4,024 research outputs found

    Impact of residential energy system sizing and control over heat pump’s system cost and reliability

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    Using a simulation-based approach, this work analyses the impact that different energy unit sizes and control methodologies will have over the capital and running costs of an air source heat pump (ASHP) system to be installed in a refurbished dwelling. A total of 9 different heating configuration options were investigated and the cumulative cash flow over a period of 10 years (including initial investment) was utilized to compare the systems from a customer perspective. Additionally, in selected cases, the cycling of the heat pump was calculated in order to estimate the life-span of the device. The building and heat pump systems were simulated using TRNSYS energy system models. The results revealed the sensitivity of the system’s costs and life-span to its operating characteristics. For example, operating the system as a direct gas boiler replacement resulted in capital costs above £10,000 and the unit's life span reduced by half in comparison to more favourable operational strategies. The results highlight the fact that the successful technical and financial performance of heat pumps within the UK’s residential market will depend of designers, installers and end-users’ awareness regarding optimal operational strategies for this technology

    Watch Your Knives and Forks

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    In order to be socially correct carry the etiquette weapons of good taste and common sense rather than Emily Post\u27s new Blue Book of Social Usage around with you. Of course, don\u27t forget to refer to this and other good etiquette books occasionally

    A learning community two years on: reflecting on successes and framing futures

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    This paper reports the results of a participatory action research (PAR) evaluation conducted with the members of the Granite Belt Learners Group in their rural 'learning community' in South East Queensland, and presents an action research and evaluation framework to guide the community on the next stage of its journey

    Preterm Birth and Infant Mortality among African American and Caucasian Women: A Critique of the Systematic Devaluing of African American Women and Infants

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    Health disparities are a persistent reality for minority groups in the United States with serious, and sometimes lethal, consequences. The disparate rates of preterm births and infant mortality between African-American and Caucasian women is a well-documented but largely unaddressed occurrence falling into this category. The complex systems that contribute to the perpetuation of this health disparity are explored with particular attention to the intersection of race, culture and socioeconomic status. The influence of personal health beliefs and often-over-emphasized role of behavior are also investigated in an effort to examine why there has been an inadequate response to this problem in the research, medical and social work disciplines. Several avenues showing promise to address the structural and institutional racism at the root of this health disparity are outlined, and the ethical responsibility of social workers to confront this heath disparity is a final point of discussion

    John Gardner’s Grendel: The Importance of Community in Making Moral Art

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    John Gardner’s Grendel examines the ways in which humans make meaning out of their lives. By changing the original Beowulf monster into a creature who constantly questions the conflicting narratives set before him, Gardner encourages us to confront these tensions also. However, his emphasis on Grendel’s alienation helps us realize that community is essential to creating meaning. Most obviously, community creates relationships that foster a sense of moral obligation between its members, even in the face of the type of uncertainty felt by Grendel. Moreover, community cannot exist without dialogue, which perpetually stimulates the imagination to respond to the tensions contained in a plurality of viewpoints. Gardner encourages us to question narratives which no longer serve us and to use our imagination to tell new stories that cultivate positive ideals such as love and hope

    John Gardner’s Grendel: The Importance of Community in Making Moral Art

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    John Gardner’s Grendel examines the ways in which humans make meaning out of their lives. By changing the original Beowulf monster into a creature who constantly questions the conflicting narratives set before him, Gardner encourages us to confront these tensions also. However, his emphasis on Grendel’s alienation helps us realize that community is essential to creating meaning. Most obviously, community creates relationships that foster a sense of moral obligation between its members, even in the face of the type of uncertainty felt by Grendel. Moreover, community cannot exist without dialogue, which perpetually stimulates the imagination to respond to the tensions contained in a plurality of viewpoints. Gardner encourages us to question narratives which no longer serve us and to use our imagination to tell new stories that cultivate positive ideals such as love and hope
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