142 research outputs found

    Animal models for hepatitis E virus

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an underdiagnosed pathogen with approximately 20 million infections each year and currently the most common cause of acute viral hepatitis. HEV was long considered to be confined to developing countries but there is increasing evidence that it is also a medical problem in the Western world. HEV that infects humans belongs to the Orthohepevirus A species of the Hepeviridae family. Novel HEV-like viruses have been observed in a variety of animals and some have been shown to be able to cross the species barrier, causing infection in humans. Several cell culture models for HEV have been established in the past years, but their efficiency is usually relatively low. With the circulation of this virus and related viruses in a variety of species, several different animal models have been developed. In this review, we give an overview of these animal models, indicate their main characteristics, and highlight how they may contribute to our understanding of the basic aspects of the viral life cycle and cross-species infection, the study of pathogenesis, and the evaluation of novel preventative and therapeutic strategies

    (Meta)datastandaarden voor digitale archieven

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    In het derde werkpakket van het project BOM-Vl (Bewaring en Ontsluiting van Multimediale data in Vlaanderen, 2008-2009) staat de technische problematiek van langetermijnbewaring van digitaal erfgoed centraal. Het OAIS-model, een ISO-standaard sinds 2002, geldt hierbij als conceptueel referentiemodel dat richtlijnen biedt bij de opzet van een digitaal archief. Aan de hand hiervan werd in een eerste deliverable aangegeven met welke representatiewijzen van de data en soorten metadata men rekening dient te houden om de preservering van digitaal materiaal te garanderen en hoe men mogelijk dataverlies kan tegengaan door grondige technische overwegingen. In een uitvoerig overzicht, een state-of-the-art, komen de gangbare opslagformaten met betrekking tot verschillend audiovisueel materiaal aan bod. Vervolgens worden ook de meest courante standaarden in het bibliotheekwezen, de omroepsector, de culturele sector en de erfgoedsector besproken, in het bijzonder metadatastandaarden (descriptieve, technische, administratieve), thesauri of ontologieën en containerformaten. Ten slotte worden twee representatieve praktijkvoorbeelden toegelicht, namelijk de ontwikkeling van het e-Depot in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Nederland en de opzet van een Europese meertalige zoekmachine voor cultureel erfgoedonderzoek. Dit boek is de neerslag van deze deliverable en is bedoeld als referentiewer

    Vessel-specific reintroduction of CINNAMOYL-COA REDUCTASE1 (CCR1) in dwarfed ccr1 mutants restores vessel and xylary fiber integrity and increases biomass

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is recalcitrant toward deconstruction into simple sugars due to the presence of lignin. To render lignocellulosic biomass a suitable feedstock for the bio-based economy, plants can be engineered to have decreased amounts of lignin. However, engineered plants with the lowest amounts of lignin exhibit collapsed vessels and yield penalties. Previous efforts were not able to fully overcome this phenotype without settling in sugar yield upon saccharification. Here, we reintroduced CINNAMOYL-COENZYME A REDUCTASE1 (CCR1) expression specifically in the protoxylem and metaxylem vessel cells of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ccr1 mutants. The resulting ccr1 ProSNBE: CCR1 lines had overcome the vascular collapse and had a total stem biomass yield that was increased up to 59% as compared with the wild type. Raman analysis showed that monolignols synthesized in the vessels also contribute to the lignification of neighboring xylary fibers. The cell wall composition and metabolome of ccr1 ProSNBE: CCR1 still exhibited many similarities to those of ccr1 mutants, regardless of their yield increase. In contrast to a recent report, the yield penalty of ccr1 mutants was not caused by ferulic acid accumulation but was (largely) the consequence of collapsed vessels. Finally, ccr1 ProSNBE: CCR1 plants had a 4-fold increase in total sugar yield when compared with wild-type plants

    Polyploidy affects plant growth and alters cell wall composition

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    Polyploidization has played a key role in plant breeding and crop improvement. Although its potential to increase biomass yield is well described, the effect of polyploidization on biomass composition has largely remained unexplored. Here, we generated a series of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants with different somatic ploidy levels (2n, 4n, 6n, and 8n) and performed rigorous phenotypic characterization. Kinematic analysis showed that polyploids developed slower compared to diploids; however, tetra- and hexaploids, but not octaploids, generated larger rosettes due to delayed flowering. In addition, morphometric analysis of leaves showed that polyploidy affected epidermal pavement cells, with increased cell size and reduced cell number per leaf blade with incrementing ploidy. However, the inflorescence stem dry weight was highest in tetraploids. Cell wall characterization revealed that the basic somatic ploidy level negatively correlated with lignin and cellulose content, and positively correlated with matrix polysaccharide content (i.e. hemicellulose and pectin) in the stem tissue. In addition, higher ploidy plants displayed altered sugar composition. Such effects were linked to the delayed development of polyploids. Moreover, the changes in polyploid cell wall composition promoted saccharification yield. The results of this study indicate that induction of polyploidy is a promising breeding strategy to further tailor crops for biomass production

    Cis-cinnamic acid is a novel natural auxin efflux inhibitor that promotes lateral root formation

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    Auxin steers numerous physiological processes in plants, making the tight control of its endogenous levels and spatiotemporal distribution a necessity. This regulation is achieved by different mechanisms, including auxin biosynthesis, metabolic conversions, degradation, and transport. Here, we introduce cis-cinnamic acid (c-CA) as a novel and unique addition to a small group of endogenous molecules affecting in planta auxin concentrations. c-CA is the photo-isomerization product of the phenylpropanoid pathway intermediate trans-CA (t-CA). When grown on c-CA-containing medium, an evolutionary diverse set of plant species were shown to exhibit phenotypes characteristic for high auxin levels, including inhibition of primary root growth, induction of root hairs, and promotion of adventitious and lateral rooting. By molecular docking and receptor binding assays, we showed that c-CA itself is neither an auxin nor an anti-auxin, and auxin profiling data revealed that c-CA does not significantly interfere with auxin biosynthesis. Single cell-based auxin accumulation assays showed that c-CA, and not t-CA, is a potent inhibitor of auxin efflux. Auxin signaling reporters detected changes in spatiotemporal distribution of the auxin response along the root of c-CA-treated plants, and long-distance auxin transport assays showed no inhibition of rootward auxin transport. Overall, these results suggest that the phenotypes of c-CA-treated plants are the consequence of a local change in auxin accumulation, induced by the inhibition of auxin efflux. This work reveals a novel mechanism how plants may regulate auxin levels and adds a novel, naturally occurring molecule to the chemical toolbox for the studies of auxin homeostasis