1,835 research outputs found

    Leading Logarithms in Field Theory

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    We consider the Sudakov form factor in effective theories and we show that one can derive correctly the double logarithms of the original, high-energy, theory. We show that in effective theories it is possible to separate explicitely soft and hard dynamics being these two regimes related to velocity conserving and to velocity changing operators respectively. A new effective theory is sketched which extracts the leading collinear singularities of the full theory amplitudes. Finally, we show how all leading logarithmic effects in field theory can be obtained by means of simple effective theories, where they correspond to a renormalization effect.Comment: Latex file, 20 pages, no figures, corrected some typo

    Number squeezed and fragmented states of strongly interacting bosons in a double well

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    We present a systematic study of the phenomena of number squeezing and fragmentation for a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a three dimensional double well potential over a range of interaction strengths and barrier heights, including geometries that exhibit appreciable overlap in the one-body wavefunctions localized in the left and right wells. We compute the properties of the condensate with numerically exact, full dimensional path integral ground state (PIGS) Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and compare with results obtained from using two- and eight-mode truncated basis models. The truncated basis models are found to agree with the numerically exact PIGS simulations for weak interactions, but fail to correctly predict the amount of number squeezing and fragmentation exhibited by the PIGS simulations for strong interactions. We find that both number squeezing and fragmentation of the BEC show non-monotonic behavior at large values of interaction strength a. The number squeezing shows a universal scaling with the product of number of particles and interaction strength (Na) but no such universal behavior is found for fragmentation. Detailed analysis shows that the introduction of repulsive interactions not only suppresses number fluctuations to enhance number squeezing, but can also enhance delocalization across wells and tunneling between wells, each of which may suppress number squeezing. This results in a dynamical competition whose resolution shows a complex dependence on all three physical parameters defining the system: interaction strength, number of particles, and barrier height.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures. Submitted for publication in Physical Review

    Leukocyte telomere shortening in Huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by an expanded CAG repeat. Though symptom onset commonly occurs at midlife and inversely correlates with the CAG repeat expansion, age at clinical onset and progression rate are variable. In the present study we investigated the relationship between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and HD development. LTL was measured by real-time PCR in manifest HD patients (HD, n = 62), pre-manifest HD patients (pre-HD, n = 38), and age-matched controls (n = 76). Significant LTL differences were observed between the three groups (p < .0001), with LTL values in the order: HD < pre-HD < controls. The relationship between LTL and age was different in the three groups. An inverse relationship between mean LTL and CAG repeat number was found in the pre-HD (p = .03). The overall data seem to indicate that after age 30 years, LT begins to shorten markedly in pre-HD patients according to CAG number and increasing age, up to the values observed in HD. This very suggestive picture allowed us to hypothesize that in pre-manifest HD, LTL could be a measure of time to clinical HD onset. The possible use of LTL as a reliable biomarker to track HD development and progression was evaluated and discussed

    Model independent determination of the light-cone wave functions for exclusive processes

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    We present a method to compute, by numerical simulations of lattice QCD, the light-cone wave functions which enter exclusive processes at large momentum transfer, such as electromagnetic elastic scatterings, or exclusive semi-leptonic decays as B -> pi (B -> rho) and radiative decays as B -> K* gamma. The method is based on first principles and does not require any model assumption.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX fil

    A Hybrid Photoreceptor Expressing Both Rod and Cone Genes in a Mouse Model of Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome

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    Rod and cone photoreceptors subserve vision under dim and bright light conditions, respectively. The differences in their function are thought to stem from their different gene expression patterns, morphologies, and synaptic connectivities. In this study, we have examined the photoreceptor cells of the retinal degeneration 7 (rd7) mutant mouse, a model for the human enhanced S-cone syndrome (ESCS). This mutant carries a spontaneous deletion in the mouse ortholog of NR2E3, an orphan nuclear receptor transcription factor mutated in ESCS. Employing microarray and in situ hybridization analysis we have found that the rd7 retina contains a modestly increased number of S-opsin–expressing cells that ultrastructurally appear to be normal cones. Strikingly, the majority of the photoreceptors in the rd7 retina represent a morphologically hybrid cell type that expresses both rod- and cone-specific genes. In addition, in situ hybridization screening of genes shown to be up-regulated in the rd7 mutant retina by microarray identified ten new cone-specific or cone-enriched genes with a wide range of biochemical functions, including two genes specifically involved in glucose/glycogen metabolism. We suggest that the abnormal electroretinograms, slow retinal degeneration, and retinal dysmorphology seen in humans with ESCS may, in part, be attributable to the aberrant function of a hybrid photoreceptor cell type similar to that identified in this study. The functional diversity of the novel cone-specific genes identified here indicates molecular differences between rods and cones extending far beyond those previously discovered

