78 research outputs found

    Primäres histiozytäres Sarkom der Aortenklappe als Auslöser von Herz­versagen bei einem Mischlingshund

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    INTRODUCTION A case of a histiocytic sarcoma at the aortic valve with multiple metastases in the ventricular myocardium, ventricular endocardium and mitral valves in a male crossbreed dog is described. Neoplasia resulted in intermittent forward heart failure, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and ventricular tachycardia.Es wird der Fall eines histiozytären Sarkoms an der ­Aortenklappe mit multiplen Metastasen im ventrikulären Myokard, Kammerendokard und der Mitralklappen bei einem Mischlingsrüden beschrieben. Die Neoplasie führte zum intermittierenden Vorwärtsversagen, zu Thrombosen und Myokardinfarkten sowie Kammertachykardie

    "Non-healing" claw horn lesions in dairy cows: Clinical, histopathological and molecular biological characterization of four cases.

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    The increasing prevalence of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) contributes to a higher occurrence of secondary infections of exposed corium with Treponema spp. in bovine claws. "Non-healing" claw horn lesions (NHL) clinically resemble BDD lesions. They are severe, cause chronic lameness, and may persist for several months. They poorly respond to standard treatments of BDD and represent a serious welfare issue. In this study, four cases of NHL were classified clinically either as BDD-associated axial horn fissures (BDD-HFA; n = 3) or BDD-associated sole ulcer (BDD-SU; n = 1). In all four cases, pronounced multifocal keratinolysis of the stratum corneum, ulceration, and severe chronic lymphoplasmacytic perivascular to interstitial dermatitis were observed. All lesional samples tested positive for Treponema spp., Fusobacterium (F.) necrophorum, and Porphyromonas (P.) levii by PCRs. BDD-HFA lesions contained Treponema pedis as revealed by genetic identities of 93, 99, and 100%. Treponemes in the BDD-SU lesion were 94% homologous to Treponema phylotype PT3. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed extensive epidermal infiltration by treponemes that made up > 90% of the total bacterial population in all four lesions. FISH also tested positive for P. levii and negative for F. necrophorum in all four cases, whilst only one BDD-HFA contained Dichelobacter nodosus. Our data point to BDD-associated treponemes and P. levii constituting potential etiological agents in the development of "non-healing" claw horn lesions in cattle

    Detection of treponemes in digital dermatitis lesions of captive European bison (Bison bonasus).

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    A newly-discovered foot disease of unknown origin in captive European Bison (Bison bonasus) was recently detected at Berne Animal Park. Dermatitis of the interdigital cleft of varying degrees of severity was diagnosed in all animals (n = 10). The aim of this study was to describe the gross and histological lesions of the interdigital cleft found in 10 captive European bison and to identify involved potential pathogens in affected feet using molecular-based methods for Treponema spp., Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum. Lesions were scored according to the degree of gross pathology at limb level. In a single animal, the gross lesions were restricted to focal lesions on the dorsal aspect of the digital skin of each foot (score 1), whereas all other animals showed at least one foot with extended lesions including the interdigital cleft (score 2). The presence of viable spirochaetes was observed in all animals using dark field microscopy. Applying fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) on biopsies, Treponema spp. were identified, infiltrating the skin lesions in varying numbers in nine animals. Nested PCRs for Treponema medium, Treponema phagedenis and Treponema pedis of swab samples showed three positive animals out of ten for the latter two, whereas pooled biopsy samples were positive in all ten animals for at least T. phagedenis (9/10) and/or T. pedis (7/10), while all samples were negative for T. medium. However, none of these Treponema species could be isolated and sequence analysis of the amplified products showed 100% match of 365 base pairs (bp) to Treponema phylotype PT3 and almost full match (530 of 532 bp, 99.6%) to Treponema phylotype PT13. The presence of T. phagedenis, PT3 and PT13 phylotypes was confirmed by FISH analyses. The phylotypes of T. phagedenis were present in all hybridized positive biopsies of Treponema spp., and PT13 and PT3 were less abundant. Neither D. nodosus nor F. necrophorum were detected. The histological Treponema score was mostly mild. Digital dermatitis in captive European Bison is contagious and differs from bovine digital dermatitis, concerning associated pathogens as well as gross appearance

    Proof of an optimized salicylic acid paste-based treatment concept of ulcerative M2-stage digital dermatitis lesions in 21 dairy cows.

