766 research outputs found

    An efficient, economical slow-freezing method for large-scale human embryonic stem cell banking

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are one of the most interesting cell types for tissue engineering, cell therapy, basic scientific research, and drug screening. Fast advancement in these areas requires the availability of large amounts of safe and well-characterized hESCs from hESC banks. Therefore, optimized freezing protocols, allowing the cryopreservation of large amounts of hESC without direct contact with liquid nitrogen, need to be established. In this study, 6 different cryoprotector combinations [dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethylene glycol, and hydroxyethylstarch (HES)] combined with 2 different application methods were screened with the VUB01 cell line, to establish a new slow-freezing protocol with high recovery rates and a good expansion capacity. Our best conditions were confirmed in 4 other hESC lines: H1, H9, 181, and UGent2. To our knowledge, this is the first time that HES is evaluated as a cryoprotector for hESCs. The use of 5% DMSO + 5% HES combined with a new detachment protocol leads to efficient hESC cryopreservation. This protocol involves treating the hESC colonies with cell dissociation solution, a mild dissociation solution uncommonly used for hESC culture. A recovery ratio ranging from 45.5% to 168.2% was obtained, and these were significantly different from the other tested conditions (Student's t-test, P < 0.05). The cryopreserved hESCs were morphologically comparable to control cells, exhibited a good expansion profile, were positive for pluripotent expression markers, and could still differentiate into the 3 germ layers. This new protocol allows efficient and economical hESC cryopreservation, ideal for hESC banking

    Relative size selection of a conjugated polyelectrolyte in virus-like protein structures

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    A conjugated polyelectrolyte poly[(2-methoxy-5-propyloxy sulfonate)-phenyl-ene vinylene] (MPS-PPV) drives the assembly of virus capsid proteins to form single virus-like particles (VLPs) and aggregates with more than two VLPs, with a relative selection of high molecular weight polymer in the latter

    The role of scaffold architecture and composition on the bone formation by adipose-derived stem cells

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    Scaffold architecture and composition are crucial parameters determining the initial cell spatial distribution and consequently bone tissue formation. Three-dimensional poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with a 0/90° lay-down pattern were plotted and subjected to 1) an oxygen plasma (PCL O) or 2) a post-argon plasma modification with gelatine and fibronectin (PCL Fn). These scaffolds with an open pore structure were compared with more compact scaffolds fabricated by conventional processing techniques: oxidized polylactic acid (LA O) and collagen (COL) scaffolds. Human adipose tissue derived stem cell/scaffold interaction was studied. The study revealed that the biomimetic surface modification of plotted scaffolds did not increase the seeding efficiency. The proliferation and colonization was superior for PCL Fn in comparison with PCL O. The plotted PCL Fn was completely colonized throughout the scaffold whereas conventional scaffolds only at the edge. Protein-based scaffolds (PCL Fn and COL) enhanced the differentiation, although plotted scaffolds showed a delay in their differentiation compared with compact scaffolds. In conclusion, protein modification of plotted PCL scaffolds enhances uniform tissue formation but shows a delayed differentiation in comparison with compact scaffolds. The present study demonstrates that biomimetic PCL scaffolds could serve as a guiding template to obtain a uniform bone tissue formation in vivo

    Design and fabrication of a low cost implantable bladder pressure monitor

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    In the frame of the Flemish Community funded project Bioflex we developed and fabricated an implant for short term (< 7 days) bladder pressure monitoring, and diagnosis of incontinence. This implant is soft and flexible to prevent damaging the bladder's inner wall. It contains a standard flexible electronic circuit connected to a battery, which are embedded in surface treated silicone to enhance the biocompatibility and prevent salt deposition. This article describes the fabrication of the pill and the results of preliminary cytotoxicity tests. The electronic design and its tests, implantation and the result of the in-vivo experimentation will be presented in other articles
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