25 research outputs found

    Veiksniai, susiję su vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus asmenų depresija Rumunijoje

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    The objectives of this study were the determination of the prevalence of self-reported depressive symptoms by the Geriatric Depression Scale and the influences of variable income, physical activity, socialization and sexual activity. A total of 601 patients aged 55–93 years with a mean age of 67.32 years and a median age of 67 years participated in this study between 2016 and 2017. Non-cooperative people and individuals with strong auditory or visual sensory deficits, severe cognitive deficits, or disorders accompanied by psychotic elements with serious somatic pathology were excluded from the interviews. Employing the SPSS GENLIN procedure, an ordinal logistic model was used. Over ½ of the respondents are within the categories of moderate and severe depression, almost half of the respondents feel that their family incomes are not enough or make it hard to meet their needs, approximately 10% think they are sedentary, over ½ participate in no sexual activity, and over ¼ do not frequently respond with pleasure to partner-initiated sexual relationships. Those who were in the higher depression category perceived their income to be extremely low (p = .001), perceived themselves as sedentary (p < .001), infrequently met with friends or neighbours in their leisure time (p = .002), and had lower sexual interest (p < .001). Middle-aged adults and older adults should learn about the health benefits of physical activity, socialization and sexual activity. Social policies must take into account this low-income segment. Poverty itself can be a contributor to depressive states, and additionally, due to their low incomes, elderly people are at risk of benefiting less from pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti savistata grįstų depresijos simptomų paplitimą Rumunijos vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus asmenų imtyje ir įvertinti pajamų, fizinio aktyvumo, bendravimo ir seksualinio aktyvumo kintamųjų prognostinę vertę. 2016–2017 metais tyrime dalyvavo 601 pacientas (55–93 metų, amžiaus vidurkis – 67,32 metų, mediana – 67). Nelinkę bendradarbiauti, pasižymintys stipriais girdimojo arba regimojo suvokimo, pažintiniais sutrikimais, turintys psichozinių simptomų ar pasižymintys rimtomis somatinėmis patologijomis asmenys nedalyvavo tyrime. Analizuojant duomenis, atlikta ranginė logistinė analizė, naudojant SPSS GENLIN procedūrą. Daugiau nei pusė respondentų priskirtini vidutinio sunkumo ir sunkios depresijos lygiui, beveik pusė respondentų jautė, kad jų pajamos nepakankamos arba jiems sunku patenkinti savo poreikius, apie 10 % manė, kad jų gyvenimas yra sėslaus būdo, daugiau kaip pusė respondentų neturėjo jokių seksualinių santykių, daugiau kaip ketvirtadalis neatsakė į part­nerio inicijuojamus seksualinius santykius. Tie, kurie pateko į didesnės depresijos kategoriją, suvokė savo pajamas kaip ypač mažas (p = 0,001), suvokė save kaip gyvenančius sėslaus būdo gyvenimą (p < 0,001), laisvalaikiu retai susitiko su draugais ar kaimynais (p = 0,002), mažai domėjosi seksualiniais santykiais (p < 0,001). Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, vidutinio amžiaus ir vyresnius asmenis reikėtų šviesti apie fizinio aktyvumo, bendravimo ir seksualinio aktyvumo naudą. Vykdant socialinę politiką turėtų būti atsižvelgta į asmenis, gaunančius mažas pajamas. Skurdas gali prisidėti prie depresyvios būsenos, taip pat vyresni žmonės dėl savo mažų pajamų rizikuoja gauti mažesnę farmakoterapinę ir psichoterapinę pagalbą

    Divorces and marriages: important influential factors for the new borne rate

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    The population of Romania is getting older, both because of the rise of life expectancy and because of the lowering of the new borne rate. We wanted to find new correlations between demographical indicators, in order to bring to light possibilities to grow new borne rate in Romania

    Inventario de personalidad de Freiburg en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: diagnóstico y necesidades psicoterapéuticas

