10 research outputs found

    Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers

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    StraĂźner C, Gewalt SC, Becker von Rose P, Lorenzen D, Szecsenyi J, Bozorgmehr K. Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers. BJGP Open. 2017;1(3):BJGP-2017-0112

    Holistic care program for elderly patients to integrate spiritual needs, social activity, and self-care into disease management in primary care (HoPES3): study protocol for a cluster-randomized trial

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    Background: Strategies to improve the care of elderly, multimorbid patients frequently focus on implementing evidence-based knowledge by structured assessments and standardization of care. In Germany, disease management programs (DMPs), for example, are run by general practitioners (GPs) for this purpose. While the importance of such measures is undeniable, there is a risk of ignoring other dimensions of care which are essential, especially for elderly patients: their spiritual needs and personal resources, loneliness and social integration, and self-care (i.e., the ability of patients to do something on their own except taking medications to increase their well-being). The aim of this study is to explore whether combining DMPs with interventions to address these dimensions is feasible and has any impact on relevant outcomes in elderly patients with polypharmacy. Methods: An explorative, cluster-randomized controlled trial with general practices as the unit of randomization will be conducted and accompanied by a process evaluation. Patients aged 70 years or older with at least three chronic conditions receiving at least three medications participating in at least one DMP will be included. The control group will receive DMP as usual. In the intervention group, GPs will conduct a spiritual needs assessment during the routinely planned DMP appointments and explore whether the patient has a need for more social contact or self-care. To enable GPs to react to such needs, several aids will be provided by the study: a) training of GPs in spiritual needs assessment and training of medical assistants in patient counseling regarding self-care and social activity; b) access to a summary of regional social offers for seniors; and c) information leaflets on nonpharmacological interventions (e.g., home remedies) to be applied by patients themselves to reduce frequent symptoms in old age. The primary outcome is health-related self-efficacy (using the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale (SES-6G)). Secondary outcomes are general self-efficacy (using the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES)), physical and mental health (using the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12)), patient activation (using the Patient Activation Measure (PAM)), medication adherence (using the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS)), beliefs in medicine (using the Beliefs About Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ)), satisfaction with GP care (using selected items of the European Project on Patient Evaluation of General Practice (EUROPEP)), social contacts (using the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6)), and loneliness (using the 11-item De-Jong-Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGS-11)). Interviews will be conducted to assess the mechanisms, feasibility, and acceptability of the interventions. Discussion: If the interventions prove to be effective and feasible, large-scale implementation should be sought and evaluated by a confirmatory design. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS), DRKS00015696 . Registered on 22 January 2019

    Improving continuity of patient care across sectors: study protocol of a quasi-experimental multi-centre study regarding an admission and discharge model in Germany (VESPEERA)

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    Background: Hospitalisations are a critical event in the care process. Insufficient communication and uncoordinated follow-up care often impede the recovery process of the patient resulting in a high number of rehospitalisations and increased health care costs. The overall aim of this study is the development, implementation and evaluation of a structured programme (VESPEERA) to improve the admission and discharge process. Methods: We will conduct an open quasi-experimental multi-centre study with four intervention arms. A cohort selected from insurance claims data will serve as a control group reflecting usual care. The intervention will be implemented in 25 hospital departments and 115 general practices in 9 districts in Baden-Wurttemberg. Eligibility criteria for patients are: age > 18 years, hospital admission or hospitalisation, insurance at the sickness fund “AOK Baden-Wurttemberg”, enrolment in general practice-centred care contract. Each study arm will receive different intervention components based on the point of study enrolment and the patient’s medical need. The interventions comprise a) a structured assessment in the general practice prior to admission resulting in an admission letter b) a discharge conversation by phone between hospital and general practice, c) a structured assessment and care plan post-discharge and d) telephone monitoring for patients with a high risk of rehospitalisation. The assessments are supported by a software tool (“CareCockpit”), originally developed for structured case management programmes. The primary outcome (rehospitalisation due to the same indication within 90 days) and a range of secondary outcomes (rehospitalisation due to the same indication within 30 days; hospitalisations due to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions; delayed prescription of medication and medical products/ devices and referral to other health practitioner/s after discharge; utilisation of emergency or rescue services within 3 months; average care cost per year and patient participating in the VESPEERA programme) and quality indicators will be determined based on insurance claims data and CareCockpit data. Additionally, a patient survey on satisfaction with cross-sectoral care and health related quality of life will be conducted. Discussion: Based on the results, area-wide implementation in usual care is well sought. This study will contribute to an improvement of cross-sectoral care during the admission and discharge process. Trial registration: DRKS00014294 on DRKS / Universal Trial Number (UTN): U1111–1210-9657, Date of registration 12/06/2018

    Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Strukturen der medizinischen Versorgung in den Aufnahmeeinrichtungen für Geflüchtete. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Studie RESPOND: Entwicklung und Evaluation kontextspezifischer Interventionen zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden

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    Mit den zunehmenden Flüchtlingszahlen seit 2015 wurden in den Aufnahmeeinrichtungen der Länder medizinische Ambulanzen für Geflüchtete eingerichtet. Diese sind notwendig, da verschiedene Barrieren den Zugang zu Angeboten der Regelversorgung für diese Bevölkerungsgruppe einschränken. Die „ad hoc“ entstandenen Strukturen der Ambulanzen sind mangels bundesweiter Standards jedoch sehr unterschiedlich, und oft nicht an die gesundheitlichen Bedarfe der untergebrachten Geflüchteten angepasst. Um den rechtlichen Anforderungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene gerecht zu werden und die Nachhaltigkeit der gesundheitlichen Versorgung sicherzustellen, ist es erforderlich in den medizinischen Ambulanzen klare Informations-, Finanz-, Logistik- und Personalstrukturen zu schaffen, welche sich proaktiv an die Bedarfe der sich ständig ändernden Population Geflüchteter anpassen können. Um dies zu ermöglichen ist es erforderlich, regelmäßig und auf einer soliden Datengrundlage die Bedarfe der Geflüchteten in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen zu ermitteln, zum Beispiel durch Gesundheitsmonitoring oder Statistiken aus elektronischen Dokumentationssystemen. Hierdurch können das Versorgungsangebot vor Ort, inklusive des Ärztespektrums, Einsatz von nicht-ärztlichem Personal, sowie Öffnungszeiten an die Bedarfe angepasst werden. Gleichzeitig werden auf Ebene der zuständigen Behörden klar strukturierte Abläufe benötigt, die für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Versorgungseffizienz sorgen. Dazu gehören ein regelmäßiger Austausch zwischen allen Akteuren, ein Finanzierungsmechanismus, der die die Gesundheitskosten gerecht verteilt, ein elektronisches Abrechnungssystem sowie klar definierte Arznei- und Hilfsmittellisten. Im Jahr 2019 befinden sich die Akteure der Gesundheitsversorgung von Geflüchteten in Deutschland in einer besonderen Situation: die Anzahl neu registrierter Asylsuchenden geht zurück, und es kann nun aus den vergangenen vier Jahren Bilanz gezogen werden. Dabei sollte die Verstetigung von guter Praxis und erfolgreichen Strukturen im Zentrum stehen, damit die gesundheitliche Versorgung auch bei wieder zunehmenden Flüchtlingszahlen bedarfsgerecht, effizient und qualitativ hochwertig durchgeführt wird

    Early evaluation of experiences of health care providers in reception centers with a patient-held personal health record for asylum seekers: a multi-sited qualitative study in a German federal state

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    Jahn R, Ziegler S, Nöst S, Gewalt SC, Straßner C, Bozorgmehr K. Early evaluation of experiences of health care providers in reception centers with a patient-held personal health record for asylum seekers: a multi-sited qualitative study in a German federal state. Globalization and Health. 2018;14(1): 71

    Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Strukturen der medizinischen Versorgung in den Aufnahmeeinrichtungen für Geflüchtete. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Studie RESPOND: Entwicklung und Evaluation kontextspezifischer Interventionen zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden

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    Biddle LR, Wahedi K, Jahn R, Straßner C, Kratochwill S, Bozorgmehr K. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Strukturen der medizinischen Versorgung in den Aufnahmeeinrichtungen für Geflüchtete. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Studie RESPOND: Entwicklung und Evaluation kontextspezifischer Interventionen zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden. Heidelberg University Library; 2019

    The impact of patient-held health records on continuity of care among asylum seekers in reception centres: a cluster-randomised stepped wedge trial in Germany

