80 research outputs found

    Deep-ultraviolet cavity ringdown spectroscopy

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    The sensitive optical detection technique of cavity ringdown spectroscopy is extended to the wavelength range 197-204 nm. A novel design narrowband Fourier-transform-limited laser is used, and the technique is applied to gas-phase extinction measurements in CO2, SF6, and O-2. Further demonstration of the system capabilities is given in high-resolution recordings of the Schumann-Runge (0, 0), (1, 0), and (2, 0) bands in O-2. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America


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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of karate practice level (national vs international level) and sex (women vs men) on physiological and perceptual responses in three modern karate training modalities (tactical-technical (TT), technical-development (TD), and randori). Method: The study included 18 karatekas participating in an eight-session training camp of four TT, two TD, and two randori. During each session, the percentage of maximal heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration [La-], and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. Results: The main results showed that the percentage of maximal HR was significantly higher in women than in men regardless of practice level or training modality (70.3 ± 4.1 vs 66.2 ± 6.3, respectively). Moreover, [La-] and RPE were significantly lower in international-level karatekas compared with their national-level counterparts whatever the sex or training modality ([La-] = 11.4 ± 2.6 vs 8.3 ± 2.4 mmol · L-1 and RPE = 3.6 ± 1.2 vs 4.3 ± 1.5, respectively). Last, physiological and perceptual responses were significantly higher during randori in comparison with TT and TD for both sexes. Conclusion: The combination of [La-] and RPE thus seems to be a good indicator for discriminating between national- and international-level karatekas, and randori seems to be an effective means to reproduce official karate sparring

    Prediction of peak oxygen uptake in children using submaximal ratings of perceived exertion during treadmill exercise

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    Purpose: This study assessed the utility of the Children’s Effort Rating Table (CERT) and the Eston-Parfitt (EP) Scale in estimating peak oxygen uptake (V• O2peak) in children, during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) on a treadmill. Methods: Fifty healthy children (n=21 boys; 9.4 ± 0.9 y) completed a continuous, incremental protocol until the attainment of V• O2peak. Oxygen uptake (V• O2) was measured continuously, and Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) were estimated at the end of each exercise stage using the CERT and the EP Scale. Ratings up to- and including RPE 5 and 7, from both the CERT (CERT 5, CERT 7) and EP Scale (EP 5, EP 7), were linearly regressed against the corresponding V• O2, to both maximal RPE (CERT 10, EP 10) and terminal RPE (CERT 9, EP 9). Results: There were no differences between measured- and predicted V• O2peak from CERT 5, CERT 7, EP 5 and EP 7 when extrapolated to either CERT 9 or EP 9 (P > .05). Pearson’s correlations of r = 0.64-0.86 were observed between measured- and predicted V• O2peak, for all perceptual ranges investigated. However, only EP 7 provided a small difference when considering the Standard Error of Estimate, suggesting that the prediction of V• O2peak from EP 7 would be within 10% of measured V• O2peak. Conclusions: Although robust estimates of V• O2peak may be elicited using both the CERT and EP Scale during a single CPET with children, the most accurate estimates of V• O2peak occur when extrapolating from EP 7

    Finite-element-method (FEM) model generation of time-resolved 3D echocardiographic geometry data for mitral-valve volumetry

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    INTRODUCTION: Mitral Valve (MV) 3D structural data can be easily obtained using standard transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) devices but quantitative pre- and intraoperative volume analysis of the MV is presently not feasible in the cardiac operation room (OR). Finite element method (FEM) modelling is necessary to carry out precise and individual volume analysis and in the future will form the basis for simulation of cardiac interventions. METHOD: With the present retrospective pilot study we describe a method to transfer MV geometric data to 3D Slicer 2 software, an open-source medical visualization and analysis software package. A newly developed software program (ROIExtract) allowed selection of a region-of-interest (ROI) from the TEE data and data transformation for use in 3D Slicer. FEM models for quantitative volumetric studies were generated. RESULTS: ROI selection permitted the visualization and calculations required to create a sequence of volume rendered models of the MV allowing time-based visualization of regional deformation. Quantitation of tissue volume, especially important in myxomatous degeneration can be carried out. Rendered volumes are shown in 3D as well as in time-resolved 4D animations. CONCLUSION: The visualization of the segmented MV may significantly enhance clinical interpretation. This method provides an infrastructure for the study of image guided assessment of clinical findings and surgical planning. For complete pre- and intraoperative 3D MV FEM analysis, three input elements are necessary: 1. time-gated, reality-based structural information, 2. continuous MV pressure and 3. instantaneous tissue elastance. The present process makes the first of these elements available. Volume defect analysis is essential to fully understand functional and geometrical dysfunction of but not limited to the valve. 3D Slicer was used for semi-automatic valve border detection and volume-rendering of clinical 3D echocardiographic data. FEM based models were also calculated. METHOD: A Philips/HP Sonos 5500 ultrasound device stores volume data as time-resolved 4D volume data sets. Data sets for three subjects were used. Since 3D Slicer does not process time-resolved data sets, we employed a standard movie maker to animate the individual time-based models and visualizations. Calculation time and model size were minimized. Pressures were also easily available. We speculate that calculation of instantaneous elastance may be possible using instantaneous pressure values and tissue deformation data derived from the animated FEM

