18 research outputs found

    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020.

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    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 was originally planned to take place in Bern, Switzerland, in March 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic put a spoke in the wheel of almost all conferences to be held in 2020. After moving the conference to 8-9 October 2020, we got hit by the second wave and finally decided at short notice to go fully online. On the other hand, the pandemic has made us even more aware of the importance of accelerating research in viral bioinformatics. Advances in bioinformatics have led to improved approaches to investigate viral infections and outbreaks. The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 has attracted approximately 120 experts in virology and bioinformatics from all over the world to join the two-day virtual meeting. Despite concerns being raised that virtual meetings lack possibilities for face-to-face discussion, the participants from this small community created a highly interactive scientific environment, engaging in lively and inspiring discussions and suggesting new research directions and questions. The meeting featured five invited and twelve contributed talks, on the four main topics: (1) proteome and RNAome of RNA viruses, (2) viral metagenomics and ecology, (3) virus evolution and classification and (4) viral infections and immunology. Further, the meeting featured 20 oral poster presentations, all of which focused on specific areas of virus bioinformatics. This report summarizes the main research findings and highlights presented at the meeting

    Entamoeba and Giardia parasites implicated as hosts of CRESS viruses.

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    Metagenomic techniques have enabled genome sequencing of unknown viruses without isolation in cell culture, but information on the virus host is often lacking, preventing viral characterisation. High-throughput methods capable of identifying virus hosts based on genomic data alone would aid evaluation of their medical or biological relevance. Here, we address this by linking metagenomic discovery of three virus families in human stool samples with determination of probable hosts. Recombination between viruses provides evidence of a shared host, in which genetic exchange occurs. We utilise networks of viral recombination to delimit virus-host clusters, which are then anchored to specific hosts using (1) statistical association to a host organism in clinical samples, (2) endogenous viral elements in host genomes, and (3) evidence of host small RNA responses to these elements. This analysis suggests two CRESS virus families (Naryaviridae and Nenyaviridae) infect Entamoeba parasites, while a third (Vilyaviridae) infects Giardia duodenalis. The trio supplements five CRESS virus families already known to infect eukaryotes, extending the CRESS virus host range to protozoa. Phylogenetic analysis implies CRESS viruses infecting multicellular life have evolved independently on at least three occasions

    Vertebrate-tropism of a cressdnavirus lineage implicated by poxvirus gene capture

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    Among cressdnaviruses, only the family Circoviridae is recognized to infect vertebrates, while many others have unknown hosts. Detection of virus-to-host horizontal gene transfer is useful for solving such virus-host relationships. Here, we extend this utility to an unusual case of virus-to-virus horizontal transfer, showing multiple ancient captures of cressdnavirus Rep genes by avipoxviruses-large dsDNA pathogens of birds and other saurians. As gene transfers must have occurred during virus coinfections, saurian hosts were implied for the cressdnavirus donor lineage. Surprisingly, phylogenetic analysis revealed that donors were not members of the vertebrate-infecting Circoviridae, instead belonging to a previously unclassified family that we name Draupnirviridae. While draupnirviruses still circulate today, we show that those in the genus Krikovirus infected saurian vertebrates at least 114 Mya, leaving endogenous viral elements inside snake, lizard, and turtle genomes throughout the Cretaceous Period. Endogenous krikovirus elements in some insect genomes and frequent detection in mosquitoes imply that spillover to vertebrates was arthropod mediated, while ancestral draupnirviruses likely infected protists before their emergence in animals. A modern krikovirus sampled from an avipoxvirus-induced lesion shows that their interaction with poxviruses is ongoing. Captured Rep genes in poxvirus genomes often have inactivated catalytic motifs, yet near-total presence across the Avipoxvirus genus, and evidence of both expression and purifying selection on them suggests currently unknown functions

    Enhanced bioinformatic profiling of VIDISCA libraries for virus detection and discovery

