26 research outputs found


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    Introduction. To control the movement, the brain must process proprioceptive information provided by mechanoreceptors. The role of proprioception in daily activities, physical exercises, were presented, using the SEBT technique and the proprioceptive mechanisms that represent the base of dynamic postural control. Objective. The aim was to highlight the effects of proprioceptive training on lower limb balance in subjects with lower limb injuries but also in healthy subjects, and to evaluate the effectiveness of proprioceptive programs based on postural instability to reduce knee sprains by developing proprioceptive control. These findings indicate the improvement of proprioceptive control which may be a key factor in reducing knee sprain. Methods. The research was performed on 30 subjects, male and female, employees of the Ministry of National Defense, distributed in two experimental groups: G1 and G2. Results. SEBT has become a dynamic test used in clinical trials and research. The results of the research showed validity for SEBT. Conclusions. Knee sprain is a trauma that occurs frequently among athletes. Like athletes, the Ministry of National Defense employees represent a population at high risk of injury or recurrence.   REZUMAT. Profilaxia entorsei de genunchi utilizând testul SEBT. Introducere. Pentru a controla mișcarea, creierul trebuie să proceseze informații proprioceptive, furnizate de mecanoreceptori. Rolul propriocepției în activitățile zilnice, exercițiile fizice, au fost prezentate utilizând tehnica SEBT și mecanismul proprioceptiv, care reprezintă baza controlului postural dinamic. Obiectiv. Obiectivul a fost de a evidenția efectele antrenamentului proprioceptiv asupra echilibrului membrelor inferioare la subiecți cu leziuni ale membrelor inferioare, dar și la subiecți sănătoși, și de a evalua eficacitatea programelor proprioceptive, bazate pe instabilitate posturală, pentru a reduce entorsele de genunchi prin dezvoltarea controlului proprioceptiv. Aceste descoperiri indică îmbunătățirea controlului proprioceptiv, care poate fi un factor cheie în reducerea entorsei genunchiului. Metode. Cercetarea a fost efectuată pe 30 de subiecți, bărbați și femei, angajați ai Ministerului Apărării Naționale, repartizați în două grupuri experimentale: G1 și G2. Rezultate. SEBT a devenit un test dinamic utilizat în studiile clinice și în cercetare. Rezultatele cercetării au demonstrat validitatea pentru SEBT. Concluzii. Entorsa genunchiului este o traumă care apare frecvent în rândul sportivilor. Asemenea sportivilor, angajații Ministerului Apărării Naționale reprezintă o populație cu risc crescut de accidentare sau recidivă. Cuvinte cheie: entorsa genunchiului, control postural, control neuromuscular, test de echilibru dinamic. Received: 2022 March 04; Revised: 2022 April 15; Accepted: 2022 April 15; Available online: 2022 May 5; Available print: 2022 May 30


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    A fundamental role in movement control is given by proprioceptive information from a multitude of mechanoreceptors that are integrated and processed by the human brain. Understanding proprioception and the test method, such as the threshold for detecting passive movement and reproducing joint position, are used to assess proprioception. The origin of the methods, test apparatus and procedures or protocols used in each approach are compared and discussed. Instability of a lower limb joint is a risk factor for these areas. Therefore, the development of proprioception can play an important role in injury prevention. The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is a dynamic postural control task that has gained notoriety in clinical and research settings, it is able to provide objective measures to differentiate deficiencies and improve dynamic postural control related to lower limb joint injuries. The clinical application of the SEBT led to the development of the Y Balance Test (YBT), both SEBT and YBT involve similar movements that are deemed to measure and challenge dynamic balance. Received 2022 May 25; Revised 2022 June 23; Accepted 2022 June 28; Available online 2022 June 30; Available print 2022 August 30. REZUMAT. Testele de echilibrare dinamică SEBT și YBT. Un rol fundamental în controlul mișcării este dat de informațiile proprioceptive de la o multitudine de mecanoreceptori care sunt integrați și procesați de creierul uman. Înțelegerea propriocepției și a metodei de testare, cum ar fi pragul de detectare a mișcării pasive și de reproducere a poziției articulare, sunt utilizate pentru a evalua propriocepția. Se compară și se discută originea metodelor, a aparatelor de testare și a procedurilor sau protocoalelor utilizate în fiecare abordare. Instabilitatea unei articulații inferioare a membrelor este un factor de risc pentru aceste zone. Prin urmare, dezvoltarea propriocepției poate juca un rol important în prevenirea leziunilor. Testul de echilibru al excursiei Stelare (SEBT) este o sarcină dinamică de control postural care a câștigat notorietate în setările clinice și de cercetare, este capabil să ofere măsuri obiective pentru a diferenția deficiențele și pentru a îmbunătăți controlul dinamic postural legat de leziunile articulare ale membrelor inferioare. Aplicarea clinică a SEBT a condus la dezvoltarea testului de echilibru Y (YBT), atât SEBT, cât și YBT implică mișcări similare care se consideră că măsoară și provoacă echilibrul dinamic. Cuvinte-cheie: propriocepție, Testul de echilibru Stea, Testul de echilibru

