14 research outputs found

    Analysis of three SSR loci for their amplification under allele dilution.

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    <p>NP  =  number of plants, DR  =  dilution range, DU  =  dilution in undetected cases.</p><p>The global result for each combined bulk is given in bold face characters.</p

    Informativeness of SSRs.

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    <p>Distribution of informativeness in 30 SSR loci measured in bits (a). Association between SSR marker informativeness and number of alleles per locus (b).</p


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    Information about the plate that contains the DNA sample. DNAplate_id: Numerical identifier (unique per row) ESTADO: State (of Mexico) where the accession was originally collected. DNA_plate: Plate where the DNA is stored in our facilities. DNA_well: Well within plate where the DNA is stored in our facilities. accesion: Unique key for accession. ** - Technical description of columns - ** FieldTypeNullKeyDefaultExtra DNAplate_idint(5)NOPRINULLauto_increment ESTADOvarchar(20)NONULL DNA_plateint(2)NONULL DNA_wellvarchar(3)NONULL accesionvarchar(10)YESNUL

    fingerprint (DNA profile for each bulk)

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    ## -- Table fingerprint -- ## Information about all marker types of each bulk within accession. NOTE: Each one of the marker types is a numerical variable, with 0 if the sample was negative for that marker type and 1 otherwise. acc: Accession identifier. batch: Bulk (batch) identifier. : Combination marker / allele (contents 0 or 1; see above) ... [There are 328 posible marker / allele columns] ** - Technical description of columns - ** FieldTypeNullKeyDefaultExtra accvarchar(5)NOMULNULL batchint(1)NOMULNULL PHI015_0int(1)YES0 PHI015_63int(1)YES0 ... [There are 328 marker / allele columns

    plates (where DNA samples are stored)

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    ## -- Table plates -- ## Information about plates where the DNA samples are stored. plate_id: Numerical identifier (unique per row) updated: Last time information was updated. plate: Plate identifier. ** - Technical description of columns - ** FieldTypeNullKeyDefaultExtra plate_idint(5)NOPRINULLauto_increment updatedtimestampNOCURRENT_TIMESTAMPon update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP platevarchar(100)YESNUL

    Marker / Allele combinations.

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    ## -- Table MAL -- ## Information about the Marker / Allele combination (all reported Marker / Allele combinations are in this table) unid: Numerical identifier (unique per row) marcador: SSR marker. id_estado: State identifier. lim_inf: Lower limit of the lecture. lim_sup: Upper limit of the lecture. alelo: Allele number. ** - Technical description of columns - ** FieldTypeNullKeyDefaultExtra unidint(5)NOPRINULLauto_increment marcadorvarchar(20)NOMULNULL id_estadovarchar(2)NONULL lim_inffloatNONULL lim_supfloatNONULL aleloint(2)NOMULNUL