11 research outputs found

    Agronomic, Energetic and Environmental Aspects of Biomass Energy Crops Suitable for Italian Environments

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    The review, after a short introduction on the tendencies of the European Community Policy on biomasses, describes the agronomic, energy potential and environmental aspects of biomass crops for energy in relation to the research activity carried out in Italy on this topic, differentiating crops on the basis of the main energy use: biodiesel and bioethanol (which refers to "first generation biofuel"), heat and electricity. Currently, many of the crops for potential energy purposes are food crops (wheat, barley, corn, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, grain sorghum, sugar beet) and their production may be used as biofuel source (bioethanol and biodiesel) since their crop management aspects are well known and consequently they are immediately applicable. Other species that could be used, highly productive in biomass, such as herbaceous perennial crops (Arundo donax, Miscanthus spp., cardoon), annual crops (sweet sorghum), short rotation woody crops (SRF) have been carefully considered in Italy, but they still exhibit critical aspects related to propagation technique, low-input response, harvest and storage technique, cultivars and mechanization. Crops for food, however, often have negative energetic indices and environmental impacts (carbon sequestration, Life Cycle Assessment), consequent to their low productivity. Conversely, crops which are more productive in biomass, show both a more favourable energy balance and environmental impact

    pasture quality and cheese traceability index of ragusano pdo cheese

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    In the Iblei plateau (Sicily, Southern Italy) the native dairy cattle breed Modicana during the spring season grazes exclusively on natural pastures for the production of the Ragusano protected denomination of origin cheese. Along the grazing season, herbage undergoes to changes on protein, fibre and moisture content, affecting quality parameters such as plant carotenoids concentration, involved in the colour and nutritional characteristics of dairy products and potential biomarkers for authenticating fed green pasture-based diets. The aim of this work was to assess whether the cheese traceability index, based on the carotenoids spectra data elaboration, could be related to seasonal variations of floral composition and pasture quality. Four herbage and cheese samples were collected every two weeks in two representative farms of this area, from March to May 2013. Pasture characteristics as pastoral vegetation composition and pastoral value were analysed using the methodology developed for pastoral resources studies. Traceability index showed a significant positive correlation with pasture moisture and crude protein content (r=0.729* and 0.853**, respectively), while it was negatively correlated with fibre content (r=–0.719*)

    Produzione, qualitĂ  e analisi della filiera produttiva del lino da fibra in Italia

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    Fibre flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is disappeared from the ltalian crop systems, while the textile industry has reached a leading position. The reintroduction of the crop is than potentially promising but the crop techniques and the production processes have to be set up. In 12 environments: crop development and growth, cultivar response, straw, fibre and seed yields, and fibre quality were analysed in the 1992-98 period. The data pointed out crop cycles of 176 and 110 d for the autumn and the spring sowing time respectively, corresponding to 1125 and 990°C d cumulated growing degree. Straw yield at pulling was on average of 6.3 t ha-1, with relevant differences among years and environrnents. Early maturity cultivar yielded more in the less favourable sites. N fertilization was occasionally relevant, and a generally distributions of 60 kg N ha-1 was the more effective. In the Mediterranean environments, with the autumn, sowing flax was more productive and the yield steady. The long fibre ratio was often low (10-13%) and the quality uneven because of the insufficient cleanliness due to retting difficulties. Occasionally, the value of the fibre was affected by the insufficient stem length. In the less dense crop, the seed yield was on average 0.9 t ha-1. Such productions were similar to those assessed for the more dense crop. In conclusion: because of the complexity of the interactions among the crop growth, the yield, the retting process and the fibre quality flax reintroduction is doubtful. In the production processes retting seems to be the crucial phase. Il lino da fibra (Linum usitatissimum L.) è da tempo assente negli ordinamenti colturali italiani, mentre è assai importante l'industria di filatura. La reintroduzione della coltura appare quindi potenzialmente promettente, ma richiede la messa a punto dell'agrotecnica e della filiera produttiva. Nel periodo 1992-1998 in 12 ambienti sono stati esaminati: lo sviluppo e la crescita della coltura, l'adattamento di cultivar, la produzione di paglia, fibra e seme, la resa alla stigliatura, la qualità della fibra. I dati raccolti evidenziano cicli colturali in media di 176 e 110 d rispettivamente per le semine autunnali (ambienti del centro-sud) e vemino-primaverili; corrispondenti a somme termiche di 1125 e 990°C d. La produzione di paglia alla estirpatura è stata in media di 6.3 t ha-1 con valori assai variabili tra annate e ambienti. Le varietà a ciclo corto sono apparse migliori nelle condizioni difficili. L'effetto della concimazione azotata è apparsa talvolta rilevante e comunque con dosi ottimali prossime a 60 kg ha-1 di N. Negli ambienti del centro-sud le semine autunnali si sono dimostrate spesso le più interessanti e sicure. La resa in fibra lunga è stata bassa (10-13%) e la qualità variabile per la scarsa pulizia dovuta alle difficoltà di macerazione. La modesta lunghezza tecnica dello stelo sovente riduce il valore del prodotto. In coltura rada, la produzione di seme è variata da 0.5 a 1.5 t ha-1; tali valori non si sono discostati in modo apprezzabile da quelli ottenuti in coltura fitta. In conclusione, la diffusione del lino appare problematica per le complesse interazioni tra la produzione, il processo di macerazione e la qualità della fibra. Soprattutto la macerazione appare il passaggio chiave