    The Importance of Kinetic Treatment for Integrating Children with SEN into Education

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    Any child may encounter learning difficulties at some time, but they are usually overcome due to the support and encouragement provided by parents and the educational establishments where children are enrolled depending on their age (kindergarten, school). The notion of children with special educational needs (SEN) is used to describe a category of people with learning problems in relation to age or with a handicap/ a disability/ an impairment compared to most of the population. For children with SEN, the intervention through kinetic means represents an effective therapy that can be equally used by parents and teachers in order to facilitate the integration of these children into mainstream education. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a bibliographic study regarding the improvement of the quality of life in children with SEN by applying specific kinetic means that consist of physical exercise and massage, but also by the intervention of other types of therapy, depending on the disability of each subject. Individualisation of physical activities is a general principle applicable to all participants and especially to people with SEN who suffer from various conditions. In conclusion, we claim that the beneficial effects of the movement performed in any form and in any context are undeniable for any child but particularly for those with SEN

    The Importance of Kinetic Treatment for Integrating Children with SEN into Education

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    Any child may encounter learning difficulties at some time, but they are usually overcome due to the support and encouragement provided by parents and the educational establishments where children are enrolled depending on their age (kindergarten, school). The notion of children with special educational needs (SEN) is used to describe a category of people with learning problems in relation to age or with a handicap/ a disability/ an impairment compared to most of the population. For children with SEN, the intervention through kinetic means represents an effective therapy that can be equally used by parents and teachers in order to facilitate the integration of these children into mainstream education. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a bibliographic study regarding the improvement of the quality of life in children with SEN by applying specific kinetic means that consist of physical exercise and massage, but also by the intervention of other types of therapy, depending on the disability of each subject. Individualisation of physical activities is a general principle applicable to all participants and especially to people with SEN who suffer from various conditions. In conclusion, we claim that the beneficial effects of the movement performed in any form and in any context are undeniable for any child but particularly for those with SEN.</em