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    VIDISCA is a next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation method designed to enrich viral nucleic acids from samples before highly-multiplexed low depth sequencing. Reliable detection of known viruses and discovery of novel divergent viruses from NGS data require dedicated analysis tools that are both sensitive and accurate. Existing software was utilised to design a new bioinformatic workflow for high-throughput detection and discovery of viruses from VIDISCA data. The workflow leverages the VIDISCA library preparation molecular biology, specifically the use of Mse1 restriction enzyme which produces biological replicate library inserts from identical genomes. The workflow performs total metagenomic analysis for classification of non-viral sequence including parasites and host, and separately carries out virus specific analyses. Ribosomal RNA sequence is removed to increase downstream analysis speed and remaining reads are clustered at 100% identity. Known and novel viruses are sensitively detected via alignment to a virus-only protein database, and false positives are removed. A new cluster-profiling analysis takes advantage of the viral biological replicates produced by Mse1 digestion, using read clustering to flag the presence of short genomes at very high copy number. Importantly, this analysis ensures that highly repeated sequences are identified even if no homology is detected, as is shown here with the detection of a novel gokushovirus genome from human faecal matter. The workflow was validated using read data derived from serum and faeces samples taken from HIV-1 positive adults, and serum samples from pigs that were infected with atypical porcine pestivirus

    Human Clinical Isolates of Pathogenic Fungi Are Host to Diverse Mycoviruses

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    Fungi host viruses from many families, and next-generation sequencing can be used to discover previously unknown genomes. Some fungus-infecting viruses (mycoviruses) confer hypovirulence on their pathogenic hosts, raising the possibility of therapeutic application in the treatment of fungal diseases. Though all fungi probably host mycoviruses, many human pathogens have none documented, implying the mycoviral catalogue remains at an early stage. Here, we carried out virus discovery on 61 cultures of pathogenic fungi covering 27 genera and at least 56 species. Using next-generation sequencing of total nucleic acids, we found no DNA viruses but did find a surprising RNA virus diversity of 11 genomes from six classified families and two unclassified lineages, including eight genomes likely representing new species. Among these was the first jivivirus detected in a fungal host (Aspergillus lentulus). We separately utilized rolling circle amplification and next-generation sequencing to identify ssDNA viruses specifically. We identified 13 new cressdnaviruses across all libraries, but unlike the RNA viruses, they could not be confirmed by PCR in either the original unamplified samples or freshly amplified nucleic acids. Their distributions among sequencing libraries and inconsistent detection suggest low-level contamination of reagents. This highlights both the importance of validation assays and the risks of viral host prediction on the basis of highly amplified sequencing libraries. Meanwhile, the detected RNA viruses provide a basis for experimentation to characterize possible hypovirulent effects, and hint at a wealth of uncharted viral diversity currently frozen in biobanks. IMPORTANCE Fungal pathogens of humans are a growing global health burden. Viruses of fungi may represent future therapeutic tools, but for many fungal pathogens there are no known viruses. Our study examined the viral content of diverse human-pathogenic fungi in a clinical biobank, identifying numerous viral genomes, including one lineage previously not known to infect fungi

    Anellovirus evolution during long-term chronic infection

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    Human anelloviruses (AVs) are extremely genetically diverse, are widespread in the human population, and cause chronic infections. However, the evolutionary dynamics of AVs within single hosts is currently unknown, and it is unclear whether these changes have an implication on the long-term persistence of AVs in the host. Here, we assessed the evolutionary dynamics of six AV lineages during 30 years of chronic infection at single host resolution. The total number of substitutions and the number of variable sites increased over time. However, not all substitutions reached population fixation, showing that AV lineages form heterogeneous swarms within the host. Most substitutions occurred within a hypervariable region (HVR) located between nucleotide positions 800 and 1,300 of ORF1, which is known to be located within the spike domain. Different regions of the ORF1 gene undergo either positive or negative selection pressure. Sites under strong diversifying selection pressure were detected in the HVR, while the majority of the sites under purifying selection were detected outside this region. The HVR may play the role of an immunological decoy that prevents antibodies from binding to more vulnerable parts of ORF1. Moreover, the frequent substitutions in this region may increase the chances of AV particles escaping immune recognition