    On farm agronomic and first environmental evaluation of oil crops for sustainable bioenergy chains

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    Energy crops, and in particular oil crops, could be an important occasion for developing new non food production rows for a new multi-functional agriculture in Italy. In this view, the use of local biomass is a fundamental starting point for the development of a virtuous energy chain that should pursue not only agricultural profitability, but also chain sustainability and that is less dependent on the global market, characterized by instability in terms of biomass availability and price. From this perspective, particular attention must be paid to crop choice on the basis of its rusticity and of its adaptability to local growing conditions and to low input cropping systems. In this context, alike woody and herbaceous biomasses, oil crops such as sunflower and rapeseed should be able to support local agricultural bioenergy chain in Italy. In addition, in a local bioenergy chain, the role of the farmers should not be limited just to grain production; but also grain processing should be performed at farm or consortium level in oilseed extraction plants well proportioned to the cropped surface. In this way, by means of a simple power generator, farmer could thus produce its own thermal and electric energy from the oil, maximizing his profit. This objective could also be achieved through the exploitation of the total biomass, including crop residues and defatted seed meals, that may be considered as fundamental additional economic and/or environmental benefits of the chain. This paper reports some results of three-years on-farm experiments on oil crop chain carried out in the framework of "Bioenergie" project, that was focused to enhance farmers awareness of these criteria and to the feasibility at open field scale of low-input cultivation of rapeseed, sunflower and Brassica carinata in seven Italian regions. In several on-farm experiences, these crops produced more than 800 kg ha-1 of oil with good energy properties. Defatted seed meals could be interesting as organic fertilizers and, in the case of B. carinata, as a biofumigant amendment that could offer a total or partial alternative to some chemicals in agriculture. Furthermore, biomass soil incorporation could contribute to C sequestration, catching CO2 from atmosphere and sinking a part in soil as stable humus. Finally, four different open field experiences carried out again in the second year of the project, have been analysed in order to evaluate their energy and greenhouse gasses balance after cultivation phase

    Soil water effect on crop growth, leaf gas exchange, water and radiation use efficiency of Saccharum spontaneum L. ssp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel in semi-arid Mediterranean environment

