82 research outputs found


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    Drug use is one of the major challenges that today's society faces; its effects are felt at the level of various social, professional and age categories. Over 50 non-profit organizations are involved in the development of anti-drug social programs in Romania. Their role is to improve the degree of awareness of the target population concerning the risks associated with drug use, but also to steer consumers towards healthy areas, beneficial to their future. This paper aims to detail the issue of drug use in Romania, by making predictions based on the evolution of this phenomenon during the next five years. The obtained results have revealed the necessity to increase the number of programs preventing drug use, aswell as the need to continue social programs that have proved effective in previous years.social marketing, non-profit organization, drug abuse, marketing forecast, drug use social program

    Competition as an Effective Tool in Developing Social Marketing Programs: Driving Behavior Change through Online Activities

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    Nowadays, social marketing practices represent an important part of people’s lives. Consumers’ understanding of the need for change has become the top priority for social organizations worldwide. As a result, the number of social marketing programs has increased, making people reflect more on their behaviors and on the need to take action. Competition in social marketing can bring many benefits. The more programs initiated, the more people will start to involve in society’s problems, hereby contributing to beneficial causes. However, social organizations are in the search for competitive advantages to differentiate them on the market. This paper aims to present the role of online communication in driving competitive advantage for social organizations. Using the structural equation model, the paper describes the relations between four characteristics of the online communication: credibility, attractiveness, persuasion and promotion and then presents the correlations between these variables and website competitiveness. The resulting model shows that owning a competitive advantage in social marketing can bring many advantages to both the non-profit organization and the consumer. Therefore, the online environment can be considered a good solution for better serving consumers’ social needs. Its contribution is significant especially in programs for children and adolescents, since teenagers spend more time on the Internet than adults and are more open to using the online channels of communication. In conclusion, this article opens new opportunities for social marketers to address society’s problems and supports the integration of the online communication tools in the competition strategy.competition, social marketing program, online environment, non-profit organization, social marketing, consumer behaviour.

    Health Prevention Programs in Social Marketing: Recent Trends and Future Prospects

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    Social marketing methods are nowadays frequently used in the development of healthprevention programs. The main Objectives of this paper are: to identify the role of skin protectionprograms in society, to evaluate sun protection behavior among consumers and to propose futuredirections of research in skin cancer prevention. Prior Work in skin protection focused on the risksassociated with long periods of sun exposure while offering advice regarding responsible behavior. InEurope, the main center of skin cancer research is European Cancer Observatory and, in Romania,Romanian Society of Dermatology (SRD). These institutions develop specialized programs annualy.The Approach used in this article is the survey. The paper analysis consumers’ perceptions regardingskin protection behavior in Romania by using a structured online questionnaire. A total number of 86respondents participated in the study. Results show that 53% of respondents don’t have a sunprotection behavior. Implications of the study are: health practitioners can use these findings infurther research and nonprofit organizations can increase their prevention programs in certain groups.The Value of this paper consists of direct analysis regarding skin cancer issue in Romania whileemphasizing the importance of health prevention programs for social marketing domain

    Management des entreprises et politiques sociales dans l’Europe élargie (Management of enterprises and social policies in the enlarged Europe)

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    L’idée européenne fait largement partie de la culture des populations du continent européen et cela bien au-delà des limites géographiques actuelles de l’Union Européenne. Les difficultés rencontrées pour aboutir à la mise en place d’une politique économique et d’une législation commune à l’ensemble des pays de l’union européenne, dans ses limites actuelles, et à l’harmonisation de législations existantes sont nombreuses. Elles risquent de l’être plus encore après l’élargissement de l’union à de nouveaux pays. Les auteurs proposent une analyse d’un seul aspect du processus d’intégration : les effets du refus du Projet de ratification de la Constitution européenne. The European idea is largely part of the culture of the european continent's inhabitants and this, far further than the current geographical borders of the European Union. Difficulties to implement a common ecnomic policy and a common law for all the European Union countries are numerous. These difficulties may gain ground after the enlargment to new countries. The authors propose an analysis based on a unique aspect of the integration process : the impacts of the rejection of the European Constitution project.management, social policies, european union

    Impact of Obesity on Atrial Electrophysiological Substrate

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    (1) Background: Obesity is a well-established worldwide recognised risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF). Prior review papers reported on the associations between obesity and AF development, but not on the relation between obesity and atrial electrophysiology. We therefore conducted a systematic review to describe the current knowledge of the characteristics of the atrial electrophysiological substrate in obese individuals and how they relate to the development of AF.(2) Methods:A search was conducted in Pubmed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for publications evaluating the impact of obesity on atrial electrophysiology, electrical substrates, and their relation to the development of AF. (3) Results:A systematic literature search retrieved 477 potential publications based on the inclusion criteria; 76 full-text articles were selected for the present systematic review. The literature demonstrated that obesity predisposes to not only a higher AF incidence but also to more extensive atrial electrophysiological abnormalities increasing susceptibility to AF development. (4) Conclusion:Obesity may predispose to an overall increase in atrial electropathology, consisting of an increase in the slowing of the conduction, conduction block, low-voltage areas, and complex fractionated electrograms. To determine the impact of obesity-induced atrial electrical abnormalities on the long-term clinical outcome, further prospective studies are mandatory.</p

    The potential role of mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) in coronary heart disease: a literature review

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, and so the search for innovative and accurate biomarkers for guiding prevention, diagnosis, and treatment is a valuable clinical and economic endeavor. Due to a recent findings that the serum concentration of mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) is an independent prognostic factor in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), we reviewed the role of this protein in myocardial ischemic preconditioning, its correlation to plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL), the predictive potential in patients with CHD, and its interplay with angiogenesis. IF1 has been positively correlated with plasma HDL-cholesterol, and is independently negatively associated with all-cause and CV mortality in patients with CHD. However, this conclusion is prevalently based on limited data, and more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions. IF1 seems to play an additional role in increasing cell vulnerability in oncologic diseases but may also function as modest inhibitor of angiogenesis in physiological conditions. It has been also explored that IF1 may rather act as a modulator of other molecules more significantly involved in angiogenesis, especially apolipoprotein A1 on which the largest effect could be observed. In conclusion, more research is needed to characterize the role of IF1 in patients with CHD
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