33 research outputs found

    eEF1Bγ binds the Che-1 and TP53 gene promoters and their transcripts

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    Background: We have previously shown that the eukaryotic elongation factor subunit 1B gamma (eEF1Bγ) interacts with the RNA polymerase II (pol II) alpha-like subunit “C” (POLR2C), alone or complexed, in the pol II enzyme. Moreover, we demonstrated that eEF1Bγ binds the promoter region and the 3’ UTR mRNA of the vimentin gene. These events contribute to localize the vimentin transcript and consequentially its translation, promoting a proper mitochondrial network. Methods: With the intent of identifying additional transcripts that complex with the eEF1Bγ protein, we performed a series of ribonucleoprotein immunoprecipitation (RIP) assays using a mitochondria-enriched heavy membrane (HM) fraction. Results: Among the eEF1Bγ complexed transcripts, we found the mRNA encoding the Che-1/AATF multifunctional protein. As reported by other research groups, we found the tumor suppressor p53 transcript complexed with the eEF1Bγ protein. Here, we show for the first time that eEF1Bγ binds not only Che-1 and p53 transcripts but also their promoters. Remarkably, we demonstrate that both the Che-1 transcript and its translated product localize also to the mitochondria and that eEF1Bγ depletion strongly perturbs the mitochondrial network and the correct localization of Che-1. In a doxorubicin (Dox)-induced DNA damage assay we show that eEF1Bγ depletion significantly decreases p53 protein accumulation and slightly impacts on Che-1 accumulation. Importantly, Che-1 and p53 proteins are components of the DNA damage response machinery that maintains genome integrity and prevents tumorigenesis. Conclusions: Our data support the notion that eEF1Bγ, besides its canonical role in translation, is an RNA-binding protein and a key player in cellular stress responses. We suggest for eEF1Bγ a role as primordial transcription/translation factor that links fundamental steps from transcription control to local translatio

    Abuses and Distortions in Emotional Processes as Risk Factors for Parricide

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    Parricide is a rare case of murder having a strong emotional impact on public opinion, especially when it is heinous and perpetrated by minors. Based on the analysis of the judicial files archived at the Minor Penal Institute "N. Fornelli" of Bari, the authors will report three impressive cases perpetrated by minors, by focusing on their emotional features. Differences between the crimes of parricide committed by adults and minors will be highlighted, by analyzing the peculiar relations between the problems underlying parricide and the role played by abuses and maltreatments experienced by minors perpetrating such crime. In particular, attention will be paid to the emotional processes aroused in minor parricide offenders

    Antithrombotic therapy in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the complexity of the elderly

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    Along with epidemiologic transitions of the global population, the burden of aortic stenosis (AS) is rapidly increasing and transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has quickly spread; indeed, it is nowadays also employed in treating patients with AS at intermediate operative risk. Nonetheless, the less invasive interventional strategy still carries relevant issues concerning post-procedural optimal antithrombotic strategy, given the current indications provided by guidelines are not completely supported by evidence-based data. Geriatric patients suffer from high bleeding and thromboembolic risks, whose balance is particularly subtle due to the presence of concomitant conditions, such as atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease, that make the post-TAVR antithrombotic management particularly insidious. This scenario is further complicated by the lack of specific evidence regarding the 'real-life' complex conditions typical of the geriatric syndromes, thus, the management of such a heterogeneous population, ranging from healthy ageing to frailty, is far from being defined. The aim of the present review is to summarize the critical points and the most updated evidence regarding the post-TAVR antithrombotic approach in the geriatric population, with a specific focus on the most frequent clinical settings

    HAX1 is a novel binding partner of Che-1/AATF. Implications in oxidative stress cell response

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    HAX1 is a multifunctional protein involved in the antagonism of apoptosis in cellular response to oxidative stress. In the present study we identified HAX1 as a novel binding partner for Che-1/AATF, a pro-survival factor which plays a crucial role in fundamental processes, including response to multiple stresses and apoptosis. HAX1 and Che-1 proteins show extensive colocalization in mitochondria and we demonstrated that their association is strengthened after oxidative stress stimuli. Interestingly, in MCF-7 cells, resembling luminal estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer, we found that Che-1 depletion correlates with decreased HAX1 mRNA and protein levels, and this event is not significantly affected by oxidative stress induction. Furthermore, we observed an enhancement of the previously reported interaction between HAX1 and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) upon H2O2 treatment. These results indicate the two anti-apoptotic proteins HAX1 and Che-1 as coordinated players in cellular response to oxidative stress with a potential role in estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells

    SMN deficiency destabilizes ABCA1 expression in human fibroblasts: novel insights in pathophysiology of spinal muscular atrophy

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    The deficiency of survival motor neuron protein (SMN) causes spinal muscular atro- phy (SMA), a rare neuromuscular disease that affects different organs. SMN is a key player in RNA metabolism regulation. An intriguing aspect of SMN function is its relationship with plasma membrane-associated proteins. Here, we provide a first demonstration that SMN affects the ATP- binding cassette transporter A1, (ABCA1), a membrane protein critically involved in cholesterol homeostasis. In human fibroblasts, we showed that SMN associates to ABCA1 mRNA, and impacts its subcellular distribution. Consistent with the central role of ABCA1 in the efflux of free cholesterol from cells, we observed a cholesterol accumulation in SMN-depleted human fibroblasts. These results were also confirmed in SMA type I patient-derived fibroblasts. These findings not only validate the intimate connection between SMN and plasma membrane-associated proteins, but also highlight a contribution of dysregulated cholesterol efflux in SMA pathophysiology

