58,017 research outputs found

    Generalized Quantum Hall Projection Hamiltonians

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    Certain well known quantum Hall states -- including the Laughlin states, the Moore-Read Pfaffian, and the Read-Rezayi Parafermion states -- can be defined as the unique lowest degree symmetric analytic function that vanishes as at least p powers as some number (g+1) of particles approach the same point. Analogously, these same quantum Hall states can be generated as the exact highest density zero energy state of simple angular momentum projection operators. Following this theme we determine the highest density zero energy state for many other values of p and g.Comment: 9 page

    Regional Debt in Monetary Unions: Is it Inflationary?

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    This paper studies the inflationary implications of interest bearing regional debt in a monetary union. Is this debt simply backed by future taxation with no inflationary consequences? Or will the circulation of region debt induce monetization by a central bank? We argue here that both outcomes can arise in equilibrium. In the model economy, there are multiple equilibria which reflect the perceptions of agents regarding the manner in which the debt obligations will be met. In one equilibrium, termed Ricardian, the future obligations are met with taxation by a regional government while in the other, termed Monetization, the central bank is induced to print money to finance the region's obligations. The multiplicity of equilibria reflects a commitment problem of the central bank. A key indicator of the selected equilibrium is the distribution of the holdings of the regional debt. We show that regional governments, anticipating central bank financing of their debt obligations, have an incentive to create excessively large deficits. We use the model to assess the impact of policy measures within a monetary union.Monetary Union ; Inflation tax ; Seigniorage ; Public debt.

    Software development for the VLA-GDSCC telemetry array project

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    Software for the VLA-GDSCC Telemetry Array (VGTA) Project is being developed in a new manner. Within the Radio Frequency and Microwave Subsystems Section, most microprocessor software has been developed using Intel hardware and software development systems. The VGTA software, however, is being developed using IBM PCs running consumer-oriented software. Utility software and procedures have been generated which allow the software developed on the IBM PCs to be transferred and run on a multibus 8086 computer

    Insulation impossible: monetary policy and regional fiscal spillovers in a federation

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    This paper studies the effects of monetary policy rules in a fiscal federation, such as the European Union. The focus of the analysis is the interaction between the fiscal policy of member countries (regions) and the monetary authority. Each of the countries structures its fiscal policy (spending and taxes) with the interests of its citizens in mind. Ricardian equivalence does not hold due to the presence of monetary frictions, modeled here as reserve requirements. When capital markets are integrated, the fiscal policy of one country influences equilibrium wages and interest rates. Under certain rules, monetary policy may respond to the price variations induced by regional fiscal policies. Depending on the type of rule it adopts, interventions by the monetary authority affect the magnitude and nature of the spillover from regional fiscal policy.Monetary Union, Inflation tax, Seigniorage, monetary rules, public debt.

    Monetary rules and the spillover of regional fiscal policies in a federation.

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    This paper studies the effects of monetary policy rules in a fiscal federation, such as the European Union. The focus of the analysis is the interaction between the fiscal policy of member countries (regions) and the monetary authority. Each of the countries structures its fiscal policy (spending and taxes) with the interests of its citizens in mind. Ricardian equivalence does not hold due to the presence of monetary frictions, modelled here as reserve requirements. When capital markets are integrated, the fiscal policy of one country influences equilibrium wages and interest rates. Under certain rules, monetary policy may respond to the price variations induced by regional fiscal policies. Depending on the type of rule it adopts, interventions by the monetary authority affect the magnitude and nature of the spillover from regional fiscal policy.Monetary Union ; Inflation tax ; Seigniorage ; monetary rules ; public debt.

    A nu=2/5 Paired Wavefunction

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    We construct a wavefunction, generalizing the well known Moore-Read Pfaffian, that describes spinless electrons at filling fraction nu=2/5 (or bosons at filling fraction nu=2/3) as the ground state of a very simple three body potential. We find, analogous to the Pfaffian, that when quasiholes are added there is a ground state degeneracy which can be identified as zero-modes of the quasiholes. The zero-modes are identified as having semionic statistics. We write this wavefunction as a correlator of the Virasoro minimal model conformal field theory M(5,3). Since this model is non-unitary, we conclude that this wavefunction is a quantum critical state. Nonetheless, we find that the overlaps of this wavefunction with exact diagonalizations in the lowest and first excited Landau level are very high, suggesting that this wavefunction may have experimental relevance for some transition that may occur in that regime.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Exact and approximate dynamics of the quantum mechanical O(N) model

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    We study a quantum dynamical system of N, O(N) symmetric, nonlinear oscillators as a toy model to investigate the systematics of a 1/N expansion. The closed time path (CTP) formalism melded with an expansion in 1/N is used to derive time evolution equations valid to order 1/N (next-to-leading order). The effective potential is also obtained to this order and its properties areelucidated. In order to compare theoretical predictions against numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we consider two initial conditions consistent with O(N) symmetry, one of them a quantum roll, the other a wave packet initially to one side of the potential minimum, whose center has all coordinates equal. For the case of the quantum roll we map out the domain of validity of the large-N expansion. We discuss unitarity violation in the 1/N expansion; a well-known problem faced by moment truncation techniques. The 1/N results, both static and dynamic, are also compared to those given by the Hartree variational ansatz at given values of N. We conclude that late-time behavior, where nonlinear effects are significant, is not well-described by either approximation.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figrures, revte

    Mapping the Berry Curvature from Semiclassical Dynamics in Optical Lattices

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    We propose a general method by which experiments on ultracold gases can be used to determine the topological properties of the energy bands of optical lattices, as represented by the map of the Berry curvature across the Brillouin zone. The Berry curvature modifies the semiclassical dynamics and hence the trajectory of a wave packet undergoing Bloch oscillations. However, in two dimensions these trajectories may be complicated Lissajous-like figures, making it difficult to extract the effects of Berry curvature in general. We propose how this can be done using a "time-reversal" protocol. This compares the velocity of a wave packet under positive and negative external force, and allows a clean measurement of the Berry curvature over the Brillouin zone. We discuss how this protocol may be implemented and explore the semiclassical dynamics for three specific systems: the asymmetric hexagonal lattice, and two "optical flux" lattices in which the Chern number is nonzero. Finally, we discuss general experimental considerations for observing Berry curvature effects in ultracold gases.Comment: 12 page
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