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    Introduction: Mastectomy surgery in association with local radiotherapy and chemotherapy generates side effects such as: lymphedema, decreased range of motion, chronic pain, cardiotoxicity, neuropathy, premature menopause, infertility, anxiety, depression, fatigue. Decreased range of motion is the most disabling side effect of the treatment. Aerobic and resistive exercises can prevent lymphedema and improve the range of motion of the upper limb on the side of mastectomy. Objective: The purpose of the present study is to verify the effectiveness of an individualized kinetic program, applied to improve the upper limb range of motion after breast cancer surgery. Methods: In this study, 5 subjects (females, aged between 49 and 67) with right radical mastectomy and axillary lympho-dissection were included. They performed a kinetic program twice a week for 6 months and we evaluated the range motion at the level of the upper limb. Results: All the movements performed in upper limb (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation) improved, suggesting that the kinetic program is efficient. The average of the flexion movement increased by 35°, from 126° to 161°. The values obtained for the extension movement show an increase of the average by 14.6°. The abduction movement improved from 120° to 170°. At the elbow level, the flexion increased by 24.4° and the extension decreased by 6°. At the wrist level, the flexion increased by 37.4° and the extension increased from 41.8° to 78°. Conclusions: After applying the therapeutic program, the final physical assessments highlights that the range of motion increased in the upper limb. Article history: Received 2022 October 17; Revised 2022 October 20; Accepted 2022 October 21; Available online 2022 November 20; Available print 2022 December 20. REZUMAT. Studiu privind amplitudinea de mișcare a membrului superior după intervenția chirurgicală în cancerul de sân. Introducere: Intervenția de mastectomie asociată cu radioterapia locală și chimioterapia generează efecte secundare cum ar fi: limfedem, amplitudine de mișcare scăzută, durere cronică, cardiotoxicitate, neuropatie, menopauză prematură, infertilitate, anxietate, depresie, oboseală. Amplitudinea de mișcare diminuată este cel mai dăunător efect secundar al tratamentului. Obiective: Scopul prezentului studiu este de a verifica eficiența unui program kinetic individualizat, aplicat pentru a îmbunătăți amplitudinea mișcărilor membrului superior după intervenția chirurgicală în cancerul de sân. Metode: În acest studiu au fost incluși 5 subiecți (de gen feminin, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 49 și 67 de ani) cu mastectomie radicală dreaptă și limfodisecție axilară. Rezultate: Toate mișcările efectuate la nivelul membrului superior (flexie, extensie, abducție, adducție, rotație internă și externă) s-au îmbunătățit, sugerând că programul kinetic este eficient. Media mișcării de flexie a crescut cu 35°, de la 126° la 161°. Valorile obținute pentru mișcarea de extensie arată o creștere a mediei cu 14.6°. Mișcarea de adducție s-a îmbunătățit de la 120° la 170°. La nivelul cotului, flexia a crescut cu 24.4° și extensia a scăzut cu 6°. La nivelul mâinii, flexia a crescut cu 24.4° și extensia s-a îmbunătățit de la 41.8° la 78°. Concluzii: După aplicarea programului terapeutic, evaluare finală evidențiază că amplitudinea mișcărilor membrului superior s-a îmbunătățit. Cuvinte cheie: cancer de sân, amplitudine de mișcare, mastectomie

    The Effects of Complete Decongestive Therapy on Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema

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    Breast cancer-related lymphedema is the most common side effect that occurs after the treatment. There are four stages of evolution of the lymphedema and the most frequent treatment used is complete decongestive therapy (CDT). This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of CDT in the treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema. After the final assessment, the data were processed statistically and we found that the evaluated circumferences decreased, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the CDT


