22 research outputs found

    Eficiencia en educación secundaria e inputs no controlables: sensibilidad de los resultados ante modelos alternativos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la sensibilidad de los índices de eficiencia estimados para los distintos centros educativos a las diferentes alternativas propuestas en la literatura para incluir los factores exógenos en los análisis de eficiencia. Concretamente, nos centraremos en dos cuestiones fundamentales. Por un lado, aunque se dispone de una gran cantidad de datos representativos de estas variables obtenidos mediante unas encuestas realizadas en los centros, no resulta posible utilizar toda esta información, por lo que se considera la posibilidad de incluir directamente las variables más relevantes en el análisis de eficiencia o, alternativamente, utilizar la técnica de componentes principales para sintetizar la información recogida en dichas variables. Por otro lado, se plantean dos opciones metodológicas para incluir estos factores en las evaluaciones de eficiencia, comparando el enfoque que considera que estos factores deben tenerse en cuenta para calcular directamente los índices de eficiencia definitivos y la alternativa de los estudios multietápicos. El análisis se ha realizado para 79 centros públicos de la Comunidad Autónoma extremeña en el curso 2001-2002

    Efficiency measurement in the Spanish cadastral units through DEA

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    This paper proposes an approach to measure efficiency of a set of units operating in an administrative public service, namely real estate cadastral offices, which have not been analysed previously. This study has been made possible thanks to the database provided by the Directorate General of Real Estate Cadastral Assessment which includes information on the 52 local offices in Spain for the period between 2000 and 2005. Data Envelopment Analysis has been used to estimate the efficiency levels of these offices. Subsequently, a second stage model based on bootstrap techniques is applied in order to identify other potential factors (differences in management techniques, demographic and economic variables, etc.) that may affect the estimated efficiency measures

    Measuring efficiency in education: an analysis of different approaches for incorporating non-discretionary inputs

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    Measuring efficiency in the education sector is a highly complex task. One of the reasons is that the main resource of schools (the type of students they have) lie outside of their control, which means that it must be treated differently to other factors in analysis. This study examines the different options available in the literature for incorporating non-controllable inputs in a data envelopment analysis in order to determine the most appropriate model for evaluating schools. Our empirical study presents the results obtained using the model proposed by Fried et al. (1999), though we use bootstrap techniques to avoid problems of bias in the estimations.