168 research outputs found

    [Klinefelter syndrome: clinical and auxological features of 14 patients diagnosed in childhood].

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    Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most frequent chromosomal aneuploidy with a prevalence of 1: 500 men but it often remains a largely undiagnosed condition and only 10% of cases are identified in childhood and adolescence. We report the anamnestic, clinical and auxological findings of 14 KS patients diagnosed in paediatric age. 3/14 patients (21%) with KS were diagnosed in prenatal age by amniocentesis, 1 patient was diagnosed at birth due to genital ambiguity and the remaining 10/14 (71.4%) were diagnosed at a chronological age younger than 15 years old for a clinical picture characterized by a peculiar cognitive and behavioral pattern or genital anomalies and abnormalities of pubertal development. The classical karyotype 47 XXY was present in 10/14 subjects (72%), a mosaic form (46 XY/47 XXY) was present in 2/14 (14%) and a complex aneuploidy (48 XXYY and 48 XXXY) was present in the remaining 2/14 (14%) patients. All KS patients diagnosed in childhood and adolescence (10/14 =71.4 %) showed a stature taller than the respective target height and also the predicted final height (calculated from a chronological age older than 7 years old) and the reached final height were significantly taller than target height. Conclusion: according to our retrospective data we can assert that KS in paediatric age is characterized by a stature taller than target height, often associated with a characteristic cognitive and behavioral pattern while the typical clinical signs and symptoms of KS are lacking and manifest only in late adolescence or adulthood

    Evans Syndrome: A case report

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    Evans syndrome, a combined clinical condition of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AHA) and idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP) and has non-specific pathogenesis. The clinical cases are extremely rare, since only 4% of AHA or ITP are incorporated with Evans. It is distinguished from differentials, such as lupus, IgA deficiency, and acquired immunodeficiency, by peripheral blood film, bone marrow, Coombs test, and coagulation profile. A case of adult female from Pabna, Bangladesh is documented in this report. She complained of high grade intermittent fever, exertional dyspnea, icteric skin and sclera. Other features included mild splenomegaly, dark urine, and profuse sweating after fever. Investigation reports were consistent with AHA and ITP, with normal coagulation and viral profile. However, the patient was treated with corticosteroids, platelet and blood transfusion. And in follow-up visits, there was a pattern of gradual decline in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and reticulocyte count, with normalization of haemoglobin, red cell, and white cell count. No association with other diseases was found in this case. Bangladesh Med J. 2018 Jan; 47 (3): 37-4

    [Turner-like syndrome: a case report].

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    A prepubescent 11 year-old girl came to our attention for short stature. Auxological evaluation showed peculiar phenotype. In order to exclude Turner syndrome standard karyotype was performed with normal result. Because of anemia and selective deficiency of the erythroid lineage further investigations were performed and a diagnosis of Blackfan-Diamond anemia was made

    Features of Clinical Complexity in European Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Report From a European Observational Prospective AF Registry

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    There is increasing concern regarding impact of clinical complexity in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We explored the impact of different clinical complexity features in AF patients. We analyzed patients from a prospective, observational, multicenter Europe-wide AF registry. Features of clinical complexity among patients with CHA2DS2-VASc ≥2 were: (1) history of bleeding; (2) frailty; (3) chronic kidney disease (CKD); (4) ≥2 features. A total of 10,169 patients were analyzed. Of these, 141 (1.4%) had history of bleeding, 954 (9.4%) were frail, 1767 (17.4%) had CKD and 1253 (12.3%) had ≥2 features. All features of clinical complexity were less treated with OAC. History of bleeding (HR 1.94, 95% CI 1.32-2.85), frailty (HR 1.38, 95% CI 1.11-1.71), CKD (HR 1.50, 95% 1.28-1.75) and ≥2 features (HR 2.08, 95% CI 1.73-2.51) were associated with outcomes. Presence of features of clinical complexity is associated with lower use of OAC and higher risk of outcomes

    Estudio sobre las praxeologías que se proponen estudiaren un curso universitario de cálculo

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    En este trabajo se analizan las organizaciones que se proponen estudiar en un curso de cálculo universitario relativas a las nociones de límite y continuidad funcional. Desde la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico se analizó el material editado por lo profesores destinado a estudiantes universitarios. Los principales resultados indican que se propone el estudio de tareas aisladas, que no conducen a la elaboración y validación de elementos tecnológicos. De esta manera, se evidencia la organización de los saberes en dos niveles: uno teórico y otro práctico, donde este último no tiene incidencia para la conformación del primero. Esto genera una inadecuada interpretación del conocimiento científico, reduciendo su estudio a organizaciones matemáticas desarticuladas

    Caring and living with Prader-Willi syndrome in Italy: integrating children, adults and parents' experiences through a multicentre narrative medicine research.

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    Objectives: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) significantly impacts health-related quality of life; however, its relational and existential aspects remain unknown in Italian clinical and social debate. The project aimed to investigate the impact of PWS on illness experience through narrative medicine (NM) to understand the daily life, needs and resources of patients with PWS and their caregivers, and to furnish insights for clinical practice. Design and setting: The project involved 10 medical centres of the Italian Network for Rare Diseases and PWS family associations and targeted underage and adult patients with PWS and their caregivers. Written interviews, composed by a sociodemographic survey and a narrative, were collected through the project's website. Three dedicated illness plots employed evocative and open words to facilitate individual expression and to encourage reflection. Narratives were analysed through NVivo software. Researchers discussed the results with the project's steering committee. Participants: Twenty-one children and adolescents and 34 adults with PWS joined the project, as well as 138 caregivers. A PWS diagnosis or the caregiving of a patient with PWS older than 5 years represented the eligibility criteria, as well as the willingness to share their illness experience by writing and the ability to communicate in Italian. Results: The analysis of narratives led to understanding the PWS social and relational issues concerning diagnosis and current management, PWS daily experiences and social contexts, PWS implications in the working sphere and participants' future perspectives. Narratives demonstrated that PWS management affects relationships and work-life balance and that social stigma remains present. Conclusion: The project represented the first effort to investigate the impact of PWS on illness experience in Italy through NM while considering the perspectives of patients with PWS and their caregivers. The findings indicated that a multiprofessional approach is fundamental to ensure adequate treatment and provided elements for its improvement

    [A not very essential obesity: the Rohhad syndrome. Description of two cases and review of the literature].

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    Rapid-onset Obesity with Hypothalamic Dysfunction, Hypoventilation, and Autonomic Dysregulation (ROHHAD) is a rare and complex pediatric disorder . Children typically show ROHHAD after the first years of life with rapid weight gain and subsequently autonomic nervous system dysregulation (altered pain perception, pupillary dysfunction, hypothermia and bradycardia); alveolar hypoventilation with risk of cardiorespiratory arrest and hypothalamic dysfunction (central diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, growth hormone and corticotrophin deficiency). Tumours of neural crest origin, such as ganglioneuroblastoma and ganglioneuronoma, are reported in 33% of the patients and may be found in the chest or abdomen. Here we describe two girls who presented with rapid weight gain, at the age of 5 and 9 years respectively. The first was admitted due to obesity and central hypothyroidism. After two months she rapidly developed a clinical picture characterized by thermal dysregulation, hypodipsia and severe hypernatriemia, hypertrigliceridemia, alveolar hypoventilation supported by mechanical ventilation. The second presented with rapid-onset obesity and a mild hyperprolactinemia. After three months of follow- up she was admitted due to a clinical picture of hypothermia, seizures and hyponatremia. Subsequentely she developed altered water balance (severe hypernatremia) and severe hypoventilation . Chest CT and MR imaging showed a posterior mediastinal mass. Endocrinological investigation showed corticotrophin deficiency and central hypothyroidism treated with specific replacement therapies. Conclusions: On the basis of our experiences we can infer that it is necessary perform specific further investigations of hypothalamic function in all the children with rapid onset obesity in order to early prevent the catastrophic consequences that may occur in this syndrome

    Is Metabolic Syndrome Useful for Identifying Youths with Obesity at Risk for NAFLD?

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    The definition of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in childhood is controversial. Recently, a modified version of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition was proposed using reference data from an international population for high waist circumference (WC) and blood pressure (BP), while the fixed cutoffs for lipids and glucose were not changed. We analyzed MetS prevalence using this modified definition (MetS-IDFm) and its association with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in 1057 youths (age 6–17 years) with overweight/obesity (OW/OB). A comparison with another modified definition of MetS according to the Adult Treatment Panel III (MetS-ATPIIIm) was performed. The prevalence of MetS-IDFm was 27.8% and 28.9% by MetS-ATPIIIm. The Odds (95% Confidence Intervals) of NAFLD was 2.70 (1.30–5.60) (p = 0.008) for high WC, 1.68 (1.25–2.26)(p = 0.001) for MetS, 1.54 (1.12–2.11)(p = 0.007) for low HDL-Cholesterol, 1.49 (1.04–2.13)(p = 0.032) for high triglycerides and 1.37 (1.03–1.82)(p = 0.033) for high BP. No substantial difference was found in the prevalence of MetS-IDFm and frequency of NAFLD compared to Mets-ATPIIIm definition. Our data demonstrate that one third of youths with OW/OB have MetS, whichever was the criterion. Neither definition was superior to some of their components in identifying youths with OW/OB at risk for NAFLD

    Cross-sectional and prospective study of the effects of GH therapy on metabolic panel in children with GH deficiency

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    Background: Numerous studies have shown that GH, in addition to promoting linear growth, exerts a key role in many metabolic processes. However, there are only few studies aiming at evaluating the metabolic panel of children with GH deficiency (GHD). The aims of the study were: to verify the presence of metabolic alterations in GHD children in comparison with age-matched controls and to check the possible effects of two year GH therapy on the metabolic parameters in GHD. Study design: cross-sectional and prospective; one center experience Population and Methods: We enrolled 32 pediatric GHD patients (group A) and 33 sex- and age-matched healthy controls (group B). Baseline serum assays (lipid, insulin, glucose) were performed in both groups. GHD children underwent replacement therapy with GH. The same assays were repeated after 12 and 24 months of GH treatment. Results: No differences, in basal assays were found between the two groups. In group A, after initiation of GH, there was a significant increase of basal insulin and HOMA- insulin resistance (IR) index (p <0.001). In children with severe GHD (peak GH <3 ng / ml), after beginning of GH therapy a significant improvement in the lipid profile was found (p < 0.05). Conclusions: a) At the time of diagnosis GHD children had a metabolic picture that was not different from non- GHD group; b) in children with severe GHD, the metabolic profile showed a trend towards at improvement after the initiation of replacement therapy with GH, with beneficial effects in terms of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular risk indices; c) GHD patients with unfavorable metabolic profile (high BMI and hypercholestorolemia) need a monitoring of glucose metabolism by periodical evaluations of insulin and HOMA – IR