99 research outputs found

    Simulation of fermionic lattice models in two dimensions with Projected Entangled-Pair States: Next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonians

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    In a recent contribution [Phys. Rev. B 81, 165104 (2010)] fermionic Projected Entangled-Pair States (PEPS) were used to approximate the ground state of free and interacting spinless fermion models, as well as the tt-JJ model. This paper revisits these three models in the presence of an additional next-nearest hopping amplitude in the Hamiltonian. First we explain how to account for next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonian terms in the context of fermionic PEPS algorithms based on simulating time evolution. Then we present benchmark calculations for the three models of fermions, and compare our results against analytical, mean-field, and variational Monte Carlo results, respectively. Consistent with previous computations restricted to nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians, we systematically obtain more accurate (or better converged) results for gapped phases than for gapless ones.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, minor change

    Comment on "Topological quantum phase transitions of attractive spinless fermions in a honeycomb lattice" by Poletti D. et al

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    In a recent letter [D. Poletti et al., EPL 93, 37008 (2011)] a model of attractive spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice at half filling has been studied by mean-field theory, where distinct homogenous phases at rather large attraction strength V>3.36V>3.36, separated by (topological) phase transitions, have been predicted. In this comment we argue that without additional interactions the ground states in these phases are not stable against phase separation. We determine the onset of phase separation at half filling Vps1.7V_{ps}\approx 1.7 by means of infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS) and exact diagonalization.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Entanglement Entropy of Random Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    The entanglement entropy of the ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 and ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 quantum Hall states in the presence of short range random disorder has been calculated by direct diagonalization. A microscopic model of electron-electron interaction is used, electrons are confined to a single Landau level and interact with long range Coulomb interaction. For very weak disorder, the values of the topological entanglement entropy are roughly consistent with expected theoretical results. By considering a broader range of disorder strengths, the fluctuation in the entanglement entropy was studied in an effort to detect quantum phase transitions. In particular, there is a clear signature of a transition as a function of the disorder strength for the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 state. Prospects for using the density matrix renormalization group to compute the entanglement entropy for larger system sizes are discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; fixed figures and figure captions; revised fluctuation calculation

    Entanglement renormalization and boundary critical phenomena

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    The multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz is applied to the study of boundary critical phenomena. We compute averages of local operators as a function of the distance from the boundary and the surface contribution to the ground state energy. Furthermore, assuming a uniform tensor structure, we show that the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz implies an exact relation between bulk and boundary critical exponents known to exist for boundary critical systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; for a related work see arXiv:0912.164

    Tensor network states and geometry

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    Tensor network states are used to approximate ground states of local Hamiltonians on a lattice in D spatial dimensions. Different types of tensor network states can be seen to generate different geometries. Matrix product states (MPS) in D=1 dimensions, as well as projected entangled pair states (PEPS) in D>1 dimensions, reproduce the D-dimensional physical geometry of the lattice model; in contrast, the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) generates a (D+1)-dimensional holographic geometry. Here we focus on homogeneous tensor networks, where all the tensors in the network are copies of the same tensor, and argue that certain structural properties of the resulting many-body states are preconditioned by the geometry of the tensor network and are therefore largely independent of the choice of variational parameters. Indeed, the asymptotic decay of correlations in homogeneous MPS and MERA for D=1 systems is seen to be determined by the structure of geodesics in the physical and holographic geometries, respectively; whereas the asymptotic scaling of entanglement entropy is seen to always obey a simple boundary law -- that is, again in the relevant geometry. This geometrical interpretation offers a simple and unifying framework to understand the structural properties of, and helps clarify the relation between, different tensor network states. In addition, it has recently motivated the branching MERA, a generalization of the MERA capable of reproducing violations of the entropic boundary law in D>1 dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Many body physics from a quantum information perspective

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    The quantum information approach to many body physics has been very successful in giving new insight and novel numerical methods. In these lecture notes we take a vertical view of the subject, starting from general concepts and at each step delving into applications or consequences of a particular topic. We first review some general quantum information concepts like entanglement and entanglement measures, which leads us to entanglement area laws. We then continue with one of the most famous examples of area-law abiding states: matrix product states, and tensor product states in general. Of these, we choose one example (classical superposition states) to introduce recent developments on a novel quantum many body approach: quantum kinetic Ising models. We conclude with a brief outlook of the field.Comment: Lectures from the Les Houches School on "Modern theories of correlated electron systems". Improved version new references adde

    A quantum magnetic analogue to the critical point of water

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    At the familiar liquid-gas phase transition in water, the density jumps discontinuously at atmospheric pressure, but the line of these first-order transitions defined by increasing pressures terminates at the critical point, a concept ubiquitous in statistical thermodynamics. In correlated quantum materials, a critical point was predicted and measured terminating the line of Mott metal-insulator transitions, which are also first-order with a discontinuous charge density. In quantum spin systems, continuous quantum phase transitions (QPTs) have been investigated extensively, but discontinuous QPTs have received less attention. The frustrated quantum antiferromagnet SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 constitutes a near-exact realization of the paradigmatic Shastry-Sutherland model and displays exotic phenomena including magnetization plateaux, anomalous thermodynamics and discontinuous QPTs. We demonstrate by high-precision specific-heat measurements under pressure and applied magnetic field that, like water, the pressure-temperature phase diagram of SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 has an Ising critical point terminating a first-order transition line, which separates phases with different densities of magnetic particles (triplets). We achieve a quantitative explanation of our data by detailed numerical calculations using newly-developed finite-temperature tensor-network methods. These results open a new dimension in understanding the thermodynamics of quantum magnetic materials, where the anisotropic spin interactions producing topological properties for spintronic applications drive an increasing focus on first-order QPTs.Comment: 8+4 pages, 4+3 figure

    Non-Fermi-liquid d-wave metal phase of strongly interacting electrons

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    Developing a theoretical framework for conducting electronic fluids qualitatively distinct from those described by Landau's Fermi-liquid theory is of central importance to many outstanding problems in condensed matter physics. One such problem is that, above the transition temperature and near optimal doping, high-transition-temperature copper-oxide superconductors exhibit `strange metal' behaviour that is inconsistent with being a traditional Landau Fermi liquid. Indeed, a microscopic theory of a strange-metal quantum phase could shed new light on the interesting low-temperature behaviour in the pseudogap regime and on the d-wave superconductor itself. Here we present a theory for a specific example of a strange metal---the 'd-wave metal'. Using variational wavefunctions, gauge theoretic arguments, and ultimately large-scale density matrix renormalization group calculations, we show that this remarkable quantum phase is the ground state of a reasonable microscopic Hamiltonian---the usual t-J model with electron kinetic energy tt and two-spin exchange JJ supplemented with a frustrated electron `ring-exchange' term, which we here examine extensively on the square lattice two-leg ladder. These findings constitute an explicit theoretical example of a genuine non-Fermi-liquid metal existing as the ground state of a realistic model.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures: 6 pages, 7 figures of main text + 16 pages, 5 figures of Supplementary Information; this is approximately the version published in Nature, minus various subedits in the main tex