35 research outputs found

    Determinants of quality of life in community-dwelling older adults: comparing three cut-offs on the excellent-to-poor spectrum.

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    The aim of this study was to identify modifications in health, economic and social determinants of quality of life (QoL) in community-dwelling older adults when using different cut-offs to defining favorable QoL. Data of year 2011 annual assessment in 1003 older men and women from the Lc65+ cohort study were used. Overall QoL was self-rated as 'excellent,' 'very good,' 'good,' 'fair,' or 'poor.' To identify significant health (self-rated health, SF-12v2 physical and mental health), economic (financial situation), and social (living with others, being socially supported, emotional support, group activities participation) determinants of QoL, a cut-off was set at three different positions to define favorable QoL on the 'excellent' to 'poor' spectrum: at least 'good' (model 1); at least 'very good' (model 2); and 'excellent' only (model 3). In all three models, bivariable analyses indicated significant associations between QoL and at least one variable from each health, economic, and social dimension. In multivariable analyses, only health-related variables remained significantly associated with QoL in model 1. Model 3 additionally retained financial situation. In model 2, QoL was positively associated with physical health [odds ratio (OR) 1.10, p < 0.001], mental health (OR 1.12, p < 0.001), self-rated health (OR 2.43, p < 0.001), group activities participation (OR 1.43, p = 0.037), being socially supported (OR 1.58, p = 0.024), and not reporting financial difficulties (OR 1.76; p = 0.036). Using different cut-offs to defining favorable QoL results in important changes in the number and type of significant health, economic and social determinants. A cut-off between 'good' and 'very good' appears to best reflect the multidimensional nature of QoL

    The fusion protein SS18-SSX1 employs core Wnt pathway transcription factors to induce a partial Wnt signature in synovial sarcoma.

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    Expression of the SS18/SYT-SSX fusion protein is believed to underlie the pathogenesis of synovial sarcoma (SS). Recent evidence suggests that deregulation of the Wnt pathway may play an important role in SS but the mechanisms whereby SS18-SSX might affect Wnt signaling remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that SS18/SSX tightly regulates the elevated expression of the key Wnt target AXIN2 in primary SS. SS18-SSX is shown to interact with TCF/LEF, TLE and HDAC but not β-catenin in vivo and to induce Wnt target gene expression by forming a complex containing promoter-bound TCF/LEF and HDAC but lacking β-catenin. Our observations provide a tumor-specific mechanistic basis for Wnt target gene induction in SS that can occur in the absence of Wnt ligand stimulation

    Proteinortho: Detection of (Co-)orthologs in large-scale analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthology analysis is an important part of data analysis in many areas of bioinformatics such as comparative genomics and molecular phylogenetics. The ever-increasing flood of sequence data, and hence the rapidly increasing number of genomes that can be compared simultaneously, calls for efficient software tools as brute-force approaches with quadratic memory requirements become infeasible in practise. The rapid pace at which new data become available, furthermore, makes it desirable to compute genome-wide orthology relations for a given dataset rather than relying on relations listed in databases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The program <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> described here is a stand-alone tool that is geared towards large datasets and makes use of distributed computing techniques when run on multi-core hardware. It implements an extended version of the reciprocal best alignment heuristic. We apply <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> to compute orthologous proteins in the complete set of all 717 eubacterial genomes available at NCBI at the beginning of 2009. We identified thirty proteins present in 99% of all bacterial proteomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> significantly reduces the required amount of memory for orthology analysis compared to existing tools, allowing such computations to be performed on off-the-shelf hardware.</p

    Ewing sarcoma cancer stem cells : from mechanisms to therapeutic targeting

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    Le sarcome d'Ewing (SE) est la 2ème tumeur des os la plus fréquente chez les enfants, et le pronostic est sombre au stade métastatique. La pathogenèse du SE repose sur une translocation, provocant la fusion du domaine activateur du facteur de transcription EWS, avec la partie liant l'ADN de la protéine FLI-1. Les cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC) sont supposées être les moteurs de la croissance tumorale, et représente de ce fait des cibles thérapeutiques préférentielles. Dans ce travail nous nous sommes efforcés de comprendre, ainsi que de cibler les mécanismes liés à l'émergence des CSC dans le sarcome d'Ewing. La formation des CSC du ES est liée à un défaut de maturation des miRNAs provoqué par une sous-expression d'un gène, TARBP2, dans les CSC. Ce défaut de maturation peut être corrigé par un traitement des cellules avec de l'enoxacine, une fluoroquinolone utilisée pour traiter les infections urinaires. L'enoxacine seule n'étant pas suffisante pour éradiquer les tumeurs in vivo, nous avons testé la combinaison d'une thérapie ciblée sur les CSC avec une chimiothérapie classique, la doxorubicine, ciblant les cellules différentiées. In vitro l'enoxacine induit l'apoptose dans les CCS sans affecter les cellules différentiées, alors que à l'inverse, la doxorubicine n'affecte que les cellules de la « masse » tumorale. In vivo la combinaison de ces deux drogues inhibe la croissance de tumeurs provenant de cellules primaires xenotranplantées et éradique les CSCs. Nos résultats mettent en lumière une nouvelle approche thérapeutique directement applicable pour le sarcome d'Ewing, et pourraient ainsi rapidement déboucher sur des essais cliniques. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail nous avons essayé de comprendre comment EWS-FLI1, la protéine de fusion issue de la translocation chromosomique du sarcome d'Ewing conduit à la génération des CSC. Pour cela nous avons effectué des ChIPseq (immunoprecipitation de la chromatine suivi de séquençage) pour EWS-FLI1 ainsi que pour certaines modifications histoniques. -- Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent bone tumors in children and have a high rate of recurrence when metastatic at presentation. The pathogenesis of Ewing sarcoma is underlayed by a translocation, leading to the fusion of the trans-activating domain of EWS with the FLU DNA binding domain. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the driving force of tumor growth. In this work we focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying ESFT CSC emergence as well as defining targeted therapeutic strategies. Emergence of CSCs in ESFT has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. As enoxacin alone is not sufficient to reverse tumor growth in vivo, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with doxorubicin, a standard-of-care therapy in ESFT. Primary ESFT CSCs and bulk tumor cells were treated with different concentration of drugs and displayed divergent responses to doxorubicin and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres and specifically on the CD133+ population. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSC and strongly reduced primary growth in xenograft assays of two primary ESFT. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation. In the second part of this work we performed chromatin immunopercipitation on CSCs and bulk cells for EWS-FLI1 binding as well as some chromatin modifications, and concluded that EWS-FLI1 shows cell context dependent binding

