural tourism heritage, by emphasizing the principles of the interpretation, its role in the present challenges created by the tourism development in the new globalized world. The tourism demand trends show that there is an increasing of the numbers of visitors who desire to understand the past, the old cultures, to learn about different cultures and local communities’ way of living, about the architecture and history at the destination. In this context, the interpretation of the cultural heritage has to be appropriated to this democratization of cultural tourism and also to take into account the new technologies which can contribute to achieving the goals of a sustainable tourism

    Dynamique de la structure économique en Roumanie et l'impact sur le marché du travail

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    In this paper, the ?visualization? of the structural changes in the labour market is based on the analysis of the dynamics of various economic and social indicators, their magnitude and structure, which have a strong impact on the labour market. Finally, it is contoured the present labour market structure and its behaviour. Also it is used to individualise the profile of the counties and development regions using the occupied population by sectors and activities.structural changes, labour market, regional profile, Romania