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    Great effort has been placed to identify the most suited bioenergy crop under different environments and management practices, however, there is still need to find new genetic resources for constrained areas. For instance, South Mediterranean area is strongly affected by prolonged drought, high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and extremely high temperatures during summertime. In the present work we investigated the soil water effect on crop growth and leaf gas exchange of Saccharum spontaneum L. ssp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel, a perennial, rhizomatous, herbaceous grass. Furthermore, the net increase of biomass production per unit light intercepted [radiation use efficiency (RUE)] and per unit water transpired [water use efficiency (WUE)] was also studied. To this end a field trial was carried out imposing three levels of soil water availability (I100, I50 and I0, corresponding to 100%, 50% and 0% of ETm restutition) under a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Leaf area index (LAI), stem height, biomass dry matter yield, CO2 assimilation rate, and transpiration rate resulted significantly affected by measurement time and irrigation treatment, with the highest values in I100 and the lowest in I0. RUE was the highest in I100 followed by I50 and I0; on the other hand, WUE was higher in I0 than I50 and I100. At LAI values greater than 2.0, 85% photosynthetically active radiation was intercepted by the Saccharum stand, irrespective of the irrigation treatment. Saccharum spontaneum spp. aegyptiacum is a potential species for biomass production in environment characterized by drought stress, high temperatures and high VPD, as those of Southern Europe and similar semi-arid areas

    Soil water effect on crop growth, leaf gas exchange, water and radiation use efficiency of Saccharum spontaneum L. ssp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel in semi-arid Mediterranean environment

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    Great effort has been placed to identify the most suited bioenergy crop under different environments and management practices, however, there is still need to find new genetic resources for constrained areas. For instance, South Mediterranean area is strongly affected by prolonged drought, high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and extremely high temperatures during summertime. In the present work we investigated the soil water effect on crop growth and leaf gas exchange of Saccharum spontaneum L. ssp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel, a perennial, rhizomatous, herbaceous grass. Furthermore, the net increase of biomass production per unit light intercepted [radiation use efficiency (RUE)] and per unit water transpired [water use efficiency (WUE)] was also studied. To this end a field trial was carried out imposing three levels of soil water availability (I100, I50 and I0, corresponding to 100%, 50% and 0% of ETm restutition) under a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Leaf area index (LAI), stem height, biomass dry matter yield, CO2 assimilation rate, and transpiration rate resulted significantly affected by measurement time and irrigation treatment, with the highest values in I100 and the lowest in I0. RUE was the highest in I100 followed by I50 and I0; on the other hand, WUE was higher in I0 than I50 and I100. At LAI values greater than 2.0, 85% photosynthetically active radiation was intercepted by the Saccharum stand, irrespective of the irrigation treatment. Saccharum spontaneum spp. aegyptiacum is a potential species for biomass production in environment characterized by drought stress, high temperatures and high VPD, as those of Southern Europe and similar semi-arid areas

    Plant indicators of available soil water in the perennial herbaceous crop Miscanthus Ă—\times giganteus Greef et Deu

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    Miscanthus ×\times giganteus is a potential crop for biomass. In order to evaluate the tolerance of the species to low soil water availability, which in the Mediterranean environment occurs during the warm and dry summertime, a 2-year research experiment was carried out in the field on the eastern coast of Sicily (Southern Italy), comparing the physiological responses of the crop to three levels of ETm restoration (25%, 50% and 100%). All the studied plant indicators (pre-dawn and midday leaf water potential, leaf transpiration and stomatal conductance) were affected by soil water deficit according to a relationship described by an asymptotic curve. However, the pre-dawn leaf water potential was more strictly related to soil water content, among those tested, due to its relative independence from weather conditions and thus may represent a valid indicator of plant water status for irrigation scheduling. Indeed, the variations in leaf water potential, transpiration and stomatal conductance, measured during the warmest hours of the day, were related to the air vapour pressure deficit in the well-irrigated treatment (100Indicateurs physiologiques de l'eau disponible du sol dans une culture herbacée vivace Miscanthus ×\times giganteus Greef et Deu. Miscanthus ×\times giganteus est une espèce à haut potentiel de production de biomasse. Dans le but d'évaluer la tolérance de l'espèce à la disponibilité d'eau réduite dans le sol qui se produit au cours de l'été sec et chaud en climat méditerranéen, une expérimentation de deux ans a été conduite dans un site de la côte orientale de la Sicile (Sud de l'Italie) où la réponse physiologique de la culture à trois niveaux de restitution de l'ETM (25 %, 50 % et 100 %) a été étudiée. Tous les indicateurs physiologiques étudiés (le potentiel hydrique foliaire mesuré au lever du jour et à midi, la transpiration, la conductance stomatique) ont été influencés par le déficit hydrique du sol selon une relation décrite par une fonction asymptotique. Toutefois, le potentiel hydrique mesuré au lever du jour montre une relation étroite avec la teneur en eau du sol, parmi les indicateurs testés, à cause de sa relative indépendance par rapport aux conditions climatiques et il pourrait donc être un indicateur valable de l'état hydrique des plants et un outil pour la programmation de l'irrigation. Par contre, la variabilité du potentiel hydrique foliaire, de la transpiration et de la conductance stomatique, mesurées dans les heures les plus chaudes de la journée, était liée au déficit de pression de vapeur de l'air dans le traitement bien irrigué (restitution du 100 % de l'ETM)

