48 research outputs found

    Magmatismo carbonífero en régimen extensional en el margen occidental de Gondwana, valle de Las Lozas, Catamarca, Argentina

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    La sucesión volcánica que aflora en Las Lozas, noroeste del Sistema de Famatinasureste de la Puna (noroeste Argentina), está constituida principalmente por riolitas y en menor volumen por basaltos, traquitas y depósitos volcanoclásticos. Estas rocas, previamente consideradas de edad paleozoica inferior, son asignadas actualmente al Pensilvaniano Inferior (edad U-Pb 320 Ma). Representan una sucesión volcánica bimodal encuadrada en los campos subalcalino/toleítico (riolitas) y alcalino (basaltos y traquitas) sobre la base álcalis-sílice. Los términos básicos muestran características comparables y transicionales a MORB-toleitas de intraplaca, con una fuerte contribución mantélica y contaminación cortical. Los miembros ácidos también muestran afinidades con magmas de intraplaca, sugiriendo su derivación de la interacción de material cortical con una fuente mantélica o de una corteza juvenil esencialmente derivada del manto. La edad U-Pb de 320 Ma obtenida para la sección de Las Lozas, al igual que las edades de U-Pb 342 y 348 Ma reportadas para rocas aflorantes en la zona de Cazadero Grande, hacia el sur; junto con las edades U-Pb reportadas para granitos de las Sierra Pampeanas (332-357 Ma) confirman la importancia alcanzada por la actividad magmática carbonífera, encuadrada entre 320 y 350 Ma, en dicha región. Las bajas razones iniciales de estroncio en las rocas volcánicas de Las Lozas (0,70479-0,70164) indican contribución de un componente juvenil, mientras que las mismas relaciones observadas en las riolitas de Cazadero Grande (0,71433-0,71233) y en los intrusivos graníticos de Sierras Pampeanas (0,717-0,7124), apuntan a magmas con participación de componentes corticales. Los valores isotópicos de Nd sobre un basalto en Las Lozas (εNd(320) con 3,11, TDM con 774,6 Ma) permiten argumentar una fuente astenosférica, con evidencia de mezcla entre elementos juveniles y corticales. Los isótopos Sr-Nd determinados, en cambio, para una riolita que aflora en Cazadero Grande (εNd(t) 2,91 y -0,3, TDM: 1,09 y 1,1 Ga) y en granitos de las Sierras Pampeanas (εNd(t): -0,6, TDM: 1,19 y 1,1 Ga) sugieren participación cortical. Dada la diferencia de edades en la región entre el magmatismo misisipiano y pensilvaniano inferior, dichas variaciones indicarían un cambio en la fuente magmática, consistente de un régimen tectónico extensional más pronunciado durante el Pensilvaniano Inferior. Esta presunción debe ser considerada teniendo en cuenta las observaciones a lo largo de una transecta a los 27°30'S, donde las rocas graníticas carboníferas de las Sierras Pampeanas Orientales muestran, sin importar la edad, un mayor aporte hacia el oeste de material juvenil de carácter mantélico. Entre estas rocas, con una mayor componente juvenil, se encuentran: la sucesión de Las Lozas y el Granito Cerro Gloria, manifestaciones occidentales de dicho magmatismo. De lo anterior se desprende que la contribución de material juvenil podría variar continuamente durante ese tiempo como respuesta a una extensión litosférica variable. Un ejemplo de esto surge de los datos de la sucesión de Las Lozas presentados, los que indican a la misma como resultado del retrabajo de material supracortical, con el aporte de magmas juveniles asociados a cambios extensionales de la litósfera.The Las Lozas volcanic sequence, which crops out at northwestern border of the Famatina belt-southeastern Puna, NW Argentina, is constituted mainly by rhyolites and a lesser volume of basalts and trachytes, and volcanoclastic deposits. These rocks, previously considered of Early Paleozoic age, are now assigned to the Lower Pennsylvanian (320 Ma U-Pb age). They represent a bimodal volcanic succession that plot in the subalkaline/tholeiitic (rhyolites), alkaline basalts (basalts) and alkaline (trachytes) fields on the total alkali-silica diagram. The basalts display features comparable to transitional MORB and within-plate tholeiites, with contributions from a mantle source affected by crustal contamination. The acid members also show geochemical affinities to within-plate magmas, and their composition suggest a derivation from continental crustal material with mantle source interaction or a juvenile essentially mantle derived crust. The 320 Ma age from the Las Lozas volcanic succession as well as the 342 and 348 Ma U-Pb ages, from rocks in the nearby Cazadero Grande section, to the south, and the U-Pb ages from Sierra Pampeanas granites (332-357 Ma) highlight the importance achieved by Carboniferous magmatic activity in that region, framed between 320 and 350 Ma. Low strontium initial ratios from the Las Lozas (0.70479-0.70164) indicate a predominant contribution by a juvenile component, while the ratios in the nearby Cazadero Grande (0.71433-0.71233) and Sierras Pampeanas granites (0.717 to 0.7124) point to an input by enriched sources with restricted contribution of a mantle component. Nd isotopes from a basalt from the Las Lozas section (εNd(320) with +3.11, TDM with 774.6 Ma) indicates a possible asthenospheric source, with evidence for some mixture between juvenile and reworked crustal material. In contrast Sr-Nd isotopes in a rhyolite from Cazadero Grande (εNd(t) of -2.91 and -0.3, TDM of 1.09 and 1.1 Ga) and of Sierra Pampeanas granites (εNd(t) of -0.6, TDM of 1.19 and 1.1 Ga) suggest a crustal source with minor juvenile input. Taking in account the age difference in the region between Mississippian and the Lower Pennsylvanian magmatism, this would indicate a change in the magma source consistent with a more pronounced extensional tectonic regime for the Lower Pennsylvanian. This assumption need to be considered together with observations along a transect at 27°30'S, where the Carboniferous Eastern Sierras Pampeanas granitic rocks show, regardless of age, a greater contribution ofjuvenile material of mantle character to the west. Among these rocks, with a major juvenile component, are those of the Las Lozas succession as well the Cerro Gloria Granite, the eastern manifestations of the Carboniferous Eastern Sierras Pampeanas magmatism. From the foregoing emerges that the contribution of juvenile material could be continuously varied in the region through the Carboniferous, due to varying lithospheric extension. An example of this arise from the presented data of the Lozas succession, which indicate that this rocks resulted from reworking of supra-crustal material with input of juvenile magmas, linked to the change in the lithospheric extension.Fil: Coira, Beatriz Lidia Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Jujuy. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Jujuy; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; ArgentinaFil: Cisterna, Clara Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ulbrich, H. H.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Cordani, U. G.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Density and P‐wave velocity structure beneath the Paraná Magmatic Province: Refertilization of an ancient lithospheric mantle