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    Despite recent discoveries, patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) still face challenges with attainment of remission. The objectives of the study were to identify the characteristics of patients with the Freiburg Personality Inventory and the intensity of the intestinal disease, comorbidities that could be related to the personality of the subjects. Data were collected in the period 2019–2020 from 46 patients and used nonparametric methods. Compared to the normative sample, the Inhibitedness, Health Concerns, and Emotionality scales had significantly higher raw scores. The Social Orientation, Frankness, and Extraversionscales had significantly lower raw scores. Health status was a medical factor that influenced the Somatic Complaintsscale, patients who had lesions or comorbidities had significantly higher raw scores. Patients who had comorbidities in addition to IBD had considerably higher raw scores on the Excitability scale. Psychotherapeutic change interventions regarding life perception are required to tackle the description of subjective suffering related to physical inconveniences (Somatic Complaintsscale), a strong orientation toward performance (Strainscale), mood swings, anxiety, and pessimism (Emotionality scale). Another intervention is reconsidering values and (re) prioritization, such as family, intimate relationships, friends, health, growth, development, balanced work, all of which can promote a feeling of well-being and balance.A pesar de los descubrimientos recientes, los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) aún enfrentan desafíos para lograr la remisión. Los objetivos del estudio fueron identificar las características de los pacientes con el Inventario de Personalidad de Freiburg y la intensidad de la enfermedad colónica, comorbilidades que podrían estar relacionadas con la personalidad de los sujetos. Los datos se recopilaron en el período 2019-2020 de 46 pacientes y utilizaron métodos no paramétricos. En comparación con el grupo de control, las escalas de Inhibición, Problemas de salud y Emocionalidad tenían puntuaciones brutas significativamente más altas. Las escalas de Orientación Social, Franqueza y Extraversión tuvieron puntajes brutos significativamente más bajos. El estado de salud fue un factor médico que influyó en la escala de Quejas Somáticas, los pacientes que tenían lesiones o comorbilidades tenían puntuaciones brutas significativa-mente más altas. Los pacientes que tenían comorbilidades además de la EII tenían puntuaciones brutas considerablemente más altas en la escala de Excitabilidad. Se requieren intervenciones psicoterapéuticas de cambio en la percepción de la vida para abordar la descripción del sufrimiento subjetivo relacionado con molestias físicas (escala de quejas somáticas), una fuerte orientación hacia el rendimiento (escala de tensión), cambios de humor, ansiedad y pesimismo (escala de emocionalidad). Otra intervención es la re-consideración y (re)priorización de valores, como la familia, las relaciones íntimas, los amigos, la salud, el crecimiento, el desarrollo, el trabajo equilibrado, todos los cuales pueden promover una sensación de bienestar y equilibrio

    Violence, communication, and satisfaction among middle-aged adults and older people from Romania

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    Abstract Data on intimate partner violence (IPV) are necessary when planning public health policies aimed at prevention and support. Family communication and satisfaction are essential for health and well-being. Here, we report the findings of a quantitative cross-sectional study performed between 2016 and 2017 on 601 patients (55–93-years-old) who were treated at the Ana Aslan National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. We explore the answers to one item on the omnibus questionnaire (man-on-women, woman-on-man) regarding: (1) insults, swearing, humiliation; (2) being forced to engage in unwanted sexual intercourse; (3) withholding sexual activity or affection; (4) slapping, kicking, pushing; (5) hitting with a stick or other objects; (6) threatening with a knife or firearm; and (7) financial control, neglect, or food deprivation. Also, the Family Communication Scale (FCS) and Family Satisfaction Scale (FSS) are used. IPV prevalence was generally high, especially for the categories of insults, swearing, humiliation, withholding sexual activity, and affection. More women than men reported IPV, especially insults, swearing, and humiliation. More than a quarter of respondents (men and women) suffered occasionally or often from a form of abuse and experienced emotional abuse. The potential of family communication and satisfaction is relatively good, and these are associated. In the case of low and very low family communication and satisfaction, IPV prevalence was higher for all categories. There is a vicious circle because, on the one hand, violence can provoke emotional distance, and, on the other hand, a lack of intimacy and communication can lead to violence. At the same time, low satisfaction in a relationship can be seen both as a cause and as an effect of violence. Programs and information materials addressing family violence are rarely aimed at people in middle adulthood or older people and are instead focused on young women and children. We believe that this imbalance should be redressed