    The eEF1γ Subunit Contacts RNA Polymerase II and Binds Vimentin Promoter Region

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    Here, we show that the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma (eEF1γ) physically interacts with the RNA polymerase II (pol II) core subunit 3 (RPB3), both in isolation and in the context of the holo-enzyme. Importantly, eEF1γ has been recently shown to bind Vimentin mRNA. By chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we demonstrate, for the first time, that eEF1γ is also physically present on the genomic locus corresponding to the promoter region of human Vimentin gene. The eEF1γ depletion causes the Vimentin protein to be incorrectly compartmentalised and to severely compromise cellular shape and mitochondria localisation. We demonstrate that eEF1γ partially colocalises with the mitochondrial marker Tom20 and that eEF1γ depletion increases mitochondrial superoxide generation as well as the total levels of carbonylated proteins. Finally, we hypothesise that eEF1γ, in addition to its role in translation elongation complex, is involved in regulating Vimentin gene by contacting both pol II and the Vimentin promoter region and then shuttling/nursing the Vimentin mRNA from its gene locus to its appropriate cellular compartment for translation

    Utrophin Up-Regulation by an Artificial Transcription Factor in Transgenic Mice

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a severe muscle degenerative disease, due to absence of dystrophin. There is currently no effective treatment for DMD. Our aim is to up-regulate the expression level of the dystrophin related gene utrophin in DMD, complementing in this way the lack of dystrophin functions. To this end we designed and engineered several synthetic zinc finger based transcription factors. In particular, we have previously shown that the artificial three zinc finger protein named Jazz, fused with the appropriate effector domain, is able to drive the transcription of a test gene from the utrophin promoter “A”. Here we report on the characterization of Vp16-Jazz-transgenic mice that specifically over-express the utrophin gene at the muscular level. A Chromatin Immunoprecipitation assay (ChIP) demonstrated the effective access/binding of the Jazz protein to active chromatin in mouse muscle and Vp16-Jazz was shown to be able to up-regulate endogenous utrophin gene expression by immunohistochemistry, western blot analyses and real-time PCR. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a transgenic mouse expressing an artificial gene coding for a zinc finger based transcription factor. The achievement of Vp16-Jazz transgenic mice validates the strategy of transcriptional targeting of endogenous genes and could represent an exclusive animal model for use in drug discovery and therapeutics

    Physical activity and exercise for the prevention and management of mild cognitive impairment and dementia:A collaborative international guideline

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    Background: Physical activity and exercise have been suggested as effective interventions for the prevention and management of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, but there are no international guidelines. Objectives: To create a set of evidence- and expert consensus-based prevention and management recommendations regarding physical activity (any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure) and exercise (a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive), applicable to a range of individuals from healthy older adults to those with MCI/dementia. Methods: Guideline content was developed with input from several scientific and lay representatives' societies. A systematic search across multidisciplinary databases was carried out until October 2021. Recommendations for prevention and management were developed according to the GRADE and complemented by consensus statements from the expert panels. Recommendations: Physical activity may be considered for the primary prevention of dementia. In people with MCI there is continued uncertainty about the role of physical activity in slowing the conversion to dementia. Mind-body interventions have the greatest supporting evidence. In people with moderate dementia, exercise may be used for maintaining disability and cognition. All these recommendations were based on a very low/low certainty of evidence. Conclusions: Although the scientific evidence on the beneficial role of physical activity and exercise in preserving cognitive functions in subjects with normal cognition, MCI or dementia is inconclusive, this panel, composed of scientific societies and other stakeholders, recommends their implementation based on their beneficial effects on almost all facets of health

    Prevenzione della violenza sulla donna anziana

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    Il capitolo è stato suddiviso in due sottocapitoli, rispettivamente dedicati agli stili di vita e alla prevenzione della violenza che sono fattori cruciali per un invecchiamento attivo e positivo. Il processo di invecchiamento risponde ad una regola precisa: lo stile di vita – passato e presente – determina in buona parte la condizione di salute psicofisica in età avanzata. Dare attenzione alle modalità con le quali si è trascorso e si trascorre il tempo di vita è dunque il punto di partenza per costruire una terza e quarta età in salute. Ecco perché possiamo asserire che vivere a lungo dipende in buona parte dalle nostre scelte personali. Anche l’ambiente gioca un ruolo cruciale, così come la quantità e la qualità delle relazioni sociali. Per quanto riguarda il tema dell’abuso degli anziani, si tratta di un importante problema di sanità pubblica, assai più diffuso di quanto documentato dai pochi dati nazionali disponibili, in larga misura occulto. Tra le diverse forme di abuso, quella dell’abbandono e dell’incuria rappresenta la più frequente e la popolazione maggiormente a rischio è quella femminile connotata da una maggior vulnerabilità biologica e socio-economica. Cruciale è il ruolo della prevenzione che deve necessariamente partire da una riscoperta del valore dell’anziano ed attuarsi attraverso interventi mirati e specifici