    Will the Conscious–Subconscious Pacing Quagmire Help Elucidate the Mechanisms of Self-Paced Exercise? New Opportunities in Dual Process Theory and Process Tracing Methods

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    The extent to which athletic pacing decisions are made consciously or subconsciously is a prevailing issue. In this article we discuss why the one-dimensional conscious–subconscious debate that has reigned in the pacing literature has suppressed our understanding of the multidimensional processes that occur in pacing decisions. How do we make our decisions in real-life competitive situations? What information do we use and how do we respond to opponents? These are questions that need to be explored and better understood, using smartly designed experiments. The paper provides clarity about key conscious, preconscious, subconscious and unconscious concepts, terms that have previously been used in conflicting and confusing ways. The potential of dual process theory in articulating multidimensional aspects of intuitive and deliberative decision-making processes is discussed in the context of athletic pacing along with associated process-tracing research methods. In attempting to refine pacing models and improve training strategies and psychological skills for athletes, the dual-process framework could be used to gain a clearer understanding of (1) the situational conditions for which either intuitive or deliberative decisions are optimal; (2) how intuitive and deliberative decisions are biased by things such as perception, emotion and experience; and (3) the underlying cognitive mechanisms such as memory, attention allocation, problem solving and hypothetical thought

    Knowledge of the Endpoint: Effect on Perceptual Values

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    Validity and Reliability of Perceptually-Based Scales during Exhausting Runs in Trained Male Runners

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    International audienceThe purposes of this study were to test the validity of a recent scale based on the estimation of a time of exhaustion (entitled Estimated Time Limit scale) to predict a time limit (Tlim) and to regulate exercise intensity and to investigate the reliability of the Estimated Time Limit scale and the Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. 14 male runners performed one incremental test, one constant velocity test at 85% of Maximal Aerobic Velocity (MAV), one constant duration test and one retest of 15 min. on an outdoor track. The difference between Estimated Time Limit values obtained during the incremental test at 85% MAV and measured Tlim values during the constant velocity test were examined, the velocities at ETL = 13 (i.e., 15 min.) obtained during the incremental test were compared with measured velocities during the constant duration test or the retest (only the best performance was used), and RPE and Estimated Time Limit values during the constant duration test were compared with those measured during retest. The results have shown a nonsignificant correlation between Estimated Time Limit values at 85% MAV and measured Tlim values during constant velocity test. There was a significant correlation (p < .02, r = .64) between velocities at ETL= 13 and measured velocities. However, the slope and y intercept value of this regression were significantly different from those of the identity line. There was no significant difference between constant duration test and retest for the values of RPE and Estimated Time Limit with high correlations (between r = .77 and .99 for RPE scale, and r = .74 and .99 for Estimated Time Limit scale). Moreover, the regression lines were close to the identity line. The RPE and Estimated Time Limit scales are reliable, but the lack of validity for the Estimated Time Limit scale suggests that more studies must be performed before using this scale to predict Tlim and regulate exercise intensity in male runners

    Influence of Instructions on Perceptually-Based Ratings

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    International audienceThe purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the expected running duration or distance on ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and estimated time limit (ETL) values. Thirty-nine males performed an incremental test to measure their maximal aerobic velocity (MAV). Then, the subjects realised a constant velocity test (90 % MAV) to determine their time limit (Tlim) and distance limit (Dlim). Three homogenous groups were made up. Subsequently, all the groups performed 2 similar tests: a test at 90 % MAV for 80 % Tlim and a test at 90 % MAV for 80 % Dlim, each group with different instructions: group 1 (G1) was expected to maintain the velocity for 60 % Tlim (and Dlim), while group 2 (G2) and group 3 (G3) received instructions to maintain this velocity for 80 and 100 % Tlim (and Dlim), respectively. During these tests, RPE and ETL values were collected and compared by using a three-way repeated measures ANOVA. The statistical analysis revealed no significant group or test effect on RPE and ETL (p > .05). As a consequence, in this present study, it seems that the exercise instructions have not influenced significantly the hardness of effort (i.e., RPE) and the subjective estimation of endurance (i.e., ETL)
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