139 research outputs found

    Large Scale Pressure Fluctuations and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect associated with pressure fluctuations of the large scale structure gas distribution will be probed with current and upcoming wide-field small angular scale cosmic microwave background experiments. We study the generation of pressure fluctuations by baryons which are present in virialized dark matter halos and by baryons present in small overdensities. For collapsed halos, assuming the gas distribution is in hydrostatic equilibrium with matter density distribution, we predict the pressure power spectrum and bispectrum associated with the large scale structure gas distribution by extending the dark matter halo approach which describes the density field in terms of correlations between and within halos. The projected pressure power spectrum allows a determination of the resulting SZ power spectrum due to virialized structures. The unshocked photoionized baryons present in smaller overdensities trace the Jeans-scale smoothed dark matter distribution. They provide a lower limit to the SZ effect due to large scale structure in the absence of massive collapsed halos. We extend our calculations to discuss higher order statistics, such as bispectrum and skewness in SZ data. The SZ-weak lensing cross-correlation is suggested as a probe of correlations between dark matter and baryon density fields, while the probability distribution functions of peak statistics of SZ halos in wide field CMB data can be used as a probe of cosmology and non-Gaussian evolution of large scale structure pressure fluctuations.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; Revised with expanded discussions. Phys. Rev. D. (in press

    Optimal limits on f_{NL}^{local} from WMAP 5-year data

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    We have applied the optimal estimator for f_{NL}^{local} to the 5 year WMAP data. Marginalizing over the amplitude of foreground templates we get -4 < f_{NL}^{local} < 80 at 95% CL. Error bars of previous (sub-optimal) analyses are roughly 40% larger than these. The probability that a Gaussian simulation, analyzed using our estimator, gives a result larger in magnitude than the one we find is 7%. Our pipeline gives consistent results when applied to the three and five year WMAP data releases and agrees well with the results from our own sub-optimal pipeline. We find no evidence of any residual foreground contamination.Comment: [v1] 21 pages, 7 figures. [v2] minor changes matching published versio

    Constraining the dark energy dynamics with the cosmic microwave background bispectrum

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    We consider the influence of the dark energy dynamics at the onset of cosmic acceleration on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) bispectrum, through the weak lensing effect induced by structure formation. We study the line of sight behavior of the contribution to the bispectrum signal at a given angular multipole ll: we show that it is non-zero in a narrow interval centered at a redshift zz satisfying the relation l/r(z)kNL(z)l/r(z)\simeq k_{NL}(z), where the wavenumber corresponds to the scale entering the non-linear phase, and rr is the cosmological comoving distance. The relevant redshift interval is in the range 0.1\lsim z\lsim 2 for multipoles 1000\gsim\ell\gsim 100; the signal amplitude, reflecting the perturbation dynamics, is a function of the cosmological expansion rate at those epochs, probing the dark energy equation of state redshift dependence independently on its present value. We provide a worked example by considering tracking inverse power law and SUGRA Quintessence scenarios, having sensibly different redshift dynamics and respecting all the present observational constraints. For scenarios having the same present equation of state, we find that the effect described above induces a projection feature which makes the bispectra shifted by several tens of multipoles, about 10 times more than the corresponding effect on the ordinary CMB angular power spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, matching version accepted by Physical Review D, one figure improve

    Inflation in Realistic D-Brane Models

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    We find successful models of D-brane/anti-brane inflation within a string context. We work within the GKP-KKLT class of type IIB string vacua for which many moduli are stabilized through fluxes, as recently modified to include `realistic' orbifold sectors containing standard-model type particles. We allow all moduli to roll when searching for inflationary solutions and find that inflation is not generic inasmuch as special choices must be made for the parameters describing the vacuum. But given these choices inflation can occur for a reasonably wide range of initial conditions for the brane and antibrane. We find that D-terms associated with the orbifold blowing-up modes play an important role in the inflationary dynamics. Since the models contain a standard-model-like sector after inflation, they open up the possibility of addressing reheating issues. We calculate predictions for the CMB temperature fluctuations and find that these can be consistent with observations, but are generically not deep within the scale-invariant regime and so can allow appreciable values for dns/dlnkdn_s/d\ln k as well as predicting a potentially observable gravity-wave signal. It is also possible to generate some admixture of isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures; added references; identified parameters combining successful inflation with strong warping, as needed for consistency of the approximation

    Observational Constraints on Chaplygin Quartessence: Background Results

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    We derive the constraints set by several experiments on the quartessence Chaplygin model (QCM). In this scenario, a single fluid component drives the Universe from a nonrelativistic matter-dominated phase to an accelerated expansion phase behaving, first, like dark matter and in a more recent epoch like dark energy. We consider current data from SNIa experiments, statistics of gravitational lensing, FR IIb radio galaxies, and x-ray gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters. We investigate the constraints from this data set on flat Chaplygin quartessence cosmologies. The observables considered here are dependent essentially on the background geometry, and not on the specific form of the QCM fluctuations. We obtain the confidence region on the two parameters of the model from a combined analysis of all the above tests. We find that the best-fit occurs close to the Λ\LambdaCDM limit (α=0\alpha=0). The standard Chaplygin quartessence (α=1\alpha=1) is also allowed by the data, but only at the 2σ\sim2\sigma level.Comment: Replaced to match the published version, references update

    Euclid preparation: XVIII. The NISP photometric system

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    Commonsense about earthquakes

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    The Tonigala granite, N. W. Ceylon

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    A pink, microcline granite at Tonigala in north-western Ceylon occurs as a concordant sheet, one to two miles wide and about 10 miles long, in a complex of migmatitic and granitic biotite and biotite-hornblende gneisses belonging to the PreCambrian Vijayan Series. The granite is composed of quartz, microcline-microperthite, subordinate oligoclase, and biotite. It is traversed by an anastomosing system of veins of red granite and by dykes, veins and patches of pegmatite, aplite, and microgranite. A parallel swarm of pre-granitic dykes is also present. Enclaves of biotite schist in the form of lenses, bands, and foliae are found within the granite, and corrugations of thin biotitic foliae with a constant axial direction and plunge are scattered throughout. Field and petrographic evidence suggests that the Tonigala granite was formed by microclinisation of pre-existing synkinematic rocks, possibly granodioritic in composition. In its petrochemistry the granite resembles in many respects the late-kinematic granites of Finland and West Africa, but in certain other important characteristics it is similar to the synkinematic granites of Finland. It is thought that the Tonigala granite acquired its late-kinematic character by metasomatism