1,791 research outputs found

    Associação do polimorfismo do gene do hormônio de crescimento com a característica peso em bovinos da raça Nelore.

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    O polimorfismo do gene do hormônio de crescimento bovino (bGH) foi estudado em 211 bovinos machos da raça Nelore, puros de origem (PO), a fim de observar as freqüências genenotípicas e alélicas, e a possível associação com a característica peso. Para alcançar este objetivo, foram considerados os pesos ao nascer, a desmama e mensais dos 10 aos 16 meses de idade, e calculados os ganhos de peso do nascimento a desmama ao 16 meses. Foi coletado sangue para extração do DNA e análises dos sítios polimórficos (RFLP) oriundos da disgestão com as endonucleases Msp I (bGH/Msp I, 891pb), Hae III (bGH/Hae III, 441 pb) e Alu I (bGH/Alu I, 427 pb). Para cada polimorfismo foram encontrados dois alelos, ocorrendo predominância dos aleleo sD, F e A, respectivamente. Foi observado o efeito do genótipo AA do bGH/Alu I sobre o ganho de peso da desmama ate 15 meses de idade e do genótipo DD do bGH/Msp I sobre os ganhos de peso da desmama aos 14 e 15 meses. Os resultados sugerem que os polimorfismos bGH/Alu I e bGH/Msp I constituem marcadores, em potencial, da característica ganho de peso em animais jovens

    Classificação de áreas de café em Minas Gerais por meio do novo algoritmo QMAS em imagem espectral Geoeye-1.

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    Diante do grande desafio que é classificar imagens de sensoriamento remoto de café, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar o novo algoritmo QMAS para classificar áreas de café comparando os resultados com o método tradicional de Classificação Supervisionada MAXVER, em imagens Geoeye-1. Os resultados indicam que o algoritmo QMAS obteve mais êxito na classificação das áreas de café do que o MAXVER, configurando-se em uma alternativa viável a classificação de imagens de satélite.SBSR 2011

    The local power of the gradient test

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    The asymptotic expansion of the distribution of the gradient test statistic is derived for a composite hypothesis under a sequence of Pitman alternative hypotheses converging to the null hypothesis at rate n1/2n^{-1/2}, nn being the sample size. Comparisons of the local powers of the gradient, likelihood ratio, Wald and score tests reveal no uniform superiority property. The power performance of all four criteria in one-parameter exponential family is examined.Comment: To appear in the Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, this http://www.ism.ac.jp/editsec/aism-e.htm

    Seleção de clones de copa de seringueira resistentes ao mal das folhas.

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    A fim de selecionar novos materiais genéticos para novos cultivos o trabalho teve por objetivos estimar os parâmetros genéticos de clones de copas de seringueira resistentes ao M. ulei nas condições edafoclimáticas da Amazônia Tropical Úmida, durante seis anos de produção em análise conjunta

    Stiff polymer in monomer ensemble

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    We make use of the previously developed formalism for a monomer ensemble and include angular dependence of the segments of the polymer chains thus described. In particular we show how to deal with stiffness when the polymer chain is confined to certain regions. We investigate the stiffness from the perspectives of a differential equation, integral equations, or recursive relations for both continuum and lattice models. Exact analytical solutions are presented for two cases, whereas numerical results are shown for a third case.Comment: 10 pages, including 6 figure

    Utilization of zein-based coatings containing vegetable oils on the physicochemical characteristics of vacuum-packaged lamb meat.

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    During the shelf-life of fresh meat, physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory changes may occur. To avoid such changes, the combination of vacuum-packaging and use of edible coatings make a good strategy. This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of vacuum-packaged lamb meat combined with different zein-based edible coatings containing different vegetable oils (pink pepper, rosemary, olive oil, and the combinations of olive oil + pink pepper or rosemary), stored at 5 ± 1 °C. Parameters including pH, instrumental color, water holding capacity (WHC), shear force, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were analyzed every seven days, for 29 days. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in coating effects and storage time. The combination of olive oil and pepper oil (OLPP) exhibited higher color stability, while the coatings containing rosemary (RO), rosemary and olive oil (OLRO), and pink pepper oil (PP) exhibited the highest oxidative stability in 29 days. The pH, WHC, and shear force parameters did not appear to have been affected by the coatings. In summary, as appearance is an important purchasing factor, the coating containing olive oil and pink pepper oil is very promising as an alternative for maintaining vacuum-packaged lamb meat quality

    The brazilian core collection of cassava.

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    The size of Germplasm Collections has become an important limitation for theirr use in plant breeding programs. To overcome this limitation the Core Collection concept has been proposed. A Core Collection consists of a set of accessions selected to represent the genetic diversity of the base collection with minimum repetitiveness. This insures the conservation of maximum genetic variation, allowing rapid evaluation of germplasm and better access to the base collection. The brazilian germplasm Collection of Cassava is the largest national collection, and contains strategic genetic variation for the development of breeding programs worldwide. It consists of approximately 3350 accessions conserved in 7 regional Active Germplasm Banks. To develop the Core Collection a hierarchical stratification similar to that proposed by Cordeiro et al (1995) was used. Two key criteria were used for the stratification of the accessions: category and origin. According to category the accessions were classified as landraces or breeding materials. Within the landraces strutum, accessions were classified according to ecogeographical origin using the Geographic Information System. The selection of the members of the Core, was done trying to represent the genetic variability within each ecogeographic zone, incorporating the knowledge and experience of the curators. This Core Collection will be a logical and efficient starting point for studying the Base Collection using biotechnological tools

    The brazilian core collection of cassava.

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    The Brazilian cassava Germplasm Collection is the largest national collection, and contains strategic genetic variation for the deveopment of breeding programs worldwide.Suplemento. Edição dos Resumos do 4 International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, Salvador, nov. 1998