46 research outputs found

    Feasibility and usefulness of ultrasonography in idiopathic intracranial hypertension or secondary intracranial hypertension

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    Transorbital sonography (TOS) has been proven to be able to non-invasively detect elevated intracranial pressure. In this condition TOS shows an increase in optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD). It has been suggested that internal jugular vein valve insufficiency (IJVVI) may represent a factor contributing to the pathogenesis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with IIH or secondary IH have higher ONSD values and higher frequency of IJVVI compared to subjects without IH

    Longitudinal Assessment of Transorbital Sonography, Visual Acuity, and Biomarkers for Inflammation and Axonal Injury in Optic Neuritis

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    Background and Objective. To investigate the relationship between optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve diameter, visual acuity and osteopontin, and neurofilament heavy chain in patients with acute optic neuritis. Patients and Methods. Sonographic and visual acuity assessment and biomarker measurements were executed in 23 patients with unilateral optic neuritis and in 19 sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Results. ONSD was thicker on the affected side at symptom onset (median 6.3 mm; interquartile range 6.0–6.5) than after 12 months (5.3 mm; 4.9–5.6; p<0.001) or than in controls (5.2 mm; 4.8–5.5; p<0.001). OND was significantly increased in the affected side (3.4 mm; 2.9–3.8) compared to healthy controls (2.7 mm; 2.5–2.9; p<0.001) and was thicker at baseline than after 12 months (2.8 mm; 2.7–3.0; p<0.01). Visual acuity improved significantly after 12 months (1.00; 0.90–1.00) compared to onset of symptoms (0.80; 0.40–1.00; p<0.001). OPN levels were significantly higher in patients at presentation (median 6.44 ng/ml; 2.05–10.06) compared to healthy controls (3.21 ng/ml, 1.34–4.34; p<0.03). Concentrations of NfH were significantly higher in patients than in controls. Conclusion. ONSD and OND are increased in the affected eye. OPN and NfH are elevated in patients, confirming the presence of any underlying inflammation and axonal injury

    Longitudinal assessment of transorbital sonography, visual acuity, and biomarkers for inflammation and axonal injury in optic neuritis

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve diameter, visual acuity and osteopontin, and neurofilament heavy chain in patients with acute optic neuritis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sonographic and visual acuity assessment and biomarker measurements were executed in 23 patients with unilateral optic neuritis and in 19 sex- and age-matched healthy controls. RESULTS: ONSD was thicker on the affected side at symptom onset (median 6.3\u2009mm; interquartile range 6.0-6.5) than after 12 months (5.3\u2009mm; 4.9-5.6; p < 0.001) or than in controls (5.2\u2009mm; 4.8-5.5; p < 0.001). OND was significantly increased in the affected side (3.4\u2009mm; 2.9-3.8) compared to healthy controls (2.7\u2009mm; 2.5-2.9; p < 0.001) and was thicker at baseline than after 12 months (2.8\u2009mm; 2.7-3.0; p < 0.01). Visual acuity improved significantly after 12 months (1.00; 0.90-1.00) compared to onset of symptoms (0.80; 0.40-1.00; p < 0.001). OPN levels were significantly higher in patients at presentation (median 6.44\u2009ng/ml; 2.05-10.06) compared to healthy controls (3.21\u2009ng/ml, 1.34-4.34; p < 0.03). Concentrations of NfH were significantly higher in patients than in controls. CONCLUSION: ONSD and OND are increased in the affected eye. OPN and NfH are elevated in patients, confirming the presence of any underlying inflammation and axonal injury

    Noi refertiamo così… voi? Guida rapida per la valutazione sonologica della stenosi carotidea.

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    Da oltre quarant’anni si utilizzano gli ultrasuoni per rilevare una placca carotidea e per seguire nel tempo la sua evoluzione. I protocolli terapeutici hanno ridotto enormemente il suo impatto sulla salute delle persone ma la scelta fra terapia medica e chirurgica si fonda su una valutazione clinica e strumentale che è solo apparentemente semplice. Nei referti di un esame ultrasonografico riportiamo il più delle volte delle percentuali di stenosi, a volte puntuali, a volte in termini di range oppure ci esprimiamo con aggettivi che descrivono la gravità della stenosi ma spesso ci facciamo confondere dai numeri e dalle differenti modalità di calcolo del range di stenosi ed è indubbio che, a volte, le conclusioni risultano ambigue ed estremamente dipendenti dall’interpretazione dell’operatore. Il problema è che l’angiografia digitale, gold standard diagnostico per la stenosi carotidea, adotta delle metriche non del tutto riproducibili con gli ultrasuoni. Con questo documento vogliamo condividere la ricerca di un linguaggio comune, a partire dal referto dei nostri esami. Noi refertiamo così… voi

    Is There any Link between Madelung Disease and Ischemic Stroke? A Case Report

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    A 70-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department with left hemiparesis, slurred speech, and elevated blood pressure. A brain computed tomography scan revealed an ischemic lesion in the right frontal and parietal lobes. At clinical examination bilateral pseudo gynecomastia was detected together with the presence of multiple elastic, adipose bulging masses on the neck, trunk, and upper limbs. A type I-II Lanois-Bensaude syndrome was diagnosed. Ultrasonography confirmed their adipose nature. Multiple symmetric lipomatosis, also known as Lanois-Bensaude syndrome or Madelung disease, is a very rare condition with extreme variability in its clinical presentation. The simultaneous occurrence of ischemic stroke and lipomatosis in the same patient might be due to a mitochondrial function impairment, which could lead to abnormal fat tissue distribution and defective cellular energy production, thus resulting in neuronal sufferance and death. The possibility that, in our case, lipomatosis could have represented a further risk factor in promoting the stroke occurrence is discussed. In our opinion, multiple symmetric lipomatosis must be carefully evaluated to improve the patients' quality of life

    Intra- and interobserver reliability of transorbital sonographic assessment of the optic nerve sheath diameter and optic nerve diameter in healthy adults

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    Transorbital optic nerve sonography (TOS) can measure the optic nerve inclusive the sheath diameter (ONSD) and the optic nerve diameter (OND), which are useful parameters in the diagnosis of several neurological disorders. Data on the reproducibility of TOS are, however, required to use B-mode sonography for clinical purposes. The aim of this study was to assess intra- and interobserver reliability of ultrasound-based evaluations of both OND and ONSD in healthy subjects