    Overweight and eating disorders in primary care: a sentinella reporting in 2-20 years old patients

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    Aims: To describe overweight or eating disorders in primary care consultations of Swiss children or adolescents and analyze responses by physicians. Methods: 150 to 200 primary care physicians participating in the Swiss Sentinel Surveillance Network in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health register their consultations over one year for selected health conditions. We describe reports of consultations where overweight or eating disorders were identified in subjects aged 2-20 years by physicians, patients or their relatives, or referring professionals, between 29.12.2007 and 15.2.2008. Results: 189 consultations were registered in the first 7 weeks of declaration. A short majority concerned female (58%) and 12-20 years old (53%) patients. Half were reported by pediatricians, one third by general practitioners and the remaining minority by internists. The sample included two thirds of Swiss-German and one third of Swiss-French cases. In the male subgroup aged 2-20 and in female children aged 2-11, almost all reported consultations were characterized by overweight. Among female teenagers, underweight was reported in 29% whilst overweight was recorded in 60%. Anorexia was noted in 68% of reported consultations of underweight female teenagers. In underweight patients, advice given by physicians frequently covered both nutrition and physical activity (38%) or nutrition only (29%), while no specific recommendations were recorded for the remaining third. In case of overweight, for one half of consultations patients received both nutritional and physical activity recommendations, for 12% nutritional only, and for one quarter patients were not advised in these domains. No specific treatment was usually proposed to overweight patients (65%), except when bulimia was diagnosed; in such case, one third of patients were proposed a psychological/psychiatric treatment, whereas both psychological and pharmacological treatments were frequently offered for underweight teenagers. Therapy was most often motivated by physicians (50%) or by relatives (44%), more rarely by patients themselves (7%). Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate that in some primary care consultations of young patients with overweight or eating disorders, advice was not given on nutrition and physical activity. This observation needs to be later confirmed with the totality of the consultations registered in 2008 and reasons will be further investigated

    The vertex k-cut problem

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    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E), a vertex k-cut of G is a vertex subset of V the removing of which disconnects the graph in at least k components. Given a graph G and an integer k≥2, the vertex k-cut problem consists in finding a vertex k-cut of G of minimum cardinality. We first prove that the problem is NP-hard for any fixed k≥3. We then present a compact formulation, and an extended formulation from which we derive a column generation and a branching scheme. Extensive computational results prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Targeting Cancer Stem-like Cells as an Approach to Defeating Cellular Heterogeneity in Ewing Sarcoma.

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    Plasticity in cancer stem-like cells (CSC) may provide a key basis for cancer heterogeneity and therapeutic response. In this study, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with standard-of-care therapy in a Ewing sarcoma family tumor (ESFT). Emergence of CSC in this setting has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. In the present work, primary ESFT from four patients containing CD133(+) CSC subpopulations ranging from 3% to 17% of total tumor cells were subjected to treatment with enoxacin, doxorubicin, or both drugs. Primary ESFT CSC and bulk tumor cells displayed divergent responses to standard-of-care chemotherapy and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin, which enhances miRNA maturation by stimulating TARBP2 function, induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSCs and strongly reduced primary ESFTs in xenograft assays. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low-toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation

    A live single-cell reporter assay links intratumor heterogeneity to metastatic proclivity in Ewing sarcoma.

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    Targeting of the most aggressive tumor cell subpopulations is key for effective management of most solid malignancies. However, the metastable nature of tumor heterogeneity, which allows cells to transition between strong and weak tumorigenic phenotypes, and the lack of reliable markers of tumor-promoting properties hamper identification of the most relevant cells. To overcome these obstacles, we designed a functional microRNA (miR)-based live-cell reporter assay to identify highly tumorigenic cells in xenotransplants of primary Ewing sarcoma (EwS) 3D cultures. Leveraging the inverse relationship between cell pluripotency and miR-145 expression, we successfully separated highly tumorigenic, metastasis-prone (miR-145 &lt;sup&gt;low&lt;/sup&gt; ) cells from poorly tumorigenic, nonmetastatic (miR-145 &lt;sup&gt;high&lt;/sup&gt; ) counterparts. Gene expression and functional studies of the two cell populations identified the EPHB2 receptor as a prognostic biomarker in patients with EwS and a major promoter of metastasis. Our study provides a simple and powerful means to identify and isolate tumor cells that display aggressive behavior