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    We estimate density and P‐wave velocity perturbations in the mantle beneath the southeastern South America plate from geoid anomalies and P‐wave traveltime residuals to constrain the structure of the lithosphere underneath the Paraná Magmatic Province (PMP) and conterminous geological provinces. Our analysis shows a consistent correlation between density and velocity anomalies. The P‐wave speed and density are 1% and 15 kg/m3 lower, respectively, in the upper mantle under the Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic alkaline provinces, except beneath the Goiás Alkaline Province (GAP), where density (+20 kg/m3) and velocity (+0.5%) are relatively high. Underneath the PMP, the density is higher by about 50 kg/m3 in the north and 25 kg/m3 in the south, to a depth of 250 − 300 km. These values correlate with high‐velocity perturbations of +0.5% and +0.3%, respectively. Profiles of density perturbation versus depth in the upper mantle are different for the PMP and the adjacent Archean São Francisco (SFC) and Amazonian (AC) cratons. The Paleoproterozoic PMP basement has a high‐density root. The density is relatively low in the SFC and AC lithospheres. A reduction of density is a typical characteristic of chemically depleted Archean cratons. A more fertile Proterozoic and Phanerozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle has a higher density, as deduced from density estimates of mantle xenoliths of different ages and composition. In conjunction with Re‐Os isotopic studies of the PMP basalts, chemical and isotopic analyses of peridodite xenoliths from the GAP in the northern PMP, and electromagnetic induction experiments of the PMP lithosphere, our density and P‐wave speed models suggest that the densification of the PMP lithosphere and flood basalt generation are related to mantle refertilization. Metasomatic refertilization resulted from the introduction of asthenospheric components from the mantle wedge above Proterozoic subduction zones, which surrounded the Paraná lithosphere. The high‐density PMP lithosphere is presently gravitationally unstable and prone to delamination.Key Points:Density and P‐wave velocity in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Paraná Magmatic Province are highHigh density precludes a depleted cratonic lithosphere and indicates refertilized lithospheric mantleBasalt magmatism suggests refertilized mantle with asthenospheric components from mantle wedgePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134193/1/ggge21079-sup-0003-2016GC006369-fs02.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134193/2/ggge21079-sup-0004-2016GC006369-fs03.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134193/3/ggge21079-sup-0002-2016GC006369-fs01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134193/4/ggge21079_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134193/5/ggge21079.pd

    New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for pre-variscan orthogneisses from Portugal and their bearing on the evolution of the Ossa-morena tectonic zone

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    New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages for the Portalegre and Alcáçovas orthogneisses document a complex pre-Variscan history for the Iberian basement in Portugal. The available geochemical and geochronological data for the Alcáçovas orthogneiss (ca. 540 Ma) tend to favor its involvement in a Cadomian orogenic event. This is consistent with the development of an active continental margin setting at the end of the Proterozoic and supports a Gondwanan provenance for the Iberian crust. On the other hand, the Ordovician emplacement age obtained for the magmatic precursors of the Portalegre orthogneisses (497 ± 10 Ma) provides additional evidence for the occurrence of rift-related magmatic activity during the Lower Paleozoic

    Strontium isotopic geochemistry of Pan-African/Brasiliano rocks, Chapada copper deposit, Goiás, Brazil