    Host prediction for disease-associated gastrointestinal cressdnaviruses

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    Metagenomic techniques have facilitated the discovery of thousands of viruses, yet because samples are often highly biodiverse, fundamental data on the specific cellular hosts are usually missing. Numerous gastrointestinal viruses linked to human or animal diseases are affected by this, preventing research into their medical or veterinary importance. Here, we developed a computational workflow for the prediction of viral hosts from complex metagenomic datasets. We applied it to seven lineages of gastrointestinal cressdnaviruses using 1,124 metagenomic datasets, predicting hosts of four lineages. The Redondoviridae, strongly associated to human gum disease (periodontitis), were predicted to infect Entamoeba gingivalis, an oral pathogen itself involved in periodontitis. The Kirkoviridae, originally linked to fatal equine disease, were predicted to infect a variety of parabasalid protists, including Dientamoeba fragilis in humans. Two viral lineages observed in human diarrhoeal disease (CRESSV1 and CRESSV19, i.e. pecoviruses and hudisaviruses) were predicted to infect Blastocystis spp. and Endolimax nana respectively, protists responsible for millions of annual human infections. Our prediction approach is adaptable to any virus lineage and requires neither training datasets nor host genome assemblies. Two host predictions (for the Kirkoviridae and CRESSV1 lineages) could be independently confirmed as virus–host relationships using endogenous viral elements identified inside host genomes, while a further prediction (for the Redondoviridae) was strongly supported as a virus–host relationship using a case–control screening experiment of human oral plaques

    Entamoeba and Giardia parasites implicated as hosts of CRESS viruses

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    Metagenomic techniques have enabled genome sequencing of unknown viruses without isolation in cell culture, but information on the virus host is often lacking, preventing viral characterisation. High-throughput methods capable of identifying virus hosts based on genomic data alone would aid evaluation of their medical or biological relevance. Here, we address this by linking metagenomic discovery of three virus families in human stool samples with determination of probable hosts. Recombination between viruses provides evidence of a shared host, in which genetic exchange occurs. We utilise networks of viral recombination to delimit virus-host clusters, which are then anchored to specific hosts using (1) statistical association to a host organism in clinical samples, (2) endogenous viral elements in host genomes, and (3) evidence of host small RNA responses to these elements. This analysis suggests two CRESS virus families (Naryaviridae and Nenyaviridae) infect Entamoeba parasites, while a third (Vilyaviridae) infects Giardia duodenalis. The trio supplements five CRESS virus families already known to infect eukaryotes, extending the CRESS virus host range to protozoa. Phylogenetic analysis implies CRESS viruses infecting multicellular life have evolved independently on at least three occasions

    Preparedness needs research: How fundamental science and international collaboration accelerated the response to COVID-19

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    The first cluster of patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was identified on December 21, 2019, and as of July 29, 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections have been linked with 664,333 deaths and number at least 16,932,996 worldwide. Unprecedented in global societal impact, the COVID-19 pandemic has tested local, national, and international preparedness for viral outbreaks to the limits. Just as it will be vital to identify missed opportunities and improve contingency planning for future outbreaks, we must also highlight key successes and build on them. Concomitant to the emergence of a novel viral disease, there is a 'research and development gap' that poses a threat to the overall pace and quality of outbreak response during its most crucial early phase. Here, we outline key components of an adequate research response to novel viral outbreaks using the example of SARS-CoV-2. We highlight the exceptional recent progress made in fundamental science, resulting in the fastest scientific response to a major infectious disease outbreak or pandemic. We underline the vital role of the international research community, from the implementation of diagnostics and contact tracing procedures to the collective search for vaccines and antiviral therapies, sustained by unique information sharing efforts