6,338 research outputs found

    Noise characteristics of the O-1 airplane and some approaches to noise reduction

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    A brief study of the O-1A airplane to determine possible means for reducing the aircraft aural detection distance was conducted. This effort involved measuring the noise signature of the basic airplane, devising methods to attenuate the noise, and then estimating the effect of several selected modifications on the aural detection distance of the aircraft. A relatively simple modification utilizing a 6.5 ft diameter, six-blade propeller and including a muffler having a volume of 0.725 cu ft is indicated to reduce the aural detection distance of the O-1 aircraft from about 6 miles at an altitude of 1,000 ft and 2 to 3 miles at an altitude of 300 ft to approximately half these values. The flyover noise data suggest that routing the exhaust stacks up and over the wing would provide immediate noise reduction of about 5 dB with an attendant reduction in detection distance. Furthermore, all these studies confirm the work of other investigators that the 1/3 octave band (center frequency=125 cps) is the most critical in reducing aural detection distance

    Low altitude temperature and humidity profile data for application to aircraft noise propagation

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    A data search of the weather statistics from 11 widely dispersed geographical locations within the continental United States was conducted. The sites, located long both sea-coasts and in the interior, span the northern, southern, and middle latitudes. The weather statistics, retrieved from the records of these 11 sites, consist of two daily observations taken over a 10-year period. The data were sorted with respect to precipitation and surface winds and classified into temperature intervals of 5 C and relative humidity intervals of 10 percent for the lower 1400 meters of the atmosphere. These data were assembled in a statistical format and further classified into altitude increments of 200 meters. The data are presented as sets of tables for each site by season of the year and include both daily observations

    Cosmological perturbation spectra from SL(4,R)-invariant effective actions

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    We investigate four-dimensional cosmological vacuum solutions derived from an effective action invariant under global SL(n,R) transformations. We find the general solutions for linear axion field perturbations about homogeneous dilaton-moduli-vacuum solutions for an SL(4,R)-invariant action and find the spectrum of super-horizon perturbations resulting from vacuum fluctuations in a pre big bang scenario. We show that for SL(n,R)-invariant actions with n>3 there exists a regime of parameter space of non-zero measure where all the axion field spectra have positive spectral tilt, as required if light axion fields are to provide a seed for anisotropies in the microwave background and large-scale structure in the universe.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, revtex plus epsf, minor typos corrected, version to appear in Physical Review

    Noise reduction studies for the OV-1 airplane

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    A study has been conducted to define possible modifications to the OV-1 aircraft to reduce its aural detection distance. This effort involved documenting the noise characteristics of the airplane, devising modifications to reduce the noise, estimating the reduction in detection distance, and evaluating aircraft performance as a result of these modifications. It was found that the main noise source on this aircraft is the propeller and hence modifications only to the propeller and the propeller drive system are proposed. Modifications involving only the propeller are noted to involve no increase in weight but they result in only a modest decrease in aural detection distance. In order to obtain substantial decreases in aural detection distance, modifications involving changes both to the propeller and the engine-propeller gearing are required

    Protective Behavioral Strategies Underutilization Mediates Effect of a Brief Motivational Intervention among Socially Anxious Undergraduate Drinkers

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    Social anxiety (SA) is implicated in problematic undergraduate drinking. Brief motivational interventions (BMIs) reduce problematic undergraduate drinking. However, not all students benefit. Identification of vulnerable subgroups is an important next step. The current study examined the role of SA and protective behavioral strategies (PBS) on BMI outcomes. We reanalyzed a subset of data (53.3%; N = 120; 62.5% male) from a randomized trial in which heavy drinking undergraduates were randomized to a BMI or control. SA, past-month typical drinks, peak drinks, weekly quantity, alcohol problems, and PBS were assessed at baseline and 6-weeks. Main effects and interaction among the intervention condition (BMI vs. control) and SA group (low vs. high) were tested on alcohol outcomes and PBS. High SA undergraduates reported greater baseline drinking, more alcohol problems, and lower PBS. Post-BMI, high SA drinkers continued to report greater peak drinks, typical drinks, alcohol problems, and lower PBS use, controlling for baseline use. Among the BMI condition, parallel multiple mediation analyses revealed the PBS subscale Manner of Drinking uniquely mediated the relationship between SA and heavier post-BMI drinking. The PBS Manner of Drinking and Serious Harm Reduction subscales jointly mediated the relationship between SA and greater post-BMI alcohol problems. BMIs may need to be refined to improve outcomes for socially anxious drinkers. Increasing PBS utilization post-BMI may help improve BMI efficacy in this vulnerable group. Clinical implications are discussed