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    The efficacy of salicylic acid paste (SA) in the treatment of ulcerative bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) was assessed by combining clinical and histopathological analyses with molecular biological techniques. The latter were conducted in a blinded manner to reach maximum objectivity. Prior to treatment, M2-stage BDD lesions (n = 26, diagnosed in 21 dairy cows) exhibited ulceration, with severe perivascular, chronic, lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis and extensive keratinolysis being noted in most cases. Pretreatment biopsy samples (n = 12) followed by povidone-iodine ointment under bandage for one week before administration of SA paste were tested positive for Treponema spp. by blinded PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Subsequent treatment consisted of application of SA and bandaging at weekly intervals until lesions had completely resolved. The treatment duration ranged between 2 and 4 weeks. Complete healing was achieved in 100% of cases, with 2/21 animals requiring a second round of treatment upon disease reoccurrence. Importantly, only 3/26 biopsies taken from previously affected sites still tested positive by Treponema PCR, and in another biopsy, the outermost layers of the stratum corneum scored weakly positive by Treponema-specific FISH. None of these Treponema DNA-positive biopsies showed signs of ulceration. One case exhibited focal keratinolysis. Positive PCR or FISH in these cases may have arisen from DNA traces of dead bacteria or environmental contamination during biopsy harvesting. To our knowledge, this is the first study on blinded molecular biological monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy of SA with respect to treponemal infection, and on complete BDD M2-stage remission in all animals achieved by SA treatment according to an optimized protocol. Although the etiology of BDD is considered as multifactorial, our data further support the concept that treponemes have a decisive role in BDD pathogenesis

    Ten caveats of learning analytics in health professions education: A consumer’s perspective

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    A group of 22 medical educators from different European countries, gathered in a meeting in Utrecht in July 2019, discussed the topic of learning analytics (LA) in an open conversation and addressed its definition, its purposes and potential risks for learners and teachers. LA was seen as a significant advance with important potential to improve education, but the group felt that potential drawbacks of using LA may yet be under-exposed in the literature. After transcription and interpretation of the discussion's conclusions, a document was drafted and fed back to the group in two rounds to arrive at a series of 10 caveats educators should be aware of when developing and using LA, including too much standardized learning, with undue consequences of over-efficiency and pressure on learners and teachers, and a decrease of the variety of 'valid' learning resources. Learning analytics may misalign with eventual clinical performance and can run the risk of privacy breaches and inescapability of documented failures. These consequences may not happen, but the authors, on behalf of the full group of educators, felt it worth to signal these caveats from a consumers' perspective

    Deep learning algorithms out-perform veterinary pathologists in detecting the mitotically most active tumor region

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    Manual count of mitotic figures, which is determined in the tumor region with the highest mitotic activity, is a key parameter of most tumor grading schemes. It can be, however, strongly dependent on the area selection due to uneven mitotic figure distribution in the tumor section. We aimed to assess the question, how significantly the area selection could impact the mitotic count, which has a known high inter-rater disagreement. On a data set of 32 whole slide images of H&E-stained canine cutaneous mast cell tumor, fully annotated for mitotic figures, we asked eight veterinary pathologists (five board-certified, three in training) to select a field of interest for the mitotic count. To assess the potential difference on the mitotic count, we compared the mitotic count of the selected regions to the overall distribution on the slide. Additionally, we evaluated three deep learning-based methods for the assessment of highest mitotic density: In one approach, the model would directly try to predict the mitotic count for the presented image patches as a regression task. The second method aims at deriving a segmentation mask for mitotic figures, which is then used to obtain a mitotic density. Finally, we evaluated a two-stage object-detection pipeline based on state-of-the-art architectures to identify individual mitotic figures. We found that the predictions by all models were, on average, better than those of the experts. The two-stage object detector performed best and outperformed most of the human pathologists on the majority of tumor cases. The correlation between the predicted and the ground truth mitotic count was also best for this approach (0.963-0.979). Further, we found considerable differences in position selection between pathologists, which could partially explain the high variance that has been reported for the manual mitotic count. To achieve better interrater agreement, we propose to use a computer-based area selection for support of the pathologist in the manual mitotic count

    Intestinal S100/Calgranulin Expression in Cats with Chronic Inflammatory Enteropathy and Intestinal Lymphoma.

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    Diagnosing chronic inflammatory enteropathies (CIE) in cats and differentiation from intestinal lymphoma (IL) using currently available diagnostics is challenging. Intestinally expressed S100/calgranulins, measured in fecal samples, appear to be useful non-invasive biomarkers for canine CIE but have not been evaluated in cats. We hypothesized S100/calgranulins to play a role in the pathogenesis of feline chronic enteropathies (FCE) and to correlate with clinical and/or histologic disease severity. This retrospective case-control study included patient data and gastrointestinal (GI) tissues from 16 cats with CIE, 8 cats with IL, and 16 controls with no clinical signs of GI disease. GI tissue biopsies were immunohistochemically stained using polyclonal α-S100A8/A9 and α-S100A12 antibodies. S100A8/A9+ and S100A12+ cells were detected in all GI segments, with few significant differences between CIE, IL, and controls and no difference between diseased groups. Segmental inflammatory lesions were moderately to strongly correlated with increased S100/calgranulin-positive cell counts. Clinical disease severity correlated with S100A12+ cell counts in cats with IL (ρ = 0.69, p = 0.042) and more severe diarrhea with colonic lamina propria S100A12+ cells with CIE (ρ = 0.78, p = 0.021) and duodenal S100A8/A9+ cells with IL (ρ = 0.71, p = 0.032). These findings suggest a role of the S100/calgranulins in the pathogenesis of the spectrum of FCE, including CIE and IL

    Long-Term Circulation of Atypical Porcine Pestivirus (APPV) within Switzerland.

