49 research outputs found

    Plantar Hyperkeratotic Patterns in Older Patients

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    Background: Plantar hyperkeratotic lesions are very common among the older population. Very little has been documented on the frequency or distribution of such lesions. The aim of this study is to analyse the location of plantar hyperkeratoses in a group of the older population, defining the patterns of the most significant manifestations thereof and analysing the correlation between them and different contributing factors. Methods: It is a descriptive correlational study conducted on 850 participants who attended the Bellvitge Podiatry Hospital in Barcelona province, Spain, in 2015. Hallux valgus, lesser toe deformities and hyperkeratoses were documented on a topographical map of the foot. The existence of plantar hyperkeratoses was correlated with different variables from the medical record of each participant. Results: Of the 850 participants, 529 (62%) presented with hyperkeratotic lesions. In all, 87 hyperkeratotic patterns were documented, the most common of which were the medial side of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) (8.7%), the medial side of the first MTPJ plus the medial side of the first interphalangeal joint (IPJ) (8.5%) and the medial side of the first IPJ (7.7%). In addition, the hyperkeratoses were associated with hallux valgus (p < 0.01) and with lesser deformities of the second (p < 0.04), third (p < 0.04) and fourth (p < 0.05) toes. Conclusions: The most common hyperkeratotic patterns were found on the first radius, corresponding to 36% of total lesions. In addition, hyperkeratotic lesions appear to be associated with the presence of hallux valgus and with lesser deformities of the second, third and fourth toes

    Force-Time Curve Variable Outcomes Following a Simulated Tennis Match in Junior Players

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    This study examined the alterations induced by a simulated tennis competition on maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MVC), peak rate of force development (PRFD) and rate of force development (RFD) at different stages of contraction. Twenty junior tennis players performed an 80-minute simulated tennis match and two (pre and post) muscular performance tests. Variables tested included MVC, PRFD and RFD at 50, 100, 150 and 200 ms while performing a 90º shoulder internal rotation (IR90), 90º shoulder external rotation (ER90), shoulder horizontal adduction (ADD), shoulder horizontal abduction (ABD) and isometric midthigh pull (IMTP). Serve velocity (SV) was also registered. No significant changes were found regarding MVC, PRFD or SV. Non-significant moderate effect size (ES) towards a decrease in the IR90 RFD at 50 ms could be observed (16%; ES = 0.5) alongside an increase in the ADD and IMTP RFD at 150 ms (-15.8%, - 8.2%; ES = -0.53, -0.54) and IMTP RFD at 200 ms (-13%; ES = -0.54). Results indicate that MVC, PRFD, RFD at different time intervals and SV are unaltered following an 80-minute simulated match, possibly due to insufficient alterations triggered on key factors affecting the tested variables

    Inter-Limb Muscle Property Differences in Junior Tennis Players

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    The goal of this study was to investigate side-to-side differences and asymmetries regarding muscle characteristics in young tennis players. Thirty-four participants performed contractile property measurements (stiffness, tone, elasticity and time to relaxation) on the dominant and non-dominant extremities including nine muscle groups involved in the kinetic chain of main tennis strokes. Significant differences (p≤0.05) and small-to-moderate effect sizes for greater stiffness and tone were found for the dominant biceps femoris (-11.1% and -5.6%; ES=0.53 and 0.54) and the non-dominant vastus medialis (5.4% and 3.2%; ES=-0.33 and -0.41), while greater tone was present in the non-dominant pectoralis major (4.0%; ES=-0.56). Time to relaxation was increased in the dominant biceps femoris (10.3%; ES=-0.58), the non-dominant pectoralis major (5.1%; ES=-0.56) and the gastrocnemius (9.1%; ES=-0.5). The non-dominant infraspinatus and dominant rectus abdominis showed greater elasticity than contralateral muscles (9.9% and -8.0%; ES=-0.58 and 0.6, respectively). These results reflect the existence of small-to-moderate differences when comparing side-to-side values of contractile characteristics in a small amount of the muscle groups tested. However, passive measurements of a relaxed muscle do not seem to fully reflect possible adaptation and changes derived from gameplay in young tennis players

    Asma y actividad física. Revisión

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    El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial, siendo el colectivo más afectado el formado por niños y adolescentes. Su sintomatología se caracteriza por la aparición de tos, disnea, sibilancias, sensación de opresión en el pecho y broncoconstricción. Tradicionalmente se había pensado que el deporte y el ejercicio físico estaban contraindicados en pacientes asmáticos. Por otro lado, el paciente asmático suele presentar niveles de condición física y práctica deportiva menores que los sujetos sanos. Actualmente se ha propuesto la actividad física regular como un camino válido para mejorar la percepción y el autoconocimiento personal sobre esta enfermedad. Se aconseja la prescripción de actividad física como forma de mejorar su sintomatología y evolución. La práctica de una actividad física regular en pacientes asmáticos debería ser considerada dentro de los actuales y futuros programas de salud como un objetivo fundamental.Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of high prevalence worldwide, being the group comprised of children and adolescents the most affected. Its symptoms are characterized by cough, dysnea, wheezing, feeling of tightness in the chest and bronchoconstriction. Traditionally, it was thought that sport and physical exercise were contraindicated in asthmatic patients. Furthermore, the asthmatic patient usually presents less fitness levels and sport practice as well as healthy subjects. Currently regular physical activity has been proposed as a valid way to improve staff awareness and self-knowledge about the disease. It is recommended the prescription of physical activity as a way to improve their symptoms and evolution. Regular practice of physical activity in asthmatic patients should be considered within the current and future health programs as a main aim