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    Introduction: A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together. The incidence of training injuries is almost constant for players between the ages of 13 and 19, with the majority of injuries ranging from 1 to 5 injuries per 1,000 hours of training, while younger players have lower incidences. The incidence of injuries during the match tends to increase with age, in all age groups, with an average incidence of about 15 to 20 injuries per 1,000 hours of play in players over 15 years of age. Objective: The aim of this study is to verify the efectiveness of an individualized kinetic program in association with myofascial techniques. Methods: The myofascial techniques used are IASTM (Ergon therapy), dry needling, cupping and kinesiotaping. In this study a 18 years old football player was included. The evaluation was performed by the Biodex (for the muscle strength) and lunge test (for the range of motion). Results: After a month o treatment, our patient improved his strength and range of motion. Conclusion: Studies have shown that these techniques of myofascial release provide a huge effectiveness on the flexibility of the muscles, having even much more efficacy than stretching. Using myofascial techniques, has a much quicker result on the recuperation of the ankle sprain offering a great efficacy on the total recuperation of the pacient. Article history: Received 2022 October 09; Revised 2022 October 20; Accepted 2022 October 21; Available online 2022 November 20; Available print 2022 December 20. REZUMAT. Aspecte privind recuperarea entorsei de gleznă prin tehnici miofasciale. Introducere: O entorsă a gleznei este o leziune care apare atunci când vă rostogoliți, răsuciți sau întoarceți glezna într-un mod neobișnuit. Acest lucru poate întinde sau rupe benzile dure de țesut (ligamente) care ajută la menținerea oaselor gleznei împreună. Incidența accidentărilor la antrenament este aproape constantă pentru jucătorii cu vârste cuprinse între 13 și 19 ani, majoritatea accidentărilor variind de la 1 la 5 accidentări la 1.000 de ore de antrenament, în timp ce la jucătorii mai tineri incidența este mai scăzută. Incidența accidentărilor în timpul meciului tinde să crească odată cu vârsta, la toate grupele de vârstă, cu o incidență medie de aproximativ 15 până la 20 de accidentări la 1.000 de ore de joc la jucătorii de peste 15 ani. Obiective: Scopul acestui studiu este de a verifica eficacitatea unui program kinetic individualizat în asociere cu tehnici miofasciale. Metode: Tehnicile miofasciale utilizate sunt IASTM (Ergon therapy), dry needling, cupping și kinesiotaping. În acest studiu a fost inclus un jucător de fotbal în vârstă de 18 ani. Evaluarea a fost efectuată cu Biodex (pentru forța musculară) și testul fandare (pentru amplitudinea de mișcare). Rezultate: După o lună de tratament, pacientul și-a îmbunătățit forța și amplitudine de mișcare. Concluzii: Studiile au arătat că aceste tehnici de eliberare miofascială oferă o eficiență uriașă asupra flexibilității mușchilor, având chiar mai multă eficacitate decât stretching-ul. Utilizarea tehnicilor miofasciale are un rezultat mult mai rapid la recuperarea entorsei gleznei oferind o mare eficacitate asupra recuperării totale a pacientului. Cuvinte cheie: terapie manuală, recuperare, entorsă de gleznă

    The impact of the biodex 4 pro system dynamometer in the rehabilitation of ankle sprain in youth football players

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to identify impact differences in the rehabilitation the second-degree ankle sprain, more specifically the restoration of agonist-antagonist muscle balance, static and dynamic balance, and motor control in junior soccer players will have a different impact on patients who perform the recovery program with the help of Biodex 4 Pro and myofascial therapies compared to those who perform physical therapy using classical methods. (2) Methods: the study included 22 subjects divided into two equal groups in accordance with the agreement to practice modern therapies (MT) and kinesiotherapy (KT): the experimental group that performed the myofascial therapies and exercises with Biodex 4 pro and the control group that performed the KT. The parties' evaluations included: the Biodex 4 Pro for a range of motion assessment and the PodoSmart device for gait assessment. (3) Results: analysis identifies significant improvements for the subjects in the experimental group, respectively for the subjects in the control group, as follows: after completing the therapeutic plan for four weeks, the subjects gained 35.8° of flexion and 36.4° of extension compared to the initial results. In the PodoSmart gait analysis, the experimental group progressed between tests by 14.8% for the foot symmetry parameter, which was 3.8% more than in the control group, whose symmetry progress between tests was 11%. (4) Conclusion: the combined therapeutic plan containing Biodex technology and myofascial therapies is a current effective option in the rehabilitation of athletes

    Optimizing the Rehabilitation of Second Degree Ankle Sprains in Basketball Players by Associating Conventional Kinetotherapy Techniques and Unconventional Kinetic Techniques

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    AbstractA speedier reintegration of the basketball players in their specific activity after having suffered a sprained ankle will determine a decrease in the negative impact of ceasing the kinetic activity on the performance capacity and will contribute to continuing their specific activity in parameters close to the ones prior to the trauma. This goal can be achieved by a systematic approach of the individual in the rehabilitation process. This study addresses the entire rehabilitation process, starting with the diagnosis and till the reintegration in the specific activity. It isolates, modifies and selects external and internal factors with the purpose of following their influence on the studied phenomena