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    Das Trägergestein der Chapada Kupferlagerstätte in Goiás ist in metamorpher Hoch-Amphibolitfazies ausgebildet. Gesamtgesteins- und individuelle Mineral Rb-Sr-Isochronen mit einem 87 Sr/ 86 Sr-Initialwert (I) von 0,70414±0.00005 ergeben für die Kristallisation der Vulkanite und Magmatite, die die Metamorphose vordatieren, ein Alter von 561±9 Mio Jahre. Die Datierung der Metamorphose während der panafrikanisch/brasilianischen Orogenese (700 bis 450 Mio Jahre) ergibt 532±1 Mio Jahre. Das Mineral-Isochronenalter eines Dioritkörpers porphyrischen Gefüges, der in die Schiefer intrudierte, beträgt 534±16 Mio Jahre (I=0,70415 ±0,00004). Das Ergebnis niedriger Initial-Werte dieser Isochronen ergibt für die Schiefer bei Chapada ein Ausgangs-Material im Bereich des oberen Mantels oder der tieferen Kruste; diese Ausgangswerte sind charakteristisch für magmatische Tätigkeit in Verbindung mit Inselbögen. Das unterkambrische Alter des Trägergesteins bei Chapada steht im Widerspruch zu dem bisher angenommenen mittelproterozoischen Alter und ist ein Hinweis auf eine mögliche Phase intensiverer pan-afrikanisch/brasilianischer magmatischer Aktivität in Zentral-Brasilien als ursprünglich angenommen wurde. Whole rock and mineral Rb-Sr isochrons from the upper amphibolite grade metamorphic host rocks of the Chapada copper deposit in Goiás, Brazil, yield an age of 561±9 Ma, with a 87 Sr/ 86 Sr initial (I) of 0.70414±0.00005, for the crystallization of pre-metamorphic volcanic and igneous rocks and 532 ±1 Ma for their metamorphism during the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny (700-450 Ma). A porphyritic diorite stock which intruded the host schists yields a mineral isochron age of 534±16 Ma (I=0.70415±0.00004). The low I values determined from these isochrons suggest that the host schists at Chapada were derived from upper mantle or lower crust material and are characteristic of magmatic products associated with island arcs. The Early Cambrian age of the host rocks at Chapada contradicts the previously assigned mid-Proterozoic age and suggests that Pan-African/Brasiliano magmatic activity may have been more extensive in central Brazil than previously thought. Les roches qui contiennent le gisement de cuivre de Chapada (Goias, Brésil) sont des schistes cristallins appartenent au facies dupérieur des amphibolites. Dans des volcanites et des roches orthomagmatiques appartenant à cet ensemble, des isochrones Rb-Sr sur roches totales et sur minéraux donnent un âge de 561±9 Ma avec un rapport initial de 0,70414±0,00005 pour la cristallisation pré-métamorphique et un âge de 532±1 Ma pour le métamorphisme, lié à l'orogenèse pan-africaine / brésilienne. Un pluton de diorite porphyrique, qui intrude les schistes cristallins donne, par isochrone sur minéraux, un âge de 534±16 Ma (rapport initial de 0,70415±0,00004). Les valeurs basses des rapports initiaux de ces diverses roches suggèrent que les schistes de Chapada sont dérivés de matériaux mantelliques ou crustaux profonds et présentent les caractères des produits magmatiques associés aux arcs insulaires. Leur âge éo-cambrien, en contradiction avec l'âge mésoprotérozoïque admis jusqu'ici, permet de penser que l'activité magmatique pan-africaine/brésilienne dans le centre du Brésil a été plus intense que ce qu'on croyait jusqu'ici. Вмещающие породы зал ежи меди Chapada в Goiбs представляют собой а мфиболитовую фацию в ысшей степени метаморфизм а. Цельная порода и отд ельные минералы дают для кри сталлизации вулкани тов и магматитов до метаморфизма нача льное значение соотн ошения стронция в 0,70414±0,00005, что раз решает принять их возраст в 561± 9 Мио лет, а возраст мет аморфизма в 532±1 Мио, т. е. отнести его к периоду панафриканского -бра зильского орогенеза / 700 до 450 Мио /. При определении в озраста минералов из диоритных тел порфиритовых тек стур, интрудированны х в сланец, получили дат ы в 534±16 Мио лет / 1 = 0,70415 = 0,00004 /. Такое низкое значе ние исходных величин соотношения изотопов разрешает п редполагать, что материал для Chapada при несен был из мантии, или глубинных регион ов коры. Эти исходные з начения характерны для магма тической деятельнос ти типа островных дуг. Во зраст вмещающих поро д считают средне-протерозойск им; это стоит в противо речии с новейшими данными, п о которым он может быт ь только нижнекембрий ским. Это также указыв ает на то, что фаза пан-африка нско-бразильской маг матической активности в централ ьной Бразилии протек ала, возможно, гораздо инт енсивнее, чем принима ли это до сих пор.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47849/1/531_2005_Article_BF01830182.pd