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    In 2015, a new pestivirus was described in pig sera in the United States. This new "atypical porcine pestivirus" (APPV) was later associated with congenital tremor (CT) in newborn piglets. The virus appears to be distributed worldwide, but the limited knowledge of virus diversity and the use of various diagnostic tests prevent direct comparisons. Therefore, we developed an APPV-specific real-time RT-PCR assay in the 5'UTR of the viral genome to investigate both retro- and prospectively the strains present in Switzerland and their prevalence in domestic pigs. Overall, 1080 sera obtained between 1986 and 2018 were analyzed, revealing a virus prevalence of approximately 13% in pigs for slaughter, whereas it was less than 1% in breeding pigs. In the prospective study, APPV was also detected in piglets displaying CT. None of the samples could detect the Linda virus, which is another new pestivirus recently reported in Austria. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed a broad diversity of APP viruses in Switzerland that are considerably distinct from sequences reported from other isolates in Europe and overseas. This study indicates that APPV has already been widely circulating in Switzerland for many years, mainly in young animals, with 1986 being the earliest report of APPV worldwide

    MOCOS-associated renal syndrome in a Brown Swiss cattle.

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    BACKGROUND A recessive form of MOCOS-associated xanthinuria type II is described in Tyrolean grey cattle. A similar case was identified in a 5-month-old Brown Swiss calf with hoof overgrowth, rough coat, urine sediment, and pneumonia. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES To characterize the disease phenotype, to evaluate its genetic etiology, and to determine the prevalence of the deleterious allele in the Brown Swiss population. ANIMALS An affected calf, its parents, and 65 441 Swiss dairy cattle. METHODS The affected animal was clinically examined and necropsied. Microarray genotyping was used to determine the genotypes and to assess the frequency of the MOCOS allele in a Brown Swiss control cohort. RESULTS Ultrasonography revealed hyperechoic renal pyramids with multifocal distal shadowing and echogenic sediment in the urinary bladder. Necropsy revealed suppurative bronchopneumonia and urolithiasis. Histology revealed numerous nephroliths with multifocal chronic lymphohistiocytic interstitial infiltrates, fibrosis, tubular degeneration, chronic multifocal glomerulonephritis with sclerosis, and bilateral hydronephrosis. Dysplastic changes were observed in the corium of the claw and the cornea. Genetic testing identified the homozygous presence of a known MOCOS frameshift variant in the case. Both parents were heterozygous and the prevalence of carriers in genotyped Brown Swiss cattle was 1.4% (342/24337). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE The findings were consistent with the diagnosis of a recessive renal syndrome similar to xanthinuria type II described in Tyrolean grey cattle. The prevalence of the deleterious MOCOS allele is low in the Brown Swiss breed. However, mating of carriers should be avoided to prevent further losses

    Tissue S100/calgranulin expression and blood neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in prostatic disorders in dogs.

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    BACKGROUND Prostatic carcinoma (PCA) is a rare but severe condition in dogs that is similar to the androgen-independent form of PCA in men. In contrast to humans, PCA is difficult to diagnose in dogs as reliable biomarkers, available for PCA screening in human medicine, are currently lacking in small animal oncology. Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) and S100A12 are Ca2+-binding proteins of the innate immune system with promising potential to distinguish malignant from benign urogenital tract conditions, similar to the blood neutrophil-to-lymphocyte-ratio (NLR). However, both have not yet been extensively investigated in dogs with PCA. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the expression of the S100/calgranulins (calprotectin, S100A12, and their ratio [Cal-ratio]) in prostatic biopsies from nine dogs with PCA and compare them to those in dogs with benign prostatic lesions (eight dogs with prostatitis and ten dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH]) as well as five healthy controls. In addition, blood NLRs were investigated in twelve dogs with PCA and 22 dogs with benign prostatic conditions. RESULTS Tissue S100A8/A9+ cell counts did not differ significantly between tissue from PCA and prostatitis cases (P = 0.0659) but were significantly higher in dogs with prostatitis than BPH (P = 0.0013) or controls (P = 0.0033). S100A12+ cell counts were significantly lower in PCA tissues than in prostatitis tissue (P = 0.0458) but did not differ compared to BPH tissue (P = 0.6499) or tissue from controls (P = 0.0622). Cal-ratios did not differ significantly among the groups but were highest in prostatitis tissues and significantly higher in those dogs with poor prostatitis outcomes than in patients that were still alive at the end of the study (P = 0.0455). Blood NLR strongly correlated with prostatic tissue S100A8/A9+ cell counts in dogs with PCA (ρ = 0.81, P = 0.0499) but did not differ among the disease groups of dogs. CONCLUSIONS This study suggests that the S100/calgranulins play a role in malignant (PCA) and benign (prostatic inflammation) prostatic conditions and supports previous results in lower urinary tract conditions in dogs. These molecules might be linked to the inflammatory environment with potential effects on the inflammasome. The blood NLR does not appear to aid in distinguishing prostatic conditions in dogs. Further investigation of the S100/calgranulin pathways and their role in modulation of tumor development, progression, and metastasis in PCA is warranted