    The Involvement of Age, Gender, and Personality Variables in Alcohol Consumption during the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romanian University Students

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    This study aimed to explore the age, gender, and personality variables involved in alcohol consumption (AC) at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania among 210 bachelor’s and master’s students aged between 19 and 25 years. The results of the Freiburg Personality Inventory–Revised and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test were examined using a logistic model and cluster analysis. The prevalence of problematic AC was relatively low (10.5%). The risk of males being part of the problematic AC cluster was 5.223 times higher than that of females (p p = 0.001). Increasing scores on the Frankness and Somatic Complaints personality scales were associated with a decreased risk of belonging to the problematic cluster of AC, with factors of 0.738 (95% CI, 0.643 to 0.848), Wald χ2(1) = 18.424, and p 2(1) = 3.925, and p = 0.048, respectively. More action to prevent AC is needed in men, especially in those at the beginning of their university studies. It is necessary to intervene to decrease the interest in making a good impression (low scores on the Frankness Scale) so as to increase healthy autonomy using critical thinking and find a balance between the internal and external loci of control. Students from faculties with profiles that deal with health and its promotion are less vulnerable to problematic alcohol consumption, even if they have a withdrawn, pessimistic personality (low scores on Somatic Complaints)

    Co-Training for Topic Classification of Scholarly Data

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    With the exponential growth of scholarly data during the past few years, effective methods for topic classification are greatly needed. Current approaches usually re-quire large amounts of expensive labeled data in order to make accurate predictions. In this paper, we posit that, in addition to a research article’s textual content, its ci-tation network also contains valuable in-formation. We describe a co-training ap-proach that uses the text and citation infor-mation of a research article as two differ-ent views to predict the topic of an article. We show that this method improves sig-nificantly over the individual classifiers, while also bringing a substantial reduction in the amount of labeled data required for training accurate classifiers.

    Emotional, coping factors and personality traits that influenced alcohol consumption in Romanian students during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, after 3 months from the installation of the state of emergency on the territory of Romania, data were collected from 677 students and master’s students, to explore the problematic alcohol consumption (AC). Methods The evaluation was done with: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales, Strategic Coping Approach Scale and The Freiburg Personality Inventory. The statistical methods used were linear regression with bootstrap procedure, Spearman’s rank correlation, and the Mann-Whitney U test. Results More than half were affected by depression or anxiety of moderate to extremely severe intensity. The prevalence of problematic alcohol consumption was low: (Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous (2.3) and Medium Risk (10.2). Early onset increases the subsequent risk of problematic AC, compared to women, men recorded a higher AC (p <.01). Anxiety, antisocial action, personality traits Aggressiveness and Somatic complaints had the effect of increasing the alcohol consumption score (p <.01). Significant but weak positive correlations between AC on one hand, and depression, anxiety, stress and antisocial action on the other hand were found (p <.01). Conclusions Probably the prevalence of AC was low as a result of the fact that most respondents were studying in the field of health promotion and as a result of the closure of entertainment venues. This study advocates for the education of youngsters to clearly express their opinions without violating the boundaries of others’ feelings (assertive action) and to act prudently in dangerous or uncertain situations (cautious action) since these coping mechanisms were not associated with problematic alcohol consumption. The promotion of positive, achievement-oriented, life attitudes is equally important, as these characteristics of the Life Satisfaction personality dimensions were also found as non-determinants of alcohol-induced problems. The association of problematic AC with antisocial actions as a coping mechanism and high scores on Aggressiveness calls for interventions to educate the younger generation how to acquire and adopt healthy mechanisms to control tensions without resorting to alcohol consumption, more so as the two variables reinforce each other. Drinking as a means of gaining courage must be carefully reconsidered since anxiety generally hits back, often in increased levels

    Divorces and marriages: important influential factors for the new borne rate

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    The population of Romania is getting older, both because of the rise of life expectancy and because of the lowering of the new borne rate. We wanted to find new correlations between demographical indicators, in order to bring to light possibilities to grow new borne rate in Romania.demographical rates, divorces, marriages, new borne rate