2 research outputs found

    Methodologies for teaching an engineering subject in different countries: comparison and results

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    Engineering or technical degrees are difficult to teach and, consequently, have always been characterized by a large number of academic failures. Therefore, continuous assessment has been applied to classes of similar content, related to Port and Coastal Engineering during these last years in three different Universities worldwide: University of La Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay), Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and Cadiz (Spain). This paper presents different methodologies used to teach and evaluate these courses at each University, together with the results of the evaluations of the students who were enrolled during the current and previous stages. Generally, a decrease in the number of students who abandon the classes has been noticed together with an increase in the percentage of students who pass and an improvement of their grades, except at the University Nova de Lisboa were the results have remained stable. In addition, changes experienced in the courses are discussed herein by comparing the percentage of success in the different locations. Moreover, influence of the different methodologies and the possible reasons for these changes are also presented and analysed. As a conclusion, the improvement in educational outcomes has been achieved through the concurrence of different factors: the existence of more frequent written and/or oral exams, practical examples of case studies as well as access to specific tools of new technology and to documentation specifically prepared for the classes and available online. Evidently, the above mentioned tasks require a strong commitment and great effort by the teaching staff. If human resources diminish, as it is happening in Spain and Portugal due to the budget reduction in education, two difficult questions arise: For how long will teachers’ current effort be maintained? What impact will have their complete devotion to teaching in their research performance

    Encuentro de Ciencias Básicas (4) : Las ciencias básicas y los nuevos retos. Experiencias significativas en el aula y I Congreso internacional de Red de Departamentos de Ciencias Básicas: ciencia y tecnología

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    El IV Encuentro de ciencias básicas: las ciencias básicas y los nuevos retos. Experiencias significativas en el aula y I Congreso internacional de Red de Departamentos de Ciencias Básicas: ciencia y tecnología, se desarrolló en las instalaciones de la Universidad Agustiniana y contó con el apoyo y la organización de la Red de Departamentos de Ciencias Básicas, constituidas por las universidades Católica de Colombia, Agustiniana, Santo Tomás, de La Salle y Sergio Arboleda. En estas memorias se recopilan los mejores trabajos de investigación y reflexión presentados en el evento, que aportan discusiones desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas al problema central que convoca este evento. (tomado de la fuente})Contenido Prólogo.. 5 Fredy Ramón Garay-Garay Valor agregado en instituciones de educación superior de Bogotá ..9 Added value in higher education institutions in Bogotá Yeimmy Katherine Serrano León, Alberto Montalvo Castro, Julio César León Luquez, Jony Enrique Romero Guerrero, John Álvaro Soto Quintero Reflexiones pedagógicas sobre el contexto de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina… 22 Pedagogical Reflections on the Context of Teaching and Learning in the Departments of Basic Sciences of Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina Nelly Yolanda Céspedes Guevara, Javier Cortés Martín Evaluación de la responsabilidad social empresarial en un proceso licitatorio ..31 Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Bidding Édgar Antonio Pinto Cruz Desarrollo de competencias científicas en cursos de Química .. 46 Development of Scientific Competences in Chemistry Courses Margarita Rendón Fernández, Vanessa Gómez Desempeño en la prueba específica de Pensamiento Científico: componente de Física, pruebas Saber Pro 2017 ..58 Performance on the Specific Scientific Thinking Test: Physics Component, Saber Pro 2017 Tests Katherine Serrano León, Alberto Montalvo Castro, Julio César León, Jairo Coral Campaña, José Martínez Saavedra Variaciones de aprendizaje en línea: una experiencia integradora de arte y geometría .. 69 Variations of Online Learning: An Integrating Experience of Art and Geometry Catalina del Pilar Murcia Flórez Influencia de las comunidades de práctica en el aprendizaje social de aula.. 80 Influence of the Practice Communities in the Classroom Social Learning Process Elvia Ramos-Delgado, Emilbus A. Uribe, Gabriel Fernando Acevedo-Amaya Evaluación por competencias en física mecánica ..92 Competency-based Evaluation in Mechanical Physics Alejandro Ferrero Botero, Carlos Andrés Flórez Características de la enseñanza del concepto de razón de cambio en las áreas de Física y Cálculo de la Universidad de La Salle y la Universidad Católica de Colombia ..103 Characteristics of the Teaching of the Concept of Rate of Change in the Areas of Physics and Calculus at the Universidad de La Salle and the Universidad Católica de Colombia Francisco Niño Rojas, Wilson Pico Sánchez, Marco Aurelio Barrero Cubillos Elementos identitarios de las prácticas de los docentes universitarios de ciencias básicas: diseño y validación de un instrumento sobre identidad docente ..125 Identity Elements of the Practices of University Teachers of Basic Sciences: Design and Validation of an Instrument on Teaching Identity Fredy Ramón Garay-Garay, Susana Mejía Vélez Estudio DFT y QTAIM de moléculas orgánicas (PAZ, CHR, TCNQ, PTZ, PMA y BINA) con posible aplicación en electrónica molecular .. 136 A DFT and QTAIM Study of Organic Molecules (PAZ, CHR, TCNQ, PTZ, PMA and BINA) with Possible Application in Molecular Electronic Emilbus A. Uribe, Gabriel Fernando Acevedo-Amay