    Acute effects of in-step and wrist weights on change of direction speed, accuracy and stroke velocity in junior tennis players

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of the use of a weighting set (Powerinstep®) on measures of stroke velocity (StV), accuracy and change of direction speed (CODS) in junior tennis players. A within-subjects design was used to evaluate seventeen (6 female and 11 male) tennis players (mean ± SD; 16.5 ± 1.3 years old; 1.75 ± 8.4 m; 67.0 ± 8.1 kg; 22.04 ± 1.8 kg/m2) on StV of three specific tennis actions (serve, forehand and backhand) and CODS for the following conditions: wearing a 50, 100, 150, 200 g weight or no weight at all (baseline). No significant differences were found between conditions for forehand (F = 0.412; p = 0.799), backhand (F = 0.269; p = 0.897) and serve (F = 0.541; p = 0.706) velocity and forehand (F = 1.688; p = 0.161), backhand (F = 0.567; p = 0.687) and serve (F = 2.382; p = 0.059) accuracy and CODS (F = 0.416; p = 0.797). Small-to-moderate effect sizes (ES) negatively affecting StV when using 200 g compared to the baseline (ES = 0.48, 0.35 and 0.45) could be observed. Moderate (ES = -0.49) and trivial (ES = -0.14 and -0.16) ES for a higher accuracy score were noticed in serve, forehand and backhand 100 g compared to the baseline. Moreover, small ES (ES = 0.41) for improvement in 200 g CODS comparing to baseline conditions were found. These results indicate that the use of a weighting set does not significantly affect StV or CODS respectively. Notwithstanding, small-to-moderate changes show impact in accuracy and no variance in velocity production when using 100 g alongside faster execution in CODS when using 200 g.The research leading to these results has been conducted using funds from the agreement between the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya and Powerinstep, SL. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Valoració de la freqüència cardíaca de recuperació després d&apos;un programa d'entrenament de força/resistència en hipòxia

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    Objectiu: Dotze subjectes joves físicament actius van ser dividits en dos grups equilibrats per poder ser entrenats en hipòxia (HYP) i normòxia (NOR). Material i mètodes: Els subjectes foren assignats a cada grup en base als resultats en una prova prèvia de salt en contramoviment de 60 s (CMJ60). Ambdós grups realitzaren durant 4 setmanes un entrenament idèntic de força (volum, intensitat, caràcter i condicions d’esforç) a les extremitats inferiors (esquat, mig esquat i salts). Resultats: Ambdós grups van millorar en tots els casos. S’analitzà l’evolució temporal de la freqüència cardíaca durant la prova CMJ60 i el posterior període de recuperació de 3 min. El grup HYP (n = 5) reflecteix una millora de l’índex de recuperació de la freqüència cardíaca en comparació amb el grup NOR (prova t de Student) després de 2 (p = 0,03) i 3 (p = 0,05) minuts d’haver finalitzat el test de salts. Conclusions: Concloem que un protocol d’entrenament de la resistència (12 sessions en 4 setmanes) de les extremitats inferiors en altitud simulada podria millorar l’índex de recuperació de la freqüència cardíaca en comparació amb el mateix entrenament realitzat a nivell del mar

    Valoración de la Frecuencia Cardíaca de Recuperación después de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza-resistencia en hipoxia

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    Objetivo Doce sujetos jóvenes físicamente activos se dividieron en dos grupos equilibrados para entrenar en hipoxia (HYP) y normoxia (NOR). Material y métodos Los sujetos fueron asignados a cada grupo en base a los resultados en una prueba previa de salto en contramovimiento de sesenta segundos (CMJ60). Ambos grupos realizaron durante 4 semanas un entrenamiento idéntico de fuerza (volumen, intensidad, carácter y condiciones de esfuerzo) en las extremidades inferiores (squat, half-squat y saltos). Resultados Ambos grupos mejoraron en todos los casos. Se analizó la evolución temporal de la frecuencia cardiaca durante la prueba CMJ60 y el posterior período de recuperación de tres minutos. El grupo HYP (n=5) refleja una mejoría del índice de recuperación de la frecuencia cardiaca en comparación con el grupo NOR (prueba t de Student) después de 2 (p=0,03) y 3 (p=0,05) minutos de finalizar el test de saltos. Conclusiones Concluimos que un protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza resistencia (12 sesiones en 4 semanas) de las extremidades inferiores en altitud simulada podría mejorar el índice de recuperación de la frecuencia cardiaca en comparación con el mismo entrenamiento realizado a nivel del mar