    Scaling configurations of cosmic superstring networks and their cosmological implications

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    We study the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarisation spectra sourced by multi-tension cosmic superstring networks. First we obtain solutions for the characteristic length scales and velocities associated with the evolution of a network of F-D strings, allowing for the formation of junctions between strings of different tensions. We find two distinct regimes describing the resulting scaling distributions for the relative densities of the different types of strings, depending on the magnitude of the fundamental string coupling g_s. In one of them, corresponding to the value of the coupling being of order unity, the network's stress-energy power spectrum is dominated by populous light F and D strings, while the other regime, at smaller values of g_s, has the spectrum dominated by rare heavy D strings. These regimes are seen in the CMB anisotropies associated with the network. We focus on the dependence of the shape of the B-mode polarisation spectrum on g_s and show that measuring the peak position of the B-mode spectrum can point to a particular value of the string coupling. Finally, we assess how this result, along with pulsar bounds on the production of gravitational waves from strings, can be used to constrain a combination of g_s and the fundamental string tension mu_F. Since CMB and pulsar bounds constrain different combinations of the string tensions and densities, they result in distinct shapes of bounding contours in the (mu_F, g_s) parameter plane, thus providing complementary constraints on the properties of cosmic superstrings.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; V2: matches published version (PRD

    S1×S2S^1 \times S^2 wormholes and topological charge

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    I investigate solutions to the Euclidean Einstein-matter field equations with topology S1×S2×RS^1 \times S^2 \times R in a theory with a massless periodic scalar field and electromagnetism. These solutions carry winding number of the periodic scalar as well as magnetic flux. They induce violations of a quasi-topological conservation law which conserves the product of magnetic flux and winding number on the background spacetime. I extend these solutions to a model with stable loops of superconducting cosmic string, and interpret them as contributing to the decay of such loops.Comment: 18 pages (includes 6 figs.), harvmac and epsf, CU-TP-62

    On the reliability of inflaton potential reconstruction

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    If primordial scalar and tensor perturbation spectra can be inferred from observations of the cosmic background radiation and large-scale structure, then one might hope to reconstruct a unique single-field inflaton potential capable of generating the observed spectra. In this paper we examine conditions under which such a potential can be reliably reconstructed. For it to be possible at all, the spectra must be well fit by a Taylor series expansion. A complete reconstruction requires a statistically-significant tensor mode to be measured in the microwave background. We find that the observational uncertainties dominate the theoretical error from use of the slow-roll approximation, and conclude that the reconstruction procedure will never insidiously lead to an irrelevant potential.Comment: 16 page LaTeX file with eight postscript figures embedded with epsf; no special macros neede

    Duality Invariance of Cosmological Perturbation Spectra

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    I show that cosmological perturbation spectra produced from quantum fluctuations in massless or self-interacting scalar fields during an inflationary era remain invariant under a two parameter family of transformations of the homogeneous background fields. This relates slow-roll inflation models to solutions which may be far from the usual slow-roll limit. For example, a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations in a minimally coupled, massless field can be produced by an exponential expansion with a∝eHta\propto e^{Ht}, or by a collapsing universe with a∝(−t)2/3a\propto (-t)^{2/3}.Comment: 5 pages, Latex with Revtex. Hamiltonian formulation added and discussion expanded. Version to appear in Phys Rev