    Crambe abyssinica a non-food crop with potential for the Mediterranean climate: Insights on productive performances and root growth

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    Within a framework of renewed interest in crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst ex R.E. Fries) sourcing raw materials for the bio-based industry, the adaptability and productive performances of this oil crop have been evaluated under contrasting Mediterranean environments (i.e., a fertile site in the northern part of Po valley vs. a semi-arid site of southern Sicily) during two consecutive growing seasons, aiming at its possible stable introduction in this area. The trial set in northern Italy compared three commercial varieties of crambe (Galactica, Nebula and Mario) in spring sowing, while in southern Italy only the var. Mario was tested with autumn sowing. Regardless of location and variety, thermal time for maturity was quite stable(1200\u20131400\ub0C), and the crop provided satisfactory seed yields (grand mean 2.29 Mg hulled seeds per ha), with average oil content of 3c400 g/kg (on dehulled seeds) and 3c52% of erucic acid. Significantly higher seed and oil yields were reached in northern than in southern Italy. Furthermore, crambe thermal use efficiency (THUE) was also higher in the north than in the south, possibly due to better environmental adaptability of the crop. The limited intraspecific variability within crambe was confirmed, with better productive performances showed by the domestic selection Mario. Promising traits were revealed in Nebula, showing greater seed weight, root length density and area, and thinner roots, although the root growth of crambe was generally modest compared with modern high erucic acid rapeseed hybrids. Available crambe varieties could be efficiently included in crop rotations across a wide range of environments within the Mediterranean basin. The short growth cycle represents an outstanding added value for this species, allowing the avoidance of prolonged drought and heat stress typical of late spring/early summer months under the Mediterranean climate. However, increased yields are needed to meet the market requests; nonetheless, the little genetic variability suggests that there is large scope for future breeding improvements, maybe exploiting advanced techniques to improve the existing genetic resources

    New Insights into the Propagation Methods of Switchgrass, Miscanthus and Giant Reed

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    A general obstacle to the development of perennial grasses is the relatively high cost of propagation and planting. The objective of the present study was to investigate new propagation and planting methods of giant reed (Arundo donax L.), miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus Greef et Deuter) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Field and open-air pot trials were carried out in four different locations across Europe: hydro-seeding of switchgrass was tested in field trials at the experimental farm of the University of Bologna, Italy; stem propagation and bud activation methods of miscanthus were evaluated in field experiments in PĂ©teri, Hungary; giant reed rhizome and stem propagations were compared in a field trial in Aliartos, Greece; finally, an open-air pot trial was carried out in Catania, Italy, using single-node stem cuttings of giant reed. Hydro-seeding emerged as a feasible and promising technique for switchgrass to ensure prompt seed emergence and weed control during plant establishment. Direct stem plantings of miscanthus were successful, and activated stem-buds were able to sprout in field conditions; however, timely stem transplant was determinant for shoot density and biomass yield. In giant reed, rhizome propagation showed a higher stem density and biomass yield than stem propagation; however, the yield gap was not significant from the second year onwards. Single-node rooting was mainly driven by air temperature. Nodes from basal stems showed higher rooting rates than median and apical ones. Growth regulator pretreatments enhanced rooting rate only at transplanting times under suboptimal air temperatures. In general, these experiments provided insights into propagation strategies aimed at enhancing the establishment phase of perennial grasses