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    Straßner C, Noest S, Preussler S, et al. The impact of patient-held health records on continuity of care among asylum seekers in reception centres: a cluster-randomised stepped wedge trial in Germany. BMJ Global Health. 2019;4(4): e001610.The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a patient-held health record (PHR) for asylum seekers on the availability of health-related information.An explorative, cluster-randomised stepped-wedge trial with reception centres as unit of randomisation was conducted. All reception centres (n=6) in two large administrative areas in South Germany with on-site health services were included. All physicians working at these centres were invited to participate in the study. The intervention was the implementation of a PHR. The primary outcome was the prevalence of written health-related information. Secondary outcomes were the physicians’ dissatisfaction with the available written information and the prevalence of missing health-related information. All outcomes were measured at the level of patient–physician contacts by means of a standardised questionnaire, and analysed in logistic multi-level regression models.We obtained data on 2308 patient–physician contacts. The presence of the PHR increased the availability of health-related information (adjusted OR (aOR), 20.3, 95% CI: 12.74 to 32.33), and tended to reduce missing essential information (aOR 0.71, 95% CI: 0.39 to 1.26) and physicians’ dissatisfaction with available information (aOR 0.5, 95% CI: 0.24 to 1.04). The availability of health-related information in the post-intervention period was higher (aOR 4.22, 95% CI: 2.64 to 6.73), missing information (aOR 0.89, 95% CI: 0.42 to 1.88) and dissatisfaction (aOR 0.43, 95% CI: 0.16 to 1.14) tended to be lower compared with the pre-intervention period. Healthcare planners should consider introducing PHRs in reception centres or comparable facilities. Future research should focus on the impact of PHRs on clinical outcomes and on intersectoral care.. Registered 24 November 2016. Retrospectively registered. http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN1321271

    Hospital Admission and Discharge: Lessons Learned from a Large Programme in Southwest Germany

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    Introduction: In the context of a GP-based care programme, we implemented an admission, discharge and follow-up programme. Description: The VESPEERA programme consists of three sets of components: pre-admission interventions, in-hospital interventions and post-discharge interventions. It was aimed at all patients with a hospital stay participating in the GP-based care programme and was implemented in 7 hospitals and 72 general practices in southwest Germany using a range of strategies. Its’ effectiveness was evaluated using readmissions within 90 days after discharge as primary outcome. Questionnaires with staff were used to explore the implementation process. Discussion: A statistically significant effect was not found, but the effect size was similar to other interventions. Intervention fidelity was low and contextual factors affecting the implementation, amongst others, were available resources, external requirements such as legal regulations and networking between care providers. Lessons learned were derived that can aid to inform future political or scientific initiatives. Conclusion: Structured information transfer at hospital admission and discharge makes sense but the added value in the context of a GP-based programme seems modest. Primary care teams should be involved in pre- and post-hospital care. Abstrakt Einleitung: Im Rahmen der hausarztzentrierten Versorgung wurde ein Programm zur Verbesserung von Krankenhausaufnahmen und -entlassungen sowie der Nachsorge implementiert. Beschreibung: Das VESPEERA-Programm bestand aus verschiedenen Komponenten, die vor der Aufnahme, während des Krankenhausaufenthalts sowie nach der Entlassung durchgeführt wurden. Das Programm richtete sich an alle Patienten mit einem Krankenhausaufenthalt, die an der hausarztzentrierten Versorgung teilnahmen und wurde in 7 Krankenhäusern und 72 Hausarztpraxen in Südwestdeutschland unter Anwendung einer Reihe von Strategien implementiert. Seine Wirksamkeit wurde anhand des primären Endpunkts “Rehospitalisierungen innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach der Entlassung” bewertet. Anhand einer Fragebogenbefragung beim Personal wurde der Implementierungsprozess untersucht. Diskussion: Ein statistisch signifikanter Effekt konnte nicht gefunden werden, die Effektgröße war jedoch ähnlich wie bei anderen Interventionen. Die Interventionstreue war gering. Kontextfaktoren, die die Implementierung beeinflussten, waren unter anderem verfügbare Ressourcen, externe Anforderungen wie gesetzliche Vorschriften und die Vernetzung von Leistungserbringern. Es wurden Schlussfolgerungen gezogen, die für künftige politische oder wissenschaftliche Initiativen hilfreich sein können. Schlussfolgerung: Eine strukturierte Informationsweitergabe bei der Aufnahme und Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus ist sinnvoll, doch scheint der zusätzliche Nutzen im Rahmen der hausarztzentrierten Versorgung begrenzt. Teams der Primärversorgung sollten in die prä- und poststationäre Versorgung einbezogen werden. Schlagwörter: Übergänge in der Versorgung; Einweisungsmanagement; Nachsorge nach Entlassung; Krankenhauswiederaufnahmen; Versorgungskontinuität; starke Primärversorgung; integrierte Versorgun