    Retinal horizontal cells lacking Rb1 sustain persistent DNA damage and survive as polyploid giant cells

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    The retinoblastoma tumor susceptibility gene, Rb1, is a key regulator of the cell cycle, and mutations in this gene have been found in many human cancers. Prior studies showed that retina-specific knockout of Rb1 in the mouse results in the formation of abnormally large horizontal cells, but the development, fate, and genomic status of these cells remain unknown. In this study, we conditionally inactivate Rb1 in early retinal progenitors and show that the loss of Rb1 leads to the rapid degeneration of most retinal cells except horizontal cells, which persist as giant cells with aberrant centrosome content, DNA damage, and polyploidy/aneuploidy. We observed inappropriate cell cycle entry of Rb1-deficient horizontal cells during the first postnatal weeks, which dropped off abruptly by P30. Despite extensive DNA damage in Rb1-deficient horizontal cells, these cells can still enter mitosis. Adult Rb1-deficient horizontal cells display elevated DNA content (5N–34N) that varied continuously, suggesting the presence of aneuploidy. We also found evidence of supernumerary and disoriented centrosomes in a rare population of mitotic cells in the mutant retinas. Overall our data demonstrate that horizontal cells are a remarkably robust cell type and can survive for months despite extensive DNA damage and elevated genome content

    17 Pilot newborn screening program for cystic fibrosis in Uruguay: IRT-PAP

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    Gastronomic cultural EVOOlution of the virgin olive oil consumption model at the restaurant

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    Gastronomic experience can be a factor of motivation to improve the quality of extra virgin olive oil served at the restaurant. The “new” consumer is a very complex and demanding figure, who seeks in the consumption of food products not only a means to satisfy food needs, but experiences, emotions, feelings, service, nature, culture, etc. The quality requirements do not only concern the chemical-physical and organoleptic components of the product, but also the hedonostic ones, ie those related to the health aspects, the quality of the territory of origin, the typicality, the respect of the environment by the production processes used, respect for animal welfare, the ethical content of the product, etc. He is demanding in terms of information on the features of the product and requires greater guarantees on its characteristics and/or on the production processes used. All this seems to highlight the presence of potential unsatisfied needs around which it is possible to build paths of development of the offer able to satisfy them, especially at the restaurant, where cultural, emotional and multi-sensory satisfaction of food can be easily “discovered”. This is the right time to change the marketing of extra virgin olive oil at the restaurant, because extra virgin olive oil is an element that embodies the different aspects of the expected and perceptible quality of a food: taste, sensory, knowledge, sacredness, syncretism, health, history, naturalness and authenticity. Tasting a high quality oil, discovering the complexity of the aromas released by the contact with the warm dishes and the gustatory and kinesthetic perceptions that harmoniously interact by balancing the sensory profile of the other ingredients, is comparable to the emotion of a blind man when recovers his sight. From that moment, as the blind man will not be able to tolerate returning to the oblivion of darkness, the guests that tasted a high quality extra virgin olive oil can not tolerate returning to the banality of a fat that anoints without seasoning

    Optimization of a Green Extraction of Polyphenols from Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Pulp

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    This work focused on the optimization of the ultrasound (US) extraction of polyphenols from sweet cherry pulp by monitoring cyanidin-3O-rutinoside, quercetin-3O-rutinoside, and trans-3-O-coumaroylquinic acid, representing the main anthocyanin, flavonol, and hydroxycinnamate, respectively, identified in the extracts through chromatographic analyses (HPLC-DAD), as output variables. The optimization was performed following a two-level central composite design and the influence of the selected independent variables (i.e., extraction time and solid to solvent ratio) was checked through the response surface methodology. The maximum recovery of the phenolic compounds was obtained at 3 min and 0.25 g/mL in water/ethanol (1:1, v/v) at a set temperature (25 °C), sonication power (100 W), and sonication frequency (37 kHz). Subsequent validation experiments proved the effectiveness and reliability of the gathered mathematical models in defining the best ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions