42 research outputs found

    Control of Germline Stem Cell Division Frequency – A Novel, Developmentally Regulated Role for Epidermal Growth Factor Signaling

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    Exploring adult stem cell dynamics in normal and disease states is crucial to both better understanding their in vivo role and better realizing their therapeutic potential. Here we address the division frequency of Germline Stem Cells (GSCs) in testes of Drosophila melanogaster. We show that GSC division frequency is under genetic control of the highly conserved Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) signaling pathway. When EGF signaling was attenuated, we detected a two-fold increase in the percentage of GSCs in mitotic division compared to GSCs in control animals. Ex vivo and in vivo experiments using a marker for cells in S-phase of the cell cycle showed that the GSCs in EGF mutant testes divide faster than GSCs in control testes. The increased mitotic activity of GSCs in EGF mutants was rescued by restoring EGF signaling in the GSCs, and reproduced in testes from animals with soma-depleted EGF-Receptor (EGFR). Interestingly, EGF attenuation specifically increased the GSC division frequency in adult testes, but not in larval testes. Furthermore, GSCs in testes with tumors resulting from the perturbation of other conserved signaling pathways divided at normal frequencies. We conclude that EGF signaling from the GSCs to the CySCs normally regulates GSC division frequency. The EGF signaling pathway is bifurcated and acts differently in adult compared to larval testes. In addition, regulation of GSC division frequency is a specific role for EGF signaling as it is not affected in all tumor models. These data advance our understanding concerning stem cell dynamics in normal tissues and in a tumor model

    A Chemerin Peptide Analog Stimulates Tumor Growth in Two Xenograft Mouse Models of Human Colorectal Carcinoma

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    Background: Chemerin plasma concentration has been reported to be positively correlated with the risk of colorectal cancer. However, the potential regulation of CRC tumorigenesis and progression has not yet been investigated in an experimental setting. This study addresses this hypothesis by investigating proliferation, colony formation, and migration of CRC cell lines in vitro as well as in animal models. Methods: In vitro, microscopic assays to study proliferation, as well as a scratch-wound assay for migration monitoring, were applied using the human CRC cell lines HCT116, HT29, and SW620 under the influence of the chemerin analog CG34. The animal study investigated HCT116-luc and HT29-luc subcutaneous tumor size and bioluminescence during treatment with CG34 versus control, followed by an ex-vivo analysis of vessel density and mitotic activity. Results: While the proliferation of the three CRC cell lines in monolayers was not clearly stimulated by CG34, the chemerin analog promoted colony formation in three-dimensional aggregates. An effect on cell migration was not observed. In the treatment study, CG34 significantly stimulated both growth and bioluminescence signals of HCT116-luc and HT29-luc xenografts. Conclusions: The results of this study represent the first indication of a tumor growth-stimulating effect of chemerin signaling in CRC

    Classification of Chemicals According to UN-GHS and EU-CLP: A Review of Physical Hazard Classes and Their Intricate Interfaces to Transport and Former EU Legislation

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    The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN-GHS) is being implemented in more and more countries all over the world; the EU has done so with the CLP-Regulation (EU-CLP). Compared to the undeniably important questions on health and environmental hazards, the classification of physical hazards of chemicals often has not been in the focus, although their implementation can be challenging and there are traps and pitfalls to be avoided. The following overview of the classification systematics for physical hazards aims at a principle understanding without detailing all criteria or test methods. Similarities and differences between the classification systems of the UN-GHS and EU-CLP, the transport of dangerous goods and the former EU system are reviewed with regard to the physical hazard classes. Available physical hazard classifications for the transport of dangerous goods and according to the former EU system can be used as available information when classifying according to the GHS. However, the interfaces of these classification systems and their limitations have to be understood well when concluding on GHS/CLP classifications. This applies not only to industry when applying CLP but especially to legislators when adapting legislation that in one way or another refers to the classification of chemicals

    Off-target effects of siRNA specific for GFP

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene knock down by RNAi is a highly effective approach to silence gene expression in experimental as well as therapeutic settings. However, this widely used methodology entails serious pitfalls, especially concerning specificity of the RNAi molecules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tested the most widely used control siRNA directed against <it>GFP </it>for off-target effects and found that it deregulates in addition to <it>GFP </it>a set of endogenous target genes. The off-target effects were dependent on the amount of <it>GFP </it>siRNA transfected and were detected in a variety of cell lines. Since the respective siRNA molecule specific for <it>GFP </it>is widely used as negative control for RNAi experiments, we studied the complete set of off-target genes of this molecule by genome-wide expression profiling. The detected modulated mRNAs had target sequences homologous to the siRNA as small as 8 basepairs in size. However, we found no restriction of sequence homology to 3'UTR of target genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We can show that even siRNAs without a physiological target have sequence-specific off-target effects in mammalian cells. Furthermore, our analysis defines the off-target genes affected by the siRNA that is commonly used as negative control and directed against <it>GFP</it>. Since off-target effects can hardly be avoided, the best strategy is to identify false positives and exclude them from the results. To this end, we provide the set of false positive genes deregulated by the commonly used <it>GFP </it>siRNA as a reference resource for future siRNA experiments.</p

    Nucleoporin98-96 Function Is Required for Transit Amplification Divisions in the Germ Line of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Production of specialized cells from precursors depends on a tightly regulated sequence of proliferation and differentiation steps. In the gonad of Drosophila melanogaster, the daughters of germ line stem cells (GSC) go through precisely four rounds of transit amplification divisions to produce clusters of 16 interconnected germ line cells before entering a stereotypic differentiation cascade. Here we show that animals harbouring a transposon insertion in the center of the complex nucleoporin98-96 (nup98-96) locus had severe defects in the early steps of this developmental program, ultimately leading to germ cell loss and sterility. A phenotypic analysis indicated that flies carrying the transposon insertion, designated nup98-962288, had dramatically reduced numbers of germ line cells. In contrast to controls, mutant testes contained many solitary germ line cells that had committed to differentiation as well as abnormally small clusters of two, four or eight differentiating germ line cells. This indicates that mutant GSCs rather differentiated than self-renewed, and that these GSCs and their daughters initiated the differentiation cascade after zero, or less than four rounds of amplification divisions. This phenotype remained unaffected by hyper-activation of signalling pathways that normally result in excessive proliferation of GSCs and their daughters. Expression of wildtype nup98-96 specifically in the germ line cells of mutant animals fully restored development of the GSC lineage, demonstrating that the effect of the mutation is cell-autonomous. Nucleoporins are the structural components of the nucleopore and have also been implicated in transcriptional regulation of specific target genes. The nuclear envelopes of germ cells and general nucleocytoplasmic transport in nup98-96 mutant animals appeared normal, leading us to propose that Drosophila nup98-96 mediates the transport or transcription of targets required for the developmental timing between amplification and differentiation

    Effectiveness of classroom based crew resource management training in the intensive care unit: study design of a controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Crew resource management (CRM) has the potential to enhance patient safety in intensive care units (ICU) by improving the use of non-technical skills. However, CRM evaluation studies in health care are inconclusive with regard to the effect of this training on behaviour and organizational outcomes, due to weak study designs and the scarce use of direct observations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of CRM training on attitude, behaviour and organization after one year, using a multi-method approach and matched control units. The purpose of the present article is to describe the study protocol and the underlying choices of this evaluation study of CRM in the ICU in detail.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Six ICUs participated in a paired controlled trial, with one pre-test and two post test measurements (respectively three months and one year after the training). Three ICUs were trained and compared to matched control ICUs. The 2-day classroom-based training was delivered to multidisciplinary groups. Typical CRM topics on the individual, team and organizational level were discussed, such as situational awareness, leadership and communication. All levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation framework (reaction, learning, behaviour and organisation) were assessed using questionnaires, direct observations, interviews and routine ICU administration data.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>It is expected that the CRM training acts as a generic intervention that stimulates specific interventions. Besides effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, the assessment of the barriers and facilitators will provide insight in the implementation process of CRM.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=1976">NTR1976</a></p

    No Palm Oil or Certified Sustainable Palm Oil? Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences and the Role of Information

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    Public concerns about the adverse effects of palm oil production and consumption have contributed both to the development of certification standards for sustainable palm oil and to the promotion of palm-oil-free products. While research on consumer preferences for palm oil is growing, potential trade-offs between these two options&mdash;products containing certified palm oil versus palm-oil-free products&mdash;are still largely unexplored. Focusing on this research gap, a discrete choice experiment involving chocolate cookies was implemented as part of a web survey among consumers in Germany. Results indicate that consumers on average prefer palm-oil-free cookies, although a latent class analysis identifies several consumer segments that differ in terms of preferences, attitudes, and characteristics. Many respondents are highly price-sensitive. After the provision of additional information, stated preferences for certified palm oil increase, but four out of five consumer segments still prefer palm-oil-free products. Prevailing health concerns and a potential lack of trust in certification might explain this choice behavior. As alternatives to palm oil are not necessarily more sustainable, initiatives supporting the uptake of certified sustainable palm oil should be further strengthened. Targeted information campaigns might be a suitable instrument to raise awareness and increase knowledge about palm oil

    Notch and Delta are required for survival of the germline stem cell lineage in testes of Drosophila melanogaster.

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    In all metazoan species, sperm is produced from germline stem cells. These self-renew and produce daughter cells that amplify and differentiate dependent on interactions with somatic support cells. In the male gonad of Drosophila melanogaster, the germline and somatic cyst cells co-differentiate as cysts, an arrangement in which the germline is completely enclosed by cytoplasmic extensions from the cyst cells. Notch is a developmentally relevant receptor in a pathway requiring immediate proximity with the signal sending cell. Here, we show that Notch is expressed in the cyst cells of wild-type testes. Notch becomes activated in the transition zone, an apical area of the testes in which the cyst cells express stage-specific transcription factors and the enclosed germline finalizes transit-amplifying divisions. Reducing the ligand Delta from the germline cells via RNA-Interference or reducing the receptor Notch from the cyst cells via CRISPR resulted in cell death concomitant with loss of germline cells from the transition zone. This shows that Notch signaling is essential for the survival of the germline stem cell lineage

    A temporal signature of epidermal growth factor signaling regulates the differentiation of germline cells in testes of Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Tissue replenishment from stem cells follows a precise cascade of events, during which stem cell daughters first proliferate by mitotic transit amplifying divisions and then enter terminal differentiation. Here we address how stem cell daughters are guided through the early steps of development. In Drosophila testes, somatic cyst cells enclose the proliferating and differentiating germline cells and the units of germline and surrounding cyst cells are commonly referred to as cysts. By characterizing flies with reduced or increased Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) signaling we show that EGF triggers different responses in the cysts dependent on its dose. In addition to the previously reported requirement for EGF signaling in cyst formation, a low dose of EGF signaling is required for the progression of the germline cells through transit amplifying divisions, and a high dose of EGF signaling promotes terminal differentiation. Terminal differentiation was promoted in testes expressing a constitutively active EGF Receptor (EGFR) and in testes expressing both a secreted EGF and the EGFR in the cyst cells, but not in testes expressing either only EGF or only EGFR. We propose that as the cysts develop, a temporal signature of EGF signaling is created by the coordinated increase of both the production of active ligands by the germline cells and the amount of available receptor molecules on the cyst cells